CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources

CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources

CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources


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Thefollowing<strong>Bible</strong>versestellwhen“thebeginning”was:“There is no doubt thatnatural selection is amechanism,that it works. It has beenrepeatedly demonstrated byexperiment. The question ofwhether it produces newspecies is quite anothermatter.No one has everproduced aspecies by mechanismsof natural selection. Noone has ever gotten near it.And most of the currentargument in neo-Darwinism isabout this question: how aspecies originates and it isthere that natural selectionseems to be fading andchance mechanisms of onesort or another are beinginvoked.”— Dr. Colin Patterson, onthe subject of Cladistics, in aninterview with BBC, March 4,1982. Dr.Patterson is SeniorPaleontologist at the BritishMuseum of Natural History,London, England.“Still doubts about thesequence about man’semergence remain. Scientistsconcede that their mostcherished theories are basedon embarrassingly few fossilfragments and that huge gapsexist in the fossil record.”—Time Magazine,November 7, 1977•In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.(Genesis1:1)•Mosesbecauseofthehardnessofyourheartspermittedyoutoputawayyourwives:butfromthebeginningitwasnotso.(Matthew19:8)•But from the beginning of the creation God made themmaleandfemale.(Mark10:6)•InthebeginningwastheWordandtheWordwaswithGodandtheWordwasGod.(John1:1)•That which was from the beginning, which we have seenwith our eyes and our hands have handled, of the Word oflife. (1John1:1)•He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinnethfromthebeginning.(1John3:8)• Forthenshallbegreattribulation,suchaswasnotsince thebeginning oftheworldtothistime.(Matthew24:21)•Yeareofyourfatherthedevil....Hewasamurdererfrom thebeginning.(John8:44)•Thatthebloodofalltheprophets,whichwasshedfromthefoundation of the world,may be required of this generation;fromthebloodofAbel.(Luke11:50,51)•And,Thou,Lord,inthebeginninghastlaidthefoundationoftheearth.(Hebrews1:10)•For in six days the Lord made heaven and the earth, thesea,andallthatinthemis.(Exodus20:11)•The works were finished from the foundation of theworld. For God did rest the seventh day from all his works.(Hebrews4:3,4)•Forinthosedaysshallbeaffliction,suchaswasnotfrom thebeginningofthecreation whichGodcreatedtothistime.(Mark13:19)•Haveyenotknown?haveyenotheard?hathitnotbeentoldyoufromthebeginning?Haveyenotunderstoodfromthefoundations oftheearth?(Isaiah40:21)•Whohathwroughtanddoneit,callingthegenerationsfromthebeginning? ItheLordamHe.(Isaiah41:4)•Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginningmade them male and female? (Matthew 19:4,Mark10:6)•For the invisible things of him from the creation of theworld are clearly seen, being understood by the things thataremade.(Romans1:20)13Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

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