CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources

CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources

CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources


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“In fact, evolution becamein asense ascientific religion;almost all scientists haveaccepted it, and many areprepared to ‘bend’ theirobservations to fit with it.”—H. S. Lipson,FRS, Professorof Physics, University ofManchester,UK in “APhysicistLooks at Evolution,” PhysicsBulletin, vol. 31 (May,1980),p. 138Make sure to see Dr.Hovinds new video series,Dr.Hovind answers hiscritics.There are nearly 1000“anti-Hovind” web sites.See and hear Dr.Hovindsresponse in this eight hourseries. Available from <strong>CSE</strong>$45.00.The AltogetherMissing Evidence:1. No evolution at present2. No new species3. No known mechanism ofevolution4. No fossil evidence5. No recapitulation orvestigial organsEmpirical: relying, or basedsolely on experiment andobservation, rather thantheory.Webster’s New WorldDictionary, 2nd CollegeEditionPeopledonotknow that evolutionistrue,yettheybelieveinit.Whilebeliefsarecertainlyfinetohave,itisnotfairnorlegaltoforceon the students in our public school system the teaching of onebelief,attaxpayers’expense.Itismycontentionthatevolutionismisareligiousworldviewthatisnotsupportedbyscience,Scripture,popular opinion, or common sense. The exclusive teaching of thisdangerous, mind-altering philosophy in tax-supported schools,parks,museums,etc.,isaclearviolationoftheFirstAmendment.Howtocollectthe$250,000:Prove beyond reasonable doubt that the process of evolution(option3, pg. 6) is theonlypossibleway theobservedphenomenacouldhavecomeintoexistence.Only empirical evidence is acceptable. Persons wishing tocollect the $250,000 may submit their evidence inwritingorscheduletimeforapublicpresentation.Acommittee of trained scientists willprovide peer review of theevidence offered and, to the bestof their ability, will be fair andhonest in their evaluation andjudgmentastothevalidityoftheevidencepresented.If you are convinced that evolution is an indisputablefact, may Isuggest that you offer $250,000 for any empirical orhistorical evidence against the general theory of evolution. Thismightincludethefollowing:•The earth is not billions of years old (thus destroying thepossibilityofevolutionhavinghappenedas is taught).•No animal has ever been observed changing into any fundamentallydifferentkindofanimal.•No one has ever observed life spontaneously arising fromnonlivingmatter.•Mattercannotmakeitselfoutofnothing.Mysuggestion:Proponents of the theory of evolution would do well to admitthattheybelieveinevolution,buttheydonotknowifithappenedthe way they have been taught. They should call evolution their“faith” or “religion,” and stop including it in books of science. Irecommendthatyounottrustevolutionism,butintheGodofthe<strong>Bible</strong>,(the Creator of this universe and who will be our Judge onedaysoon)toforgiveyouandtosaveyoufromthecomingjudgmentofman’ssin.7Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

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