CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources

CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources

CSE Seminar Notebook - Free Bible Resources


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<strong>Seminar</strong><strong>Notebook</strong>Aresource designed to supplementthe Creation <strong>Seminar</strong> SeriesDr. Kent Hovind<strong>CSE</strong> Ministry

“Martin Lingis is probablyright in saying that ‘morecases of loss of religious faithare to be traced to the theoryof evolution...than to anythingelse.’”—Huston Smith “Evolution &Evolutionism” ChristianCentury July 1982, p. 755“...researchers suggest thatvirtually all modernmen—99.9% of them, saysone scientist—are closelyrelated genetically and sharegenes with one male ancestor,dubbed ‘Y-chromosomeAdam.’“We are finding thathumans have very,veryshallow genetic roots which goback very recently to oneancestor,...that indicates thatthere was an origin in aspecific location on the globe,and then it spread out fromthere.”—U.S. News &WorldReport, December 4, 1995Note: We knew this beforeand we even knew his name!Adam.<strong>Seminar</strong>OutlineMajor Points Covered in the Video Seriesby Dr.Kent HovindPart 1A—Big Bang, Big Dud• Four great questions every religion tries to answer.- Who am I?-Where did Icome from?-Why am Ihere?-Where am Igoing when Idie?•Two irreconcilable worldviews:-Creation-Evolution•Satan’s lie to Eve- Masked his own desire to be God-Began his 6,000 year attempt todestroy humanity-Began afalse worldview of evolving to godhood•Big lies are believed more easily than small ones•Effectual lies are mixed with truth•Technique used in advertising•Modern science textbooks mix evolution and science•Textbooks confuse six types of evolution-Cosmic evolution (Big Bang -origin of matter)-Chemical evolution (higher chemical)-Planetary and stellar evolution (origin ofthe stars)-Organic evolution (origin of life)-Macroevolution -animals changing into newkinds(unobserved)-Microevolution (variation)•Fairytales are taught in school-Frog +kiss =prince-Frog +time =prince•Evidence against the Big Bang•Evolution violates both laws of thermodynamics•Students are taught they are animals•Many students behave like animals•Teachers can teach creation in public schools•Decline in morals since 1963•Scientists have along history of being wrong•Majority of Americans do not believe in evolution•Belief in evolution will destroy confidence in ScripturePart 1B—The Age of the Earth•Proofs of ayoung universe and Earth-Earth’s population-Spinning galaxies- Earth’s magnetic field- Earth’s rotational speed1 Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

Dr.Hovind’s $250,000 OfferOffered Since 1990–Increased from $10,000 in 1999Ihaveastandingofferof$250,000toanyonewhocangiveanyempirical evidence (scientific proof) for evolution.* My $250,000offerdemonstratesthatthehypothesisofevolutionisnothingmorethanaman-made beliefsystem(religion).*NOTE:When Iuse the wordevolution, Iam not referringto the minor variations foundin all of the various life forms(microevolution). Iamreferring to the general theoryof evolution which believesthese five major events tookplace without God:! 1. Time, space, and mattercame into existence bythemselves.! 2. Planets and stars formedfrom space dust.! 3. Matter created life byitself.! 4. Early life forms learnedto reproduce themselves.! 5. Major changes occurredbetween these diverse lifeforms (i.e., fish changed toamphibians, amphibianschanged to reptiles, andreptiles changed to birds ormammals).Observedphenomena:Mostthinkingpeoplewillagreethat:1. Ahighlyordereduniverseexists.2. At least one planet (probably only one) in this complexuniversecontainsanamazingvarietyoflifeforms.3. Man appears to be the most advanced form of life on thisplanet.Knownoptions:Choicesofhowtheobservedphenomenacameintobeing:1. TheuniversewascreatedbyGod.2. The universealwaysexisted.3. The universe came into being by itself by purely naturalprocesses (known as evolution) so that no appeal to thesupernaturalisneeded.Students in tax-supported schools are being taught that evolutionisafact.Weareconvincedthatevolutionisareligionmasqueradingasscienceandshouldnotbepartofanysciencecurriculum.Ithasnothing todowiththesubjectofscience. Thereareatleastsixdifferent and unrelated meanings to the word “evolution.”Studentsaredeceivedintothinkingallsixtypesofevolutionbelowhave been proven because evidence is given for minor variationscalledMicroevolution.1. Cosmic evolution—the origin of time, space, and matter.Big Bang.2. Chemical evolution—the origin of higher elements fromhydrogen.3. Stellar and planetary evolution—Origin of stars andplanets.4. Organic evolution—Origin of life from inanimate matter.5. Macroevolution—Changing from one kind into another.6. Microevolution—Variations within kinds. Only this onehas been observed.This deception is aclassic bait and switch. One definition ofevolution (decent with modification) is given, and the others areassumed to be true by association. The first five meanings arebelieved by faith and are religious. Only the last one is scientific.Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 6

“In fact, evolution becamein asense ascientific religion;almost all scientists haveaccepted it, and many areprepared to ‘bend’ theirobservations to fit with it.”—H. S. Lipson,FRS, Professorof Physics, University ofManchester,UK in “APhysicistLooks at Evolution,” PhysicsBulletin, vol. 31 (May,1980),p. 138Make sure to see Dr.Hovinds new video series,Dr.Hovind answers hiscritics.There are nearly 1000“anti-Hovind” web sites.See and hear Dr.Hovindsresponse in this eight hourseries. Available from <strong>CSE</strong>$45.00.The AltogetherMissing Evidence:1. No evolution at present2. No new species3. No known mechanism ofevolution4. No fossil evidence5. No recapitulation orvestigial organsEmpirical: relying, or basedsolely on experiment andobservation, rather thantheory.Webster’s New WorldDictionary, 2nd CollegeEditionPeopledonotknow that evolutionistrue,yettheybelieveinit.Whilebeliefsarecertainlyfinetohave,itisnotfairnorlegaltoforceon the students in our public school system the teaching of onebelief,attaxpayers’expense.Itismycontentionthatevolutionismisareligiousworldviewthatisnotsupportedbyscience,Scripture,popular opinion, or common sense. The exclusive teaching of thisdangerous, mind-altering philosophy in tax-supported schools,parks,museums,etc.,isaclearviolationoftheFirstAmendment.Howtocollectthe$250,000:Prove beyond reasonable doubt that the process of evolution(option3, pg. 6) is theonlypossibleway theobservedphenomenacouldhavecomeintoexistence.Only empirical evidence is acceptable. Persons wishing tocollect the $250,000 may submit their evidence inwritingorscheduletimeforapublicpresentation.Acommittee of trained scientists willprovide peer review of theevidence offered and, to the bestof their ability, will be fair andhonest in their evaluation andjudgmentastothevalidityoftheevidencepresented.If you are convinced that evolution is an indisputablefact, may Isuggest that you offer $250,000 for any empirical orhistorical evidence against the general theory of evolution. Thismightincludethefollowing:•The earth is not billions of years old (thus destroying thepossibilityofevolutionhavinghappenedas is taught).•No animal has ever been observed changing into any fundamentallydifferentkindofanimal.•No one has ever observed life spontaneously arising fromnonlivingmatter.•Mattercannotmakeitselfoutofnothing.Mysuggestion:Proponents of the theory of evolution would do well to admitthattheybelieveinevolution,buttheydonotknowifithappenedthe way they have been taught. They should call evolution their“faith” or “religion,” and stop including it in books of science. Irecommendthatyounottrustevolutionism,butintheGodofthe<strong>Bible</strong>,(the Creator of this universe and who will be our Judge onedaysoon)toforgiveyouandtosaveyoufromthecomingjudgmentofman’ssin.7Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

Universe Not “Billions of Years Old”Facts &Proof FromScienceThe general theory of evolution is based on several faultyassumptions. (Note: It is important to understand by this statementthat we are not disputing simple variations that some call“microevolution,” whose micro-changes are often observed butnever lead to afundamentally different kind of plant or animal.)Thefollowingassumptionsofevolutionarytheoryareeasytoprovefalse:•theuniverseisbillionsofyearsold,•lifespontaneouslyarosefromnonlivingminerals,•mutationscreateorimproveaspecies,•naturalselectionhascreativepower.Inthissectionwewilldealwiththefirstoftheseassumptions.The others will be dealt with elsewhere. If, in fact, it could bedemonstratedthattheuniverseisnotbillionsofyearsold,allotherargumentsaboutevolutionbecomemeaninglessandunnecessary.Inchildren’sfairytales,wearetold:“Evolution is afairy talefor grownups. This theory hashelped nothing in theprogress of science. It isuseless.”—Professor LouisBounoure, FormerPresident, Biological Societyof Strasbourg, Director ofthe Strasbourg ZoologicalMuseum, France“Evolution is unproved andunprovable. We believe itonly because the onlyalternative is special creation,and that is unthinkable.”—Sir Arthur Keith (He wrotethe forward to the 100thanniversary edition ofDarwin's book, Origin ofSpecies in 1959)frog+magicspell(usuallyakiss)=princeInmodern“science”textbookswearetold:frog+time=princeThesamebasicfairytaleisbeingpromotedintextbookstoday,butthenewmagicpotioncitedistime.Whenthetheoryofevolutionis discussed, time is the panacea for all the thousands ofproblemsthatarise.InnearlyalldiscussionsanddebatesaboutevolutionthatIhaveheldatuniversitiesandcolleges,Iasktheevolutionistshowcertainthingscouldhaveevolvedbychance.Theiranswerisnearlyalways“Givenenoughtime...” Timeistheevolutionists’god. Time isableto accomplish anything the evolutionists can propose. Time caneasilyturnafrogintoaprince. Time cancreatematterfromnothingand life from matter. According to evolutionists, timecancreateorderfromchaos.Butlet’sremovetimefromtheaboveequation.Therewouldbethefollowingthreeresults:•Evolutionbecomesobviouslyimpossible.•Evolutionistswillscreamlikeababywhosepacifierhasbeenpulled outbecausethey knowthatiftime is removed, theirreligion(evolutionisreligion,notscience)willbeexposedasbeing silly.•Creation becomes the only reasonable alternative explanationfortheexistenceofthiscomplexuniverse.Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 8

Just One Proof of aYoung Earth Settlesthe Case AgainstEvolution“This notion of species as‘natural kinds’ fits splendidlywith creationist tenets of apre-Darwinian age. LouisAgassiz even argued thatspecies are God’s individualthoughts, made incarnate sothat we might perceive bothHis majesty and His message.Species, Agassiz wrote, are‘instituted by the DivineIntelligence as the categoriesof his mode of thinking’. Buthow could adivision of theorganic world into discreteentities be justified by anevolutionary theory thatproclaimed ceaseless changeas the fundamental fact ofnature?”—Stephen Jay Gould,Professor of Geology andPaleontology,HarvardUniversityLet’s imagineweare exploring an old goldmine, and we find aCasio Databank watch half buried in the mud on the floor of themine.Supposealsothatthecorrecttimeanddatearedisplayedonthewatchanditisstillrunningsmoothly.ThenimaginethatItellyouthewatchhasbeenthereforover onethousandyears.“That’simpossible!”yousay.“Thatwatchcouldnothavebeenthereforathousandyears,andIcanproveit!”“HowcanyouproveI’mwrong?”Isay.“Well,foronething,thisminewasdugjust150yearsago,”yousay.“Okay,” Iadmit, “you’re right about the thousand years beingtoomuch,butthewatchhasbeenherefor150yearsatleast!”“No!” you say. “Casio didn’t make the Databank watch untiltwelveyearsago.”“Allright,”Isay.“Thewatchwasdroppedheretwelveyearsagothen.”“Impossible!”yousay.“Thebatteriesonlylastfiveyearsonthatwatch,andit’sstillrunning.Thatprovesithasbeenherelessthanfiveyears.”Whilewestillcan’tproveexactlywhenthewatchwasleftthere,youhavelogicallylimitedthedatetofiveyearsatthemost.Youhaveeffectivelyprovenmyinitialstatementabout1000yearswrong.Thelargernumbersprovenothinginthisdebate.EvenifIweretocarbondate the mud or the plastic in the watch to try to prove that it isthousands of years old, my data would be meaningless. The samelogiccanbeappliedtofindingtheageoftheearth.Ifseveralfactorslimittheageoftheearthtoafewthousandyears,theearthcannotbeolder than afew thousand years! Even if afew indicators seem toshowagreateragefortheearth,ittakesonlyONEfacttoprovetheearth is young. We cover many points on this topic in seminarpart#1ofthe<strong>Seminar</strong>Series.The<strong>Bible</strong>teachesthat:Godcreatedtheuniverseapproximately6000yearsago,exnihilo(outofnothing)insixliteral,twenty-fourhour days. Then, approximately 4400 years ago, the earth wasdestroyedbyaworldwideFlood.Thisdevastating,year-longFloodwasresponsibleforthesedimentlayersbeingdeposited(thewaterwasgoingandreturning,Genesis8:3-5).AsthemountainsroseandtheoceanssankinaftertheFlood(Psalm104:5-8,Genesis8:1),thewaters rushed offtherisingmountains intothenewocean basins.This rapid-erosion through still-soft, unprotected sedimentsformed the topography we still see today in places like the GrandCanyon. The uniformitarian assumption—that today’s slowerosionratesthattakeplacethroughsolidrockarethesameashasalways been—is faulty logic, and ignores catastrophes like theFlood. (2 Peter 3:3-8 says that the scoffers are“willingly ignorant”oftheFlood.)See<strong>Seminar</strong>video#4and#6formoreonthistopic.9Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

Sources1 Morris, Henry M. ScientificCreationism. El Cajon, Calif.:Master Books, April 1985.Available from <strong>CSE</strong> ($9.50)2 McLean, G. S.; McLean, Larry;Oakland, Roger. The <strong>Bible</strong> Key toUnderstanding the Early Earth.Oklahoma City,Okla.:Southwest Radio Church, 1987.3 Huse, Scott M. The Collapse ofEvolution. Grand Rapids, Mich.:Baker Book House, 1983.4 Ackerman, Paul D. It’s aYoungWorld After All. Grand Rapids,Mich.: Baker Book House, 1986.5 Blick, Edward F. AScientificAnalysis of Genesis. OklahomaCity,Okla.: Hearthstone Publ.Ltd., 1991.6 Petersen, Dennis R. Unlockingthe Mysteries of Creation.Available from <strong>CSE</strong> ($24.50)7 Hovind, Kent E.Creation <strong>Seminar</strong>,Parts 1-7(most items referenced onscreen—available on tape #1from Creation ScienceEvangelism, 29 Cummings RoadPensacola, FL 32503).8 Wysong, R. L. The Creation-Evolution Controversy. Midland,Mich.: Inquiry Press, 1976.9 Baker,Sylvia. Bone ofContention. Creation ScienceFoundation Ltd., Sunnybank,Queensland 1990. Availablefrom <strong>CSE</strong> ($3.50)10 Moore, John N. Questionsand Answers on Creation-Evolution. Grand Rapids, Mich.:Baker Book House, 1977.11 Brown, Walt. In theBeginning. Center for ScientificCreation, 5612 North 20thPlace, Phoenix, Ariz. Availablefrom <strong>CSE</strong> ($23.50)12 Morris, John D. The YoungEarth. Master Books, 1994.Available from <strong>CSE</strong> ($14.50)Listed below are some of the factors from various branches ofscience that limit the age of the universe or earthtowithin the lastfew thousand years. Though it cannot be scientifically provenexactlywhentheuniversewascreated,itsagecanbeshowntoNOTbe billions of years old. Each of the following evidences of ayoungearth is described in great detail in the books referred to in the sidecolumn. Source number and page number are given for thefollowingstatements:EvidencefromSpace123456789101112Theshrinkingsunlimitstheearth-sunrelationshiptofewerthan “billions of years.” The sun is losing both mass anddiameter. Changing the mass would upset the finegravitational balance that keeps the earth at just the rightdistanceforlifetosurvive. (1,p.169; 2,p.30; 4,pp.56-63; 5,p.26; 6,p.43; 7;11, p.34-35)The ½inch layer of cosmic dust on the moon indicates themoon has not been accumulating dust for billions of years.(2,p.26; 3,p.22; 4,p.15; 6,p.35; 79 ; ,p.25; 11,pp.33,80,)NOTE:InsufficientevidencetobepositiveThe existence of short-period comets indicates the universeislessthanbillionsofyearsold.( 2, p.31; 3, p.27; 4,p.35; 6,p.37; 11,p.29; 12,p.22)Fossil meteorites are very rare in layers other than the toplayers of the earth. This indicates that the layers were notexposed for millions of years as is currently being taught inschooltextbooks.( 4,p.26;11,pp.27,67)Themoonisrecedingafewincheseachyear.Billionsofyearsagothemoonwouldhavebeensoclosethatthetideswouldhavebeenmuchhigher,erodingthecontinentsquickly.( 3,p.25; 6, p.43; 7;11, p.33)ThemooncontainsconsiderablequantitiesofU-236andTh-230, both short-lived isotopes that would have been longgoneifthemoonwerebillionsofyearsold.( 8, p.177;seealso4, p.51& 11, p.28forinformationonrock“flow”)Theexistenceofgreatquantitiesofspacedust,whichbythePoynting-Robertson effect would have been vacuumed outof our solar system in afew thousand years, indicates thesolar system is young. ( 3, p. 29; 6,p.44; 11, p. 33, 80; 12,pp.87-88)Attheratemanystarclustersareexpanding,theycouldnothave been traveling for billions of years. ( 3, p. 29; 4, pp. 30and59; 6, p.44; 11, p.82)Saturn’s rings are still unstable, indicating they are notbillionsofyearsold.( 4, p.45; 7,11, p.22-23)Jupiter and Saturn are cooling off rather rapidly. They arelosing heat twice as fast as they gain it from the sun. Theycannotbebillionsofyearsold.( 5, p.26; 4, p.43;)Jupiter’s moon, Io, is losing matter to Jupiter. It cannot bebillionsofyearsold.( 4, p.3; 7,11, p.23)Jupiter’smoon,Ganymedehasastrongmagneticfield.( 7)Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 10

“The Big Bang is presumedto have produced justhydrogen and helium, only 2of the 92 elements of theearth’s crust.”—Dr.Robert V.Gentry,Research Physicist“Asamatter of fact,however,it may be statedcategorically that noarcheological discovery hasever controverted aBiblicalreference.”—Nelson Glueck,Rivers inthe Desert, 1959, p. 31Palestinian archeologist“I myself am convincedthat the theory of evolution,especially the extent to whichit’s been applied, will be oneof the great jokes in thehistory books of the future.Posterity will marvel that soflimsy and dubious anhypothesis could be acceptedwith the incredible credulitythat it has.”—Malcolm Muggeridge,journalist and philosopher,Pascal Lectures, University ofWaterloo, Ontario, CanadaAmong other factors to consider is that all the ancient astronomersfrom2000yearsagorecordedthatSiriuswasaredstar—todayitisawhitedwarfstar.Obviously,thisviewneedstoberestudied,sincetoday’s textbooks in astronomy state that billions of years arerequiredforastarto“evolve”fromaredgianttoawhitedwarf.(4,p.7)EvidencefromEarth1314151617181920212223The decaying magnetic field limits earth’s age to less thanbillions.( 1,p.157; 2,p.27; 3,p.20; 5,p.23; 6, p.42; 9,p.25;10, p.38; 11, p.32,80; 12,p.91)Thevolumeoflava onearth dividedbyitsrateofeffluxgivesanumber of only afew million years, not billions. Ibelieve thatduring the Flood, while “the fountains ofthe deep were brokenup,”mostoftheearth’slavawasdepositedrapidly.( 1, p.156; 11,p.26)Dividing the amount of various minerals in the ocean bytheir influx rate indicates only afew thousand years ofaccumulation.( 1, p.153; 5, p.24; 6, p.42; 11,p.26)The amount of Helium 4in the atmosphere, divided by theformationrateonearth,givesonly175,000years.(Godmayhave created the earth with some helium which wouldreducetheagemore.)( 1, p.151; 6,p.42; 9, p.25; 11,p.25;12,83-84)The erosion rate of the continents is such that they woulderodetosealevelinlessthan14,000,000years,destroyingalloldfossils.( 2, p.31; 6, p38;AmericanScienceVol56pp356-374; 11,p.31,79; 12, pp.88-90)Topsoil formation rates indicate only afew thousand yearsofformation.( 6,p.38;12, p.94)Niagara Falls’ erosion rate (four to seven feet per year)indicatesanageoflessthan8400years.Don’tforgetNoah’sFlood could have eroded half of the seven and ahalf-milelongNiagara River gorge in afew hours as the flood watersracedthroughthesoftsediments.)( 6, p.39; 7; 12,pp.48-49)The rock encasing oil deposits could not withstand thepressureformorethanafewthousandyears.( 2, p.32; 3,p.24; 5,p.24; 6,p.37; 7; 11,p.26)The size of the Mississippi River delta, divided by the ratemudisbeingdeposited,givesanageoflessthan30,000years.(TheFloodinNoah’sdaycouldhavewashedout80%ofthemud there in a few hours or days, so 4400 years is areasonableageforthedelta.)( 3,p.23; 6, p.38; 7)The slowing spin of the earth limits its age to less than the“billionsofyears”calledforbythetheoryofevolution.( 3, p.25; 7)Arelatively small amount of sediment is now on the oceanfloor,indicatingonlyafewthousandyearsofaccumulation.This embarrassing fact is one of the reasons why the continentaldrift theory is vehemently defended by those whoworshipevolution.( 1,p.155; 6, p.28; 7;11,p.31; 12,p.90)11Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

“Scientists who go aboutteaching that evolution is afact of life are great con-men,and the story they are tellingmay be the greatest hoax ever.In explaining evolution, we donot have one iota of fact.”— Dr. T.N. Tahmisian,Atomic Energy Commission,USA“Asyet we have not beenable to trace the phylogenetichistory of asingle group ofmodern plants from itsbeginning to the present.”— Chester A. Arnold,Professor of Botany andCurator of Fossil Plants,University of Michigan in AnIntroduction to Paleobotany,P.724252627Thelargeststalactitesandflowstoneformationsintheworldcouldhaveeasilyformedinabout4400years.(,p.27; 5 6, p. 39; 7)TheSaharadesertisexpanding.Itisabout4000yearsold.Seeanyearthsciencetextbook.( 7—Part1B)The oceans are getting saltier. If they were billions of yearsold,theywouldbemuchsaltierthantheyarenow.( 7; 9,p.26; 10,p.37; 12,p.85-87)Iceaccumulationatthepolesindicateslessthan5000years( 7)EvidencefromBiology282930Thecurrentpopulationofearth(6billionsouls)couldeasilybegeneratedfromeightpeople(survivorsoftheFlood)inlessthan4000years.( 1,p.167; 3, p.27; 6,p.41; 7;12,p70-71)Theoldestlivingcoralreefislessthan4200yearsold.(6,p.39;7)Theoldestlivingtreeintheworldisabout4300yearsold.( 6,p.40; 7)Anotherfactortoconsider:Thegeneticloadinmanisincreasing.Geneticists have cataloged nearly 1300 genetic disorders in thehumanrace.ItiscertainlyreasonabletobelievethatthehumanracewascreatedperfectfromthehandoftheCreatorbuthasbeengoingdownhill as aresult of our disobedience to the laws established bytheCreator.The<strong>Bible</strong>teachesthatweliveinasin-cursedworldasaresultofAdam’ssin.EvidencefromHistory313233Theoldestknownhistoricalrecordsarelessthan6000yearsold.( 1,p.160)Many ancient cultures have stories of an original creationandaworldwideFlood intherecentpast.Nearly300ofthesefloodlegendsarenowknown.( 7)(See www.creationism.org)Biblicaldatesadduptoabout6000years.( 7)Thosewhobelievetheearthisbillionsofyearsoldwilltypicallytry to discredit one or two of these evidences and then mistakenlythinkthattheyhavesuccessfullyproventheentirelistwrong.Thisisnotlogical,ofcourse.Eachevidencestandsindependently:itonlytakesonetoprovetheearthisyoung.Theburdenofproofisontheevolutionistsiftheyexpectalltaxpayerstofundtheteachingoftheirreligion in the school system. Many who believe in evolution aregreatat“strainingatagnat,andswallowingacamel”(Mt. 23:24).Evolutionists lovetoassumeuniformitarian processes.Many ofthe preceding evidences follow the same logic evolutionists use allthe time in dealing with carbon dating, strata formation, geneticdrift,etc.It is interesting to read the ramblings of nay-sayers like Scott,Matson,Babinski,etc.andseehowmanytimestheyusewordslike:webelieve,perhaps,couldhave,thereissomereasontobelieve,etc.Evolutionists may need billions of years to make people believe arockcanturnintoarocketscientist,buttheyjustaren’tavailable.Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 12

Thefollowing<strong>Bible</strong>versestellwhen“thebeginning”was:“There is no doubt thatnatural selection is amechanism,that it works. It has beenrepeatedly demonstrated byexperiment. The question ofwhether it produces newspecies is quite anothermatter.No one has everproduced aspecies by mechanismsof natural selection. Noone has ever gotten near it.And most of the currentargument in neo-Darwinism isabout this question: how aspecies originates and it isthere that natural selectionseems to be fading andchance mechanisms of onesort or another are beinginvoked.”— Dr. Colin Patterson, onthe subject of Cladistics, in aninterview with BBC, March 4,1982. Dr.Patterson is SeniorPaleontologist at the BritishMuseum of Natural History,London, England.“Still doubts about thesequence about man’semergence remain. Scientistsconcede that their mostcherished theories are basedon embarrassingly few fossilfragments and that huge gapsexist in the fossil record.”—Time Magazine,November 7, 1977•In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.(Genesis1:1)•Mosesbecauseofthehardnessofyourheartspermittedyoutoputawayyourwives:butfromthebeginningitwasnotso.(Matthew19:8)•But from the beginning of the creation God made themmaleandfemale.(Mark10:6)•InthebeginningwastheWordandtheWordwaswithGodandtheWordwasGod.(John1:1)•That which was from the beginning, which we have seenwith our eyes and our hands have handled, of the Word oflife. (1John1:1)•He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinnethfromthebeginning.(1John3:8)• Forthenshallbegreattribulation,suchaswasnotsince thebeginning oftheworldtothistime.(Matthew24:21)•Yeareofyourfatherthedevil....Hewasamurdererfrom thebeginning.(John8:44)•Thatthebloodofalltheprophets,whichwasshedfromthefoundation of the world,may be required of this generation;fromthebloodofAbel.(Luke11:50,51)•And,Thou,Lord,inthebeginninghastlaidthefoundationoftheearth.(Hebrews1:10)•For in six days the Lord made heaven and the earth, thesea,andallthatinthemis.(Exodus20:11)•The works were finished from the foundation of theworld. For God did rest the seventh day from all his works.(Hebrews4:3,4)•Forinthosedaysshallbeaffliction,suchaswasnotfrom thebeginningofthecreation whichGodcreatedtothistime.(Mark13:19)•Haveyenotknown?haveyenotheard?hathitnotbeentoldyoufromthebeginning?Haveyenotunderstoodfromthefoundations oftheearth?(Isaiah40:21)•Whohathwroughtanddoneit,callingthegenerationsfromthebeginning? ItheLordamHe.(Isaiah41:4)•Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginningmade them male and female? (Matthew 19:4,Mark10:6)•For the invisible things of him from the creation of theworld are clearly seen, being understood by the things thataremade.(Romans1:20)13Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

Testing the Theory ofEvolution“The more statisticallyimprobable athing is, the lesswe can believe it happened byblind chance. Superficially theobvious alternative to chanceis an intelligent Designer.”—Dr.Richard Dawkins,Department of Zoology,Oxford University,in “TheNecessity of Darwinism,” NewScientist, April 15, 1982, p.130“The [evolutionary] originof birds is largely amatter ofdeduction. There is no fossilevidence of the stages throughwhich the remarkable changefrom reptile to bird wasachieved.”—W. E. Swinton, BritishMuseum of Natural History,London, in Biology andComparative Physiology ofBirds, vol 1, p. 1Alterations Needed toChange aReptile into aBird:•Avariety of feathers•Growth of wings•Strengthening of certainmuscles•Higher blood sugar levelsand body temperature levels• Total revision of respiratory,nervous,and reproductivesystems.•Lightening of bones•New digestive system•New “instinctive” behaviorsQuestionsforEvolutionistsThe test of any theory is whether or not it provides answers tobasic questions. Some well-meaning but misguided people thinkevolutionisareasonabletheorytoexplainman’squestionsabouttheuniverse. Evolution is not agood theory—it is just apagan religionmasquerading as science. The following questions were distributedto the 750-plus people who attended my debate at Winona StateUniversity in Winona, Minnesota, on January 9, 1993. (The videotapeddebateis #6 in my catalog, $9.95.) Questions added since thedebatearemarkedwithanasterisk(*).•1 Wheredidthespacefortheuniversecomefrom?•2 Wheredidmattercomefrom?•3 Where did the laws ofthe universe come from(gravity, inertia,etc.)?•4 Howdidmattergetsoperfectlyorganized?•5 Wheredidtheenergycomefromtodoalltheorganizing?•6 When,where,why,andhowdidlifecomefromdeadmatter?•7 When,where,why,andhowdidlifelearntoreproduceitself?•8 With what did the first cell capable of sexual reproductionreproduce?•9 Whywouldanyplantoranimalwanttoreproducemoreofits kind since this would only make more mouths to feedand decrease the chances of survival? (Does the individualhaveadrivetosurvive,orthespecies?Howdoyouexplainthis?)•10 How can mutations (recombining of the genetic code)create any new, improved varieties? (Recombining EnglishletterswillneverproduceChinesebooks.)•11 Is it possible that similarities in design between differentanimalsprovethattheyhadacommondesignerinsteadofacommonancestor?•12 Natural selection only works with the genetic informationavailable and tends only to keep aspecies stable. Howwouldyouexplaintheincreasingcomplexityinthegeneticcodethatmusthaveoccurredifevolutionweretrue?•13 When,where,why,andhowdida. single-celledplantsbecomemulti-celled?b.twoandthree-celledintermediatesevolve?c. single-celledanimalsevolve?d.fishchangetoamphibians?e. amphibianschangetoreptiles?f. reptiles change to birds? (The lungs, bones, eyes,reproductive organs, heart, method of locomotion,bodycovering,etc.,areallverydifferent!)g. intermediateformslive?Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 14

“In recent years severalauthors have written popularbooks on human originswhich were based more onfantasy and subjectivity thanon fact and objectivity.At themoment science cannot offer afull answer on the origin ofhumanity...”—Dr. Robert Martin, SeniorResearch Fellow,ZoologicalFellow,Zoological Society ofLondon“...There are gaps in thefossil graveyard, places wherethere should be intermediateforms, but where there isnothing whatsoever instead.No paleontologist writing inEnglish (R. Carroll, 1988),French (J. Chaline, 1983), orGerman (V.Fahlbusch, 1983),denies that this is so. It issimply afact. Darwin’stheory and the fossilrecord are in conflict.”—DavidBerlinsky,Commentary, September1996p.28“Asby this theoryinnumerable transitionalforms must have existed, whydo we not find themembedded in countlessnumbers in the crust of theearth? The number ofintermediate links between allliving and extinct species musthave been inconceivablygreat!”—Charles Darwin• 14 When,where,why,how,andfromwhatdida.whalesevolve?b.seahorsesevolve?c.batsevolve?d.eyesevolve?e.earsevolve?f.Hair,skin,feathers,scales,nails,claws,etc.,evolve?•15 Which evolved first (how, and how long, did it workwithouttheothers)?a. The digestive system, the food to be digested, theappetite, the ability to find and eat the food, thedigestivejuices,orthebody’sresistancetoitsowndigestivejuice(stomach,intestines,etc.)?b.Thedrivetoreproduceortheabilitytoreproduce?c. The lungs, the mucus lining to protect them, thethroat, or the perfect mixture of gases to bebreathedintothelungs?d.DNA or RNA to carry the DNA message to cellparts?e. The termite or the flagellates in its intestines thatactuallydigestthecellulose?f. Theplantsortheinsectsthatliveonand pollinatetheplants?g.The bones, ligaments, tendons, blood supply, ormusclestomovethebones?h.The nervous system, repair system, or hormonesystem?i. Theimmunesystemortheneedforit?•16 There are many thousands of examples of symbiosis thatdefy an evolutionary explanation. Why must we teachstudents that evolution is the only explanation for theserelationships?•17 How would evolution explain mimicry? Did the plantsand animals develop mimicry by chance, by their intelligentchoice,orbydesign?•18 When, where, why, and how did man evolve feelings?Love,mercy,guilt,etc.wouldneverevolveinthetheoryofevolution.•19 *Howdidphotosynthesisevolve?•20 *Howdidthoughtevolve?•21 *Howdidfloweringplantsevolve,andfromwhat?•22 *Whatkindofevolutionistareyou?Whyareyounotoneoftheothereightortenkinds?•23 Whatwould you have said seventy fiveyears agoif ItoldyouIhadalivingcoelacanthinmyaquarium?•24 *Is there one clear prediction of macroevolution that hasprovedtrue?•25 *What is so scientific about the idea of hydrogen gasbecominghuman?•26 *Do you honestly believe that everything came fromnothing?15Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

“One cannot be exposed tothe law and order of theuniverse without concludingthat there must be design andpurpose behind it all.... Tobeforced to believe only oneconclusion— that everything inthe universe happened bychance—would violate thevery objectivity of scienceitself.... They (evolutionists)challenge science to prove theexistence of God. But must wereally light acandle to see thesun? It is in scientific honestythat Iendorse the presentationof alternative theories forthe origin of the universe, lifeand man in the science classroom.It would be an error tooverlook the possibility thatthe universe was plannedrather than happening bychance.”—Dr. Wernher von Braun(Father of American rocketand space program)“We conclude—unexpectedly—thatthere is little evidence for theneo-Darwinian view: itstheoretical foundations andthe experimental evidencesupporting it are weak.”—Orr,H.A.&Coyne,J.A.,AmericanNaturalist,1992,p.726After you answer the questions, please look carefully at youranswersandthoughtfullyconsiderthefollowingquestions.•1Areyou sureyouranswers arereasonable, right, and scientificallyprovable, or do you just believe that it may havehappened the way you have answered? (Do these answersreflectyourreligionoryourscience?)•2Do your answers show more or less faith than the personwhosays,“Godmusthavedesignedit”?•3 IsitpossiblethatanunseenCreatordesignedthisuniverse?IfGodisexcludedatthebeginningofthediscussionbyyourdefinition of science, how could it be shown that He didcreatetheuniverseifHedid?•4 Is it wise and fair to present the theory of evolution tostudents as fact since over 90% of the population believeGodcreatedtheuniverse?•5 What is the end result of abelief in evolution (lifestyle,society,attitudeaboutothers,eternaldestiny,etc.)?•6Dopeopleacceptevolutionbecauseofthefollowingfactors:a.Itisalltheyhavebeentaught?b.TheylikethefreedomfromGod(nomoralabsolutes,etc.)?c. They are compelled to support the theory for fear oflosingtheirjobpeerstatusorgradepointaverage?d.Theyaretooproudtoadmittheyarewrong?e. Evolution is the only philosophy that can be used tojustifytheirpoliticalagenda?•7Should we continue to use outdated, disproved, questionable,or inconclusive evidences to support the theory ofevolution because we don’t have a suitable substitute(Piltdown man, recapitulation, archaeopteryx, Lucy, Javaman, Neanderthal man, horse evolution, vestigial organs,etc.)?•8Should parents be allowed to require that evolution not betaught as fact in their school system unless equal time isgiventoothertheoriesoforigins(likedivinecreation)?•9Whatareyouriskingifyouarewrong?Asoneofmydebateopponents said, “Either there is aGod or there is not. Bothpossibilitiesarefrightening.”•10 Why are many evolutionists afraid of the idea ofcreationismbeingpresentedinpublicschools?Ifwearenotsupposed to teach religion in schools, then why not getevolution out of the textbooks? It is just a religiousworldview.•11 Aren’t you tired of faith in asystem that cannot be true?Wouldn’titbegreattoknowtheGodwhomadeyou,andtoacceptHisloveandforgiveness?•12 Wouldyoubeinterested, toseefromthe<strong>Bible</strong>,howtohaveyour sins forgiven and how to know for sure that you aregoingtoHeaven?Ifso,callme.Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 16

The Evolution ofSpecies by Means ofIncreasing Numberof Chromosomes-or-The Preservation ofComplex Life Formsin the Struggle forLife-By Dr.Kent Hovind-Number of Chromosomes:Fern 480White AshCarp138100Goldfish 94Sweet PotatoTurkey9082Chicken 78DogDuck7878Horse 64CowSilkworm6056Cotton 52AmoebaChimp5048Tobacco 48HumanBat4644Wheat 42SoybeanCat4038Starfish 36Apple 34AlligatorOnion3232Frog 26PossumRedwood2222Kidney Bean 22CornMarijuana2020Carrot 20LettuceHoneybee1816Garden Pea 14House FlyTomato1212Fruit Fly 8Penicillium 2Possum, Redwood Tree, andKidney Bean: “OurAncestors”ASpoof on Evolution TheoryThetheory of evolution teaches that livingthingsare becoming more complex as time progresses.Becausethechromosomesinlivingmatterareoneofthemostcomplexbitsofmatterinthe known universe, it would seem logical toassume that organisms with the leastnumberofchromosomeswerethefirstones to evolve and those with themost chromosomes are the end resultof millions of years of evolutionexperimenting to increase complexityin living organisms. From the chart,itis“obvious”thatweallstartedoffaspenicilliumwithonly2chromosomes,andthatweslowlyevolvedinto fruit flies. After many “millions of years” we turned intotomatoes (or house flies) and so on, until we reached the humanstage with46chromosomes. One of our ancestors must have beenone of the identical triplets—possums, redwood trees, and kidneybeans—with22chromosomeseach.Ifweareallowedto“continueevolving”we may someday be tobacco plants andmaybe we may even become carp with100, or maybe even the ultimate lifeform,afernwith480chromosomes!Don’t you believe it! Godmadethis world and all life forms, asrecordedinthe<strong>Bible</strong>.17Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

About the GreatFlood and Noah’sArkThey,and every beast afterhis kind, and all the cattleafter their kind, and everycreeping thing that creepethupon the earth after his kind,and every fowl after his kind,every bird of every sort. Andthey went in unto Noah intothe ark, two and two of allflesh, wherein is the breath oflife.—Genesis 7:14-15PointstoPonder2Peter 3:3-8 tells us that people who scoff at the <strong>Bible</strong> are“willingly ignorant” of the Creation and the Flood. In order tounderstandscienceandthe<strong>Bible</strong>,wemustnotbeignorantofthosetwogreateventsinEarth’shistory.•1 Over270Floodlegendsfromallpartsoftheworldhavebeenfound.MosthavemanysimilaritiestotheGenesisstory.•2Scoffers point out that 300-foot sailing ships leak, butNoah’s ark was built only to float, not to sail anywhere.Manyarkscholarsbelievethatthearkwasa“barge”shape,notapointed“boat”shape.Thiswouldgreatlyincreasethecargocapacity.•3Even using the small 18-inch cubit (my height is 6-ft. 1-in.andIhavea21-in.cubit)thearkwaslargeenoughtoholdalltherequiredanimals,people,andfoodwithroomtospare.•4The length-to-width ratio of 6to 1is what shipbuildersoftenusetoday. Thisisthebestratioforstabilityinstormyweather.(Godthinksofeverything!)•5The ark may have had a“moon-pool” in the center. Thelargershipswouldhaveaholeinthecenterofthebottomofthe boat with walls extending up into the ship. There areseveralreasonsforthisfeature:a. It allowed water to go up into the hole as the shipcrestedwaves.Thiswouldbeneededtorelievestrainonlongerships.b. Therisingandloweringwateractedasapistontopumpfreshairinandoutoftheship.Thiswouldpreventthebuildup of dangerous gasses from all the animals onboard.C. The hole was agreat place to dump garbage into theoceanwithoutgoingoutside.•6The ark may have had large drogue (anchor) stonessuspended over the sides to keep it more stable in roughweather.Manyofthesestoneshavebeenfoundintheregionwherethearklanded. See video#3ofour<strong>Seminar</strong>Series.•7Noah lived 950 years! Many <strong>Bible</strong> scholars believe the pre-Floodpeopleweremuchlargerthanmodernman.Skeletonsover 11 feet tall have been found! If Noah were taller, hiscubit(elbowtofingertip)wouldhavebeenmuchlargeralso.Thiswouldmakethearklargerbythesameratio.Seevideo#3formoredetails.•8God told Noah to bring two of each kind (seven of some),notofeachspeciesorvariety.Noahhadonlytwoofthedogkind which would later became the wolves, coyotes, foxes,mutts, etc. The “kind” grouping is probably closer to ourmodern family division in taxonomy, and would greatlyreduce the number of animals on the ark. Animals havediversified into many varieties in the last 4400 years sincethe Flood. This diversification is not anything similar togreat claimsthattheevolutioniststeach.Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 18

And the ark rested in theseventh month… upon themountains of Ararat.—Genesis 8:4Mutations•Humans are now subject toover 3500 mutationaldisorders.•They are 1000 times moreharmful than helpful.•They don’t create; theycorrupt.•They indicate creation(changes in genes that alreadyexist).•No one has ever observedmutations causing anythingthat could remotely resembleproof that any kind of plant oranimal can or did change toanother kind.•9Noahdidnothavetogettheanimals.Godbroughtthemtohim(Genesis6:20,“shallcometothee”).Alsothepre-Floodworldwasmorelandandlesswater.(seevideo#6)•10 Only land-dwelling, air-breathing animals had to be includedon the ark. (Genesis 7:15, 7:22 Noah did not need to takeinsects.)•11 Many animals sleep, hibernate, or become very inactiveduringbadweather.•12 Allanimals(andpeople)werevegetariansbeforeandduringtheFloodaccordingtoGenesis1:20-30withGenesis9:3.•13 The pre-Flood people were probably much smarter andmore advanced than people today. The longer lifespans,Adam’s pre-programmed mind and direct contact withGod,andthefactthattheycouldgleanthewisdomofmanygenerationsthatwerestillalivewouldgreatlyexpandtheirknowledgebase.•14 The<strong>Bible</strong>saysthatthehighestmountainswerecoveredby15cubitsofwater.Thisishalftheheightoftheark.Thearkwassafefromscrapingbottomatalltimes. (SmartGod!)•15 The largemountains, as we have them today, did not existuntil after the Flood when “the mountains arose and thevalleyssankdown”(Psalms104:5-9,Genesis8:3-8).•16 Thereisenoughwaterintheoceansrightnow tocovertheearth8,000feetdeepifthesurfaceoftheearthweresmooth.•17 Manyclaimtohaveseenthearkinrecenttimesintheareain which the <strong>Bible</strong> says it landed. There are two primaryschools of thought about the actual site of the ark (see myCreation <strong>Seminar</strong> Part 3 video for more on this). Muchenergy and time has been expended to prove both views.SomebelievethearkisonMt.Ararat,coveredbysnow(CBSshowed aone-hour special in 1993 about this site). TheothergroupbelievesthearkisseventeenmilessouthofMt.Araratinavalleycalled“thevalleyofeight”(8soulsontheark). The <strong>Bible</strong> says the ark landed inthe “mountains” ofArarat, not necessarily on the mountain itself. (Seewww.wyattmuseum.comforthis.)•18 Thecontinentswerenotseparateduntil100-300yearsaftertheFlood(Genesis10:25).Thepeopleandanimalshadtimetomigrateanywhereonearthbythen. (Seevideo#6)•19 Thetop3,000feetofMt.Everest(from26,000-29,000feet)is made up of sedimentary rock packed with seashells andotherocean-dwellinganimals.•20 Sedimentaryrockisfoundallovertheworldandformedinwater.•21 Petrified clams in the closed position testify to their rapidburialwhiletheywerestillalive.•22 Bent rock layers, fossil graveyards, oil, coal, and polystratefossilsare bestexplainedbyaFlood.•23 PeoplechoosetonotbelieveintheFloodbecauseitspeaksofthejudgmentofGodonsin(2Peter3:3-8).19Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

Battle PlanPractical Steps to Fight EvolutionMany thinkingpeoplewillagreethatthetheoryofevolutionisdangerousandshouldhavenoplaceintheclassroom.Whatshouldwedotocounterandcombatthisfalseteachingthatispermeatingandruiningoursocietyviaourtax-supportedinstitutions?“Education is thus amostpowerful ally of humanism.What can atheistic Sundayschool’s meeting for an houronce aweek and teachingonly afraction of the children,do to stem the tide of the fivedayprogram of humanisticteaching?”—Humanism: ANewReligion, 1930“It may not be long beforethe practice of religion mustbe regarded as anti-science.”—John Maddox, editor ofNature ( American Spectator,July,1994)Good News:One-third of Americans readtheir <strong>Bible</strong> at least once aweek.Bad News:54% can’t name the authors ofthe four gospels.63% don’t know what aGospelis.58% can’t name 5of the 10commandments.10% Think Joan of Arc wasNoah’s wife.NewYorkTimes, 12/7/97UnderstandtheImportanceoftheConflict.Thetheoryofevolution, whichistaughtasafactin our publicschool textbooks, tax-supported parks, museums, and publictelevisionprograms,isactuallynotaharmlesstheorybutadangerousreligiousbelief.Ihavededicatedmylifetohelppeoplelearnthetruthneededtoexposeevolutionismasbeinglargelyresponsibleformolding the thinking of hosts of people like Adolph Hitler, JosephStalin, Pol Pot of the Khmer in Cambodia, Margaret Sanger, andKarl Marx, who have caused untold suffering in our world.Evolutionasitisbeingtaughtisdangerousforseveralreasons.(Seeseminarpart5)1234At stake is the credibility of Jesus. Hesaid the creationof Adam was “the beginning” (Matthew 19:4). Evolutionand creation represent worldviews that are polar opposites—oneofthemiswrong!Alsoatstakearethemoralsofourchildren,becauseifevolutionistrue,therearenomoralabsolutes and only the strongest have aright to survive. Ifevolution is true, abortion, euthanasia, pornography,genocide, homosexuality, adultery, incest, etc., are allpermissible.Evolution is positively anti-science. Science deals withthings that are testable, observable, and demonstrable, andevolution has none of those qualities. To call evolution“science”istoconfusefairytaleswithfacts.True,evolutionhas been mixed with science for the last thirty years, butthat does not mean that it is the same as science. Beer isoftenadvertisedduringsportingeventsbutthetwosubjectshavenologicalconnection,andevolutionhasnomoretodowithsciencethanbeerhastodowithsports.Real science, not evolution, should be taught in thescienceclasses.Teachingthepaganreligionofevolutionismisawasteofvaluableclasstimeandtextbookspace.ItisalsooneofthereasonsAmericankidsdon’ttestaswellinscienceaskidsinotherpartsoftheworld.Governmentshouldnotsponsorreligion. Teachingthetheoryofevolutionasfactintax-supportedschoolsviolatesthe establishment clause of the First Amendment. WhyshouldalltaxpayerssupportonereligionoverallothersinDr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 20

The Blind Men andthe Atheists (1990)TwoblindmenarguedintothenightAboutthegreatquestion:“Istherereallysight?”Saidonetotheother(andquitefervently),“Therecannotbecolorsorelsewecouldsee!Sotakeredandgreenandblueoffthelist.IfIcannotseethem,theymustnotexist.Acrazymantoldmetheskyisbrightblue.Ilistenedintently,butIcaughtnoclueOfanythingouttheretoaltermymind.I’mnotdeafyouknow;Ihearperfectlyfine.Bequietandlisten,andthenyouwillknowThatcolorsaren’treal—Howdaretheysayso!TheytellmethatgrassissomesortofgreenItlooksliketherestoftheworldthatI’veseen!Ittastesalotdifferentthanjellyorcheese.IfIsmellittoolong,itsuremakesmesneeze.Buttosaythatit’sgreen?I’dhavetosaynoIwillnotbelieveituntilIhaveseen.Thereisn’tadifference‘twixtred,blue,orgreen!Andsothemenarguedwithalloftheirmight,AndIcouldn’tshowthemthattheywerenotright.Theycannotseecolorsbecausetheyareblind!SoIcouldn’tgetthetruthintheirminds.Until they are given the great giftofsight,Never,not ever will they “see thelight.”our schools? Efforts must be made on all fronts to informpeople that evolution is only a religion and that taxsupportedinstitutionsshouldnotteachitasfact.LiveforGod!All our efforts to stem the tide of moral decay in our land arefutileunlessGodleadsandsupportsourcause.Themostimportantthing anyone can do to help fix the problem is to obey2Chronicles 7:14 —“If my people, which are called by my name,shallhumblethemselves,andpray,andseekmyface,andturnfromtheir wicked ways; then will Ihear from heaven, and will forgivetheirsin,andwillhealtheirland.”2Pray for Wisdom. Mostimportantly,askGodto giveyouwisdom (James 1:5) and direction about what He wouldhaveyoudoinHisservice.Jesustoldusthatwearetobethe“salt of the earth.” Salt preserves from corruption. One ofour jobs is topreservethis world from corruption; if wedonotpreserve,weareworthless(seeMatthew5:13).Win Souls! God called us to win souls, not causes. Thegreat commission (Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:l5, andActs1:8)commandsustopreach,baptize,andteachpeoplewhat Jesus taught His disciples. While there is nothingwrong with working for a cause (1 Samuel 17:29),Christianshavea strongtendencytomajoronminorsandminor on majors; we need to keep priorities in order. ThebattleragingforthemindsofmenisabattlebetweenGodand the Devil. The people who (knowingly or unknowingly)are working for the Devil are not the real enemy.There is atendency among Christians to not keep the sinseparate from the sinner. However, we can still use theadvicegivenbyAbrahamLincoln:“Thebestwaytogetridof an enemy is to make him your friend.” When dealingwith evolutionists, our job is to love them and to keep asweetspiritwhiletryingtoinfluencethem tobesaved. AswewinpeopletoChrist,theywillbeginto havetheirmindrenewed and will see that God’s Word is true. Our bestoffensiveweaponissoulwinning—convertedevolutionistsmake great creationists! Most of the active creation scientistsareformerevolutionists.IfweobeyChristand“preachthegospeltoeverycreature,”wewillseegreatresults.TospreadtheWord,toedifythebelievers,ortoevangelizethelost,orderorcopyextrasetsofmytapestoloan,giveasgifts,ordonatetolibrariesatschools,churches,oreventhepubliclibrary.Thesetapesareregularlyupdatedtoimprovequalityandtoaddnewresearchandartwork.21Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

Two atheists argued(onuniversitysod)Aboutthegreatquestion,“IstherereallyaGod?”Saidonetotheother(andquitefervently),“Therecan’tbeaGodorelsewecouldsee.Sotakethatold<strong>Bible</strong>andGodoffthelist.IfIcannotseeHim,Hemustnotexist.Bequietandlisten,andthenyouwillknow,ThatGodisnotreal—howdaretheysayso!AcrazymantoldmeGodlivesupinHeavenIusedtobelievethatwhenIwasjustseven.ButnowthatI’molderandwiser,yousee,Iwillnotbelieveit,youcan’tproveittome.IcannotsenseGodwithsight,taste,orsmell.IdonotbelieveinaHeavenorHell!I’veneverheardGodorfelthimatall;IfHe’sreallyupthere,IwishHewouldcall.“Isaid,“Listenfellows,you’respirituallyblind.You’veonlyfiveentrancesintoyourmindThatlimitsyourinput:Iwishyoucouldsee,Youcan’tfathomGodoreternityTherearelotsofthingsthatreallyarereal.Itdoesn’tdisprove Godbecauseyoucan’t‘feel.’Soyoutwocanarguetherestofthenight.There’snowaytoshowyouthatyouarenotright.WhenyougettoHeaven(orHellifyouplease)You’llunderstandGodandfallonyourknees!IwishyoucouldseeHimorhearHimsomehow.Butthatisn’tpossiblewhereyouarenow.TodenyHisexistenceisreallyabsurd.You’llhavetobelieveHimandtrustinHisWord.—KentHovind3Don’t Get Discouraged! “Be not weary in well doing” (2Thessalonians 3:13). “Evil men and seducers shall waxworse and worse” (2 Timothy 3:13). “The battle is theLord’s” (1 Samuel17:47).Ourjobis tobefaithfuluntiltheLord takes us out of this world. When the events of thisworldstarttogetyoudiscouraged,readPsalm2.TheDevilmayhavehisplans,butGodinHeavenwilllaugh!ThoughIhaveworkedforseveralyearstogetthetextbookschanged,all that Ihave done so far is to keep the subject before thepeople.Ihavehadnovisibleeffectonthetextbooks.Itisourjobtodoright;Godwilltakeitfromthere.Become Informed.Often people are motivated to do something, but they don’thavetheknowledgeofthesubjecttobeeffective.Manygoodbookshavebeenwrittentohelppeoplelearnthetruthaboutcreationandevolution.Alistofsomeofthesebooksisincludedintheannotatedbibliography of this notebook. Also important is to becomeinformed about the “New World Order” and the persecution thatwillcometoChristiansinAmericaunlesstheLordreturnssoon.12Knowyourrights. WeneedmoreGodlypoliticians,schoolboardmembers,etc.togetinvolvedinthepoliticalaspectofourgreatRepublicwhilestillpossible.Studentsandparentsinvolved in public schools need to know that they havemanyrights.Herearesomegoodbooksonthesubjectwhichwillbeagreathelptoparentsandstudentsinlearningwhatone can and cannot do for the Lord in his or her publicschool.(www.drdino.com/Religious<strong>Free</strong>doms)Students’ Legal Rights on aPublic School Campus by J. W. Brinkley.Available from <strong>CSE</strong> ($9.50) or Roever Communications, P.O. Box136130,FortWorth,TX76136,(817)238-2005.Students’ Rights in the Public Education by John W. Whitehead.Availablefrom<strong>CSE</strong>($3.00)orfromRutherfordInstitute,P.O.Box7482,Charlottesville,VA22906-7482,(804)978-3888.TeachingCreationScienceinPublicSchoolsbyDuaneT.Gish.Availablefrom <strong>CSE</strong> ($4.75) or from Institute for Creation Research, 10946WoodsideAvenueNorth,Santee,CA92021(619)448-0900www.icr.orgCall me for help.It is my privilege to travel and speak(more than 700 times each year) in public and privateschools,universitydebates,churches,camps,andradioandtelevisiontalkshowsonthesubjectsofcreation,evolution,anddinosaurs.Itismystudiedopinionthatthe<strong>Bible</strong>istheinfallible, inspired, inerrant Word of the living God. Thefacts from the science are clear; the entire universe wascreatedbyanall-wiseCreatoronlyafewthousandyearsago.The original creation was perfect and very differentthanitistoday.Intheoriginalcreation,plantsandanimalsDr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 22

lived longer and grew much bigger than they do currently(see Genesis 1:6-7; 5; 6:4, and my Creation <strong>Seminar</strong> videotape#2). In my seminars, Ipresent many scientific evidencesthat the world is not “millions of years old.” Mostpeople are excited to learn that dinosaurs were in theGarden of Eden, have always lived with man, were on theark with Noah, and afew may still be alive today in somepartsoftheworld!(Creation<strong>Seminar</strong>videotape#3)“When [the devil]speaketh alie, he speaketh ofhis own: for he is aliar,andthe father of it.”—John 8:44“No statute exists in anystate to bar instruction in‘creation science.’ It could betaught before, and it can betaught now.”—Stephen Jay Gould TheVerdict on Creationism, NewYork Times July 19, 1987,p.34The word “Evolution” hasmany meanings, only one ofwhich is scientific.1. Cosmic evolution—theorigin of time, space andmatter; Big Bang.2. Chemical evolution—theorigin of higher elementsfrom hydrogen.3. Stellar and planetaryevolution—origin of starsand planets.4. Organic evolution—originof Life.5. Macroevolution—changingfrom one kind to another.6. Microevolution—variationswithin kinds. Only this onehas been observed.Students often call me for advice on how to handlevarioussituations atschoolwherethey arebeingforcedtolearnthingscontrarytotheirbeliefsoncreation.Pleasefeelfreetocallorwrite,ifIcanbeofanyhelp.Pleaseunderstand,whenItalkaboutevolutionIamnotreferring to simple variations that occur in any species.Dogs produce avariety of puppies, but never will dogsproducehamsterorpinetreeoffspring!Creationistsdonotargue that all dogs, wolves, and foxes may have had acommonancestor,nordotheyarguethatnaturalselectiondoes not occur. These would both be true whether plantsand animals were created or evolved. However, real evolution,aspresentedinthetextbooks,teachesthatdogssharea common ancestor with pine trees! While anyone iscertainly welcome to believe what he wants to believe, nointelligent person can say that evolution is real science,becauseevolutionisnotobservable,testable,ordemonstrable.My argument is not with science, but with evolutionbeingimproperlyincorporatedintosciencewhereithasnoplace.InfluenceyourArea.Everyonehasacircleofpeopletheycaninfluence.Atactivitiessuchasbirthdayparties,neighborhood<strong>Bible</strong>classes,Sundayschoolclass parties, etc., you can show creation videos, have acreationspeaker, or play games that teach the truth about dinosaurs andcreation.Youcanalsohelpprivateorhomeschoolswithyourtime,energy,andmoney.1Usethemedia (secularorChristian).Agreatwaytoreachpeople with the truth is to have your local radio or TVstation contact mefor an interview or call-in talkshow oncreation, evolution, dinosaurs, or the teaching in publicschools.Secularstationsareoftengladtogetsuchacontroversialguest. Ifrequently do radio interviews by phonefrom my house and would be honored to appear on aprogram in your area. Local access cable TV stations areusuallywillingtoairmyvideotapes.23Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

“Let me control thetextbooks, and Iwill controlthe state.”—Adolf Hitler“The Supreme Court rulingdid not, in any way,outlaw theteaching of ‘creation science’in public school classrooms.Quite simply it ruled that, inthe form taken by theLouisiana law,it isunconstitutional to demandequal time for this particularsubject. ‘Creation science’ canstill be brought into scienceclassrooms if and whenteachers and administratorsfeel that it is appropriate.Numerous surveys haveshown that teachers andadministrators favor just thisroute. And, in fact, ‘creationscience’ is being taught inscience courses throughout thecountry.”—Evolutionary biologistMichael Zimmerman, “KeepGuard Up After EvolutionVictory,” BioScience 37 (9,October 1987): 636234Write letters to the editor. Most local newspapers have aLetters to the Editor section. Ihave found this to be agreatway to reach many people in an area, as each time Ihavewrittenalettertotheeditor,therehasbeenagreatresponse.Help teachers and school board members do right.Mostteachers,principals,boardmembers,etc.,involvedinthepublicschool system are sincere, dedicated professionalswho want what is best for students. Often they faceenormous pressure from small but vocal groups makingthemfeelthey arein thebattlealone. Informed Christianscan help by attending school board meetings, giving goodcreationist literature to these people, inviting them tocreation lectures. Donate good books about creationsciencetoyourschool’slibrary. (FAQformoredetails)Learnthereal(radical)agendaoftheNationalEducationAssociation (NEA), encourage public school teachers thatyouknowtogetoutoftheNEAandjoinaternativeteachersunions.Phyllis Schlafly (Eagle Forum), Alton, Illinois, (618) 462-5415 oreagle@eagleforum.orgChristian Educators Assn. Int., P.O. Box 41300, Pasadena, Cal. 91114,(626) 798-1124Keystone Teacher’s Association, P.O. Box 868, Mechanicsburg, Pa.17055, (717) 432-1727Concerned Educators Against Forced Unionism (CEAFU), 8001Braddock Road, Springfield, Va. 22160, (703) 321-8519Review the textbook selections. Of the fifty Americanstates, twenty-two have astate textbook-selection committee,agroup of people who look at the books availablefromallpublishersforagivensubjectandthenselectfiveorsix that they "approve." The list is then given to the localselection committee in each county. The county textbookselection committee will normally display the books for afew weeks, giving parents achance to review them. Afterthe committee decides which book to recommend, theschool board votes to purchase that book for use in thecounty schools. Often the books are selected on arotatingbasis,withadifferentsubjectbeingchoseneachyear.Inthestates without astate-level committee, each county, ordistrict,orteachermaychoosetheirowntextbooks.Any person in the county may review the books andmake comments at the school board meeting. I wouldsuggest that informed Christians in each county getinvolved in the selection process. The Gablers are fineChristianpeopleandprovidelotsofinformationtohelpinthetextbookselectionprocess.TheinputoftheGablersinTexas will save lots of work for anyone wanting to getinvolved.TheirorganizationreviewseachnewtextbookasDr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 24

Communist Rules forRevolution1. Corrupt the young; getthem away from religion.2. Break down the old moralvirtues.3. Encourage civil disorders…and asoft governmentattitude toward crime.4. Divide the people intohostile groups (race, religion,etc.).5. Get the people’s minds offtheir government by focusingtheir attention on athletics,sex, etc.6. Get control of all media.7. Destroy people’s faith intheir leaders.8. Cause the registration of allfirearms… Toeventuallyconfiscate them.CommunistManifesto 18481. Abolition of private property2. Heavy progressive incometax3. Abolition of rights ofinheritance4. Confiscation of propertyrights5. Central bank6. Government ownership ofcommunication andtransportation7. Government ownership offactories and agriculture8. Government control oflabor9. Corporate farms, regionalplanning10. Government control ofeducationit comes out, sending acopy of their review to any whorequests it. The Gablers are fine Christian people and haveworkedonadonationbasisfor40years.The Mel Gablers, Educational Research Analysts, P.O. Box 7518,Longview, Texas, 75607-7518, (903) 753-5993www.textbookreviews.orgWhichBooksAreBetter?In 1991 asurvey was done of textbooks to determine whatpercentofthebooktaughtevolution.Theresultsarebelow. Somebooksaremoresaturatedwithevolutionthanothers.Biology: An Everyday Experience Merrill 2.9%Focus on Life Science Merrill 7.1%Biology: Living Systems Merrill 7.4%Life Science Scott, Foresman 8.5%BSCS: An Ecological App. (Green version) Kendall/Hunt 13.2%BSCS: AMolecular App. (Blue version) DC Heath 13.5%Modern Biology Holt, Rinehart 13.9%Biological Science: An Inquiry into Life Harcourt, Brace 15.6%(Yellow Version)JavanovichSource: Impact #278, ICR P.O. Box 2667, El Cahon, CA 92021Afteryouselectabookforyourschoolwiththeleastamountofevolution,youshoulddoseveralmorethings:1. Write to the other textbook publishers and tell them why youdid not select their books.2. Write to the one you did select and tell them why you chosetheirs.3. Put awarningstickerinthefrontoftheoneyouchoosewarningthe students, by page number, of the false information itcontains. See my video #4 or my booklet “Are You BeingBrainwashed by Your Science Textbook?” for help on this.Demand that lies be removed from textbooks. About fifty liesareusedtomakestudentsbelieveinevolution.Donotmentioncreation or evolution, just demand that books be factual. Seeseminar#4forlotsmoreonthistopic.25Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

Sometimes afirst glancedoes not reveal crucial details.Sci-ence n. [

Everything we observe inthe universe verifies the lawsof thermodynamics. Theuniverse is wearing down, notwinding up.Evolutionists assume thatadding energy (open system)will overcome the 2nd law ofthermodynamics.1. The universe is closedsystem2. Adding energy isdestructive without acomplex mechanism toharness the energy.The Japanese added lots ofenergy to Pearl Harbor in1941 and did not organizeany thing.The sun’s energy willdestroy aroof, house, paintjob...Only avery complexmolecule called chlorophyllcan harness the sun’s energy.One leaf cell is more complexthan acity.PhysicsTheFirstLawofThermodynamicsThe First Law of Thermodynamics states that matter andenergy can neither be created nor destroyed although theymaybeconvertedfromoneform toanother. This naturalprocesscan be seen in the world around us. Ice melting is one example ofmatter changing from one form to another, asolid into aliquid.The ice may change physical properties, but the mass before thereaction remains constant with the mass after the reaction. Thislaw supports the Biblical view of creation, requiring a specialmiracle from God to account for all the matter and energy in theuniverse. Evolutionattempts to credit theBig Bang with thismiracle while denyingit’s violating the mostbasic law of theuniverse— somethingcannot come fromnothing.The Second Law of ThermodynamicsThe Second Law of Thermodynamics simply states thateverythingtendstowarddisorder. Ifatruckcarryingastackofbricks hits abump in the road causing the bricks to fall off, thebrickswouldnotfallintheirpreviouslyorderedstate. Theywouldfallrandomly;andentropywouldincrease,illustratingtheSecondLaw of Thermodynamics. The <strong>Bible</strong> describes the Second Law asextendingfromtheearthtotheheavensinPsalm102:25-26,Isaiah51:6,andHebrews1:10-11. Evolutionistscontrivesillyexcusesandreasonstoignorethisfundamentallawofphysicsbecauseitcontradictstheirpettheory.The evolutionist’s “opensystem” excuse to believe theSecond Law ofThermodynamics does notapply to Earth is silly.27Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

The Law of Conservation of Angular MomentumThe Big Bang isABig Dud.“The ultimate origin of thesolar system’s angularmomentum remains obscure.”—Well-known solar-systemEvolutionist scientist, Dr.Stuart Ross Taylor,SolarSystem Evolution: ANewPerspective, CambridgeUniversity Press, p. 53, 1992.Venus, Uranus andpossibly Pluto rotatebackwards from the other sixIhave little hesitation insaying that asickly pall nowhangs over the big bangtheory.”—Sir Fred Hoyle,astronomer,cosmologist, andmathematician, CambridgeUnivrsity. “The Big BangTheory Under Attack”. ScienceDigest, Vol. 92 May 1984, p. 84The Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum describesthetendencyofaspinningobjecttocontinuespinninginthesamedirection. Justassomethingtravelingalongapathtendstostaymovinginthatdirection(linearmomentum),thesameistrueforaspinningobject—itcontinuestospininthesamedirection. Asan example, children riding on amerry-go-round, have angularmomentum. Given sufficient speed, achild that jumps from themerry-go-roundwilltravelinastraightlinebutwillbespinninginthe same direction as the merry-go-round. This scientific lawcontradicts the Big Bang Theory which proposes that aspinningcosmicexplosionstartedtheuniverseintoitsevolutionaryprocess.If the Big Bangwere true, allthe planets should be spinningin thesamedirectiontoday.“This (Angular Momentum)would have caused the sun to spinveryrapidly.Actually,oursunspinsveryslowly,whiletheplanetsmoveveryrapidlyaroundthesun. Infact,althoughthesunhasover99%ofthemassofthesolarsystem,ithasonly2%oftheangularmomentum. Thispattern is directly opposite to thepattern predicted for the nebularhypothesis.”—Dr. H. Reeves The Origin ofthe Solar System, Dermott, S.F. Ed. John Wiley &Sons, NewYork p. 9, 1978.Eight of the 91 moonsrotate backwards. Jupiter,Saturn and Neptune havemoons orbiting in bothdirections.—Astronomical Almanac forthe year 1989 (Wash. DC U.S.Government Printing Office,1989) p. E88Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 28

Astronomical ReflectionsFor aYoung UniverseGalaxiesIf spiral galaxies were billions of years old, the arms extendingfrom their centers would have completely closed, causing thegalaxiestolosetheirunique,spiralshape.Egyptian hieroglyphsfrom 2000 B.C. describedSiriusasred.Cicero, in 50 B.C., StatedSirius was red.Seneca described Sirius asbeing redder than Mars.Ptolemy listed Sirius as oneof the six red stars in 150A.D.Today it is awhite starbinary.Textbooks say it should takebillions of years for this tohappen.— It’s aYoung World, PaulAckerman“In the beginning, Godcreated the heaven and theearth.”—Genesis1:1Red GiantsEvolutioniststeachthatredgiantstarschangeintowhitedwarfstars over millions of years; yet Sirius is an example of ared starbecomingwhitewithinthepast2,000years. AncientastronomersrecordedthatSiriusglowedredinthesky,yetnowitiscategorizedas white. Obviously, the evolutionists’ opinions of the length oftimetochangearedgiantstarintoawhitedwarfstarareincorrect.Jupiter and SaturnThesetwoplanetsradiatemoreheatthantheyreceivefromthesun. If they were billions of years old, both planets would havereached equilibrium and no longer be able to lose more heat thantheyreceive.29Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

The heavens declare theglory of God and thefirmament showeth hishandy work.—Psalm 19:1Moon and TidesTheearthandthemoonareinextricablylinkedviatheirmutualgravitationalpull. Themoon’sprimaryeffectontheearthisthatoftides. Thesetwice-dailytidesinflictabarelyperceptibledragontheearth’srotation, causingtheearth’snaturaldaytolengthenandthemoon’s orbit to recede. Because both gravitational forces andfrictionlosscanbecomputedandpredictedmathematically,wecandeterminehowclosethemooncouldorbitbeforeresultinginlunardestruction or eradication of life on earth. With this in mind, theearth/moonrelationshipcouldnotpossiblybemorethan1.2billionyearsold,andgeologicevidenceindicatesthatitismuchyounger.Humanists regard theUniverse* as self existingand not created.—Humanists Manifesto 1(1933) Tenent #1*Notify the capital “U” to deifyuniverse.Uni =singleVerse =spoken sentenceCometsComposed of frozen gasses and small rocks, comets lose materialwhen their orbit takes them close to the sun. The vapor producedgivestheappearanceofatail,oftentherecognizable featureof acomet. Acomet's life is relativelyshort, falling between anestimated100to200orbitsaroundthe sun. The frequency of cometshasconsistentlydecreasedthroughthe years, alluding to a muchyounger universe than textbooksdescribe.And God said, “Let therebe...”—Genesis 1:3*Inverse Square Law— Theprinciple in which intensity, suchas gravitational pull, and distanceare directly proportional to eachother. For example, if the distanceis divided in half, the attraction isquadrupled (4 times).Intensity =I/d 2Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 30

“Or speak to the earth, andit shall teach thee: and thefishes of the sea shall declareunto thee. Who knoweth not inall these that the hand of theLORDhathwroughtthis?”—Job12:8-9If the World is so Old, why is Everythingso Young?The Oldest Tree:A Bristle cone pine is approximately4,300 years old—dated via tree rings. Themethod may not be perfect, but it is thebestwehavefordatingtrees.The Oldest Reef:The Great Barrier Reef is less than4,200 years old—dated via measuring thegrowthratefor20years. (Musthavebeenagovernmentjob!)Eventhoughbotharelessthan5,000yearsold,theyarethetwooldest-living organisms on earth. Their ages easily fit thecreationistpointofview, butleavelooseendsfor theevolutionist.Why aren’ tthere older trees or bigger reefs? With the evolutionisttimeline, surely something is closer in age to their “millions ofyears.”Evolution doesn’t fit the facts, does it?“By what way is the lightparted, which scattereth theeast wing upon the earth?”—Job 38:24Earth's Slowing RotationPrevailing winds arecaused by two phenomena.The sun’s heat causes northsouthor south-north winds,depending on latitude. Therotation of the earth causesthe winds to shift east orwest—clockwisenorthofthee q u a t o r a n dcounterclockwise to thesouth. This Coriolis Effectisproportionaltothespeedofthe earth’s rotation: thegreater the rotational speed,the greater the CoriolisEffect. Due to these prevailing winds, the Sahara Desert is in theprocess ofdesertification, expandingapproximately fourmilesperyear. Calculations based upon the rate of the Sahara’s expansionshowthedeserttobe4,000yearsold. ThisyoungageoftheSaharaDesert fits quite well in the creationist timeline, beginning itsdesertification process soon after the global flood. The currentslowing rate of the earth’s rotation, and its relationship with the31Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

“People are the cause ofall the problems; we need toget rid of some of them...”—Charles Wurster,Environmental DefenseFund.“The world has cancer,and the cancer is man.”— Alan Gregg, Mankind atthe Turning Point,1974.Regardless of the future,the current population showsonly 4400 years of growth.The world is NOTovercrowded! Jacksonville,Florida has 25 billion squarefeet inside the city limits.Enough to hold all 6billionpeople on the Earth today.If it is overcrowded whereyou are:MOVE!Coriolis Effect, allows for avarietyof climates around the worldwithout creating a menacingenvironment. Following theevolutionist timeline over aperiodof millions of years, the SaharaDesert should have alreadyexpanded to its maximum size.However, since the earth’srotational speed is decreasingmeasurably, the Coriolis Effectwouldhavebeenfargreatermillionsof years ago, exacerbating theevolutionists’ difficulty explainingtheSaharaDesert’syoungage.PopulationIn 1810, abillion people lived on earth. In less than 200 years,the population hit six billion. This fits the Biblical chronologyperfectly as the current population started about 4,400 years agowithNoahandhisfamilyaftertheflood. Anevolutionarytimelinewould require not only anearly non-existent growth rate but alsothreetrilliondeceasedhumanswithinthelastmillionyears.**Dr. Henry Morris, Scientific Creationism,Masterbooks, Green Forest, AR,1985, pp.167-169. Available from <strong>CSE</strong> ($9.50).Declining Magnetic FieldStudiesoverthepast140years showaconsistentdecayrateintheearth’smagneticfield.Atthisrate,inasfewas25,000yearsago,theearthwouldhavebeenunabletosupportlifebecauseoftheheatfromtheelectriccurrent.Earth’s magnetic strengthhas declined 6% in the last150 years.— Astronomy and the <strong>Bible</strong>Donald DeYoung,p. 18Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 32

“Agorge about 71/2miles long runs just belowNiagara Falls. Asimplecalculation shows that it hasbeen 9900 years…”— Holt Earth Science,1984, p. 384See also: In the Minds ofMen, by Ian Taylor, p. 83,available from <strong>CSE</strong>.See also Creation Ex NihiloSept-Nov,2000 p. 8AFew Factors For aFast-eroding Niagara FallsAfterCharlesLyellpublishedhisPrinciplesofGeologyinthemid-1800s, society began accepting the theory that the earth andmankind evolvedfrom aprevious lesserstate. LyellusedNiagaraFalls as one of his illustrations to promote uniformitarianism. HeestimatedthatNiagaraFallswas10,000yearsold. Hedidthistotryto discredit the <strong>Bible</strong>. Skeptics like Lyell leave out one importantfactorintheircalculations-aworldwideflood,approximately4,400yearsago.Factoringaworldwidefloodintotheequation,scientistsarriveatahigherinitialerosionrateforNiagaraFalls. Sinceanincreaseinthe quantity of water is directly related to the rate of erosion, thegreatvolumeofwaterrecedingaftertheflood,couldeasilyaccountforhalfoftheerosionofNiagaraFalls. Usingtheevolutionisttimeframe,NiagaraFallsshouldhavealreadyerodedbackintoLakeErie.The reason why Niagara Falls has not eroded farther over the"millions of years" of the earth's existence continues to eludeevolutionists.Sciencealwaysseemstocorrespondwiththecreationtimelinewhile evolutionists struggle to make their assumptions andtheoriesplausible.Salt in the Oceans"It has been long felt thatthe average climate of theearth through time has beenmilder and morehomogeneous than it is today.If so, the present certainly isnot avery good key to the pastin terms of climate."— Robert H. Dott and Roger L.Batten,Evolution of the Earth(New York: McGraw-Hill, 1971),p. 298.The water in theoceans contains 3.6%dissolved mineralsgiving the ocean itssalinity. Salt,composed of theelements sodium andchlorine, is the primarymineral. For years,scientists have beenmeasuring the amountof sodium in the oceans and have found that an estimated 457milliontonsaredepositedintotheoceansannually,whileonly122milliontonsleavetheoceanvianumerousmethods.Given the current amount of salt in the oceans, the datastronglyfavorsarecentcreationandglobalflood. Ifappliedtotheevolutionist's timeframe of millions of years, the oceans would besaturatedbysalt. Evenusingliberalestimatesofsalinitylevels,themaximumpossibleageis62millionyears.33Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

Ice Core EvidenceJust because Mr.Spark’sreligion (of evolution) happensto be included in thisgeneration’s science textbooksdoes not mean it qualifies asscience or that it becomesscience by association.“In Greenland andAntarctica, where the weatheris consistently dry and verycold, the glaciers are milesthick but the annual rings arevery thin.The deepest cores canmeasure over 10,000 feet,corse from Greenland drilledsince 1990 show the northernclimate was erratic... 135,000years ago.”Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 34

Are the layers different ages?Q: I'veneverunderstoodpolystratefossils. Aren'ttheyevidenceofevolutionwithallthedifferentlayersofstratatheygothrough?--M.L., South Carolina"The hurricane, the floodor the tsunami may do morein an hour or aday than theordinary processes of naturehave achieved in athousandyears. Given all the millenniawe have to play with in thestratigraphical record, we canexpect our periodiccatastrophes to do all thework we want of them."— Derek V.Ager,The Nature ofStratigraphical Record (NewYork: John Wiley &Sons, 1993),p.80.Polystrate fossils such asthis one are found all over theworld. They run throughmany rock layers proving therock layers are not differentages as the textbooks teach.A: SincetheproposaloftheideaofuniformitybyCharlesLyellinthe early 1800s, geologists have struggled to explain polystratefossils. Apolystratefossilisafossilencasednotinasinglelayerofstrata but in multiple layers. Uniformity, advocating that the"presentisthekeytothepast,"describeseachlayerbeinglaiddownoverextensiveperiodsoftime. Theproblemwitheachlayertakingsolongtoformisthatmostfossilsfoundintheselayerswouldhavedecayedpriortotheformingofthenextlayer. Someexamplesthatconfirmtheideaofrapidfossilizationareasfollows:1. Fossil of ichthyosaur, buried and fossilized while givingbirth (Creation Magazine, Dec. 99),2. Petrified trees are found in scores of places around theworld. See seminar part 4.3. Polystrate trees found in France upside down extendingthrough many layers (Bone of Contention by Silvia Baker,p. 12).Geologists fail to accept that the only reasonable explanationof polystrate fossils is that the layers formed quickly aroundplant and animal life before they had time to decay. Seems tocorrespond with the Biblical account of the worldwide flood,doesn't it?See the Creation <strong>Seminar</strong> Series parts 4 and 6 for moreinformationandpicturesonthistopic. Visitwww.drdino.comformorepicturesofthistrees.35Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

Aren’t caves millions of years old?"In other words, it's naturalselection or aCreator. Thereis no middle ground. This iswhy prominent Darwinists likeG.G. Simpson and Stephen JayGould, who are not secretiveabout their hostility toreligion, cling so vehementlyto natural selection. Todootherwise would be to admitthe probability that there isdesign in nature-and hence aDesigner."— George Sim Johnston,"TheGenesis Controversy," Crisis (May1989), p. 17.Although most people believe that cave formations needmillionsofyearstodevelop,stalactitesandstalagmitesgrowratherquickly. Stalactites, recognized because they "stick tight" to theceiling of most limestone caves, are deposits of calcium carbonateformed by the dripping of mineralized solutions.As the mineraldeposits build up on the cave floor, stalagmites are formed.Occasionally, the connecting of the two will create a columnextendingfromfloortoceiling.Themonitoringofmanystalactitesandstalagmiteswithinthelastcenturyhasshowntherateofgrowthtobemuch quickerthanwhat many textbooks teach. Stalactites over five feet long havebeenfoundinthebasementoftheLincolnMemorial,builtin1923,aswellassomemorethanafootlongunderbridgesinPhiladelphia,Pennsylvania.Stalagmites grow somewhat slower that stalactites ;but theystill do not take thousands of years to form. In 1953, MasonSutherlandpublishedaphotographinNationalGeographicofabatthat had fallen on astalagmite in the Carlsbad Caverns, NewMexico. The bat was covered and preserved before it coulddecompose,provingtherapidgrowthrateofsomestalagmites.Much moreevidence exists for fastgrowingstalactites andstalagmites, (see video#1) yet textbooks andnational parks continueto teach that they takecountless thousands ofyears to form. Using arapidgrowthrate,thesecave formations couldeasily fit the Biblicaltimeline after theworldwide flood 4,400y e a r s a g o .Unfortunately,scientists struggle tokeep the Biblicaltimeline out of sciencealthough science, timeafter time, falls rightintostepwithit.Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 36

"Deposits of recent mudflows on Mount St. Helensdemonstrate conclusively thatstumps can be transportedand deposited upright. Theseobservations support theconclusions that some verticaltrees in the Yellowstone 'fossilforests' were transported in ageologic situation directlycomparable to that of MountSt. Helens."— William J. Fritz,"StumpsTransported and DepositedUpright by Mount St. Helens MudFlows," Geology,vol. 8(December 1980), p. 588.Rapid FossilizationAlthough evolutionists have repeatedly presented fossilsas evidence for an earth millions of years old, creationists,using the same fossils and an opposing interpretation,concludetheyareevidenceforayoungearth. Astheremainsof plants and animals are covered by sediment, fossils arecreated.Thecompressedremainsarepreservedandconvertedinto minerals, leaving an imprint in stone. In order for anorganism to be fossilized, the remains must be coveredquickly;otherwise,thenaturaldecayingprocessbegins.Evolutionistsbelievetheprincipleofuniformity,implyingthat small changes over extended periods of time broughtabout significant changes. They have long used fossils toargue for their supposed old age of the earth's strata.However, fossils form quickly under special conditionsinvolving rapid, immediate burial in mud just like Noah’sfloodwouldhaveprovided.Rapid fossilization, promoted by Biblical creation, easilyexplainstheexistenceoffossils. Becauseoflocalfloodingandvolcanic activity around the world, not every fossil can bedated back to Noah's day. However, there are many fossils,such as polystrate fossils, that can only be explained by aworldwide flood. As the waters were “going and returning”(Genesis 8), great amounts of sediment began to settle intolayers.Thiseventallowedampletimefortheremainsofmanyplants, animals, and humans to be buried quickly andfossilized. Polystrate fossils are found extending throughmultiple layers of sediment. Many trees have been foundfossilized in a vertical position through layers of coal,sandstone, and other sediments. Certainly, the trees wouldhave decayed if millions ofyearshadoccurredbetweenthedifferent strata. Rapidfossilization scientificallyanswers the questions as tohow fossils are formed; andtheories made to the contrarywill always leave morequestionsthananswers.37Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

The <strong>Bible</strong> and the Value of π“Andhemadeamoltensea,ten cubits from the one brim tothe other: it was round allabout, and his height was fivecubits: andalineofthirtycubitsdidcompassitroundabout.And under the brim of it roundabout there were knopscompassing it, ten in a cubit,compassing the sea roundabout it: the knops were cast intworows,whenitwascast.Itstoodupontwelveoxen,threelooking toward the north, andthree looking toward the west,and three looking toward thesouth, and three lookingtoward the east: and the seawas set above upon them, andall their hinder parts wereinward.And it was an handbreadththick, and the brim thereof waswrought like the brim of acup,with flowers of lilies: itcontainedtwothousandbaths.”—IKings7:23-26Does the <strong>Bible</strong> contain amathematical error?IKings 7:23–26 and II Chronicles 4:2–5 describe ahuge brassbowl(sea)builtbyKingSolomon.Ifthediameterofthisbowlwas10 cubits, then the circumference should have been31.415926...cubits, not just 30 cubits! Any math student will tellyouthatthecircumferenceofacircleisfoundbytakingthediametertimes Pi ( π). This apparent mathematical error caused me, as anewChristian,todoubttheaccuracyofthe<strong>Bible</strong>.Theanswerissosimple!The diameter of 10 cubits is from outer rim to outer rim, thewayanyonewouldmeasureacircularobject.Thecircumferenceof30 cubits, however, was of the inner circle, after subtracting thethicknessofthebrass(twohandbreadths—oneforeachside)fromwhich the bowl was made. This would be the number needed tocalculatethevolumeofwater.Checkforyourself.Substitutethelengthofyourcubit(elbowtolongestfingertip)fortheletterCinthefollowingformula,andsolveforH.30C÷π+2H=10CThewidthofyourhandbreadthwillbetheresult.Forexample,my cubit is 20 inches long. If Ihad built the brass bowl, the innerdiameterwouldhaveacircumferenceof600inches(30x20inches)and adiameter of 190.986 inches (600 inches ÷ 3.14159). Thedifference between the two diameters is 9.014 inches (two of myhandbreadths).Restassured.God makes no mistakes, mathematical or otherwise. TheScripturesdonotcontainerror.Bytheway,Solomonbuiltthisseain 1000 B.C., long before the Greeks rediscovered Pi ( π). We maynot understand some things at first glance, but the problem iswith us, not with the <strong>Bible</strong>. Please be sure you are onthe solidfoundationofGod’sWord,savedbythebloodofChrist.Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 38

Contradictionsinthe<strong>Bible</strong>?DoGenesischapters1and2conflict? Manyscoffersclaimthatthe <strong>Bible</strong> is full of contradictions. They will nearly always citeGenesis1and2asexamples.1.Genesis1:11hasthetreesmadeonday3beforeman;Genesis2:8hasthetreesmadeonday6afterman.2.Genesis1:20hasbirdsmadeoutofthewateronday5;Genesis 2:19 has birds made out of the ground (after man) onday6.3.Genesis1:24,25hastheanimalsmadeonday6beforeman;Genesis2:19hasthe animalsmadeonday6afterman.39Folks, the onlycontradictions in the <strong>Bible</strong> areAPPARENT contradictions.Many are dealt with on thevideo #7 and on the web sitewww.drdino.com.If God had made Adamlast, Satan could claim that hecreateditall. Adamwouldnothave seen God do it. Eve wasmadelast anddidnotseeGodcreate anything. She was theoneSatandeceived.Hereisthesolution.Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503Acarefulreadingofthetwochapterswillshowthesolutionforeachofthesupposedcontradictions.Explanationof supposedcontradiction1:a. Chapter1tellstheentirestoryintheorderithappened.b. Genesis 2:4–6 gives aquick summary of the first five days ofcreation.c. Genesis 2:7–25 is describing only the events that took placeonday6intheGardenofEden.d. ThetreesdescribedinGenesis2:8areonlyintheGarden(therest of the world is already full of trees from day 3). The purposeofthissecondcreationoftreesmayhavebeentoletAdamseethatGoddid have power to create, that He was not just taking credit for theexisting world. Notice that the second creation of trees was still onday 6and was only those trees that are “pleasant to the sight andgoodforfood.”Explanationof supposedcontradiction2:Thebirdscreatedoutofthegroundonday6areonlyoneofeach“kind” so that Adam can name them and select awife. The rest oftheworldisfullofbirdsfromday5.Explanationof supposedcontradiction3:Genesis 2:19 is describing only the animals created in theGarden, after man. The purpose of this second batch of animalsbeing created was so that Adam could name them (Genesis 2:19)and select awife (Genesis 2:20). Adam did not find asuitable one(Godknewhewouldn’t),soGodmadeEve(Genesis2:21–22).There are no contradictions between these two chapters.Chapter2onlydescribesinmoredetailtheeventsintheGardenofEdenonday6.Ifancientmanhadwrittenthe<strong>Bible</strong>(assomescofferssay), he would never have made it say that the light was madebefore the sun! Many ancient cultures worshiped the sun as thesourceof life. God is light. God madethe light beforeHe made thesunsowecouldseethat He(notthesun)isthesourceoflife.

Of Governments and CowsHow Types ofGovernments ViewProperty Rights“Every effort has beenmade by the Federal ReserveBoard to conceal its powers,but the truth is...the Fed(Federal Reserve System) hasusurped the government. Itcontrols everything here(Congress) and it controls allour foreign relations. It makesand breaks governments atwill.”—Louis T.McFadden(murdered), ex-Chairman,House Committee on Bankingand Currency“The surest way to destroyanation is to debauch itscurrency.”—Vladimir Lenin“Permit me to issue andcontrol anation’s money,andIcare not who makes itslaws”—Mayer AmschelRothschildBiblical Capitalism: You have two cows. You take care of them andselltheextramilkifyouwantto.Feudalism:Yourlordlends you twocows.Hetakesmost ofthemilkandleavesyousome.PureSocialism:Youhavetwocows.Thegovernmenttakesthemandputsthemintoabarnwitheveryoneelse’scows.Youhavetotakecareofallthecows.Thegovernmentgivesyouasmuchmilkasyouneed.Bureaucratic Socialism: Youhavetwocows.Thegovernmenttakesthem and puts them in abarn with everyone else’s cows. They arecared forbyex-chickenfarmers.You havetotakecareofthe chickensthegovernmenttookfromthechickenfarmers.Thegovernmentgivesyouasmuchmilkandeggsastheregulationssayyouneed.Fascism: Youhavetwocows.Thegovernmenttakesthemboth,hiresyoutotakecareofthem,andsellsyouthemilk.Pure Communism: You have twocows. Your neighbors help you totakecareofthem,andyouallsharethemilk.Russian Communism:Youhavetwocows.Youhavetotakecareofthem,butthegovernmenttakesallthemilk.Cambodian Communism: You have two cows. The governmenttakesthembothandshootsyou.Dictatorship: Youhavetwocows.Thegovernmenttakesthembothanddraftsyou.Pure Democracy: You have two cows. Your neighbors decide whogetsthemilk.Representative Democracy: You have two cows. Your neighborsvoteforsomeonetotellyou whogetsthemilk.American Democracy: The government promises to give you twocowsifyouvoteforit.Aftertheelection,thePresidentisimpeachedforspeculatingincowfutures.Thepressdubstheaffair“Cowgate.”BritishDemocracy: Youhavetwocows.Youfeedthemsheepbrainsandtheygomad.Thegovernmentdoesn’tdoanything.Bureaucracy: You have two cows. At first the government regulateswhatyoucanfeedthemandwhenyoucanmilkthem.Thenitpaysyounot to milk them. Then it takes both, shoots one, milks the other andpours the milk down the drain. Then it requires you to fill out formsaccountingforthemissingcows.Environmentalism: You have two cows. The government bans youfrommilkingorkillingthem.Pure Anarchy: You have two cows.Your neighbors riot and kill youfortryingtosellthemilk.Libertarian/Anarcho-Capitalism: Youhavetwocows.Youselloneandbuyabull.Clintonomics: You have two cows. The government requires you totakeharmonicalessons.Totalitarianism: You have two cows. The government takes themanddeniestheyeverexisted.Milkisbanned.Counter-Culture: Wow, dude, there’s like... These two cows, man.Yougottohavesomeofthismilk.Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 40

Hitler’s belief inevolution rested in aphilosophy whichcame from readingbooks likeTheozoology.“In Germany,they [theGestapo] came first for theCommunists, and Ididn’tspeak up because Iwasn’t aCommunist. Then they camefor the Jews, and Ididn’tspeak up because Iwasn’t aJew.Then they came for thetrade unionists, and Ididn’tspeak up because Iwasn’t atrade unionist. Then theycame for the Catholics, and Ididn’t speak up because IwasaProtestant. Then they camefor me, and by that time noone was left to speak up.”—Martin Niemoller,German Pastor before WorldWar Two“How fortunate for thosein power that the peoplenever think.”—Adolf HitlerHitler’s Hit ListInVienna from1900to1918,arenegadeCatholicmonk,Adolf1Lanz (nom de plume Lanz von Liebenfels), gave the Manichaeancosmologyasecularform.Inpreachingtohissect,TheNewOrderof Templars, in his monthly journal Ostara and in his bookTheozoology,Lanztaughtthatinthebeginningtherehadbeentwo2earthly races: the Aryan Heroes (Asings) and the Animal People(Apes).TheAryansweretheearthlyequivalentoftheManichaeanlight; they had been adivinerace endowed withsupremely intelligent,electronicminds,blond,blue-eyedbeauty,andcreativity.The Animal People were the worldly counterparts of theManichaean darkness; they had been ademonic race cursed withstupidity (except in the art of deception, in which they excelled),gorilla-likeugliness,andtheurgetodestroy.Atsomeearlytime,theApesbegantoenvyandhatetheAsings.Theyponderedmethodsofdestroying the Aryans and decided to attack the superior racethrough miscegenation. Conveniently, the Aryan women had afatalsusceptibilitytotheApes.(LanzinsistedthatthestoryofthetemptationofEveinGenesiswasanesotericaccountofherseductionby one of the monsters.) After several centuries of such interbreeding,the original Asings and Animals disappeared. Now theearth was populated by mixed races, which could be ranked ashigher or lower according to the proportions of Aryan and Apebloodthattheypossessed,approximatelyasfollows:SpeciesBloodMixtureNordic (blond,blue-eyed).....................................ClosetopureAryanGermanic (brown hair, blue-eyed or,less desirable, brown-eyed). .............Predominantly AryanMediterranean (white but swarthy) ..... Slight Aryan preponderanceSlavic(white but degenerative bone structure). HalfAryan, half ApeOriental....................................................Slight Ape preponderanceBlack African.......................................................Predominantly ApeJewish (fiendishskull)...............................................ClosetopureApe—from The Hitler Movement, p. 1071 Manichaeanism: areligiousphilosophytaughtfromthethirdtoseventhcenturies A.D. by the Persian Manes (or Manichaeus) and his followers,1combining Zoroastrian, Gnostic Christian, and pagan elements, and basedon the doctrine of the contending principles of good (light, God, the soul)andevil(darkness,Satan,thebody).2Aryanism: belief in the past existence of the hypothetical Aryan racesupposedly possessing asuperior civilization. (Aryan has no validity as aracial 2 term, although so used notoriously by the Nazis to mean “aCaucasianofnon-Jewishdescent.”)41Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

Charts“I think that the most important factor moving us toward asecular society has been the educational factor.Our schoolsmay not teach Jonny how to read properly,but the fact thatJonny is in school until he is sixteen tends toward theelimination of religious superstition. The average Americanchild now acquires ahigh school education, and this militatesagainst Adam and Eve and all other myths of allegedhistory.”—P.Blanchard, “Three Cheers for Our Secular State,”The Humanist, Jan/Feb 1983

See Dr.Hovind’s video tapeHow to Make Money andSpend It God’s Way. Call orwrite for afree catalogComparingHoneybee Brain andSuper Computer“And in man is athreepoundbrain which, as far aswe know,is the most complexand orderly arrangement ofmatter in the universe.”—Dr.Isaac Asimov, inSmithsonian Institute Journal,June, 1970, p. 10-11. FormerProfessor,Boston School ofMedicine, former atheist andhumanist—now he knowsbetter!4Types of Workers#1Seesajobanddoesit. Thiskindofworkeralwaysbecomesaboss or business owner and makes big bucks. The best workers do ajobswiftly,cheerfully,humbly,andthoroughly.Theyareusuallyveryhappy and fulfilled in life. “Even achild is known by his doings,whetherhisworkbepure,andwhetheritberight.”“Preparethyworkwithout, and makeitfit for thyself in the field, and afterwards buildthinehouse.”Prov.20:11;24:27#2Asks what job to do next. This kind of worker is rare, and isneveroutofwork.Thebosslovestohavesomeofthesepeopleworkingforhim.#3Must be asked to do ajob. This kind of worker is the mostcommon. He never excels in the job market and usually gripes aboutbeingoverlookedwhenpromotionsaremade.Someoftheseemployeeswillworkcheerfully(TypeA)andsomenotcheerfully(TypeB).#4Mustbefoundandaskedtodoajob. Thiskindofworkergets minimum wage and never holds ajob long. He is unhappy inlife but cannot figure out why. “How long wilt thou sleep, Osluggard? when wiltthou ariseout of thy sleep?” “The soul of thesluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligentshallbemadefat.”Prov.6:9;13:4Observations: If you arealways being told what to do, youare not a#1 or #2 worker! The #3 and #4 workers often worsenwith age. Each group can be further divided into subcategories,based on the person’s ability and knowledge of the job. Some areeager to work but do not know what to do. God wants all of Hischildren, to the best of their ability, to develop the talents He hasgiventhem.AHoneybee’s Brain Comparedto aSuper ComputerSizeSpeedEnergyConsumptionCostMaintanencePersonnelWeightConclusions:Tiny1trillion/sec10 MicrowattsCheapNone (self healing)Not muchEvolved?Huge6billion/sec*many Kilowatts(10,000,000 or more)Lots($48 million)Many2,300 lbsDesignedThe Human brain is millions of times more complex than ahoneybee’s.*NASA’sY-MPC90Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 44

Afreshly killed seal wascarbon dated as having died1300 years ago!—Antarctic Journal Vol. 6Sept-Oct. 1971 p. 211“Ageologist at the BerkeleyGeochronology Center,[Carl]Swisher uses the mostadvanced techniques to datehuman fossils. Last spring hewas re-evaluating Homoerectus skulls found in Java inthe 1930s by testing thesediment he found with them. Ahominid species assumed to bean ancestor of Homosapiens“Erectus” was thought to havevanished some 250,000 yearsago. But even though he usedtwo different dating methods,Swisher kept making the samestartling find: the bones were53,000 years old at most andpossibly no more than 27,000years, astretch of timecontemporaneous with modernhumans.”—Kaufman, Leslie,“Did aThird Human Species LiveAmong Us?” Newsweek(December 23, 1996), p. 52.Carbon 14 CalibrationCurve: How Carbon Dating IsSupposed to WorkRadiocarbon dating was invented by Willard Libby in theearly 1950s at the University of Chicago. While not totallyuseless, dating methods are overrated. Willard Libby said thatcarbondatingwasonlyaccurateforobjectsafewthousandyearsold.Cosmic radiation strikes our atmosphere, changing theelementNitrogen(N 14)toCarbon14(C 14).ThisC14isradioactive(canbedetectedbyaGeigercounter).Thisradioactivecarbonismixedinwiththenormalcarbonintheatmosphere,generallyintheformofcarbondioxide(CO 2).Plantsintakecarbondioxideandmakeitpartoftheirtissue.Animals eat the plants and the CO2becomes part of their bodytissue.WhentheplantoranimaldiesitstopstakinginnewCO2.Radioactive carbon is very rare in the environment today(only .0000765%) and becomes even more rare as it decays intosimpler components. About half of the C14will break down(decay) into simpler components in about 5,730 years. This iscalled the half-life of C 14.In two “half-lives” (11,460 years),onlyonefourthoftheoriginalC willstillbeinanobject.ByusingthenumberofclicksontheGeigercounterasaguide,scientistsshouldbeabletodeterminetheageofanobject.Becausetheatmospheretoday will produce about 16 clicks perminute for each gram of carbon, the Geigercounter should click 8times per minute if asample is 5,730 years old and 4clicks perminuteifitis11,460yearsold.While Carbon 14 dating sounds goodsofar,severalfaultyassumptions,whicharelisted on the following page, underlie theprocedure. Most of the other radiometricdating methods use the same faultyassumptions. See Frequently AskedQuestion #3 for examples of datesgivenbyradiocarbondating.14Tree Rings<strong>Bible</strong> ParchmentPtolemyRedwoodSesostrisZoserHemaka16141210864245,00040,00035,00030,00025,00020,000YearsBeforePresent15,00010,0005,000045Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

Living penguins have beencarbon dated as being 8000years old! (See frequentlyasked questions for more wilddates obtained by carbondating.)At least six different radiometricdating methods areavailable. The assumed age ofthe sample will dictate whichdating method is used becauseeach will give adifferentresult.For example: when dinosaurbones containing carbon arefound, they are not carbondated because the resultwould be only afew thousandyears. Because this would notmatch the assumed age basedon the geologic column,scientists use another methodof dating to give an age closerto the desired result. All radiometricresults that do notmatch the preassigned ages ofthe geologic column arediscarded.Wrong Assumptions in C14Dating Methods1. Atmospheric C14is in equilibrium. This assumption iswrong.IthasbeenestimatedthattheC14intheearth’satmospherewouldreachequilibrium(theformationratewouldbeequaltothedecay rate) in about 30,000 years. The amount of C14in the atmosphereis still increasing. This research indicates ayoung earth(probablylessthan10,000years).“Radiocarbonisforming28-37%fasterthanitisdecaying”—R.E. Taylor et al., American Antiquity, Vol. 50, No. 11985pp.136-140ThesameresearchalsomodifiesalldatesobtainedbyC14decay.As the earth’s magnetic field decays, more cosmic radiation penetratesour atmosphere. On aGeiger counter, 16 clicks per minutepergram(16DPM/Gc)istypicalinlivingobjectstoday.PlantsandanimalsthatlivedontheearthfourthousandyearsagowouldhavehadmuchlessC14intheirbodytostartwith.ThelowamountofC14wouldmakethemappeartobethousands ofyearsolderthan theyreallyare.2. Decay rate remains constant. Many times this assumptionhasbeenshowntobeuncertain.Becausetherateofdecaymaynotbeconstant,datesobtainedbyC aresuspect.3. Initial amounts of C14can be known. Many times thisassumptionhasbeendemonstratedtobewrong.Differentpartsofthesamesampleoftenyielddifferentratios.Variouslivingsamplesgiveverydifferentratios.Someitemswillnotbetestedwithcarbondating even though they contain carbon (see number 5below).WouldamolluskhavethesameamountofC14pergramofcarbonasatree? Probably not. Living penguins have been carbon dated at8000 years old! The oldest sample of independently known age isHemaka, the Egyptian mummy from 2700–3100 B.C. (Secularwritersofantiquitytendtoexaggerateages,soeventhesedatesaresuspect.)4.Thesamplebeingtestedhasnotbeencontaminatedforthousands of years. This assumption is very difficult (if notimpossible)toprove.Parentordaughterproductsmayhaveleachedinoroutofthesample.Manylabtestshaveconfirmedthatthiscanhappen.5. The geologic column can be used as abase to calibratetheC14dates Thisassumptionisnotwise.Theagesappliedtothegeologiccolumn(inventedinthe1800stodiscreditthe<strong>Bible</strong>)donotexistanywhereintheworldexceptintextbooks.Poly-stratafossils,missing layers, layers out of order, misplaced fossils, and layers inreverse order all invalidate the geologic column (the Creation<strong>Seminar</strong>Tapes 4–6havemoreinformationonthissubject).14Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 46

In 1959 President Eisenhowerasked congress for $1 billion forthe Department of HealthEducation &Welfare newAmerican Education Fund for thepromotion and publication of thenew science of Evolution.$10,500,000 was given to theNational Science Foundation(NSF) for the new 9part themecurriculum, teaching evolution.The NSF provided the BiologicalSciences Curriculum Study (BSCS)with the funds to provide thetextbooks to public schools. TheChanging Classroom: The Role OfThe Biological SciencesCurriculum Study,Arnold B.Grobman, Doubleday &Co., NY1969, pp 204, 26, 170, 200, 172;Scientists In The Classroom, pp107, 109; Cornerstone Ministry800-633-4369, lanekit@aol.com,Mr.Norris Anderson; CSSFreySci@aol.com.Wisconsin Administrative Code361 Rule The criteria for selectionof textbooks…shall be: Factualaccuracy.Indoctrination in Evolution:Before and After Federal FundingThose who believe in the theory of evolution often complainthat public school science textbooks do not present enough informationontheirtheory.Theysaythatstudents’sciencetestscoresarefallingbecauseofthislackofteachingevolution.Ibelieve that the opposite is true. Evolution has nothing to dowith science and is anti-science. Students should spend timelearningrealscience,notreligiousworldviewslikeevolution.Evolutionary theory appears in nearly all subjects and grades inoneformoranother.Why?Ibelieveonemajor reason is fear:Whenthe Soviet Union launched Sputnik in 1957, some Americans panickedatthethoughtoflosingthespacerace.Afewdedicatedhumanistsdecided that America was behind because it was not teachingevolution as much as the Soviets were. The federal governmentbegan involvement in producing public school textbooks in the late1950s (a clear violation of the Tenth Amendment to the U.S.Constitution).This chart shows the numberof words devoted to evolutionin science textbooks during thelast 40 years. The decline inthe number of words after1963 was because there wasless content in general. Thepercentage of text devoted toevolution remained about thesame.“Fundamentalist parentshave no right to indoctrinatetheir children in their beliefs.We are preparing theirchildren for the year 2,000and life in aglobal one-worldsociety and those children willnot fit in.”—Senator Paul Hoagland,Nebraska, said to EveretteSiliven’s attorney,1984The charts on the following pages, showing the moral declineinAmerica,revealanothersidetothestory.ContactMelGablerat903-753-5993 for more information on what is happening totextbooksinAmerica.CallDr.KentHovindformoreinformationon Creation, evolution, and dinosaurs. Be sure to see the entireseminarseriesonvideotape.Sources:c.1948Rand,DynamicBiologyToday c.1973Houghton,BSCSBluec.1959Harcourt,ExploringBiology,5th c.1980Harcourt,BSCSYellowc. 1960 Holt, Modern Biology c. 1978 Rand, Dynamic Biology Todayc.1961TrialVer.BSCSGreenc.1980Heath,BSCSBluec.1961TrialVer.BSCSBlue47Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

“And let us with cautionindulge the supposition thatmorality may be maintainedwithout religion. Whatevermay be conceded to theinfluence of refined educationon minds... reason andexperience both forbid us toexpect that national moralitycan prevail in exclusion ofreligious principle.”—George Washington, from“Farewell Address”Sexually TransmittedDiseases Gonorrhea:Ages 15–16, Up 226%“Givemeyourfouryearolds,and in ageneration Iwill buildasocialiststate.”—VladimirLenin“The world has cancer,andthe cancer is man.”—A. Gregg,Mankind at theTurning PointSource: Center for Disease Control and Department of Human <strong>Resources</strong>Scholastic Aptitude TestScores: Decline in Student AchievementWallbuilders, Inc. P.O. Box397, Aledo, TX 76008Phone (817) 441-6044Thanks forpermission touse these charts.Source: College Entrance Exam BoardDr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 48

“All the miseries and evilswhich men suffer from vice,crime, ambition, injustice,oppression, slavery,and warproceed from their despisingor neglecting the preceptscontained in the <strong>Bible</strong>.”—Noah Webster, Foundingfather and educatorViolent Crime Offenses“We have no governmentarmed with power capable ofcontending with humanpassions unbridled bymorality and religion. Avarice,ambition, revenge or gallantrywould break the strongestcords of our Constitution as awhale goes through anet.Our Constitution was madeonly for amoral and religiouspeople. It is whollyinadequate to the governmentof any other.“—John AdamsSource: Statistical Abstracts of the United States, and the Dept. of Commerce, Census BureauUnwed Birth Rates up 325%Pregnancies to Girls 10–14 Up 553%*“What constitutes thestandard of good morals? Is itnot Christianity? Therecertainly is none other.Saythat cannot be appealed to,and Idon’t know what wouldbe good morals. The day ofmoral virtue in which we livewould, in an instant, if thatstandard were abolished,lapse into the dark and murkynight of Pagan immorality.”—Supreme Court of SouthCarolina,1846Source: Dept. of Health and Human <strong>Resources</strong> and Statistical Abstracts of the United States49Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

Divorce Rates“[Jesus] saith unto them,Moses because of the hardnessof your hearts sufferedyou to put away your wives:but from the beginning it wasnot so. And Isay unto you,Whosoever shall put away hiswife, except it be for fornication,and shall marry another,committeth adultery: andwhoso marrieth her which isput away doth commit adultery.”—Matthew 19:8-9Source: US National Center for Health Statistics, Vital Statistics of the United States“Destroy the family andsociety will collapse”—Vladimir LeninUnmarried CouplesLiving in adultery“In our country the lie hasbecome not just amoralcategory,but apillar of thestate.”—Alexander SolzhenitsynPrior to 1977, unmarriedcouples living together wassuch asmall group that dataon this group was collectedonly in the ten year censusreports.Source: Statistical Abstracts of the United StatesDr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 50

“Christianity is our foe. Ifanimal rights is to succeed, wemust destroy the Judeo-Christian Religious tradition.”—Peter Singer, “Father ofAnimal Rights”“To compel aman to furnishcontributions of money for thepropagation of opinions whichhe disbelieves and abhors issinful and tyrannical.”—ThomasJeffersonScale: 2/3 inch =1000 yearsAt this scale, theevolutionists’ supposed originof man, 3million years ago,would be 125 feet to the left,and the imaginary Big Bangand forming of the Earth 4.6billion years ago would be 36miles to the left of this chart.HumanPopulationChartIs Earth really overcrowded? What is the motive for all of theoverpopulationpropaganda?1. Devaluinghumanlife2. Justifyingabortion3. Scaringpeopleintomoregovernmentregulation4. Causing acceptance of the Communist idea of taking fromthe richtogivetothepoorEarth has over 197,000,000 square miles of surface area, ofwhich approximately 57,200,000 square miles, or 36,608,000,000acres, is above water. With 6billion people on the earth, everyperson could have nearly seven acres to himself. The entire worldpopulationcouldfitin acirclewithanelevenmileradius.Everyonecould fit twice within the city limits of Jacksonville, Florida (25billionsquarefeet).Though much land surface is not inhabitable, Earth is notovercrowded. (Some areas are overcrowded.) Millions of peoplemaketheirlivingfrom,andevenliveon,thewater.Earth, as originally created mostly land and smallseas, could have supported apopulation of hundredsof billions, so it is clear God is not against largefamilies (Gen. 1:26–28, 9:7, and Ps. 127:3–5). Truly,“Heformedit[earth]tobeinhabited...”(Is.45:18).4000 BC 3000 BC 2000 BC 1000 BC BirthofChristHowmuchisabillion?Adamwascreated189billionsecondsago—3.2billionminutesago52.6millionhoursago2.2milliondaysago1000 AD 2000 ADJesuswasborn62.8billionsecondsago—1billionminutesago17.5millionhoursago.73milliondaysago51Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

QuestionsandAnswers“Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleannessthrough the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their ownbodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of Godinto alie, and worshipped and served the creature more thanthe Creator,who is blessed for ever.Amen.”—Romans 1:24-25

“Evolution is unproved andunprovable. Webelieve it onlybecause the only alternative isspecial creation, and that isunthinkable.”—Sir Arthur Keith (he wrotethe forward to the 100thanniversary edition ofDarwin’s book, Origin ofSpecies in 1959“Evolution is afairy tale forgrownups. The theory hashelped nothing in theprogress of science. It isuseless.”—Professor Louis BounoureDirector of the StrasbourgZoological Museum“I myself am convinced thatthe theory of evolution,especially the extent to whichit has been applied, will beone of the great jokes in thehistory books of the future.Posterity will marvel that soflimsy and dubious anhypothesis could be acceptedwith the incredible credulitythat it has.”—Malcolm Muggeridgejournalist and philosopher,Pascal Lectures, University ofWaterloo, Ontario, CanadaQuestionListIt has been my custom since Ibegan the ministry of CreationScienceEvangelismin1989,tohaveanopentimeforquestionsandanswersduringmyseminars.Itelltheaudiencethatanyquestionisfair game. Over the years, many interesting questions have comeup.Herearesomeofthequestionsandmyanswersthathavecomemy way in seminars or by mail .I’m sure we will be addingto thissection until the Lord comes back. Please feel free to send in yourquestion if you don’t see it here or call in today to our worldwideradio program (see our web site www.drdino.com for contactinformation)Many of these questions and scores of others, are dealt with inmoredetailwithvisualsonmyvideotape#7ofthecreationseminarseries. Other questions about subjects such as the dinosaurs,cave men, fire breathing dragons, why the pre-flood people livedover900years,whatcausedtheflood,theiceageandmanyothersaredealtwithinthefirst6tapesoftheseries.Thequestionsbelowareincategoriesandnumberedforeasierreference.I.Generalsciencequestions:1. Why do creationists fight against science?2. How do we see stars billions of light years away?3. Doesn’t carbon dating prove the Earth is old?4. The number of fossils in certain areas of the world isenormous. How could the earth have supported all thosecreatures at the same time?5. Is man evolving bigger and smarter?6. Was the earth ever ahot, molten mass like the textbookssay?7. How are diamonds, oil, fossil fuels and natural gasformed?8. How do you explain the formation of fine strata layerscalled varves, such as those in the Green River formationin Wyoming, which contains 20 million fine layers whichrepresent 1year each? Doesn’t this prove the earth is morethan 6,000 years old?9. What about black holes?10. What about the Mars rock; is/was there life on Mars?II. Questions about public schools:11. Should (or can) creation science be taught in the publicschool system?12. What can public school kids and their parents do aboutevolution being taught in the public school system?Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 54

“The assumption of continuity(a continuous distributionof animal forms reflected inthe fossil record) is crucial toDarwinian theory.The fossilrecord does not appear tosupport the assumption ofevolutionary theory,or anythingmuch like it.”—David Berlinski,September,1996“Lynn Margolis is aDistinguishedUniversity Professorof Biology at the University ofMassachusetts... At one of hermany public talks she asks themolecular biologists in theaudience to name asingle,unambiguous example of theformation of anew species bythe accumulation of mutations.Her challenge goesunmet.”—M. J. Behe, Darwin’s BlackBox, 1996 p.26P.56. “Even the nearestCapheids are so remote that itis difficult to determine theirabsolute distances with anygreat accuracy…. “All largedistances …in astronomicalliterature …subject to anerror of perhaps 10 per cent,from this cause alone.” p. 61.“We now know that faintnessarises from two causes[distance and absorbingmatter in space], and it is notgenerally possible toapportion it accuratelybetween the two.” Jeans,James,—The Universe Around Us(New York: CambridgeUniversity Press, 1969)III. <strong>Bible</strong> questions:13. Are therecontradictions in the<strong>Bible</strong>?14. Wheredid theraces come from?15. Is thereany scientificexplanation for theopeningoftheRed Sea and Moses leadingthechildren of Israelacross thebottom?16. Is God gettingold?17. When wereangels created?18. Whatis theunicorn mentioned in the<strong>Bible</strong>?19. When did Satan fall?20. How old was Terah when Abram was born?IV.Flood questions:21. Did it rain beforetheflood?22. How did Noah take careof all thoseanimals on theark?23. Did Noahtakemillions of insects on the ark?24. How did animals travelfrom allover toget totheark?25. What aboutdinosaurs? Didthey livewith Adam andEve? Did Noahtake them on the ark?26. Itwould take4.4 billion cubickilometers of water tocover Mt. Everest. Where did the water come from toflood the earth?27. Duringtheflood, how didthe freshwater fishsurvive?28. Ifthere was really aworldwideflood whereareallthe bones ofthe humans that drowned?V.Miscellaneous Questions:29. Whatis theGaia Hypothesis?30. Whatabouttheozonehole, and R-12refrigerants?31. Whataboutglobalwarming?32. Who builttheGreat Pyramid, and why?33. Whatis theBermuda triangle?34. WhataboutBig-foot?35. WhataboutUFO’s?36. Is itpossiblefor yourtelevision to watchyou?37. WhatabouttheMark oftheBeast?38. How would you answer critics likeMatson, Babinskiand Barteltwhohavewritten bad things about you?39. How areevolution, Communism, thenew worldorderand theIRSconnected?40. Where did you getyour degree?41. Whataboutseparation ofchurchand state?55Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

General science questions:1. Q:Why do creationists fight against science?EarthinDecember*NOT to scaleEarthinJuneA:2. Q:A:Your question has me confused. All major branches ofscience were started by creationists. There has never beenone advancement in any field of science that the evolutiontheory has helped. The evolution theory is useless. Idon’tknow of any creationists who fights against science. Icertainly love science and taught it for 15 years. Mostcreationists that Iknow love science and only fight againstevolution. You may be confusing the evolution theory withscience. Some think the two go together. This is acommonmistake due to the intense evolution propaganda campaignof the last 50 years. It would help if you watch my videotape#4 for more on this. There has never been any evidencethat any kind of plant or animal has ever been able to createitself or produce any other kind of plant or animal. We haveseen thousands of changes within the created kinds but thatis not evolution. Please don’t accuse me of being againstscience. Iam only against the false teaching of evolution asscience.If the earth is only 6000 years old, how is it we can seestars that are billions of light years away?This is one of the most commonly asked questions anddeserves an honest answer. Below is first ashort answerthen amore thorough answer. There are three things weneed to consider when answering the starlight question.1.Scientists cannot measure distances beyond 100 light yearsaccurately.2. No one knows what light is or that it always travels thesame speed throughout all time, space and matter.3. The creation was finished or mature when God made it.Adam was full-grown, the trees had fruit on them, thestarlight was visible, etc.Let me elaborate on these 3points. First, no one can measurestar distance accurately. The furthest accurate distance mancan measure is 20 light years (some textbooks say up to100), not several billion light years. Man measures stardistances using parallax trigonometry. By choosing twomeasurable observation points and making an imaginarytriangle to athird point, and using simple trigonometry,man calculates the distance to the third point. The mostdistant observation points available to an earth boundobserver are the positions of the earth in solar orbit sixmonths apart, say June and December. This would create aDr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 56

57SunEarthinDecemberEarthinJune3. Q:A:Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503triangleof 186,000,000 miles, whichequals only 16 lightminutes. Thereare525,948 minutes in ayear. Even if thenearest starwereonly onelightyearaway (and it isn’t), theangleatthethird point measures .017degrees. In simplerterms, atrianglelike this would be thesameangletwosurveyors would seeifthey were standingsixteen inches apartand focusingon athird point 525,948 inches or 8.24milesaway. Ifthey stayed 16 inches apartand focused on adot824miles away, theywould havethe sameangleas an astronomermeasuringapoint100 lightyears away. Apoint 5millionlightyears away is impossible to figurewithtrigonometry.Thestars may bethat far away butmodern man has nowayofmeasuringthosegreat distances. No onecan statedefinitivelythedistancetothestars.Several other methods such as luminosity and red shiftareemployed to try to guess atgreaterdistances butallsuchmethods haveserious problems and assumptions involved.For amore complex and slightlydifferentanswerto thestarlightquestion from anotherChristian perspective, see thebook Starlightand TimebyRusselHumphry availablefromwww.icr.org.Second, the speedof light maynotbeaconstant. It does varyin differentmedia (hencetherainbow effect oflightgoingthrough aprism) and mayalso vary in differentplaces inspace. Theentireidea behind the black holetheory is thatlightcan beattracted by gravity and beunable to escapethegreat pullof these imaginary blackholes. No oneknows whatlightis let alone thatit’s velocity has been the standard oftime, ifthespeed oflightis decaying, theclockwould bechangingatthesamerate and thereforenotbenoticedas thefollowing demonstrate: June4,2000, the followingarticleappeared in theSunday Times from UK. “Eureka! ScientistsBreakSpeed ofLight” Jonathan Leake, ScienceEditor June4,2000 United States.SCIENTISTS claim they havebroken theultimate speedbarrier: thespeed oflight. In researchcarried outin theUnited States, particlephyscists haveshown thatlightpulsescan beaccelaratedto up to 300 times theirnormalvelocity of186,000 miles per second.Thework was carried out by Dr. Lijun Wang, oftheNECresearchinstitute in Princeton, who transmitted apulseoflighttowards achamber filled withspecially treated cesiumgas. Sealso; New YorkTimes May 30, 2000.Www.nytimes.comSee <strong>Seminar</strong>7and FAQ on our websiteformuchmore.Doesn’tcarbon datingprovetheearth is millions of yearsold?Whenever theworldview ofevolution is questioned, this topicalways comes up. Letmefirst explain how carbon datingworks and then show you theassumptions on whichitis

“Facts do not cease to existbecause they are ignored.”—Aldous Huxley“The collective needs of nonhumanspecies must takeprecedence over the needsand desires of humans.”—Dr.Reed F.Noss, TheWildlands Project“Ateam led by Nail R. Tanvirof the University ofCambridge in England used atwo step method to estimatethe [Hubble] constant. Firstthey observed atype of“standard candle”-starsknown as Cepheid variablestofind the distance to thespiral galaxy M96… You haveto be very careful about[drawing conclusions] becauseall of the [Hubble constant]measurements have hugesystematic errors.”—Science News Sept. 9,1995 p. 166“Radiocarbon is forming 28-37% faster than it is decaying"— R.E. Taylor et al.,American Antiquity,Vol. 50, No.11985 pp. 136-140“Living mollusk shells weredated up to 2300 years old.”—Science vol. 141, 1963 p.634-637“Basalt from Mt. Etna, Sicily(122 BC) gave K-AR age of250,000 years old.Dalyrmple, G.B., 196940Ar/36Ar analysis of historiclava flows.”—Earth and PlanetaryScience Letters, 6-47 55. Seealso: Impact # 307 Jan. 1999based. Radiation from thesun strikes theatmosphereof theearthallday long. This energy converts about21 pounds ofnitrogen intoradioactive carbon 14. This radioactivecarbon14slowly decays backintonormal, stablenitrogen. Extensivelaboratory testinghas shown that abouthalf oftheC-14molecules willdecay in 5730 years. This is called the half-life.After another 5730 years halfoftheremainingC-14 willdecay leavingonly¼oftheoriginal C-14. Itgoes from ½to ¼to 1/8, etc. In theory, itwould never totally disappear, butafter about 5halflives, thedifferenceis not measurable withanydegreeofaccuracy. This is why most peoplesaycarbondatingis only good for objects less than 40,000 years old.Nothingon earthcarbon dates in the millions ofyears,becausethescopeofcarbon datingonly extends afew thousandyears. WillardLibby inventedthecarbon dating techniqueintheearly 1950’s. Theamount ofcarbon 14 in theatmospheretoday is about .0000765% itis assumed therewould be thesameamountfound in living plants or animalssincethe plants breath CO and animals eatplants.2Sincesunlightcauses theformation ofC-14 in theatmosphere,andnormalradioactive decay takes itout, theremust be apoint where theformation rateand the decay rateequalizes.This is called the point of equilibrium. Let meillustrate: Ifyouweretryingtofillabarrel withwater buttherewereholesdrilled up theside of the barrel, as youfilled the barrelitwould begin leakingouttheholes. Atsomepointyou wouldbeputtingitin anditwouldbeleakingout at thesamerate.You will notbeable tofill thebarrel past this point of equilibrium.In thesameway theC-14is beingformed and decayingsimultaneously. Afreshly created earth would requireabout30,000 years fortheamountofC-14in theatmospheretoreachthis point ofequilibrium becauseit would leak outas itis beingfilled. Tests indicatethat theearthhas stillnotreached equilibrium. Thereis more C-14 in the atmospherenow than therewas 40years ago. This wouldprovetheearthis not yet30,000 years old! This also means thatplants andanimals that lived in thepast had less C-14 in them than doplants and animals today. Just this onefact totally upsets dataobtained by C-14 dating.Thecarbon in theatmospherenormally combines withoxygen tomakecarbon dioxide (CO). 2 Plants breatheCO2andmake it part of their tissue. Animals eattheplants and makeitpart of their tissues. Avery smallpercentageofthecarbonplants takein is radioactiveC-14. When aplant oranimaldies it stops takingin airand foodsoitshould not be abletogetany new C-14. The C-14 in the plantor animal will beginto decay backtonormal nitrogen. Theolderan object is, theless carbon-14 it contains. Onegram of carbon from livingplantmaterialcauses aGeiger counter to click 16 times perminuteas the C-14 decays. Asamplethat causes 8clicks perminutewould be5,730 years old (thesamplehas gonethroughone half life). and soon. (Seechart on page45aboutC-14).Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 58

“In the last two years anabsolute date has beenobtained for (the Ngandongbeds, above the Trinil beds),and it has the very interestingvalue of 300,000 years plus orminus 300,000 years.”—Birdsell, J. B. , HumanEvolution (Chicago: RandMcNally,1975), p. 295“One part of Dima [a babyfrozen mammoth] was 40,000,another part was 26,000 andthe ‘wood immediately aroundthe carcass’ was 9-10,000.”—Troy L. Pewe, QuaternaryStratigraphic Nomenclature inUnglaciated Central Alaska,Geological Survey ProfessionalPaper 862 (U.S. Gov.printingoffice, 1975) p. 30“The lower leg of theFairbanks Creek mammothhad aradiocarbon age of15,380 RCY,while its skin andflesh were 21,300 RCY.”—Harold E. Anthony,“Natures Deep <strong>Free</strong>ze,”Natural History, Sept. 1949, p.300 See also: In theBeginning Walt Brown p. 124Althoughthis techniquelooks good atfirst, carbon-14 datingrests on at least twosimpleassumptions. They are, obviously,assumingthe amount of carbon-14 in theatmospherehasalways been constant, and its rateof decayhas always beenconstant. Neither of these assumptions is provableor reasonable.An illustration may help: Imagine you found acandleburningin aroom, and you wanted todeterminehow longitwas burningbeforeyou foundit. You could measurethepresentheight ofthecandle(say, seven inches) and therateofburn (say, an inchperhour). In order tofindthelengthoftime since the candle was litwewould beforced tomakesome assumptions. We would, obviously, have to assumethatthecandlehas always burned at thesamerate, and assumeaninitial heightof thecandle. The answer changes based on theassumptions. Similarly, scientists do notknow that thecarbon-14 decay rate has been constant. They do notknowthattheamount of carbon-14 in theatmosphereis constant.Present testingshows the amount of C-14 in theatmospherehas been increasingsince itwas first measured in the1950’s.This may betied in to the declining strengthofthemagneticfield.In addition tothe above assumptions, dating methods areallsubjecttothegeologiccolumn datetoverify their accuracy. Ifadate obtained by radiometric datingdoes not match theassumedagefrom the geologic column theradiometricdatewill be rejected. Theso-called geologiccolumn was developedin the early 1800’s over acentury beforethere wereanyradiometricdatingmethods. “Apart from very ‘modern’examples, whicharereally archaeology, Ican think of nocases ofradioactivedecay beingusedto datefossils.”Ager,Derek V., “Fossil Frustrations,” New Scientist, vol. 100(November 10, 1983), p. 425. Laboratories willnot carbondatedinosaurbones (even frozen ones whichcould easily becarbon dated) because dinosaurs aresupposed to havelived 70million years ago according tothe fictitious geologiccolumn.An object’s supposed place on thegeologiccolumn determinesthemethodused todateit. Thereareabout 7or 8radioactiveelements that areused today totry todateobjects. Eachonehas adifferent half-life and adifferentrangeofages itissupposed tobeused for. Nodating method cited byevolutionistsis unbiased. Formoreinformation, seevideo tape#7of the <strong>CSE</strong> videoseries on Creation, Evolution, and Dinosaurs;Bones ofContention byMarvin Lubenow, orScientificCreationism by Henry Morris (allavailablefrom <strong>CSE</strong>).Afew examples ofwild dates by radiometricdating:Shells from livingsnails werecarbon dated as being27,000years old. Sciencevol. 224, 1984, pp. 58-61Livingmolluskshells weredatedupto 2300 years old. Sciencevol. 141, 1963, pp.634-63759Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

“The two Colorado Creekmammoths had radiocarbonages of 22,850 ±670 and16,150 ±230 yearsrespectively.”—Robert M. Thorson and R.Dale Guthrie,“Stratigraphyof the Colorado CreekMammoth Locality,Alaska,”Quaternary Research, Vol. 37,No. 2, March 1992, pp. 214-228, see also: In theBeginning Walt Brownp. 244-246“Ageologist at the BerkeleyGeochronology Center,[Carl]Swisher uses the mostadvanced techniques to datehuman fossils. Last spring hewas re-evaluating Homoerectus skulls found in Java inthe 1930s by testing thesediment found with them. Ahominid species assumed tobe an ancestor of Homosapiens,“erectus was thoughtto have vanished some250,000 years ago. But eventhough he used two differentdating methods, Swisher keptmaking the same startlingfind: the bones were 53,000years old at most and possiblyno more than 27,000 years—astretch of timecontemporaneous withmodern humans.”—Leslie Kaufman, “Did aThird Human Species LiveAmong Us?” Newsweek(December 23, 1996), p. 52.4. Q:A:Afreshlykilled sealwas carbon dated as havingdied 1300years ago! Antarctic Journalvol. 6, Sept-Oct. 1971, p.211“OnepartoftheVollosovitchmammothcarbon dated at29,500 years andanother partat44,000.” TroyL. Pewe,“Quaternary Strigraphic Nomenclature in UniglaciatedCentral Alaska,” GeologicSurvey Professional Paper 862 (U.S.Gov. PrintingOffice, 1975) p. 30“Structure, metamorphism, sedimentary reworking, and othercomplications have to be considered. Radiometricdatingwould nothave been feasibleifthegeologic column had notbeen erected first.” J. E. O’Rourke, “Pragmatism vs. Materialismin Stratigraphy,” American Journal of Science, vol. 276(January,1976), p. 54Materialfrom layers where dinosaurs arefoundcarbon datedat 34,000 years old. Earth’s Most ChallengingMysteries, 1972,p.280The number offossils in certain areas oftheworld isenormous. How could earthhave supported all those creaturesat thesametime?This question shows acommon falseassumption that manypeoplemake. They assume theearth today is thesameas ithas always been. Today’s earthis 70%under water. Therearescriptural and scientific indications thatthepre-flood worldhad greater air pressure, higher percentages ofoxygen andcarbon dioxide, muchmore land(abovesea level), less water(on the earth’s surface), and acanopy of water tofilter outtheharmful effects of the sun. This would causetheretobemany times moreplants and animals on the earththan thereare today. Theadded airpressurewould diffusemoregassesinto thewaterand support amuchgreater fish population.Aquatic plant lifeper cubicmilewould multiply also. II Peter3tells us that the scoffers in thelast days will bewillinglyignorantof how God created theheavens and theearth. Theywould alsobeignorant of the flood. Thesetwo greateventsmustbeconsideredbefore making anystatements about theconditions on earth today. Onlyabout3% ofthe earthtodayis habitablefor man. Therestis under water, ice, deserts,mountains, etc. Iftheearthbefore theflood wereforexample,70%habitable, itcouldhave supported ahugepopulation.Most ofthewater in today’s oceans would been under theEarth’s crustbeforetheflood. SeePsalm 24:1 and Psalm 136:7.Thevast amount andworld-widedistribution of fossils showsthefloodwas globaland that God hates sin enoughtojudgetheentireworld. Seevideos #2 and #6 ofour <strong>Seminar</strong>Seriesfor much moreon this topic.Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 60

“If you will not fight for theright when you can easily winwithout bloodshed, if you willnot fight when your victorywill be sure and not so costly,you may come to the momentwhen you will have to fightwith all the odds against youand only aprecarious chanceof survival. There may be aworse case. You may have tofight when there is no chanceof victory,because it is betterto perish than to live asslaves.”—Winston Churchill“Those who hold toleranceas their highest virtue do sobecause they have no others.”—G. K. Chesterson“Lava from the 1801Hawaiian volcano eruptiongave aK-Ar date of 1.6 Millionyears old.Dalyrmple, G.B., 196940Ar/36Ar analysis of historiclava flows.”—Earth and PlanetaryScience Letters, 6-47 55. Seealso: Impact # 307 Jan. 19995. QA:6. Q:A:: Is man evolvingbigger andsmarter?Theevolution theory teaches that man has been improvingover thelast 3million years. Nothingcould befurtherfromthetruth. Bothhistory and scriptureindicatethatbefore theflood in thedays ofNoahpeople weremuch biggerandsmarter than theaverageperson is today. The<strong>Bible</strong>says theywerelivingtobemorethan 900 years old. Ishow someof theevidence for gianthumans on my videotape#2. As forsmarter, you could learn alotin 900years!Plus, Adam camefrom thehand of God fully programmed with languagecapacity and the ability toclassifyor sort items quickly(henamed all theanimals in one day). Adam was around for overhalfofthetimefrom the creation tothe flood, sohis greatknowledge could bespread throughoutthe world.In the last400 years therehas been agreatincreasein accumulatedtechnology. This is not the sameas wisdom orintelligence. Wecan have acomputer because thousands ofmen beforehaveinvented various parts and ideas thatcan beputtogether. Thereis no evidence thatmodern man issmarter than ancientman. Ithinktheoppositeis true. Manyof the ancientstructures indicategreater intelligence insolving problems in alow-tech age. (Seeseminar 7for examples.)As forman gettingbigger, therehas been an increase inaveragesizeover thelastfew hundred years in industrializedcountries due to improved diet, sanitation, medicine, etcbutthis is not tobe confused with evolution. Alsothetrend inbigger peopleis notproofoflong-term growthpatterns. Ifman today is say 8inches taller than averageman duringtheAmerican Revolution 200 years agoit, obviously, would notprove thatman was 80 inches shorter2000years ago or 800inches shorter 20,000years ago! Every agehas seen bothtallpeopleand smartpeople. Thereis noevidencethat modernman is any better.Was the earthever ahot, molten mass likethetextbookssay?Evolutionists teach thattheearth was aboilinghot, moltenmass that slowly cooled down over millions ofyears. The<strong>Bible</strong> says in Genesis chapter1that “In thebeginningGodcreated the heaven and the earth…and the Spirit ofGodmoved upon thefaceofthewaters.” Sothesurfaceof theearthwas covered withwater; it couldnothavebeen ahot,molten mass.Thereis scientificevidencetosupporttheBiblicalaccount.RobertGentry ofKnoxville, Tennessee, does amazingresearchon radio-polonium halos in graniterock. Polonium is arareelement thatis radioactive; it breaks down ordecays likeuranium. Butpolonium onlylasts afew minutes. As itbreaks61Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

“The people of these UnitedStates are the rightful mastersof both Congress and thecourts, not to overthrow theConstitution, but to overthrowthe men who pervert theConstitution.”—Abraham LincolnRadio polonium halos in graniterock prove the earth was never amolten mass.“...the theory of evolution, atheory universally acceptednot because it can be provenby logically coherent evidenceto be true, but because theonly alternative, specialcreation, is clearly incredible.”—Watson, 1929, p. 2337. Q:A:8. Q:A:down, itsends offlittle particles thatallfly acertain distance.An analogy would be afireworks displaythat produces asphereoffragments thatonly lasts afraction of asecondbeforeit collapses. Different elements have fragments thatflydifferentdistances, eachradioactive element has aparticular“signature” (howbig acircleit can makein therockas itdecays like amorepowerful fireworks rocketwould produceabigger sphere in the air). Radio-activepolonium, when itdecays in asolid rock, makes aperfect sphereas it decaysbecauseallits fragments fly about thesamedistancefrom thecenter. If it decays in solid rock, thecircleis preserved. Butifitdecays in ahot molten rock, thecircledisappears. All over theworld radio-polonium halos exist in granite, indicatingtheearthwas never ahot, molten mass. See RobertGentry’s bookCreation’s Tiny Mystery, availablefrom <strong>CSE</strong> -$13.50, formuchmoreon this subject, orwww.halos.com.Itis alsointeresting thatGentry’s researchwas published inmany major science magazines until someone realized thatitwas provingthebigbangtheory tobeabigdud. Thecensorshipofhis valuablematerialby mainstream sciencemagazinesis incredible butpredictable. Evolution is avery carefullyprotected statereligion in this humanist world today.How arediamonds, oil, fossilfuels and naturalgasformed?Coalcomes from massiveamounts of trees and plant matterthathas been changed by tremendous heatand pressure. Oilandnatural gas form from fish, reptile, and animal matterunder similar heatand pressureconditions. Themostlogicaltime for coal, oil and gas toform was during andafter theworld-wideflood, when enormous amounts of animal andvegetablematter underwentmass burialunder the incredibledestruction and pressureof thefloodwaters and the sediments.Seewww.answersingenesis.orgfor article“How fastcan oil form.”Diamonds are highly pressurized, purecarbon gems. (Supermanused tomakethem from coal all the time.) Most diamondsappear in “blueground,” in or near theneck of anextinctvolcano where magma erupted. Thehighpressureofvolcanicactivitycould haveformed diamonds. Many mayhaveformed when the“fountains ofthedeep” werebroken upor when mountains aroseduringthelastmonths of the flood”(Psalm 104:6-8.)How do you explain theformation offine strata layerscalled varves suchas those in theGreen River formation inWyomingwhich contains 20 million finelayers whichrepresent1year each? Doesn’t this prove the earthis morethan6,000 years old?Likemany questions posed by evolutionists, onehas abuilt-infaulty assumption. This question assumes thateachof theseDr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 62

In 1770 George Buffonsaid the earth was 70,000years old.—Integrated Principals ofZoology 1996 P.151.In 1905 the age of the earthwas officially 2billion yearsold. Newsweek July 20, 1998p. 50. Today students aretaught it is 4.6 billion yearsold. That means the earth hasbeen getting older at the rateof 21 million years per yearfor the last 220 years! That’s40 years/min! We are agingfast!“In the six hundredth year ofNoah’s life in the secondmonth, the seventeenth day ofthe month, the same day wereall the fountains of the greatdeep broken up, and thewindows of heaven wereopened”—Genesis7:11“In the beginning of change,the patriot is ascarce man,and brave and hated andscorned. When his causesucceeds, the timid join him,for then it costs nothing to beapatriot.”—Mark Twain9. Q:A:layers is annual, and this is, obviously, notthecase.Numerous experiments havebeen doneon the formation.You can take asection of Green River formation and grind itto powder, drop itintomovingwater anditwillresortitselfinto many fine layers. It has been shown that thelayers arenotannual atall. Thereareplaces in this formation whereover 1500 layers arefoundin someareas and only 1000 inothers, allbetween the same twoash layers called “eventhorizons.” See Creation MagazineJune-Aug. 1997. Thissubjectis dealt within greatdetailattheInstitute for CreationResearch (619) 448-0900, or you can contact their webpageatwww.icr.org.Whatabout black holes?In orderto escapethegravitationalpulloftheearth, arocketmustgo25,000 miles per hour. If itgoes less than this it willfallback down. This speed is known as the escapevelocity ofearth. If aplanet has stronger gravity, theescape velocity willbeeven greater.The theory behind ablackhole is theidea thatif enoughmassis in onelocation, thegravity would besogreatthattheescapevelocity would be186,000 miles per second sothateven light could not escape. This, of course, is assuming thatlight can beeffected by gravity. Noone has ever seen ablackholesincenolightcould escapeoneif it existed.The problem black holes aresupposed to fix is this: if the bigbangtheory were true, thematter should beevenly distributedin space. Sincematter is notevenly distributed in space(we haveclumps of matter calledgalaxies then zillions ofmiles ofnothingbetween) thebelievers in thebigbangtheoryare tryingtoexplain why. They aretrying to say: “Thereismatter in between the clumps butwecan’t seeit becauseitisin blackholes.” Actually, they arearguing from alackofevidence notfromevidence. This is apoor position tobeinwhen trying to prove your case in acourt of law.Idon’t know ifblack holes existor not, but their existenceisnotproven.10. Q:A:What abouttheMars rock; is/was therelife on Mars?Lifedoes notexist on Mars. Thepurposeof theMars rockhype afew years ago was tohelp NASA getits grant moneywhichhas been stalledin Congress. They mustfind somethingimportantwithallthe billions they spend. The rock hadbeen found7years earliernear the South Pole. It arrived13,000 years ago, accordingtoNASA: In 13,000 years it couldeasilyhave becomecontaminatedwithEarth life. Or, inpassingthroughthe 200 mile thickEarth atmosphere, therock could havebecome contaminated.Also, therock’s supposed Mars origin is suspect. Supposewe63Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

“When it gets dark enoughyou can see the stars.”—Ralph Waldo Emerson“Complex technology of anysort is an assault on humandignity.It would be little shortof disastrous for us to discoverthe source of clean, cheap,abundant energy,because ofwhat we might do with it.”—Amory Lovins, RockyMountain Institute“Good intentions will alwaysbe pleaded for everyassumption of power... It ishardly too strong to say thatthe Constitution was made toguard the people against thedangers of good intentions.There are men in all ages whomean to govern well, but theymean to govern. They promiseto be good masters, but theymean to be masters.”—Daniel WebsterreduceEarthto thesize of a4inchtomatoand Mars to thesize of a2inch tomato; usingthis scale, thetomatoes wouldbe2,000 feet apart, over one-third of amileattheclosestpoint of their orbits. Supposethat youhad to shoot the Marstomatosothat onepieceofitlanded on theEarth tomato,withoutleavingadentin theMars tomato. Highlyunlikely,don’t you think? Mars has no giantcrater thatwouldindicateithadbeen hit with enough forceto knock afragmentall thewayto earth. Thewholepurposeof thehighly publicizedMars find was to pushaNASA fundinggrant throughCongress.It worked. The grant money was released, and, shortlythereafter, theannouncement was madethat theshapetheyhad seen on therockwas “actually lamellae-fractured surfacesof pyroxene andcarbonatecrystals which wereformed bygeologic processes” accordingto astudy led by John Bradley oftheGeorgia Instituteof Technology. SeeAviation WeekandSpaceTechnology, Dec. 8, 1997. Formoreon this topicsee thebookThat Their Words May BeUsed AgainstThem, by Dr.Henry Morris, availablefrom <strong>CSE</strong> -$19.50.Questions about public schools:11. Q:A:Should (or can) creation science betaught in thepublicschool system?This is agood question and itdeserves agood answer; however,there are otherquestions thatmust be answered firstbeforethis question can beproperlyanswered.The firstoftheseis: Should wehave apublicschoolsystem?The tenth amendment totheU.S. Constitution says, “Thepowers notdelegated to theUnited States bytheConstitution,nor prohibited by itto theStates, arereserved totheStates respectively, or to the people.” TheinterferenceoftheFederal government in theeducation of children in unconstitutional.Ibelieveif thegovernment was outof theeducationbusiness (as well as welfare andhundreds ofother socialistprograms they havegotten into), many otherproblems wouldbe eliminated and questions likethis would bemoot.Asecond question toanswer is: If wedecide to haveapublicschool system, whoshould run it? This willfurther eliminatequestions about what is taught. If the local community wantstoimparttheir values to the students and they arepayingthesalaries, then their values should be taught. Itis unfair andillegal(constitutionally) to forceeveryone(via taxes) topay tohaveallchildren taughtthings contrary to thebeliefs andvalues oftheir parents. The schools becamepublicin themid-1800’s as part of along-rangeplan for anew world order. Seethe article, “Why theSchools Went Public” by SamuelBlumenfeld (310) 391-2245for more on this.Now, tofinally answerthequestion: Not only can you legallyteach creation sciencein the publicschools, you can teachitrightout of the<strong>Bible</strong>, and teachordevoteaclass toreligion,Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 64

65“It has never been againstthe law to teach creation. Nostatute exists in any state to barinstruction in ‘creation science.’It could be taught before, andit can be taught now.”— Stephen Jay Gould “ TheVerdict on Creationism,” NewYork Times July 19, 1987, p. 34“The Supreme Court rulingdid not, in any way,outlaw theteaching of ‘creation science’in public school classrooms.Quite simply it ruled that, inthe form taken by theLouisiana law,it isunconstitutional to demandequal time for this particularsubject. ‘Creation science’ canstill be brought into scienceclassrooms If and whenteachers and administratorsfeel that it is appropriate.Numerous surveys haveshown that teachers andadministrators favor just thisroute. And, in fact, ‘creationscience’ is being taught inscience courses throughout thecountry.”—Evolutionary biologistMichael Zimmerman, “KeepGuard Up After EvolutionVictory,” BioScience 37 (9,October 1987): 636The Supreme Court statedthat, “the <strong>Bible</strong> mayconstitutionally be used in anappropriate study of history,civilization, ethics, comparativereligion, or the like.”—Stone v.Graham, 449 U.S.39, 42 (1980)Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503and havethe textbook be the<strong>Bible</strong>. We all know theeffects ofwhat happened in 1963 when the <strong>Bible</strong> was taken out, andevolution put in totheschools, butwehavebeen deceived bythatACLU again! In 1963, the SupremeCourtbannedtheuseofthe <strong>Bible</strong>totry toget kids saved, whichis not goodobviously,but it’s alot better than whattheACLUhas led us tobelieve. Theydid notthrow the <strong>Bible</strong> out!Wehavethrownthe <strong>Bible</strong> outbecause wehave allowed ourselves to bedeceived by the ACLU.In thelandmark rulingofSchool DistrictofAbington Townshipv. Schempp, 374 U.S. 203, 225, (1963) thecourtheldthat, “itcertainly may besaidthat the <strong>Bible</strong>is worthy ofstudyfor its literary andhistoricqualities. Nothing wehavesaid hereindicates that suchstudy ofthe<strong>Bible</strong>or of religion,when presented objectively as part of asecular program ofeducation, maybeeffected consistently with theFirst Amendment.”In therulingof Stone v. Graham, 449 U.S. 39, 42 (1980), TheSupreme Courtstatedthat, “the <strong>Bible</strong> may constitutionally beused in an appropriatestudy of history, civilization, ethics,comparativereligion, or the like.”In Florey v. Sioux Falls SchoolDistrict, 619 F.2d1311, 1314(8th Cir, 1980), the courtfound that permittingpublicschoolobservances whichincludereligious elements promotes thesecular purposeof “advancingthestudent’s knowledgeandappreciation of the rolethatour religious heritage has playedin thesocial, culturaland historicaldevelopmentofcivilization.”There are at least twoother cases where theSupremeCourthas ruled that the<strong>Bible</strong>maybeused in its entirety forseculareducational purposes suchas: history, civilization, ethics,comparativereligion, culture, and themorals on whichthiscountry was founded!The Supreme Courtneverkickedthe<strong>Bible</strong>out ofschools in1963. Theproblem is: We, Christians, whobelieved theliethatthey did! The teachers arenot allowed to try to convertstudents whileon school time and property, but they canpresent creation. Now, Iunderstand that notbeingabletousethe <strong>Bible</strong> toget peoplesaved is discouraging, but, being abletouseit toteachcreation scienceor the morals thatthis countrywas founded on can and will reversethecurrent indoctrination!You cannotonly teachcreation science, you can doitrightfrom the <strong>Bible</strong>–verseby verse –or you couldgoout onadifferent subjectand teachhowthe<strong>Bible</strong>is the only moralabsolutethatthis country has. This country was founded onthe morals in the <strong>Bible</strong>, and without the <strong>Bible</strong>, allmorals arein-absolute, and aresubject to some human’s interpretation!You can teachthat! If you getin trouble(and thereis ariskbecausesomany principals havebeen misled orintimidatedby ACLU typelawyers) callACLJ (American Center forLawand Justice in Virginia–JaySekulow(757)226-2489), or theNational LegalFoundation(757)424-4242, or theAmerican

FLORIDA STATUTE 1006.35Accuracy of instructionalmaterials.--(1) In addition to relying onstatements of publishers ormanufacturers of instructionalmaterials, the commissionermay conduct or cause to beconducted an independentinvestigation to determine theaccuracy of state-adoptedinstructional materials.(2) When errors in stateadoptedmaterials areconfirmed, the publisher ofthe materials shall provide toeach district school board thathas purchased the materialsthe corrections in aformatapproved by the commissioner.(3) The commissioner mayremove materials from the listof state-adopted materials ifhe or she finds that the contentis in error and the publisherrefuses to correct the errorwhen notified by thedepartment.(4) The commissioner mayremove materials from the listof state-adopted materials atthe request of the publisher if,in his or her opinion, thereis no material impact on thestate's education goals.Texas AdministrativeCodeTitle 19Education§66.66 (I) Instructionalmaterials shall present themost factual informationaccurately and objectivelywithout editorial opinion orbias by the authors. Theoriesshall be clearly distinguishedfrom facts and presented inan objective manner.Family Association Law Center (662)844-5036, or theRutherford Institute (804) 978-3888, andtheyshould bewillingbringit tothecourts. Seereligious freedoms onwww.drdino.com for moreinformation.Twostates passed laws mandating thattheschools teachcreation. Theselaws were ruled unconstitutional. The teachershavealways had the right toteachit.“TheSupremeCourt decision says onlythat the Louisiana lawviolates theconstitutionalseparation ofchurchand state: itdoes notsay that noonecan teachscientificcreationism—and, unfortunately, many individual teachers do. Someschool districts even require‘equal time’ for creation andevolution.” EugenieScott, NationalCenterfor ScienceEducation,Berkeley, California, Nature329, 1987 p. 282When Ispeak in public schools, I, purposely, do notuse the<strong>Bible</strong>or mention Godbecause Idonotwant toclosethedoorfor futureministry. Imay demand myrights and lose myopportunity toget anything in the schools. You can get acopyofour video, PublicSchool Presentation, and give them toallthe teachers in yourschool.12. Q:A:Parents:What can publicschoolkids and their parents doaboutevolution beingtaught in thepublicschool system?Here aresomepracticalsuggestions students and theirparents can usetofightevolution in the classroom. It certainlyis unfair to usetax dollars topromotethereligion ofevolution and, atthesametime, destroy thefaithofChristianchildren in school.! Transfer your child from publicschooltoprivateor homeschool. Public schools lose fundingwhen enrollment drops.See www.exodusmandate.org.! As ataxpayer, you havearightto help control your localschools, even if your children do notattend. Gotoschoolboard meetings.! Lobby for alaw requiring awarningsticker in every bookthatcontains evolution. StephanieBell, (334) 272-2777,implemented such awarning sticker law for Alabama textbooks.!Write totextbookpublishers toexpress your opinion.! Run forschoolboard or get on yourtextbookselectioncommitteeand demand thatbooks beaccurate. Moststatesalready havelaws requiringthis. Gettingfalse information outofthe books will removemany items currently used tosupportevolution. See my Are You Being Brainwashed byYour Public School Textbook? for moreon this topic, or myseminar video#4. Twenty-twoof the50states haveastatetextbook selection committee. (In theother states thelocalDr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 66

67Amessage from theAlabama State Board ofEducation.This textbook discussesevolution, acontroversialtheory some scientists presentas ascientific explanation forthe origin of living things, suchas plants, animals andhumans.No one was present whenlife first appeared on earth.Therefore, any statementabout life’s origins should beconsidered as theory,not fact.The word “evolution” mayrefer to many types of change.Evolution describes changesthat occur within aspecies.(White moths, for example,may “evolve” into graymoths.) This process ismicroevolution, which can beobserved and described asfact. Evolution may also referto the change of one livingthing to another,such asreptiles into birds. Thisprocess, calledmacroevolution, has neverbeen observed and should beconsidered atheory.Evolutionalso refers to the unprovenbelief that random, undirectedforces produced aworld ofliving things.There are many unansweredquestions about the origin oflife which are not mentionedin your textbook, including:—Why did the major groupsof animals suddenly appear inthe fossil record (known as the“Cambrian Explosion”)?—Why have no new majorgroups of living thingsappeared in the fossil recordfor along time?—Why do major groups ofplants and animals have notransitional forms in the fossilrecord?—How did you and all livingthings come to possess such acomplete and complex set of“Instructions” for building aliving body?Study hard and keep an openmind. Someday,you maycontribute to the theories ofhow living things appeared onearth.districtor the individual teachers willchosewhichbooks theywill buy.) The committee normally selects 4or5books fromthe 15or so publishers who maysubmitbooks forreview.Thesebooks areconsidered stateapproved and thedistrictsmust chosefrom thosebooks ifthey want the state to pay forthem. Publishers want to sell books sothey produce whatpeoplewill buy. Ifyou chosetheleastpoisonous bookof theones availablebesureto write theother publishers and tellthem why you did not chose theirs. The Gablers, (903) 753-5993, can be agreathelp in choosinggood books.! Encouragestudents todo papers showingthereligiousnatureof evolutionary theory in science class. Your schoolboard may bepersuadedto buy somematerialfor the sake ofequaltime. Ifnot, getand distributebooks and videos as amission projectthrough your church.! Donate Creation Sciencetapes toyourchild’s scienceteacher or school library.! Inform teachers of their righttoteachcreation in publicschool. Many are fooled by thepropaganda from groups likethe ACLUinto thinkingthey arenotallowedto talkaboutcreation when theyreally are.(SeeImpact article#196 from InstituteforCreation Research(619) 448-0900or Teaching Creation Science in thePublicSchoolby DuaneGishavailable from <strong>CSE</strong> -$4.75)Students:!!Earn good grades; behavewell; beon time; berespectful.Pray for your teacher.Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503! Talkto your teacheraboutevolution and creation issuesprivately, after class. Try tonotconfrontthem in class, ifpossible.! Offer your teachercreation sciencematerialtoread orwatch. Avideois agreatnon-offensive wayto convertteachers tothetruths ofcreation. (<strong>Seminar</strong>part 1or 4wouldbe good.)! Have your parents demand thatyou beexempted from theevolutionary portions of class as they arecontrary toyourreligion. (See Students’ LegalRightsonaPublicSchoolCampusbyJ. W. Brinkley or Students’ RightsinPublicEducation by theRutherford Institute. Bothavailablefrom <strong>CSE</strong>)

“The battle for humankind’sfuture must be waged and wonin the public school classroomby teachers who correctlypercieve their role as theproselytizers of anew faith: Areligion of humanity...utilizingaclassroom instead of apulpitto carry humanist values intowherever they teach.... Theclassroom must and willbecome an arena of conflictbetween the old and thenew—the rotting corpse ofChristianity,together with itsadjacent evils and misery,andthe new faith of humanism....”—John J. Dunphy, PrizewinningEssay, The Humanist,Jan/Feb 1983“Great spirits have alwaysencountered violent oppositionfrom mediocre minds.”—Albert Einstein<strong>Bible</strong> Questions:13. Q:A:Arethere contradictions in the<strong>Bible</strong>?When Iwas anew Christian, someoneshowed me theapparentcontradictionsbetween the creation accounts in Genesis 1and Genesis 2. AccordingtoGenesis 1, God made thetrees onday three, thebirds from wateron day five, and theanimalson day six, allbefore man. But Genesis 2records the creationof trees, animals, and birds from dirt on day six, all after man.This apparentcontradiction disappears when onereads inGenesis 2thatthis chapterdescribes theevents regardingthecreation of theitems in theGarden of Eden only. God knewSatan could comeand say hehad created allthings ifAdamdid notactually witness God’s creativepower. God madeAdam on thesixth day, puthim in the garden, madesometrees togrow beforeAdam, then made 1more of eachoftheanimals sothatAdam could name them and select awife. Therestof theworld was already full ofplants and animals fromearlier in theweek. Seep.39 for more on this.Anotherapparentcontradiction appears in IKings 7:23 andIIChronicles 4, thedescription of thelargebowlcalled thebrazen laver. Accordingto bothpassages, the lavermeasures10cubits (elbow to fingertip, about 18 inches) across and 30cubits around, aratiothat does notequal pi (3.14159…) andappears to be notmathematically valid. However, the10cubitmeasurement spans theinsideof thebowl; thehandbreadththickness of thebrass is includedin the diameter whichbalances the ratiotoequal pi very neatly. Therearenocontradictionsin the<strong>Bible</strong>. This topicis covered in moredetailwithpictures andcalculations on p.38.Somehave supposed acontradiction over the number ofhorses Solomon had. “And Solomon had forty thousandstallsof horses andchariots, and twleve thousandhorsemen.” IKings 4:26, vs. “And Solomon hadfour thousand stalls forhorses and chariots, and twelvethousand horsemen;” IIChronicles 9:25. This is notaproblem. One passagetells of thenumber of horses whiletheother tells ofthenumberof stallsfor horses and chariots. They had ten horses andten men perchariot. Thesameratio is seen in II Samuel10:18, “And theSyrians fled beforeIsrael; and David slew the men of sevenhundred chariots oftheSyrians,” IChronicles 19:18. “ButtheSyrians fled beforeIsrael; and David slew of the Syrians seventhousand men whichfoughtin chariots,” See also: II Samuel8:4, IChronicles 18:4.Anothercommon “contradiction” pointed outby scoffers is,“And those thatdied in theplagueweretwenty and fourthousand.” Numbers 25:9. vs. “Neitherletus commitfornication,as some of them committed, and fellin oneday threeandDr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 68

69“In this world, if aman sitsdown to think, he isimmediately asked if he hasaheadache.”—Ralph Waldo Emerson“Our enemy is not thosewith guns, but missionarieswith <strong>Bible</strong>s.”—Jiang Zhernin, head of theCommunist Party,PeoplesRepublic of China.and twenty thousand.” ICor. 10:8. Obviously, onethousanddied later from theplague.The<strong>Bible</strong>Baptist Bookstore in Pensacola, (850) 476-2945, hasagreatbook (even though theauthor is alittlesarcastic withhis responsetothescoffers questions) dealing withall of theother so-called contradictions or problem passages in the <strong>Bible</strong>.Thebook is called “Errors”inthe King James<strong>Bible</strong> and costsabout$1514. Q:A:Where did theraces comefrom?Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503Actually, thereis only one race; the human race. Obviously,severaldifferent colors of peopleexiston theearth thathavedistinctivecharacteristics, buttheyarethesamerace. BecauseScripturedoes not state where these differences camefrom,I’m not goingtobedogmaticbut Iwill tell you aboutthevarious theories.Onetheory says thatAdam and Eve weremedium-brown,possibly because theyweremadefrom theearth. Thatmedium-brown coupleproduced all thevarieties ofcolors;theymighthavehad 100children or morewithall the colorsrepresented in thefirst family.Asecond theory says thatthe firstdivision of colors camewhen God put amarkupon Cain (Genesis 4:15) after Cainkilled Abel. The<strong>Bible</strong> doesn’t say what the markis, but somehave tried to say thatCain becamethefirstblack man. Ofcourse, thattheory only explains two colors and does notconsider the flood bringingthe human raceback to onefamilyIpersonally don’tbelieve this theory either.Athird theory says that NoahcursedCanaan after Noahgotdrunk(Genesis 9:25). Somepeople thinkCanaan became thefirst blackman. Idon’t believe this theory because Idon’tthinkany color ofpeople are cursed and itonlyexplains twocolors. The<strong>Bible</strong>says Canaan shallbeaservant ofservants.Many haveused this versewith their twisted logictojustifyslavery.Thefourth(andIthinkthe best) theory says theraces camefrom theTower of Babel. Genesis 10:20 says, “Thesearethesons of Ham, aftertheir families, after theirtongues, in theircountries, in their nations.” Perhaps all families, countries,nations, and tongues werecreated or developed from thisevent. Maybethecolors were divinely createdat thattime, ormaybe they are just anatural product of asmall group ofpeoplespeaking their own languageand marryingbacktotheir own parentstock. Racialtraits become morepronouncedin asmallinbreedinggroup. The<strong>Bible</strong>isn’tclear on thissubject. These fourtheories are theonly ones that Iknow. Iprefer theTower ofBabelexplanation. Iknow the<strong>Bible</strong>doessayin Acts 17 thatallnations are of oneblood sothere is noreason for anyonetobe aracist.

“The true test of civilizationis, not the census, nor the sizeof cities, nor the crops—no,but the kind of man thecountry turns out..”—Ralph Waldo EmersonGulf of Aqaba“Professor Alfredo Trombetticlaims that he can prove thecommon origin of alllanguages. Max Mueller,oneof the greatest orientallanguage scholars, declaredthat all human languages canbe traced back to one, singleoriginal language.”—Grant R. Jeffrey, TheSignature of God“When you come to aforkin the road, take it.”—Yogi BerraA:15. Q:16. Q:A:Is thereany scientific explanation fortheopeningof theRed Sea and Moses leadingthe children ofIsraelacrossthebottom?Idon’tknow ofany scientificexplanation atall, Iwouldsayithad to be amiracle. Thereis, however, archaeological supportfor the Biblical account. Archaeologists havebeen lookinginthewrongplace for the last3,000 years for the remains ofPharaoh’s army at theRed Sea crossing. If you lookat amapof thenorthend ofthe Red Sea, you will seethat itsplits intotwobranches. Theleftbranch is called the GulfofSuez andtheright branchis called theGulf of Aqaba: The children ofIsraeldid notcross at theGulf of Suez. They traveledacrosstheSinai Peninsula andcrossed overattheGulf of Aqaba,which is also part oftheRedSea.Ron Wyatt(deceased) was afriend of minefrom Nashville,Tennessee, whoresearched the crossingof theRed Sea. Hefound twostonepillars, oneon either sideoftheGulfofAqaba, erected and inscribed by Solomon tocommemoratetheRed Sea crossing. Across thebottom ofthegulfbetween thetwopillars is apath littered with theremains ofgold-platedwooden chariots and chariot wheels not attached totheirchariots, just as the<strong>Bible</strong> says in Exodus 14:25. God performedamiracleattheRedSea, and thereis evidence of the miracle.Ron’s ministry, www.wyattmuseum.com, has agreat videoon this topic.Is God gettingold?This is an interestingquestion thatreflects acommon humantendency. Peopleoften try toputour human limitations onGod. TheGod of the <strong>Bible</strong> does nothaveour limitations. Itisdifficultto comprehend God as not beingaffected by time,space or matter like weare. Thereis astory that may helpexplain how God is beyond understanding. Suppose thereweretwoflatpeoplerepresentedby tworectangular pieces ofpaper. Theseflat peoplelived on atabletop. Wewill call themMr. Flatand Mrs. Flatand theplacethey live in and understandis called Flatland. They aretwo-dimensional beings andlive in atwodimensionalworld. They haveno conceptof thethird dimension. They can seeonly one dimension (width) buttheycan perceivetwo, lengthand width; justas humans canseetwodimensions, lengthand width and perceiveathird,depth. (Hence, the term “depth perception.”)Now suppose thatathree-dimensional being(a human)wished tomeetand explain himselftoMr. and Mrs. Flat. Ifthatperson stuck afinger throughthetabletopcalledFlatland, Mr. and Mrs. Flat would seeonly acircle, (thecrosssection of thefinger) withnoperception oftherest oftheperson. Three dimensions arebeyond their comprehension inDr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 70

“Will the unicorn be willingto serve thee, or abide by thycrib?Canst thou bind the unicornwith his band in the furrow?or will he harrow the valleysafter thee?”—Job 39:9-10thesameway God is beyond our comprehension. Ephesians3:18-19says, “May be abletocomprehend withallsaintswhat is breadth, and length, and depth, and height; (fourdimensions) And toknow the loveof Christ, whichpassethknowledge, thatye mightbefilled with all thefullness ofGod.” God may existin moredimensions than wecan fullycomprehend now. When we ask aquestion like “is Godgettingold,” weassumethat God exists in timelike wedo. Hedoes not. He exists beyond time, space, and matter; humansare theones stuckin time. SoGoddoes not grow old. Time,space andmatter donot apply toHim or affectHim in anyway. Hecreatedthem all in Genesis 1:1.17. Q:A:When were angels created?The<strong>Bible</strong>says in Exodus 20:11 thatGod madeeverythinginthose six days, heaven and earth and everythingin them. Theangels had tobemade duringthefirstsix days, although the<strong>Bible</strong> doesn’tstatewhen. Several references seem to say thattheangels rejoiced when the earth’s foundations werelaid,theymusthavebeen created earlier in theweek. SeeJob 38:4-7. This passagemay be referringto theangels watching thedry landappear on day threein theoriginal creation or itmaybethey were watchingthe establishingoftheearth’s newcontinental levels after theflood. Idon’t know for sure.18. Q:A:What are unicorns?I’venever found agood answer tothat one. The <strong>Bible</strong>mentionsthis creaturesix times in Numbers 23:22, 24:8, Job 39:9-10, Psalms 29:6, 92:10. Isuspectallthepictures ofhorseswithhorns havebeen soimbedded in ourminds we cannotgetthem out. Scripturementions the unicorn’s greatstrength, aversion toman, and un-trainability. Horses aredomesticanimals thattrain well; reptiles arewildanimalswithsmall brains that don’ttrain well, if at all. If we couldstart freshand read whatthe<strong>Bible</strong>says aboutunicorns, Ithink wewould find that astocky strongreptilelike thetriceratops or monoclonius would fitthedescription muchbetter. We haveall seen so many pictures of ahorsewithahorn that Idoubtwewillbeable to clear our minds and thinkabout this subject withoutbias. Wewillhaveto waitand askGod thatquestion.71Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

“Wherefore God also gavethem up to uncleannessthrough the lusts of their ownhearts, to dishonour their ownbodies between themselves:Who changed the truth of Godinto alie, and worshippedand served the creature morethan the Creator,who isblessed for ever.Amen.”—Romans 1:24-25“The great differencebetween the real statesmanand the pretender is, that theone sees into the future, whilethe other regards only thepresent; the one lives by theday,and acts on expediency;the other acts on enduringprinciples and for immortality.”—Edmund Burke19. Q:A:When did Satan fall from Heaven?Ibelieve theGenesis account is tobetaken literally justas itwas written. It teaches the world was created in six, twentyfourhour days about6600 years ago; therewas nogap. Therewas noperiod oftimebefore theoriginalcreation. Therewasactually no time. God madetimeas wellas matter and space. Idonot thinkthat Satan fell from heaven untilaboutonehundred years after thecreation. He could not havefallenbefore the creation becausehewas spoken about in the bookof Ezekielas beinggood while in the garden. LookatEzekiel28:13-15, “ ThouhastbeeninEdenthe gardenofGod;everypreciousstone wasthycovering, thesardius, topaz,andthe diamond,theberyl, theonyx, andthe jasper, the sapphire, the emerald,and thecarbuncle,andgold:theworkmanshipofthytabretsandofthypipeswaspreparedinthee inthe daythatthouwastcreated.Thouartthe anointedcherubthatcovereth;andIhave setthee so:thouwastupontheholymountainofGod;thouhastwalked upanddowninthe midstofthe stonesoffire. Thouwastperfectinthywaysfromthedaythatthouwastcreated,tilliniquitywasfound inthee. ”Hewas Lucifer, agood angel, or cherub, and hewas intheGarden. TheGarden of Eden wasn’t madeuntil daysix, sothatshoots theGapTheoryfull ofholes right there. Not onlythat, but Jesus said in Matthew 19:4 thatthecreation ofAdam and Evewas thebeginning. Read what itsays: “ Andheansweredandsaid untothem, Haveyenotread,thathewhichmadethematthe beginning made themmale and female. ”Romans5:12 says that there was nodeathuntilAdam sinned, “ Wherefore,asbyone mansinentered intotheworld, and deathbysin;and sodeathpassed uponallmen, for thatallhavesinned. ”Thosewho say thatSatan fellfrom heaven and wipedoutthepreadamic civilization are placingdeathbefore sin. They havejusteliminated theneed for Christtodieon the cross. Therewas nodeathuntilsin cameintotheworld. Exodus 20:11states, “ For insixdaystheLORDmadeheavenandearthandallthatinthemis... ”This is found in themiddleof theten commandments.God made the whole universe in six, literal twenty-four hourdays, including time, including the angels, and everything thatis.WhatdayHemadetheangelsisnotknownsincetheGenesisstory is mainly telling events on the earth. The angels wereprobablymadeonthefirstday,beforeGodlaidthefoundationsof the earth (see Job 38:4-7 and Gen 1:9). Genesis 1:31tells useverything was very good at the end of the creation week, soSatan had not fallen yet. Satan did not fall until after the creation,maybe even one hundred or so years later. All that weknow is Adam was one hundred thirty when Seth was born.That is the first date given in Scripture. Before Seth, they hadCain and Abel, but dates are not given. Before he had Cain andAbel,theywereremovedfromthegarden.Therefore,itwouldDr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 72

“The rocks do date thefossils, but the fossils date therocks more accurately.Stratigraphy cannot avoid thiskind of reasoning if it insistson using only temporalconcepts, because circularity isinherent in the derivation oftime scales.” —O’Rourke, J.E., “Pragmatism versusMaterialism in Stratigraphy,”American Journal of Science,vol. 276 (January 1976), p. 53have been somewhere around ahundred years during whichtime Satan may have become jealous of the fellowship thatAdamandEveenjoyedwithGod.Satanmayhaveobservedtheirrelationshipforonehundredyears,andsaid,“Hey,Iwantthemto worship me! Iwant to rule humanity. Iwant to walk withthem in the garden. Iwill ascend unto the high heavens. Iwilltake over the seat of the Most High. Iwill, Iwill, Iwill.” (SeeIsaiah14)My theory is, and Icannot prove it, but Iam pretty convincedthatSatandidnotfalluntilonehundredyearsafterthecreation.Thefallcouldnothavebeen intheoriginalcreation becausehewasstillthelightbearerintheGardenofEden.Seeseminar#2formoreinformationonthistopic.20. Q:A:HowoldwasTerah when Abram was born 70 or 130?Thisisaninterestingquestion. Comparethefollowingverses:Gen. 11:26 “And Terah lived seventy years, and begat Abram,Nahor, and Haran.” Gen. 12:4 “So Abram departed, as theLORD had spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: andAbramwasseventyandfiveyearsoldwhenhedepartedoutofHaran.” Acts 7:2-4 says “And he said, Men, brethren, andfathers, hearken; The God of glory appeared unto our fatherAbraham, when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt inCharran, And said unto him, Get theeoutof they country andfrom thy kindred, and come into the land which Ishall showthee. Then came he out of the land of the Chaldaeans, anddwelt in Charran: and from thence, when his father was dead,heremovedhimintothisland,whereinyenowdwell.”ThebookofJasher(mentionedinJoshua10:13andIISam.1:18)is not inspired scripture but it is interesting ancient history. Ittellsus:Jasher 12:61 “And Abram hastened and ran to safety to thehouse of Noah and his son Shem...69. and Abram ceased tospeakwhenNoahandhissonShemansweredTerah...13:1. AndTerahtookhissonAbramandhisgrandsonLot,thesonofHaran,and Sarai hisdaughter-in-law, thewifeofhis sonAbram, and all the souls of his household and went with themfrom Ur Casdim to go to the land of Canaan. And when theycameasfarasthelandofHarantheyremainedthere,foritwasexceedingly good land for pasture, and of sufficient extend forthosewhoaccompaniedthem.2. And the people of the land of Haran saw that Abram wasgoodanduprightwithGodandmen,andthattheLordhisGodwaswithhim,andsomeofthepeopleofthelandofHarancameand joined Abram, and he taught them the instruction of theLord and his ways; and these men remained with Abram in hishouseandtheyadheredtohim.73Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

“Radiometric dating wouldnot have been feasible if thegeologic column had not beenerected first.”—O’Rourke, J. E. ,“Pragmatism versusMaterialism in Stratigraphy,”American Journal of Science,vol. 276 (January,1976), p.54.“Long regarded as avestigial organ with nofunction in the human body,the appendix is now thoughtto be one of the sites whereimmune responses areinitiated.”—Roy Hartenstein, GrolierEncyclopedia, 1998.3. And Abram remained in the land three years, and at theexpiration of three years the Lord appeared to Abram and saidunto him; Iam the Lord who brought thee forth from UrCasdim,anddeliveredtheefromthehandsofallthineenemies.4. Andnowthereforeifthouwiltharkentomyvoiceandkeepmycommandments,mystatutesandmylaws,thenwillIcausethyenemiestofallbeforethee, andIwillmultiplythyseedlikethe stars of heaven, and Iwill send my blessing upon all theworks ofthyhands,andthoushaltlacknothing.5. Arisenow, takethy wifeand all belongingtotheeand gotothe land of Canaan and remain there, and Iwill there be untotheefor aGod, and Iwill bless thee. And Abram rose and tookhis wife and all belonging to him, and he went to the land ofCanaanastheLordhadtoldhim;andAbramwasfiftyyearsoldwhenhewentfromHaran.6. And Abram came to the land of Canaan and dwelt in themidst of the city, and he there pitched his tent amongst thechildrenofCanaan,inhabitantsoftheland.7. AndtheLordappearedtoAbramwhenhecametothelandofCanaan,andsaidtohim,ThisisthelandwhichIgaveuntotheeand to thy seed after thee forever, and Iwill make thy seed likethe starts of heaven, and Iwill give untothy seed for an inheritanceallthelandswhichthouseest.8. AndAbrambuiltanaltarintheplacewhereGodhadspokentohim,andAbramtherecalleduponthenameoftheLord.9. Atthattime,attheendofthreeyearsofAbram’sdwellinginthelandofCanaan, in theyear Noahdied,whichwas thefiftyeighthyearofthelifeofAbram;andallthedaysthatNoahlivedwereninehundredandfiftyyearsandhedied.10. AndAbramdweltinthelandofCanaan,he,hiswife,andallbelongingtohim,togetherwiththosethatjoinedhim from thepeople of the land; but Nahor, Abram’s brother, and Terah hisfather,andLotthesonofHaranandallbelongingtothemdweltinHaran.Solution: There are several possible answers to this question.1. Some think Abram was not the first born even though hisname appears first. The same thing happens with Shem, Hamand Japheth even though Japheth is the elder (Gen. 5:32). 2.Abram made several trips to and from Haran so Terah was 70when Abram was born. 3. Acts 7:4 refers to Abram taking thebody ofTerahfrom Haran toCanaan. Ourchart(attheendofthisbook)showsTerahat70whenAbramwasbornthoughthescripturedoesnotseemtogiveenoughdetailtobedogmatic.FloodQuestions:21. Q:A:Did it rain beforethe flood?The<strong>Bible</strong>teaches that beforetheflood acanopyof watersurrounded theearth. This canopy is mentioned in Gen.Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 74

75“Origin of Species Notaddressed in 1859, and is stillamystery in 1998… Both theorigin of life and the origin ofthe major groups of animalsremains unknown.”—Alfred G. Fisher,evolutionist Grolier MultimediaEncyclopedia 1998, fossilsection“Of fowls after their kind, andof cattle after their kind, ofevery creeping thing of theearth after his kind, two ofevery sort shall come untothee, to keep them alive.”—Genesis6:201:6&7and II Peter3:5. TheCreation accountin Genesis 1records thatamistthat wentforthand watered thefaceofthe wholeground. Genesis mentions noother precipitationuntiltheflood brought rain for 40 days and 40 nights. Manypeopleteachthat rain never fellbefore theflood. Althoughthatis probably true, itcannotbetaughtdogmaticallybecausethe<strong>Bible</strong>simplydoes not mention thesubject.Possibly, if thecanopy of water that is mentionedin Genesis1:6 and 7increased theair pressure, as many thinkit did, rainwas notpossible.Itmay bethatNoahwas preachingthatrain would come outofthe sky (somethingthat had never happened), and thepeoplelaughed just liketoday when Christians preachthatJesus will comeoutof thesky(somethingthathas neverhappened) tocatchupallbelievers in Christ. SeeMatthew24:37, Luke17:26 andIThess 4:16.22. Q:A:How did Noahtakecareofallthoseanimals on theark?Itis reasonabletoassumethat all types of animals on the Arkwereyounganimals becausethey would weighless, eat less,and sleep more. Many animals becomedormant, lethargic oreven hibernateduringstormy weather. Also, afterthefloodtheywould livelonger toproduce more offspring. Nooneknows for sure how many animals wereon the ark. Limitingitdown to twoof each kind does not mean therewere twoofeach species or variety that wehave today. Thereseem tobeabout8000 basic kinds of animal in the world.Throughtheinstructions thatGod gave or throughthewisdom of Noah he was given theability to provideawateringmechanism todispersewater totheanimals throughoutthearkand possibly even afood distribution system. InGenesis 1:29-30, the<strong>Bible</strong>teaches thatbeforetheflood alltheanimals werevegetarians sothere was not aproblem with, forexample, thelion tryingtoeatthelamb. Somehavesuggestedthatthere was amoon pool, aholein thecenter of thefloor,which would provide aplaceforfishingand, ifnecessary, away todispenseanimalwastefrom the ark. Seevideo#3formoreon this topic.Theminor problems thatthe<strong>Bible</strong>believers cannotalwaysanswer arenothing compared to the problems and questionsthatthe evolutionists cannotanswer. Although Idonot knowexactly how Noahtookcare of all the animals on the ark, Iamgoingtobelievethe<strong>Bible</strong>until itis proven wronginsteadofdoubt the<strong>Bible</strong> untilit is proven right. For someone torejectthe<strong>Bible</strong>and then acceptthestory that weallcamefrom arockis silly!23. Q:A:Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503Did Noah have totakeallthemillions of species ofinsects on the Ark?Noahwas commanded totakeinto the Ark all theanimals onland in whosenostrils was thebreathoflife(Genesis 6:17,

“Tosuppose that theeye…could have been formedby natural selection, seems, Ifreely confess, absurd in thehighest degree.”—Charles DarwinThe Origin of Species byMeans of Natural Selection orThe Preservation of FavoredRaces in the Struggle for LifeCharles Darwin 1859 p. 217All in whose nostrils was thebreath of life, of all that wasin the dry land,—Genesis 7:22And of every living thing of allflesh, two of every sort shaltthou bring into the ark, tokeep them alive with thee;they shall be male and female.—Genesis 6:197:14-15, 22). Idonot believethatallthevarieties of insectswereon the Arkbecausethey breathe throughtheir skin anddonot havenostrils. They could havesurvived on floatingmatter or by burrowingin themud. Some of the insects mayhave been on theArkin thefur of theanimals orin nooks andcrannies oftheark; the<strong>Bible</strong> does not teachthatthey hadtobeon board.24. Q:A:How did animals travel from allovertheworld togettotheArk?This question assumes that theworldbefore theflood waslikethe world is today withanimals specialized for certainareas. Todaytheworld is 70% water and theoceans separatethecontinents. Also, some animals only livein afewselectedlocations. The<strong>Bible</strong>teaches thatbeforetheflood thewaterwas gathered into oneplace(Genesis 1:9). There was probablyoneocean andmuchmorelandmass. Also, if theclimatewasmoretemperate animals couldlive in alltypes ofplaces whichmeans Noah did not have togogather animals from allovertheworld. In fact, the <strong>Bible</strong>says that the animals cametoNoah(Genesis 6:20).25. Q:A:What aboutdinosaurs? Did they livewithAdam andEve? Did Noah takethem on theark?Thedinosaur question is dealtwith for over 2hours on myvideotape #3ofthecreation seminar series. Tosummarizebriefly: Dinosaurs weremade the sixthday withtherest oftheanimals. Noahtook them on theark(probably youngones). They have always lived withman. After the flood manydied from theclimatechanges and from man’s hunting. Theywerecalled dragons for many centuries. (Theword dinosaurwas justinvented in 1841.) Afew smalldinosaurs may still bealivetoday in remoteparts ofthe world. Therehavebeen over20,000 reported sightings of dinosaur likecreatures in thiscentury. Afew pictures and stories are on my web site.26. Q:A:It would take4.4 billion cubic kilometers of water tocover Mt. Everest. Wheredid thewater comefrom tofloodtheearth?This question assumes that thepre-flood world was liketheworldis today. Itwouldonly take oneinchofwater tocoverMt. Everest if theearth weresmooth. The<strong>Bible</strong>states clearlythatthe water was 15 cubits over thetallestmountain.Seashell fossils havebeen foundon topof mountain ranges allovertheworld. The top of Mt. Everestis covered withsedimentaryrockcontainingpetrified,closed clams. Since clamsopen as soon as theydie, they had tohavebeen buried alivetobepetrified in theclosed position. Therewas definitely aworldwideflood. The<strong>Bible</strong> says in Psalm 104 thatas the floodended themountains lifted up andthevalleys sankdown andDr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 76

“The first living cells emergedbetween 4billion and 3.8billion years ago. There is norecord of the event.”—Biology: The Unity anddiversity of Life Wadsworth1992 p. 300the water hasted away. Today’s mountain ranges arewellabovesea level, butthis was not the case beforethe flood. Iftheearth weresmoothed out, thatis themountains presseddown and theocean basins lifted up, thereis enough water intheoceans right now tocover theentireearth 8,000 feet deep(approximately1½miles).All of the water ran off rapidly throughthesoft sedimentsintotheocean basins duringthelastfew months oftheflood.This would explain therapidcarving of features such as theGrand Canyon and the Bad Lands. Seevideo#6 for lots moreon this.27. Q:A:Duringtheflood how did the freshwater fishsurvive?This question assumes theoceans were saltwater duringtheflood like they are today. Ibelievetheentire world waslargely freshwater. Todayabout30% oftherain waterwashes intotheoceans, bringing mineral salts with it. Theoceans are gettingsaltier every day. Today’s oceans are about3.6% salt. Between thesalts washing in from ground waterand thesalts leachingin from subterranean salt domes, theoceans could havegonefrom fresh water to3.6%in the 4400years sincetheflood. Iftheearth werebillions of years old,theoceans wouldbemuchsaltier –liketheDead Sea or GreatSaltLake.Manyanimals haveadapted tothe slow increase in salinityoverthelast 4400 years. We now havefresh water crocodilesand salt water crocodiles that are differentspecies but probablyhad acommon ancestor. Acrocodile! This is notevolution.Itis only variation. Changing from afreshwatercrocto asaltwatercroc is not amajor changecomparedto what theevolutionists believe. They thinkitchanged from arock to acroc! Thatwould beamajor change!Severalyears ago, aman in Minnesota told me thathehadtwolarge aquariums in his house, one freshwaterand theother salt water. He wondered ifhecould mix thefishtogether sohefigured outhow toslowly raisethesaltcontentin the freshwateraquarium alittleeach week for 10 yearsuntil it was 1.8% salt. At the sametime, he was lowering thesaltcontentin thesalt water aquarium to 1.8% salt. After10years hemixed all the fish together. Hetoldmethey adaptedfine.Noah had no problem with drinkingwater duringthefloodand thefreshwater/saltwater problem does not exist.Attemptingto forcetheway the worldis today ontothequestions involving thepre-flood world is acommon problem.II Peter3says the scoffers of thelast days willbewillinglyignorantofhow God made theheavens and theearth(theoriginalcreation), and theflood.77Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

“We’ve got to ride the globalwarming issue. Even if thetheory of global warming iswrong, we will be doing theright things—in terms ofeconomic policy andenvironmental policy.”—Timothy Wirth, FormerU.S. Senator (D- Colorado)“All those trees of life withtheir branches of ourancestors, that’s alot ofnonsense.”—Mary Leakey,Associated Press Dec. 10,199628. Q:A:Miscellaneous Questions:29. Q:A:Ifthere was really aworldwide flood where areall thebones ofthehumans thatdrowned?Ibelievetherearefew human fossils for several reasons.1. God made theworld full ofplants and animals but only twopeople. 1600 years later theworld was stillfull of plants andanimals butstillnotfull of people. There werenot as many ofthem tobe drowned.2. Men aresmarter than animals (that is, some men), so hewould figureout away to avoid drowninguntilthelastpossibleminutebymakingmakeshift rafts or holdingtofloatinglogs and tendto bedeposited on toprather than inthesediments. Therefore, hewould notfossilize. Forexample,millions ofbison were slaughteredin the west acentury ago,yet few, if any, fossilized. They werelefton toptorot, bonesand all.3. Sincesomany researchers havethe preconceived (and false)idea thatman has been evolving from small anddumb to bigand smart theymaytend tonot even recognize and properlyidentify bonefragments of humans thatmay havebeen hugeby today’s standards. Theirprejudice is that ancientman wassmaller. We show evidencefor gianthumans on video#2.In spiteof theaboveproblems, Marvin Lubenow, an expert onfossil humans andauthorof Bones of Contention (availablefrom <strong>CSE</strong>) says that about4000 human fossilremains havebeen found.Theevolutionist has aserious problem withthis samequestion.If man has really been hereformillions of years thereshouldbemany thousands, ifnot millions, of fossils oftheirbones likewehaveof theanimals. The“where are thebones?”question is really aquestion for theevolutionist toanswerifheexpects all the taxpayers tosupporthis religion in theschoolsystem.What is theGaia Hypothesis?TheGaia hypothesis is named after the Greekgoddess for theearth. AccordingtoGaia Hypothesis, earthitselfis alivingorganism, our “Mother Earth,” as its proponents callit. Manyevolutionists adopt this theory becausethey have notfoundany evidencefor gradual undirected evolution as Darwinpredicted. Radicalenvironmentalism and theNew AgeMovementtierightintotheGaiaHypothesis and evolution. The<strong>Bible</strong> teaches the earthwas made for man tohave dominionover. It is goingto be destroyed one day.Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 78

“If my theory be true,numberless intermediatevarieties… must assuredlyhave existed;”—Charles Darwin,The Origin of Species… 1859“In the years after Darwin, hisadvocates hoped to findpredictable progressions. Ingeneral, these have not beenfound—yet the optimism hasdied hard, and some purefantasy has crept intotextbooks.”—Raup, David M.,“Evolution and the FossilRecord,” Science,vol. 213(July 17, 1981), p. 289“The function of only 1%(some say 3%) of human DNAhas been determined. If 99%of this small amount is similarto chimps it still provesnothing.”See: Modern Creation Trilogyvol. 2, chapter 9, Henry Morris30. Q:A:31. Q:A:32. Q:A:What abouttheozonehole, and R-12 refrigerants?Thereis notan ozoneproblem that man has created. Ozoneisanaturalgas, whichis produced when sunlightstrikes theatmosphere. O,ozone,3is poisonous, but itdoes filter outradiation. In the upper atmosphere, the ozone layer protectsus; it’s abarrier. Ozone is absentfrom theNorthand SouthPoles because thesun never strikes thoseareas directly, but atsuchan obliqueanglethat it does not produceozone. It’snormalto havean ozone holein these areas.What aboutR-12? R-12does destroy ozone, but the R-12 fromourrefrigerators and air conditioners never rises high enoughto destroy atmospheric ozone. R-12 sinks; itdoesn’trise. Evenconvection currents would notcarry man madeR-12 to theozone layer in 100 years, which is alonger timethan man hasbeen usingit. Man has donealmost nothingtotheozone. Infact, my understandingis thatthelasttimescientists measuredthe ozonelayer, itwas thicker than it was the firsttimetheymeasured it. Ibelievethe real purpose of the environmentalpropaganda is tofulfill the firstplankof theCommunistManifesto:the abolishmentofprivateproperty. Whilethereis noquestion man has abused theenvironment, thereisahidden agenda behind the modern hype. (See FactsNotFearfor information on environment.)Whatabout global warming?Justabout as many scientists areconcerned about globalfreezing or another iceage as aboutglobal warming. Thereisn’t enough data to bedogmatic. The answer would probablydepend upon thegrantmoney being sought. As with theprevious question, most ofthe environmental hypeis reallytohelpbringabout KarlMarx’s dream (nightmare) of aCommunistworld.His firstof 10planks was theabolishing of privateproperty. Though therearemany sincere peoplein theenvironmentalmovement, Ibelievetherealagenda is Communism,not savingtheplanet.Whobuilt theGreat Pyramid, and why?Nooneknows for sure whobuilttheGreat Pyramid, butseveraltheories havebeen proposed. Somethinkit is justanother ofthepyramids built by theEgyptians. Some thinkAdam and his sons builtitbeforetheflood. Somethink Enochbuiltit and thatitis theonly structuretosurvive theflood.Others say Noah andhis sons builtit after theflood. Accordingto some experts, it appears thatsomeof its featuresindicatethat itwas intended tobeatestimony to God, theysay. Adam didnothave a<strong>Bible</strong> so God gavehim thegospelstory in the stars with the 88constellations tellingtheentire79Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

“The evolutionary trees thatadorn our textbooks have dataonly at the tips and nodes oftheir branches; the rest isinference, howeverreasonable, not the evidenceof fossils.”—Stephen Jay Gould,Harvard University. EvolutionsErratic Pace Natural HistoryVol. 5May 1977“I fully agree with yourcomments on the lack ofevolutionary transitions in mybook. If Iknew of any,fossilor living, Iwould certainlyincluded them. Iwill lay it onthe line—there is not one suchfossil…”—Dr.Colin Paterson, SeniorPaleontologist, British Museumof Natural History incorrespondence to LutherSunderland quoted inDarwin’s Enigma 1988 p. 89gospel story and God’s plan for the ages. Aftertheflood Noahstill did not havea<strong>Bible</strong>soGod gavehim the gospel story instone.!TheGreat Pyramidhas no inscription toany Egyptian king.! It is theearliestand largestofthe67 pyramids found inEgypt. Thelater pyramids areoflesser quality and aremerecopies of theGreatPyramid.! Inside, thereis abroad way thatleads to apit and anarrowway thatleads to theKing’s Chamber. (Sounds like Matthew7to me.)! The153 steps in thepyramid match the153fishes gatheredin John 21:11, whichmay beareference to all nations of theearthgatheringinto the kingdom of God. (SeeJohn 21:11)th! TheKing’s Chamber is on the50 row ofthestones; 50 wasthe year ofJubilee. (SeeLev. 25:11)! InsidetheKing’s Chamber is asolidly carved, empty redgranitetomb thesamevolumeas theArk of the Covenant.! Although most havebeen torn off, thepyramid was originallycoveredwith 144,000polished casingstones, thenumberofwitnesses in Revelation 7. Thestones wereaperfect fitsuch thatmanyof theseams could not be seen nor apaperput between them today, thousands of years later.! Thecornerstone at thetopis missing, symbolicof Christ,the rejected chiefcornerstone (Daniel 2:45; Psalm 118:22;Matthew 21:42; Mk10:12). The 5sided cornerstonemayrepresentthenumberof grace.! TheGreat Pyramidis ofsuchmagnitudethatitcould notbebuilttoday. It is 90 times theweightof theChicagoSearsTower. Napoleon said therewas enoughstonein thepyramidtobuild a10 foot high brick wallalltheway around France!Somestones near the top, 400feetfrom the ground, weigh70tons!! Thefoundation covers sowidean area (over 13 acres) thatitcould not be builttodayas level as itis (less than 1/10 incherrorin 13 acres). Every locomotivein theworld harnessed tothe Pyramid could notpullit Thedoor is so welljoined thatitwas undetectable from theoutside for centuries.! Thepyramid sits right on thelongest latitude line and thelongestlongitude line withland abovesea level.! "In thatday shallthere be an altar totheLORD in the midstofthe land of Egypt, and apillar at theborder thereof to theLORD." Is. 19:19. Thepyramid is on theborder when Egyptwas divided intoanorthern and southern kingdom and in themidst when theyunited.Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 80

“After nearly alifetime ofresearch on the subject, Britishanatomist and an evolutionistLord Zuckerman stated that ifman evolved from apelikecreature there is not even atrace of such evidence in thefossil record.”—Dr.Duane T.Gish,“Evolution, CreationScientifically Equal”“Men should not resign hisconscience to the legislator...We should be men first andsubjects afterward. It is notdesirable to cultivate arespectfor the law as for the right.”—Henry David ThoreauSatan has been using the greatpyramid as his symbol for theNew WorldOrder. On theback of a$1 billyou willsee thepyramid withthe all seeing eye (Lucifer) comingdown tofinishthepyramid. Hethinks he will takeover God’s kingdom,butJesus willbetheonetocome to earthand ruleandreign for 1000 years. SeeRev. 20-22. (See seminar #5 formore.)33. Q:A:What is theBermuda triangle?Thereareseveraltheories aboutthe Bermuda triangle, somenatural, somesupernatural. Some say it is hype, and nothinghappens that does nothappen in otherparts oftheworld. TheBermuda trianglecould be amagneticanomalyresultingfromabendingoftheearth’s magnetic field. Theremaybealargeiron ore depositor the remnants of an iron meteor buriedthere thatplays havocwith instruments. Theships and planesthatreport unusual behavior of their instruments may beentering this area of disturbance. Somesay theships are lostdue tothe violentsuction created as thetidegoes up anddown throughthe coralreefs there. Smallships havebeenfound down in the deep “blueholes” in thecoral. Theremaybeanaturalexplanation for thereports.Somehave suggested that the triangle is aUFO parkinglot,or theentrancetohell. Ipersonally don’t believe either ofthesebut Idon’thave an answer to what is causingthestrangehappenings there. Althoughno solid explanationexists, hundreds ofreports from reputablepeople recordstrangeoccurrences in thearea: Adeacon at WildwoodBaptistChurchin Oshkosh, Wisconsin gave me afirst handaccountofhis experience whileon board aNavyship in 1962. He wasen routetotheCuban missile crisis. As soon as his shipentered thespacebetween Florida, Cuba, and PuertoRico,everythingelectrical, includingwristwatches and flashlights,quitworking. The ship drifted for 24 hours, unable to radioforassistance, untilithadleftthearea andoperations suddenlyresumed. Thearea is undoubtedly unusual, althoughnoonethat Iknow understands why. Ifyou can find outpleaseletme know.34. Q:A:What aboutBigfoot?TheBig-footevidencethat Ihave seen relies on eyewitnessaccounts ratherthan empirical, scientificevidence. Manypeoplereportsightings ofcreatures withsimilar descriptionsin several countries, as well as over35 American States. Thereis no question thatmany of thesightings arehoaxes, pranks,or mis-identified. These creatures, also called Big-foot,Sasquatch, Yeti, SkunkApe ortheAbominableSnowman,maybean unidentified species ofape. Somehavesaid it is81Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

partof acursed raceof humans similar towhathappened toNebuchadnezzarin Daniel 4:33 butthosetheories are unverifiedsofar. Ihavepersonally interviewed8peoplewhoclaimtheyhave seen aBig-foot. Their descriptions agreein manydetails. They describeit as beinglikeHarry from the movieHarry and theHendersons. Idon’thave agood answer totheBig-foot question. Iwish Idid.35. Q:A:Whatabout UFO’s?Thebestinformation that Ihavecomes from the books andmaterial from ChuckMissler at Koinonia House, PO Box D,Coeur d’Alene, ID 83816, 1-800-khouse1, www.khouse.org orUFO: End TimeDelusion from New Leaf Press, (800) 999-3777, or TheCosmic Conspiracy by Stan Deyoavailable fromwww.Amazon.com. Accordingto Deyo, someUFO’s are U.S.Governmentexperiments withelectrograviticpropulsion asopposed tojet propulsion, while others are Satanic apparitions.For further information, refer tothebooks. Idon’t knowfor surewhatthey are, but, if Iwere theDevil and Iknew therapturewas coming, Iwould wanttopreparemyliewellahead oftimein theminds of the people.36. Q:A:Is it possible for your television towatch you?This is justarumor. Thereis noevidencethat televisions nowmonitor their viewers, andto my knowledge no technologyexists to enablethem todoso. Itwould not surpriseme if “bigbrother” was doingthat orworkingon doingitthough. Smallcameras could easily beinstalled in TV’s to havethem watchyou but thepicturetubeitself cannotdo this now. GaryFrye,agood friend ofmine, keeps upto dateon this typeof thing.Gary’s telephonenumber is (704) 782-5273. For years it hasbeen possibleto “hot hook” your phonesopeoplecan listen towhat is beingsaid even if thephoneis hung up. Becarefultoalways tellthetruth!37. Q:A:What abouttheMark of the Beast?Corporations and governments haveamazingtechnologyavailablethathas been developed over thelast20 years.Revelation 13:16 says that Satan “causethall, both small andgreat, richand poor, freeand bond, toreceiveamark.” TheGreekword translated “mark” literally means “etching.”Computer microchips have information etchedintosilicon.Microchips may play an important part in themark of thebeast.Manyadvances have been madein tracking peopleor items.Microchips can beimplanted in pets or cars totrackthoselostor stolen. Severalsatellites in earth’s orbitcan detect themicrochipand reportits coordinates. Also, Hughes AircraftDr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 82

DR. KURK E. KOCH, Professor,Lectured at 100 Universities in65 countries on 5continents.Subjects of expertise: NewWorld Order,Occultism,Extreme Movements, andParapsychology.Hisassessment of the comingNWO under the UnitedNations is that it will reduceeverything to one commondenominator:“The system will be made upof asingle currency,singlecentrally financedgovernment, single taxsystem, single language,single political system, singleworld court of justice, singlehead (one individual leader),single state religion.” Hefurther states: “Each personwill have aregistered number,without which he will not beallowed to buy or sell; andthere will be one universalworld church. Anyone whorefuses to take part in thisuniversal system will have noright to exist.”Corporation developed atoll booth substitutethat tracks cars.As acar passes, this strip in thehighway deducts 50 cents (orwhatever thetollis) from adebit account, makes an image ofthelicenseplate, and checks ittoseeif the car is registeredproperly or has been reported stolen andifthedriver iswanted by thepolice. The strip can checkeightcars persecond at100mphper lane. Finally, an imbedded wirealongsome highways and anew hand-helddeviceboth can turn offtheignition ofarunning car by destroying thecar’s computerwith aburst of energy. These new control and monitoringtechnologies may be forerunners of themark ofthebeast.Dean Martin (dean.l.martin@home.com) has the best seminarIknow of on thesubject. His phone #is (850) 455-5011. CarlSanders, P.O. Box 2000, Mountain View, AR 72645, (870)269-6113, fax (870) 447-3231, sho-phar@trumpetmin.org, hasgreatinfo.38. Q:A:How wouldyou answer critics including those whohave web sites criticizing you?Amid thehundreds of letters and e-mails wereceiveeach weekhere at <strong>CSE</strong>, we occasionally receiveone from an atheist,skeptic, critic, scoffer, or even an idiot or two. Severalhundredhaveposted web sites about me. Ikeep so busy with myhectictravel schedulethat Inormally do nottaketime torespond tothem in writing morethan once. There are somany people whowant tohear thetruths aboutcreation thatit is awasteoftimetoget distractedansweringthescoffers.They will ask hundreds of questions or makehundreds ofaccusations. Iam convinced thatmost of them don'treallywant an answer anyway, they want to tieupallmy timeandprevent the gospel from gettingout. If Itook thetimetoanswer them allthey wouldonly ask ahundred more. Wedooffer agreatbook called Creation Scientists AnswertheirCritics by Dr. Duane Gish thatanswers manycommonlyasked questions. Ihavealsoproduced an audiotapewithanswers to someofthe scoffers' questions and objections. Thetapeis $3 and can bereturned for afullrefund. We will add tothe tapeas timepermits. Ihaveastandingoffer tofaceanynumber ofevolutionists at atimein front oftheirownuniversity, and Dr. WaltBrown has astanding offerto engagequalified scientists in an email debate.Iwillbethefirstto say that Ihavelearnedmuchfrom mycritics and havechangedthings in my seminars over theyearsbecauseof their legitimate gripes, corrections andsuggestions.“Iron sharpenethiron.” (Prov. 27:17) Thesecritics can be aman's bestfriend, if they don’t distract you from themain job.God knows that Iwant to be accurate and would neverpurposely tell alie to promotemy point. Imaynotalways beright, but if Iam saying itin my seminar then Idon'tknow ittobefalse. Iworkhard and research alottotry toberight. I83Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

The retina of your eye is lessthan 1square inch yetcontains over 137,000,000light sensitive cells! Howwould you like to be theelectrician that wired that up!“He that formed the eye,shall he not see?”—Psalms 94:8-9“Scientific naturalists oftoday will not be convinced bycreationist arguments, nomatter how persuasive,because their philosophicalassumptions prevent it.”—JohnWeldon,Ph.D.“It is easy to beconspicuously compassionateif others are being forced topay the cost.”—M. N. Rothbard“When the governmentreduces all of us to the statusof anumber,that number isgoing to be zero. With thisnumber no one can ever belost, but no man can everagain be alone. This isdespairing.”—former North CarolinaSenator Sam Ervin, inopposition to the SocialSecurity Act.am certainly willing to be corrected by friend or foe. Even ifitis proven that Iam teachingsomethingthatis not correct,don'tbefooled into thinking thatone incorrect statementmeans everythingelse Isay is wrong. Any thirdgrader shouldknow that.Evolutionists often try todivert attention from thelegitimatepoints Ibringup about their religion. They know their “theory”won'tstand close scrutiny so they tryto focus people'sattention on something else. They will point outafive-secondmistake in my 17-hour seminar and assume theentirething isfalse. Theproblems the creationists cannotexplain or theunintentional errors in their books or speeches arevery minorcompared tothe mountainous problems theevolutionistisoverlookingor ignoringin his own religion. Iask quite afewquestions in my seminar notebook andbringup points in myseminar thatthey seem toconveniently avoid. Itdoesn't takearocketscientist tosee whythey dothis.Iconfess that Ihavevery little patience withthescoffers afterafew exchanges. Maybeit is theElijahpersonality in methatwants tomockthem as in IKings 18:27. Iam workingontryingtobemore Christ-like in mydealings with them. Ialways offerto talkwithany skepticby phoneorto debatethem publicly, butnot in alongdrawn out e-mail exchange.They nearlyalways refuse. Many remain anonymous for somestrangereason. Isee no reason for this cowardice exceptmaybeProverbs 28:1 “Thewicked fleewhen noman pursueth:buttherighteous areboldas alion.” Theydonot need tofearme. Iwill not hurtthem. Ifeelsorry for thosewhom theDevilhas deceived into believing his lies. Iwill gladly discuss anytopicor question withanyone, friend or foe. If Iam wrong, Iwill admit it and changewhatever Ineed to changetomake itright. Idon’t claim tobeperfect, and never have, but Iserve aGod whois and love His <strong>Bible</strong>, whichis perfect.Itis bothhumorous and sad to seetheevolutionists strain sohard atthe gnats in the creation theoryand then turn aroundand swallow thecamelofevolution. Ihaveread carefullythecriticisms ofeach of thesescoffers. Rest assured that my offertopubliclydebate anyevolutionist(even twoor three at atime againstjustme if thatwillhelp) is always open. Idothedebates notsomuch to convert theevolutionist(thoughIwould liketo) butbecause it helps somany in theaudience.Mostpeople whohaveattended or watched my seminarorwhohavecommon sensewillbeableto seethrough thesillyquestions the skeptics askor theridiculous non-answers theygive tomy questions. However, ifyou read theso-called “HowGood arethoseYoungEarthArguments?” by Matson or “300Creationist Lies” by thecowardly, anonymous “Budikka,” orany other ofmy critics on the web, and somethingthey sayraises aquestion in your mind, please, give me acall. Icandefendmy position or Iwill be glad to change. Itis agreatAmerican tradition that theaccused gets tofacehis accuser.Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 84

85“In hope of eternal life,which God, that cannot lie,promised before the worldbegan;”—Titus 1:2“And for this cause Godshall send them strongdelusion, that they shouldbelieve alie: That they allmight be damned whobelieved not the truth, but hadpleasure in unrighteousness.”—II Thessalonians. 2:11-12Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503Anonymous critics getlittleor noneofmyattention. Itravelalot butwe haveavery capablestaff working at <strong>CSE</strong> whowillanswer your questions or leaveamessageformewithseveralgood times tocall you back.Iwent throughMatson's book and circled every timeheusedthe words “mighthave,” “could have,” “scientists believe,” etc.His great faith in evolution shows throughclearly as hisreligion, not science. Itsurprised me how many non-answersthey give tothe points Iraised in my seminar. For example:when answeringtheproblem about theshortperiod comets,Matson saidthey arebeing replenishedfrom theOortCloudor theKuiper Belt! Noone has ever seen this happen, ofcourse, buthebelievesitto beso. Thatis an answer basednoton science butfaith, and heshould admitit. Theentireanswer is filled withtypical evolutionisthallucinations. He isalways usingphrases like“computersimulations,” and “theoreticalcalculations,” “would likely,” “statisticalcalculations,”“someastronomers estimate,” etc. His intention is toshow it“could have” happened. Well, I“couldhave been” president ofGeneral Motors, but I’m not! Heneeds to read, RaymondLittleton, “The Non-existence ofthe OortCometary Shell,”Astrophysics and SpaceScience, Vol. 31 pp. 385-401. There isno Oort cloud.Heconcludes his non-answer tothecometquestion by tryingtoput theburden on thecreationist! Hesays, “Thecreationistmustprovethat thereare noreasonable sources forreplenishingcomets”(p.13). And Isay, “No, Dave, if you expectalltaxpayers tofund your religion in thepublicschoolsystem,parks, museums, etc., the burden of proof is on you! You mayspend your money any way you want. You arewelcometobelieveanything youwantand you may teachyour childrenanythingyou wantthem to believe; but before you spend mymoneyto teach my children and grandchildren somethingIdon’t want them tobelieve, theburden of proof is on you!”Shiftingtheburden ofproofis acommon tactictokeep anenemy busy. If Isaidwatermelons areblueon theinsideuntilyou cutthe skin, Provemewrong! Ihaveshifted the burdenon proof on you. Thatis what most scoffers try todowiththeir criticisms of creationists. Don’t befooled!After readingthroughonescoffer’s article called “300 Lies ofCreation Scientists,” itwas hard nottolaugh. They surearegetting desperate thesedays. Itold him Idon't deal withanonymous cowards, but ifhewould givemehis realnameand number, Iwould beglad toshow him when his logiciswrong. Hehas refused and now is upsetbecause Iwon’tcorrespond withhim anymore. Idon’t wastealotof time onscoffers becausethere are somany sincerepeoplewho wantand need thetruththat it is unfairto divertmuchenergy tothose whodo notwanttohear. Duringthewar for states'rights, President Lincoln was getting lots ofcritical letters.Oneof his aids asked him ifheintended toanswer them.Lincoln repliedthat if he answered all his critics that wouldabsorb all his time and he had awar to win. Nehemiah did the

“The American people areso enamored by equality thatthey would rather be equal inslavery than unequal infreedom.”—Alexis de Tocquevillesame thingwhen his enemies wanted him tostop the workand come down totalkabout thewall he was building. Hisanswer was classic. Nehemiah6:3-4 says: “And Isentmessengersuntothem (his critics), saying, Iam doing agreatwork,so that Icannotcomedown: why should theworkcease,whilst Ileaveit, and comedown to you? Yet they sent untome four times afterthis sort; andIanswered them after thesame manner.” Nearly every day askepticor scoffer willtry toengageme in aletter writing battle via e-mail orstandard mailover thecreation subject. Ihave astanding offerof $250,000for prooffor evolution and Istand ready todebate anytwoorthreeevolutionists at atimein apublicsetting, but Iwon’twastethetimetoslowlyhuntand peck outendless answerswhen theydon’t really wantone. Thatwould becasting mypearls before swine(seeMatthew 7:6). If they are so suretheyareright, theyshouldbedelighted with theopportunity todebateme publicly.Iwill even draw thecrowd for them!Atheists seem tohavenothingelseto do. They know theycan'tgetacrowd together for an atheists’ meeting, so theyride on thecoattails ofthecreationists. For example, Irecentlywas invited bythefree-thoughtclub on the OhioStateUniversity campus to debate theeditor oftheAmericanAtheist Magazine. Theytold metheynormallyhadabout30peoplecome to their meetings (in auniversityof 58,000), butthey had nearly90 comewhen this man spokethemonthbefore. They wereproud totellmeabout this greatattendance!Thenight of the debate therewere hundreds there(severalpeople said there wereover 700) to hearthedebate. Ispeaktocrowds of over 1000 nearly every weekout of theyear. Theatheists ofcourse havea“smarter than thou”attitudeaboutitall. They say their crowds are smallbecausetherearenotverymany smart people(meaningthemselves, ofcourse) in theworld. What egos!If thesecritics would devoteeven 5% oftheir error-detectingattention totheevolution theory likethey do tothe creationtheory, they would see thelies, wild exaggerations anddistortions used tosupport thesilly idea that we all came fromarockover the last4.6billion years! Converted evolutionistsmakegreatcreationists. Christians and creationists needtoworkto beaccurate, ofcourse, atthesametimeweneed torealize theevolutionists arenottheenemy, Satan is theenemy. It may be hard attimes, butwe needto lovethesinner whilewehatethesin. God is notwilling thatanyshould perish butthat all come tothe knowledge of the truth.Feel free to callin toour world wideradio program withanyquestions. Seeour web sitewww.drdino.com for details.Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 86

87“The evolutionary trees thatadorn our textbooks have dataonly at the tips and nodes oftheir branches; the rest isinference, howeverreasonable, not the evidenceof fossils.”—Stephen Jay Gould,Professor of Geology andPaleontology,HarvardUniversity in “Evolution’sErractic Pace,” Natural History,vol. 86 (May,1977), p. 1440. Q:A:Wheredid you getyourdegree?Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503Every once in awhilesomeone will askmethequestion,“Wheredid you get your degree?” Therearemany web sitesthat attackmeand often publishfalseinformation aboutmeand/ormy degree. While Iam nottheleastbit ashamed ofmyeducation, Ihavelearned by experiencethat some areaskingthequestion becausethey havecometo thepointwherethey cannotattackthemessage Ibringagainst evolutionsothey wishto attackmepersonally instead. This iscalled an ad hominem argument. They mistakenly think thatby belittling theman theyhave answered his points andwonthedebate. When theopponentin adebatebegins usingadhominem attacks, itis an obvious signal toallthat they arelosingthedebateon facts and must resortto other means totry tosaveface or divert attention. It is also interestingtowatchhow theevolutionists will spend much time andeffortscrutinizing asubject likemy degreeorcredentials yetwon'tspend twoseconds scrutinizinghow ridiculous theentireevolution theory is! They truly strain at agnat andswallow acamelas Jesus said in Matthew 23:24. Twomisguidedindividualsareeven writingtoevery churchon my itinerarytryingtogetthepastors tocancel my meetings! Nomeetings havebeen canceled, butseveralpastors havecalled me to haveagood laugh over these letters. It is obvious thatthesecriticsareunabletogetacrowd tovoluntarily listen to them preachtheevolution religion sothey spend timeattackingcreationists.Back to the degree question. Itookadvanced mathandscience classes at East Peoria HighSchool graduatingin 1971. Iearnedmy first60 (+ or -) credit hours majoringin mathandscience at Illinois Central Collegein EastPeoria, Illinois. Ithen transferred toMidwestern BaptistCollegein Pontiac,Michigan where Idoublemajored in education and <strong>Bible</strong>andgraduated in 1974. (I took 18-20 hours eachsemester plussummerschooltograduatein threeyears.) While Itaughtmathand science in Christian schools for thenext 15 years, Itook courses atseveral <strong>Bible</strong>colleges in my spare time. Itaught for 3½years in Pekin, Illinois, 3½years in Boubonais,Illinois, (I transferred at semester breakto fillaneed inBourbonais), 5years in Longview, Texas, 3years in Fairfield,California and1yearin Pensacola, Florida. Ifinished myMasters (1988) and Doctorate (1991) degrees in educationfrom PatriotUniversity.Patriot University www.patriotuniversity.com is aChristianuniversity in ColoradoSprings thatoffers an external studiesprogram for people involved in full timeministries. PatriotUniversity (established 1980) is an extension of HilltopBaptist Churchand offered aPh.D. in education. Ispentmanyyears workingon mydegreeand learned alot -asanyone whohas watched mydebates with evolutionists orseminar series will testify. LongafterIgraduated, Patriotrelocated its extension division offices to College Heights

“We should all be concernedwith the future because wewill have to spend the rest ofour lives there.”—Charles F.Kettering“What is the use of beingelected or re-elected unlessyou stand for something?”—President GroverClevelandBaptistChurchin Alamosa, COwhereitcontinues to thrivetoday. Patriot now offers aDoctor of Ministry degreeratherthan aPh.D. in education becausetheState of Coloradoaskedthem to make thechange to emphasizethereligious natureoftheirinstitution. Someillinformed scoffers have even circulatedapicture of the churchparsonagenexttothechurch(whichhas thesameaddress) and claimed this is wherePatriotis now located. Idon'tunderstand theirtwisted logic but,evidently, they think this somehow discredits me.Patriot allows students togiveofferings totheschool insteadof aregular tuition payment. Somescoffers havelaughed atthis idea; yet, they don'tseem torealizethis is God's methodand they alsoforget how manythousands havegonethroughsecular schools without usingany of their own money viagrants, scholarships or their parents' savings.Somehaveridiculed thesize of the school. Itwould beinteresting to seethelook on thescoffer's faceif they knewthesizeoftheschools many of our early presidents, congressmen,and military leaders graduated from. If Harvard offers aPh.D. degreeprogram withonly threeorfour students (thishappens atmany schools, sometimes withonly one student),does the small number automaticallymean they arenot“earningtheir degree” orthat they areattending a“diplomamill” school? Of coursenot! Hundreds ofcolleges and universitiesoffer classes bycorrespondence. Thereis nothing wrongwiththis. Iworkedvery hard formy degrees. Idon'tknow ifothers doornot. Patriothas about25graduates each year,three tofiveofwhich are getting doctorate degrees.My 20-year studyof thecreation/evolutionism subject led metostart Creation ScienceEvangelism in 1991. Inow speakmorethan 700 times each year on thesubject. Ihavehadmorethan 80 debates and have been agueston over 5000radio and television talkshows. My itineraryis availablefrommyofficeor on my web site, and any evolutionistinterestedin apublicdebateis welcometocontactmetoarrangeatimewhile Iam in their area to be held at aplaceof their choosing.Seemyweb site for details. Sincesomeseem to think Idon'thave a“legitimatedegree,” theycan callmeKent, Mr. Hovindor even “hey, you,” if itwillmake them feelbetter. Since theydon'tthink Iam “properly educated,” itshould beeasyforthem to demonstratehow wrong Iam and how muchevidencethereisfor evolution. Ishould beapushover, but Iamwilling to debatethem anyway and run therisk of publiclyembarrassingmyself. BTW, wehavenow upped our offer to$250,000 forevidencefor evolution.Ifyou would like thenames of scientists whosupport theyoungearth creationistposition you may wantto contact theInstitute for Creation Researchat 619-448-0900 or ICR.ORG.They can supply you withalist. Ionly claim tohave manyyears ofexperiencein studyingthe subjectand thecommonsense to know thattheuniverseis too complex tohavehappened without an incredibly smart designer (whom IDr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 88

“For whosoever shall callupon the name of the Lordshall be saved.”—Romans 10:13happen to know personally as my Savior). By the way,Darwin's only degreewas in theology; yet, heis often called agreat scientistin textbooks today. Whoand what determineswho gets tobecalled a“scientist” and why don'tthesescoffersput the same effortintocorrectingtextbooks thatcall “Reverend”Darwin ascientist?As Henry Morris has pointed out, “It is worthnotingthatalmost none of the leaders ofthis evolutionaryrevivalhadbeen trained as scientists in themodern sense. None wereeducated as physicists orchemists or biologists or geologists orastronomers or other “natural” scientists. As already noted,Charles Darwin himself was an apostatedivinity studentwhose only degreewas in theology. Charles Lyellwas alawyer; William Smith asurveyor, James Hutton an agriculturalist,John Playfair amathematician, and Robert Chambersajournalist. Alfred Russell Wallacehad little formal educationofany kind, with only abriefapprenticeship in surveying.Thomas Huxley had an indifferent education in medicine.Herbert Spencer received practically noformaleducationexcept somepracticalexperience in railroad engineering.Thomas Malthus was atheologian and economist, whileErasmus Darwin was amedicaldoctor and poet. Of all thechief contributors tothe revival of evolutionism commonlyassociatedwithCharles Darwin, only Jean Lamarckin Franceand ErnstHaeckel in Germany seemed tohave had abona fideeducation in the branchof evolutionary “science” that theypursued, and they had their own particular anti-Christianagendas to promote.” (TheLongWar Against God ch.4.)Haeckel and Lamarck pushed wildly wrongideas tosupportevolution.Ihopethis helps answer your question. Please feelfreeto callmeany time if you have questions.41. Q:A:What about separation between churchand state?Separation of church and state is never mentioned in theconstitution. The phrase first appeared in aletter written byThomas Jefferson in 1802 to aBaptist pastor in Dayton,Connecticut. Atheists almost always omit the last part ofthe letter that shows Jefferson’s intent.Here is the context of that letter: “The First Amendment haserected awall of separation between church and state. Thatwall is aone dimensional wall. It keeps government fromrunning the church, but it makes sure that Christian principleswill always stay in government.”For more on this topic, contact Wallbuilders (800) 873-2845www.wallbuilders.com.Please send in your questions if you don’t see somethingcovered in our seminar. We may include it in future editions.89Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

Sources for moreInformation:We try to keep all our information ascurrent as possible. However, addresses, phonenumbers, web sites, etc. change from time totime. Therefore, we cannot guarantee theabsolute accuracy of all those listed. If younotice something that needs to be changed,please notify us so that corrections might bemade before the next edition. Thank you.American Portrait FilmsP.O. Box 19266 •Cleveland, Ohio 44119(800) 736-4567 •(216) 531-8600fax (216) 531-8355 •www.amport.comGood films for familiesAnswers in GenesisKen Ham •P.O. Box 6330Florence, Kentucky 41042 •(800) 350-3232www.answersingenesis.orgCreation MagazineCenter for Scientific CreationDr. WalterT.Brown,Jr.•5612North20PlacePhoenix, Arizona 85016 •(602) 955-7663www.creationscience.comCommon Sense for TodayDon Boys, Ph.D. •P.O. Box 944Ringold, Georgia 30736 •(706) 965-5930Dboys@aol.comConcerned Women for AmericaDr. Beverly LaHaye •1015 Fifteenth St., NWSuit 1100 Washington, DC 20005(800) 458-8797(202) 488-7000 •www.cwfa.orgRadio program and newsletter for the familyCoral Ridge MinistriesDr. D. James Kennedy •P.O. Box 40Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33302(954) 771-8840 •www.coralridge.orgTV/radio programs, books, newsletterCreation Evidence MuseumDr. Carl Baugh •P.O. Box 309Glen Rose, Texas 76043 •(254)897-3200http://home.texoma.net/~linesden/cem/Creation Resource FoundationDennis Peterson •P.O. Box 570El Dorado, CA 95623(800)497-1454 •(916)626-4447www.awesomeworks.com/crf/siteindex.htmCreation Moments (formerly <strong>Bible</strong> ScienceAssociation)26219FremontDr•Zimmerman,Minn 55398(800) 422-4253 •(612) 856-2552fax (612)856-2525Great source for books on creation.Creation Science Association for Mid-America22509 State Line Road •Cleveland, Missouri64734 •(816) 618-3610 •www.csama.orgCreation Truth Foundation, Inc.Dr. G. Thomas Sharp •P.O. Box 1435Noble, Oklahoma 73068 •(405)872-9856Institute for Creation ResearchP.O. Box 2667 •El Cajon, California 92021(619)448-0900 •www.icr.orgMarrs, TexeLiving Truth Ministries •1708 Patterson RdAustin, Texas 78733 •(800) 234-9673www.texemarrs.comInformation regarding the New World OrderMaster BooksP.O. Box 727 •Green Forest, AR 72638(800)999-3777Media Bypass(800)4-BYPASS •www.4bypass.comPatriot magazineMuseum of Earth and Life HistoryDr. James Hall •Liberty UniversityLynchburg, Virginia 24506 •(800) 522-6225Second Coming MinistryTerry L. Cook774 Mays Blvd., Suite 10Incline Village, Nevada89451(775)833-1803Info on mark of theBeast, implantablebiochip, or to schedulehis seminar.Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 90

Science FrontiersP.O. Box 107Glen Arm, Maryland 21057Traditional Values CoalitionRev. Lou Sheldon •P.O. Box 940Anaheim, CA 92815 •(714)520-0300Trumpet MinistriesP.O. Box 279Wesley, AR 72645(509) 880-6285www.trumpetmin.orgTrumpetNow@aol.comWallbuilders, Inc.P.O. Box 397 •Aledo, Texas 76008(800) 873-2845 •(817) 441-6044www.wallbuilders.comWashington Times(202)636-3333 •www.washtimes.comNewspaper covering stories not found inliberal media; daily publications can bemailed to your home“The Road Called Life”Theroadoflife,itseemstome,isnotassmoothasitshouldbe.Sometimestheroadseemsalluphill,likeswallowingabitterpill.Sometimesthebumpsgetreallyrough,andyougiveup,orelsegettough.Butthehardestpart,itseemstome,iswhenyoudriveuptoa“T.”Youmustgoleftorelsegoright,andthat’swhatmakesmystomachtight.Decisionsseemsohardtomake,butImustchoosewhichroadtotake.ThatchoicedetermineswhereI’llbeandalsomywholefamily.Iaskedforhelpfromthosearound,buttheirview,too,wasfromtheground.AndsoIaskedtheOneIknew(Whoupinheavenhasaview),OfalltheroadsthatImighttake,tokeepmerightforJesus’sake.IprayedandprayedandthenIchose,andwasIright?MyFatherknows.ButHewon’tsaytoomuchtome;Hesavesitforeternity.AndthenIthinkthatHewillsay,“Myson,youcouldhavechoseneitherway.I’mmoreconcernedaboutyourheart,thanwhereyougoorwhenyoustart.It’snotsomuchwhichwayyougo,butwhatyoudowithwhatyouknow.Youmaygoleftorrightorstraight.I’llmeetyouatthepearlygate.Andwelcomeyouwithopenarms,andkeepyousafefromalllife’sharms. ”Is’poseI’llwondereveryday,“WhatifI’dgonetheotherway?”ButthistimeI’lljustdomybestandpackmystuffandheadoutWest.WrittenByDr.Hovindwhileprayingaboutamajormove.91Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

Bibliography:RecommendedReadingCreationScienceEvangelismdoes notnecessarilyagreewitheveryviewpointgivenin eachbook.<strong>Bible</strong> RelatedAnswer Book, TheSamuelGipp •DayStar Publications164pages•Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $6.50Archko Volume, TheRandallReinstedt•McGraw-Hill248pages•Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $16.50Language of the King James <strong>Bible</strong>, TheGailRiplinger •AV Publications179pages•Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $8.25New Age <strong>Bible</strong> VersionGailRiplinger •AV Publications699pages•Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $9.50Prophet, TheChickPublications32pages•Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $2.00Remarkable Record of Job, TheHenryMorris •Master Books146pages•Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $8.50Remarkable Wisdom of Solomon, TheHenryMorris •Master Books236pages•Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $11.50Who is This Allah?G.J.O. Moshay•The BereanCall182pages•Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $7.50CancerArjona, DavidHealthGenesis1111 Kane Concourse,Suite303Bay Harbor,FL33154(888)301-1336,(877)342-5217 or(305) 861-0898fax (305)861-8962www.healthgenesis.comHealthrelatedproducts.Cancer Control SocietyLoraine Rosenthal•2043 NorthBerendo StreetLos Angeles,CA90027•(323)663-7801Also has informationon multiple sclerosis.Hallelujah AcresP.O.Box 2388•900 South PostRoadShelby,NC 28151(704)481-1700/fax(704)481-0345www.yourlifesource.com •Health InformationInternational Credible Medicine AssociationP.O.Box 610767•Dallas/Fort Worth,TX75261(817)481-9772•InformationonHOOxidative2 2Therapy,usinghydrogenperoxideto aidhealing.No informationgiven over phone; must write forinformation.Power of Healing, The Power of God, TheSardi,Bill •475West Allen,#117SanDimas,CA91773•(909) 861-3454www.askbillsardi.com •Informationonhealthrelatedproblems•208pagesAvailable from <strong>CSE</strong> $19.50Tyler, Dr. Larry207 West2ndStreet•Washington,MO 63090(314)239-2323•InformationonhealthproblemsVaccinations: Deception &TragedyMichaelDye •HallelujahAcres Publishing120 pages •Available from <strong>CSE</strong>$8.50World Without CancerAmerican Media•G.Edward GriffinP.O.Box 4646•West Lake Village,CA91359(800)595-6596•Excellent book,explaining howcancer works and the politics inAmericathat haskeptnaturalcures from reaching thepeople.368 pages •Available from <strong>CSE</strong>$17.50Cave Men, So-CalledAfter the FloodBillCooper •New WinePress256 pages •Availablefrom <strong>CSE</strong> $12.50Bone Peddlers, TheWilliam R.Fix•MacmillanPub.House866 ThirdAvenue•New York,New York 10022Excellent,documents the fact thatevolutionistshaveno evidence for evolution. AlthoughMr Fixdoes notcomeall the wayto thecreationists’viewpoint,this 320-page book supplies ammunitionfor anyone wantingto refute the theoryof evolution.Bones of ContentionMarvinL.Lubenow •Bestexposé ofthe so-called“cave men” in printtodayis givenin this creationistassessment of humanfossils. High school/adultlevel.295 pages •Available from <strong>CSE</strong>$13.00Buried AliveJack Cuozzo •Master Books Inc.POBox727•Green Forest, AR72638www.masterbooks.net •Available from <strong>CSE</strong> for$13.00Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 92

Discovery of Genesis, TheC.H.KangandE.R.Nelson139 pages•Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $9.50Hidden History of the Human Race, TheMichaelA.Cremo and RichardL.ThompsonGovardham HillPublishingP.O.Box 1920•Alachua,FL32615Greatbook exposingcave menby (of allpeople)two followersof easternreligions•344pagesNoah to Abram: the Turbulent YearsErich A.von Fange371 pages•Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $17.50Puzzle of Ancient Man, TheDonaldE.Chittick•CreationCompassP.O.Box 993•Newberg,OR 97132Evidencefrom pastcultures indicatingman wasveryadvancedfromthecreation.(170pages)Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $10.00Texas Tracks and ArtifactsR.Helfinstine,J.Roth109 pages•Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $9.50Creation InformationAlpha Omega InstitutePO Box 4343•Grand Junction,CO 81502(970) 523-9943• www.discovercreation.orgAmerican Portrait FilmsPO Box 809•Brunswick,OH 44212(330) 220-6693•fax (330)220-6253www.amport.comAmmunitionNorm Sharbaugh •NormSharbaughMinistriesPO Box 215•Brownsburg,IN46112(317) 852-0877•Covers best generalarguments forevolution,and how to refute them.Includesinterestingfacts and artifacts from various fields ofscienceto debunk evolution.Answers Book, TheDr.SamuelC.Gipp •DayStar Publishing164 pages•Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $6.50Answers Book, TheKen Ham,Andrew Snelling,Carl WielandMasterBooks•PO Box 726GreenForest,AR 72638•(800)999-3777w ww.masterbooks.net•www.answersingenesis.orgAstronomy and the <strong>Bible</strong>DonaldDeYoung •ICR176 pages•Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $9.50Biblical CreationismHenry M.Morris •Baker BooksPO Box 6287•Grand Rapids,MI49516Whateach book of the <strong>Bible</strong>teaches aboutCreationandthe Flood.276 pages. • www.icr.org<strong>Bible</strong>: Key to Understanding the Early Earth, TheSouthwestRadio ChurchPO Box100•Bethany,OK73008(800)652-1144or(403)787-2589Great collectionof evidence thattheearthis not“millions of yearsold.”• www.swrc.comBiblical Basis for Modern Science, TheHenryM.Morris•10946WoodsideAvenueNorthSantee,CA92071•(619)448-0900 • www.icr.orgAs inallof his books,Dr.Morris doesasplendid jobofclearlyshowingscience supportsthe<strong>Bible</strong> ratherthanevolution.Big God vs. Big ScienceBillSardi •Here&Now Books108 pages •Availablefrom <strong>CSE</strong>$7.00Bone of ContentionSylviaBaker •Answers in GenesisPO Box6302•Acacia RidgeD.C.,Qld4110Australia•Agreat,must-read,shortbook withloads of useful informationaboutthe creationevolutionsubject•35pagesAvailable from <strong>CSE</strong>$3.50Book of Jasher, TheArtisanPublishers •254pagesAvailable from <strong>CSE</strong>$9.75Claws, Jaws &DinosaursWilliamsGibbons andDr.Kent HovindAtlast acryptozoologybook foryoungreadersfromacreation perspective!Gibbonshasbeen tothe Congo three timesas wellas manyotherexpeditions gatheringevidenceof the few smalldinosaurs that are still alivetoday.Ages sevenandup willenjoythis book. 72pages.Available from <strong>CSE</strong>$5.00Comfort, RayLivingWaters •PO Box1172Bellflower,CA90706 • www.raycomfort.comGreat helps forevangelismCreation and TimeMark VanBebber&Paul S.Taylor2628 WestBirchwoodCircle •Mesa,AZ85202(800)332-2261•120pagesAgreat book exposingthe false teachingofHughRoss. • Availablefrom <strong>CSE</strong> $6.50Creation Student Workbook(Homeschooler’s Curriculum <strong>Notebook</strong>)Charles Lynn,M.Ed•58pagesAvailable from <strong>CSE</strong>$8.5093Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

Creation Scientists Answer Their Critics10946Woodside Avenue NorthSantee,CA92071•(619) 448-0900www.icr.org •451pagesAvailable from <strong>CSE</strong> $15.50Creation’s Tiny MysteryRobertV.Gentry •Atechnicalbook aboutradiopoloniumhalos,thelittle marvels ingraniterocksthat prove the world was createdinstantlyas the<strong>Bible</strong> says (earthnever wasahot,moltenmass ascurrently taught insecular schools).Upperhighschoolstudents andadults willgain valuableinsights from this amazing work. •363pageswww.halos.com •Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $13.50Darwin's Black BoxMichaelJBehe •Simon &Schuster307 pages•available from <strong>CSE</strong> $12.50Darwin on TrialPhillip E.Johnson •InterVarsity PressPOBox 1400•Downer’s Grove, IL60515Law professor atUniversityof California,Berkley,does agreatjob showing evolutionisnotlogical.Www.gospelcom.net/ivpressDarwin’s EnigmaLutherSunderland •Master Books92pages•Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $10.50Defeating DarwinismPhillipJohnson •InterVarsityPress131 pages •Availablefrom <strong>CSE</strong>$10.50Defender’s <strong>Bible</strong>NotesbyDr. HenryMorris•WorldPublishing,Inc.(Over 6400 explanatory footnotes)Available from <strong>CSE</strong>$30.00/$45.00Did Adam Have aBellybutton?KenHam•Master Books192pages •Availablefrom <strong>CSE</strong>$10.50Dinosaurs by DesignDuaneT.Gish,Ph.D. •Learneverythingthatyouhaveever wantedto know about dinosaurs. Wherethey lived,how thefossilswereformed,andwhether there aresomestill alivetoday.88pages/hardback •Available from <strong>CSE</strong>$15.50Discovery of Genesis, TheC. H. Kang, Ethel R. Nelson •Concordia Pub. House3558 South Jefferson Ave •St. Louis, MO 63118Showstheconnection betweenthe Chineselanguagecharacters and the originalcreation.EveryChinesepersonneeds to read this book.135 pages•Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $9.50Doubts About Creation? Not After ThisBrian Young191 pages•Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $9.50Evolution: ATheory in CrisisMichaelDenton •Adler&Adler PublishersHighlyrecommended.Author is not acreationist,but destroys evolution scientifically.Evolution: Fact, Fraud, or Faith?DonBoys,Ph.D •<strong>Free</strong>dom Publications352 pages •Availablefrom <strong>CSE</strong>$14.00Fossil, Facts, and FantasiesJoe Taylor•MtBlanco Museum80pages •Availablefrom <strong>CSE</strong>$19.50Gap Theory, TheK.Hovind,S.Lawwell•<strong>CSE</strong>20pages •Availablefrom <strong>CSE</strong>$2.00Genesis Flood, TheJ. Whitcomb,H.Morris•ICR518 pages •Availablefrom <strong>CSE</strong>$14.50Genesis Solution, TheKenHam,Paul TaylorFilms for ChristAssociation2628-AW.Birchwood Cir.•Mesa,Arizona85202Highlyrecommend,easy to read and understand forjunior highage and up. • www.icr.orgGod Doesn’t Believe in AtheistsRayComfort •LivingWaters191 pages •Availablefrom <strong>CSE</strong>$7.50How to Make an Atheist BackslideRayComfort •Bridge-LogosPublisher219 pages •Availablefrom <strong>CSE</strong>$5.00Icons of EvolutionJonathanWells •RegneryPublishing,Inc338 pages •Availablefrom <strong>CSE</strong>$23.95In the BeginningWalt Brown •Center for Scientific Creation5612 North 20th Place•Phoenix,AZ 85016Athoroughlydocumentedbook about creation,theflood of Noah,and the hydroplate theory ofmountainformationandcontinental drift.Available from <strong>CSE</strong>$23.50In Six DaysJohn Ashton •Master Books384 pages •Availablefrom <strong>CSE</strong>$13.50In the Minds of MenIanTaylorWell-referencedanddocumented, one of the bestbooks Ihave everreadonthe controversyofcreation-evolution; anyserious studentof thissubjectneeds to readit (high school/adult level).498 pages •Availablefrom <strong>CSE</strong>$22.50Language of the King James, TheGail Riplinger•A.V. Publications179 pages •Availablefrom <strong>CSE</strong>$8.25Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 94

95Long War Against God, TheHenry M.Morris •Creation Truth PublicationsP.O.Box 1435•Noble,Oklahoma73068www.icr.orgOneof thebest books I’veever read!No other bookputs things inperspective orexplains how new age,pantheism, easternreligions,andevolutionalltieintogether quite likethis one.344 pages•Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $13.00Men of Science—Men of GodHenry M.Morris •Master BooksP.O.Box 727• GreenForest,AR 72638(800)999-3777)Briefbiographical sketchesof some of the great menof science andhow their belief in God andcreationmotivatedtheirresearch. Junior high and upwilllovethis book.Origin of the Species Revisited, Vol. 1and 2WendelR.Byrd•Regency(Thomas Nelson)Nashville,TennesseeProbablythemostthoroughbook on this subject,500-plus pages ineach.Brilliantlyargued evidence(before theSupreme Court)thatthe evolutiontheoryhas no scientific evidence to supportit.Panorama of CreationCarl,E.Baugh,Ph.D.An explanationof how the earthwas differentbefore the flood.98 pages •Availablefrom <strong>CSE</strong>$8.50Reason in the BalancePhillipE.Johnson •InterVarsityPressP.O.Box1400•Downers Grove,IL60515Thecase against naturalism inscience,law,andeducation.Excellentbook.245 pages •Available from <strong>CSE</strong>$13.50Refuting EvolutionJonathanSarfati•Master Books143 pages •Available from <strong>CSE</strong>$8.50Revised and Expanded AnswersK.Ham,J.Srfati,C.Wieland•MasterBooks274 pages •Available from <strong>CSE</strong>$11.50Revised Quote Book, TheInstitute for CreationResearch•P.O.Box 2667ElCajon,California92021•(619)448-0900Quotes byfamous evolutionistsadmittingtheyhaveno evidence for theirtheory.Availablefrom<strong>CSE</strong>$3.50Ride to GloryWarrenJohns •General Title Company414 pages •Available from <strong>CSE</strong>$28.50Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503Science According to MosesDr.G.ThomasSharpCreationTruthPublicationsP.O.Box 1435 •Noble,Oklahoma 73068(405)872-9856About $15; 351 pages.Scientific Analysis of Genesis, AEdward F.Blick •Hearthstone Pub.,Ltd.Divisionof Southwest Radio Churchof the AirP.O.Box 815•OklahomaCity,OK73101Anengineer examines the book of Genesis.Science and the <strong>Bible</strong> Volumes 1and 2DonaldB.DeYoung •Baker BooksThirtyscientific demonstrations illustratingScripturaltruths.110pages. <strong>CSE</strong> $17.00Scientific CreationismHenryM.Morris• Creation-Life PublishersP.O.Box 15666•SanDiego,CA92115Great overallview onthe subject, haschapters oneachof the maintopics inthe creation-evolutiondebate,highlyrecommended.Availablefrom <strong>CSE</strong>$9.50Scopes II—The Great DebateBillKeith•HuntingtonHouse,Inc.1200 North Market Street •Suite GShreveport,LA71107ByLouisianastate senator,BillKeith (wrotethelaw to require creationto be taught if evolutionistaught in public schools).Covers legalbattleragingover whatto teach in public schools,193pages.Seven Men Who Ruled the World from the GraveDave Breese •MoodyPressFalse philosophies that haveaffectedpeople’sthinking around the world.235pages•Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $11.75Texas Tracks and ArtifactsRobert F.Helfinstine,JerryD.Roth1136 Fifth Avenue South •Anoka,MN55303(612)421-8964Most current book onboth humanand dinosaurtracks foundtogether inGlen Rose, Texas.109pages•Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $9.50That Their Words May Be Used Against ThemHenryM.Morris •Institutefor CreationResearchP.O.Box 2667 •El Cajon,CA92021Agiantbook of thousands of quotes byevolutionistsand famous scientists testifying thattheevolutiontheoryhas no real scientificevidence toback itup.The CD-ROMthatcomes withthebook makes it abreezeto researchbytopic orauthor. Iusethis book every week inresearch onthecreation/evolutionsubject.479pages•Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $19.50

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97Enigma of Loch Ness, TheHenryH.Bauer•UniversityofIllinois Press243pages.Fossil Facts &FantasiesTaylor,Joe124WestMain•Crosbyton,TX79322(806)675-7777•www.mtblanco.comCreationMuseumandinformationonfossils.80pages•Availableat<strong>CSE</strong>$19.50Great Dinosaur Mystery and the <strong>Bible</strong>, ThePaulTaylorChild’s-levelbookaboutmenanddinosaurslivingtogether,has thecolorpictureof theplesiosaurcaughtbytheJapanesefishingboatin1977.61pages•Availablefrom <strong>CSE</strong>$13.95Greatest Monsters in the World †‡DanielCohen•Dodd,Mead,andCompanyIn Search of Lake Monsters †‡PeterCostello•Garnstone PressLimited59BromptonRoad•London,EnglandSW3IDSIn Search of OgopogoArlene Gaal•Hancock House208pages•Availablefrom <strong>CSE</strong>$14.50Living Dinosaur?, A†‡Dr.RoyP.Mackal•E.J.Brill,Leiden,HollandGreatexampleofthe research goingonintheCongoSwampwhere 25-35footapatosaursstilllive.Dr.RoyMackal,UniversityofChicago.340pages•Availablefrom <strong>CSE</strong>$29.50Loch Ness Monster †‡Tim Dinsdale•Routledge and KegalPaul9Park Street•Boston,MA01208Monster HuntTim Dinsdale•AcropolisBooksLtd.Washington,DC20009Monster at Loch Ness †‡SallyBerke•RaintreePublishers Limited205 WestHighland AvenueMilwaukee,Wisconsin53203Monster of Loch Ness †‡James Cornell•Scholastic Book Services50 West44 Street •New York,New York 10036Monster! Monster! †‡BettySanders Garner•Hancock House19313Zero Avenue,Surrey,BC.V4P1M7(604)538-1114Asthesearchforunknowncreaturescontinues,thisbookgives thecompletestoryof “monsters”(possiblylivingdinosaurs)thatmanybelieveliveinNorthAmerica.190 pages•Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $12.00Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503Mysterious America †‡LorenColeman •Faber and Faber,Inc.50Cross Street•Winchester,MA01890Mysterious Creatures †‡Time-LifeBooks •1450 EastParham RoadRichmond,Virginia 23280(800)621-7026Mysterious Sea Monsters of California’s CentralCoastRandallA.Reinstedt•GhostTownPublicationsP.O.Drawer 5998•Carmel,CA93291This updatedversionis themostcompletecollectionof local sea monster stories ever assembled,includingmanyincidents related personallyto theauthor by the fishermen who experiencedthem.(71 pages)•Available from <strong>CSE</strong>$6.50Mysterious WorldArthur C.Clarke•Video Series•(800) 538-585613tapes for about $170This greatvideo series has mostofthe knownpictures, movies,andinterviews aboutLochNessMonster,etc.Sea Monsters †‡William KnowltonAlfred A.Knopf,Inc. New York,New YorkOn the Track of Unknown Animals †‡BernardHeuvelmans •The Sourcebook ProjectP.O.Box107 •GlenArm,Maryland21057•Agiantbook of hundredsof stories about Cryptids.Sea Serpents, Sailors, and Skeptics †‡Graham J. McEwan •Routledge &KeganPaul9Park Street•Boston,Mass.02108Shipwrecks and Sea Monsters of California’sCentral CoastRandallA.Reinstedt•Ghost Town PublicationsP.O.Drawer 5998•Carmel,CA93921Documentedstories of over forty shipwrecks andtheremarkabletales of strange beasts that inhabitthesubmarine canyonoutside MonterreyBay.Thisbook contains the bestknownphotos of thefortyfoot sea serpent thatwasheduponaCaliforniabeach in 1925.168 pages.Availablefrom<strong>CSE</strong>$9.00Unexplained!JeromeClark •Visible Ink Press835PenobscotBldg. •Detroit,Michigan 48226Acatalog of 347 strange sightings and puzzlingphysicalphenomena.443pages•Availablefrom <strong>CSE</strong> $8.50

Mark of the BeastThe MARK of the New World OrderTerryL.Cook •SecondComingMinistries61535S.Highway 97•Unit9,Suite 288Bend,Oregon 97702Reveals the hidden agenda of those who are pushingloss of privacyand biochiptechnology.385pages.Martin, Dean(850) 455-5011•martindl@freent.comSpeaksonand demonstratesembeddablemicrochiptechnology.Trumpet Ministrieswww.trumpetmin.org •sho-phar@trumpetmn.orgHe helpedinvent theimplantchip.New Age MovementAncient Empires of the New AgePaul DeParrieand MaryPrideFascinating,covers someof thehistory of the New AgeMovementandshows alittlebit about what is happeningtodaytobring us back to the SatanicNew WorldOrder,201 pages.Citizen's Rule BookPaper-House Publications62pages•Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $1.00En Route to Global OccupationGaryH.Kah•HuntingtonHousePublishersP.O.Box53788 •Lafayette,Louisiana70505Oneof thebestbooks onthe New Age movement,exposing what is happeningtodayas we racetowardthe one-worldorderof which Satan willbe the head,213 pages.Foundations of LibertyTexe Marrs • LivingTruth Ministries1708PattersonRoad•Austin,Texas 78733(800)234-9673•www.texemarrs.com$20+$3.50P&H.Fourth Reich of the RichDesGriffin •Emissary Publications316pages•Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $11.00HushmoneyPeter Kershaw•Heal Our Land Ministries208E.College Steet,Suite262•Branson,MO65616(417)337-7533 (VoiceMail)•www.hushmoney.orgAmust-readfor pastors andministryleaders.Exposes thehiddendangersof 501(c) (3)Incorporation.46pages •Availableat <strong>CSE</strong>$5.00In Caesar's GripPeter Kershaw•Heal Our Land Ministries141pages•Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $15.00In the Minds of MenIanT.Taylor •TFE Publishing498 pages •Availablefrom <strong>CSE</strong>$25.00Now is the Dawning of the New World OrderDennis Lawrence Cuddy,Ph.D.Hearthstone Pub.,Ltd. •P.O.Box 815Oklahoma City,OK73101Good,fast-paced,filledwith informationon theNew Age Movement.With 415 pages,itwillanswerall thequestions you have andevenraise afew more.New Age <strong>Bible</strong> VersionsRiplinger,Gail•A.V.PublicationsPO Box 280•Ararat,VA24053(540)251-1734/fax (540)251-1734www.jesusislord.com/riplinge.htmInformation on<strong>Bible</strong>versions699 pages •Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $9.50New Age Movement <strong>Seminar</strong>Gary Frye,Evangelist•809Oriole LaneConcord,NC28025•(704)782-5273Personalfriendof mine,veryknowledgeableaboutthe New AgeMovement,travels tochurches and speaks onthis topic (much as IdoonCreation).Your church wouldgreatly profitfrom his seminar.On the Horns of the BeastBillStill•Reinhardt&Still Pub.4250 Cedar Creek GradeWinchester,Virginia22602Thehistory of the Federal Reserve andthedisappearance of America’s gold reserves.312 pages.7Men Who Rule the World from the GraveDave Breese•MoodyPress235pages •Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $11.75Shadows of Power, TheJames Perloff •Western IslandsPublishers264pages •Availablefrom <strong>CSE</strong>$10.50Noah’s ArkDiscovered: Noah’s ArkRonWyattwww.wyattmuseum.comWorld <strong>Bible</strong>Society•Nashville,TN37203Ihavemetwith Ron and seenmuchoftheevidencehe presents.Noah’s Ark Pitched and ParkedNathanM.MeyerNathanMeyer <strong>Bible</strong> ProphecyAssociation190LovemanAvenueWorthington,Ohio 43085Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 98

Public Schools and EvolutionAre You Being Brainwashed?Dr.KentHovind•CreationScience Evangelism36 pages •Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $2.00Elizabeth RidenourNationalCouncil on <strong>Bible</strong>Curriculum inPublic SchoolsPO Box9743 •Greensboro,NC 27429(336) 272-3799•www.bibleinschools.orgOf Pandas and PeopleDavis &Kenyon •HaughtonPublishing Company170 pages•Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $17.50Students Legal Rights on aPublic School CampusJ.W.Brinkley•RoeverCommunicationsP.O.Box 136130 •Fort Worth, Texas 76136(817) 238-2005Explainswhatrights religious students haveinpublicschools.119 pages•Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $9.50Teaching Creation Science in Public SchoolsDuane T.Gish•Institute for Creation ResearchP.O.Box 2667•ElCajon,California 92021Everypublic school teacher needs this book.70 pages •Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $4.75Textbooks on TrialJames C. Hefley•Victor Books •P.O.Box 1825Wheaton,Illinois 60187Highly recommended,coversthebattle goingoninpublicschool textbooks today(193 pages).What Are They Teaching Our Children?Mel andNorma GablerEducational ResearchAnalysts •P.O.Box 7518Longview,Texas 75607•(903)753-5993Fax (903)753-7788Greatbook to show the humanistinfluence intoday’stextbooks.192 pages•Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $4.00Your Rights in the Public SchoolsJohnC.Whitehead•TheRutherfordInstituteP.O.Box 7482•Charlottesville,VA22906(800) 441-3473Must-readbooklet(26pages) dealingwith the students’and parents’legalrights in thepublicschoolsystem.35 pages •Available from <strong>CSE</strong> 3.00The Rights of Religious Persons in Public EducationJohnW.Whitehead•CrosswayBooksGoodNews Publishers •Wheaton,IL60187PyramidGreat Pyramid—Prophecy in StoneNoah W.Hutchings •Hearthstone Pub.,Ltd.OklahomaCity,Oklahoma171pages.New Light on the Great PyramidN.W.Hutchings •Hearthstone PublishingSouthwestRadio Church•P.O.Box 1144OklahomaCity,OK 73101•(405) 789-1222Related TopicsAmerica—To Pray? or not to Pray?DavidBarton •WallBuilder PressP.O.Box 397•Aledo,Texas 76008(817)441-6044Theeffects onAmericafrom removalofprayerinthe public schools.163 pagesEducation and the Founding FathersDavidBarton •WallbuildersP.O.Box 397 •Aledo,Texas 76008(817)441-6044VideoFaith and <strong>Free</strong>domMathewStaver•LibertyCounsel561pages•Availablefrom<strong>CSE</strong>$15.00“Federal” Reserve Conspiracy &Rockefeller, TheEmmanuelM.Josephson •ChedneyPress230 E.61Street•New York,New York 10021374 pagesHitler’s CrossErwinW.Lutzer •MoodyPressChicago,Illinois 60610216 pagesJonah and MicahJ.VernonMcGee •Through the<strong>Bible</strong> BooksBox 7100•Pasadena,California 91109Consider this book for documentedinformationofeyewitness accounts (pages 40-41) of people,dogs,oranimals beingswallowed by awhale(regardingthe validityof Jonah’sstory).Truth about Rockefeller, TheMrs.Theo Meves •18310 BeningtonDriveBrothfield,Wisc.53045Excellentbook aboutthe Rockefeller dynasty’slink to the New World Order.277 pagesUnderstanding the TimesDavidA.Noebel•HarvestHousePublishersEugene,Oregon97402891 pages.99Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503

Stars, Gospel in theHeavens Declare, TheWilliamD.Banks •ImpactChristianBookswww.impactchristianbooks.comHieroglyphics of the Heavens, TheCarr-Harris, Bertha •Armac Press, 1933Toronto, CANADAMany Infallible ProofsHenry M. Morris •Creation-Life Publisherswww.masterbooks.netReal Meaning of the Zodiac, TheD.JamesKennedy,Ph.D•CoralRidgeMinistries5555NorthFederalHwyFort Lauderdale,FL33302Witness of the StarsE. W. Bullinger •Kregal 1893, 1967Grand Rapids, Michiganwww.philogos.orgUFOsAlien EncountersChuck Missler •Mark Eastman •Koinonia HouseP.O. Box D•Coeur d’Alene, ID 83816-0347“This book may be one of the most disturbing booksyou’ll read in along while, but it may also be one ofthe most critical.” –from the title page.The Cosmic ConspiracyStan DeyoBarnes &Noble ISBN# 0908477-04-4Fascinating book about electro-gravitic propulsion,contending that there are two types of UFOs. Onewould be top-secret craft owned and operated by theU. S. Government using adifferent means of propulsioncalled electro-gravitics. The second type of UFO heclaims are Satanically owned and operated. (For moreon this see my Creation <strong>Seminar</strong> Videotape 7)UFO: End-Time DelusionDavid Allen Lewis &Robert ShreckhiseNew Leaf Press •P.O. Box 726Green Forest, Arkansas 72638David Lewis presents the results of 39 years of researchon UFOs.UFO 666David Allen Lewis &Robert ShreckhiseMenorah Press304EastFarmRoad186•Springfield,MO65810(800) 772-5687 •www.davidallenlewis.comCults and Contacts of the antichrist delusion.RecommendedReading for KidsClaws, Jaws, &Dinosaursby William Gibbons and Dr. Kent HovindAt last acryptozoology book for youngreaders from acreation perspective! Gibbonshas been to the Congo three times as well asmany other expeditions gathering evidence ofthe few small dinosaurs that are still alivetoday. Ages seven and up will enjoy thisbook. 72 pagesAvailable from <strong>CSE</strong> $5.00Daddy, Is There Really aGod?J. Morris, K. Ham31 pages •Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $11.50Dinosaurs of EdenKen Ham64 pages •Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $13.50Dinosaurs by Designby Duane T. Gish, Ph.D.Learn everything that you have ever wantedto know about dinosaurs. Where they lived,how the fossils were formed, and whetherthere are some still alive today.88 pages/hardbackAvailable from <strong>CSE</strong> $13.50Dry Bones and Other FossilsGary and Mary Parker80 pages •Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $12.50Great Dinosaur Mystery, Theby Paul S. TaylorThis unusual book presents dinosaurs as partof God’s wonderful creation and uses them tointroduce important Biblical concepts. 63pages/hardbackAvailable from <strong>CSE</strong> $13.50Science and the <strong>Bible</strong>by Donald B. DeYoungAtotal of sixty (thirty per volume) scientificdemonstrations that illustrate Scripturaltruths. These demonstrations are easy to doand use ordinary household items.Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $13.50What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs?by John Morris and Ken HamJoin Tracker Johnand DJ as they explore theworld before Noah’s Flood. Kids will love thefun-filled adventure and parents will appreciatethe Biblical scientific teaching.32 pages •Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $11.00Dr. Kent Hovind • office (850) 479-DINO (3466) •Fax 479-8562 100

101Ais for AdamDis for DinosaursKen and MalleyHam•MasterBooksAnAto Zrhyme book filledwith colorfulcartoonillustrations thatteachthetrue historyof theworld.AisforAdamisasequelto DisforDinosaurs.121 pages•Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $15.50 eachAstronomy Book, TheGeology Book, TheWeather Book, TheJohnMorris•MasterBooksThis book starts with the “bigpicture.” ourplace inspace,andexplains how eachofthevarious weatherconditions playarole in our daily lives.This book is thefirstinaseries thathonors God asCreator.80 pages •Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $15.50 eachChampions of ScienceChampions of MathematicsChampions of InventionJohnTiner•EabonDesignandMaster BooksInthis book,we learnthatinventors like CharlesBabbage (computers),Michael Faraday(electricgenerator),and JohnGutenberg (printingpress) gavecredit for their achievementsto God.72 pages •Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $5.50 eachGod Created the Dinosaurs of the WorldGod Created the World and the UniversePaul Taylor •Master BooksHigh-quality dinosaur stickers makethese specialcoloring books particularlyengagingfor smallchildren.Fullof creationanddinosaur facts,thesebooks will keepchildrenbusyfor hours.Pages •Available from <strong>CSE</strong>$4.50God’s Dinosaur 1-2-3 BookGod’s Dinosaur Fun BookGod’s Dinosaur A-B-C BookGod’s Dinosaur Color BookTheseunique books are terrific tools for helpingto teachyoungchildren about shapes,colors,letters,anddinosaurs.171 pages•Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $2.75 eachSpecial Wonders of Our Sea WorldSpecial Wonders of Our Wild KingdomSpecial Wonders of Our Feathered FriendBuddy andKayDavis •Master Books80 pages •Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $12.50 eachPatch the Pirate: The Evolution Revolution -AudiotapeRonHamilton •Patchthe Piratevisits the university,where ameeting ofApeman International is beingheld.Asuspectedkidnappingsends Patch andhis crew propelling back tothe beginningoftime. Agreatmusicaladventure onaudiocassette for childrenages six and up.76 minutes •Availablefrom<strong>CSE</strong>$9.95Creation Science Evangelism •29 Cummings Road •Pensacola, Florida 32503Timothy Whale’s RainbowDarrellWiskur•Master BooksAsimple,rhyming children’sbook thatexplainsthe floodof Noah to youngchildrenin aformatthatis comparable in qualityto topcommercialor secular projects,both inartwork,andwriting.Available from <strong>CSE</strong> $11.50Voyage to the PlanetsR. Bliss and D.DeYoung •ICR111pages •Availablefrom <strong>CSE</strong>$11.50Voyage to the StarsR. BlissThis book beautifully illustratesastronomyforjunior-high-agestudents,writtenin theform ofanadventuroustripinto spaceon aspaceshuttle. Thecreative disignandpower ofGodare made evidentthroughout.111pages •Availablefrom <strong>CSE</strong>$9.50

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