August - Early Ford V-8 Club of Washington

August - Early Ford V-8 Club of Washington August - Early Ford V-8 Club of Washington


Volume 43 - Issue 8 - August 2012July Meeting Photos Courtesy of Scott JenkinsPSRG and Cascade members wait for the raffle at the July3rd 2012 Triple XXX meeting1

Volume 43 - Issue 8 - <strong>August</strong> 2012July Meeting Photos Courtesy <strong>of</strong> Scott JenkinsPSRG and Cascade members wait for the raffle at the July3rd 2012 Triple XXX meeting1

PresidentBob Heckel425-697-5951robertw245@comcast.netVice-President & ProgramsMark Keenholts206-546-9097mkeenholts@frontier.comSecretaryKen Stobbe425-337-7848kenstobbe@frontier.comTreasurerLois Lowman425-481-2088petelow@verizon.netParliamentarianChuck McLeod425-392-1098cmcl2@msn.comSargent at ArmsBuz Quesnell206-525-31292012 DirectorsBuzz Quesnell206-525-3129Dave Ellis - efedbe@comcast.net360-403-3298Ron Lang - ralang@msn.com425-788-6789Todd Gudmundson - me53re@yahoo.com206-391-8427Scott Jenkins - scottzq@yahoo.com425-486-1393Tom McCutchen - thomaslowvolt@comcast.net360-659-0662NewsletterNorm Larabeeeditor@efv8psrg.orgSunshineDick Jauch360-387-1580richard.jauch@frontier.comWeb Sitewww.efv8psrg.orgWeb MasterRay BunnSummer - 360-422-7314Winter - 760-636-1148Cell - 206-979-1752webmaster@efv8psrg.orgPuget Sounds2012 PSRG WHO’S WHOCommittee ChairsAccessoriesNorm Larabee 425-776-2602AdvertisingGuy Generaux 206-323-5709Activities CoordinatorBruce Anderson 425-226-5505Fall Banquet 2012Sharon Heckel 425-697-5951<strong>Ford</strong> All Makes Show & ShinePicnicHistorian/LibrarianMembership/Rosters2013 OPENRick Mann 425-481-0544Guy Generaux 206-323-5709Officers & Board Group Emailboard@efv8psrg.orgRefreshmentsCarol Scott 360-668-6950 & Ken Stobee 425-33792Restoration TipsPSRG Summer PicnicSwap Meet ReservationsDick Flynn2012 Tom McCutchen 360-659-0662Sunshine/Meeting RaffleDick Jauch 360-387-1580Richard.jauch@frontier.comSwap Meet ChairmanMay 18-19, 2013Pete Lowman 425-481-2088Tours & SeminarsTour <strong>of</strong> The YearWelcomeChuck McLeod 425-392-1098Gary Duff 206-284-1613Guy Generaux 206-323-5709Guy Generaux 206-323-5709Puget Sound Regional Group <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Early</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> V-8 <strong>Club</strong> <strong>of</strong> Americawww.efv8psrg.org2Puget Sounds is published by the <strong>Early</strong><strong>Ford</strong> V-8 <strong>Club</strong> PSRG #18 solely for the enjoymentand use <strong>of</strong> its members, and to presenta forum for the personal stories <strong>of</strong> the staffand contributors. The Puget Sound RegionalGroup #18 does not endorse any opinionsnor does it warranty information contributedby any individual. Articles, Comments andInformation are greatly solicited and may besent the Editor:Norm Larabee8801 202nd Place SWEdmonds, WA 98026E-mail editor@efv8psrg.orgPhone 425-776-2602We are pleased to share items for publicationin other newsletters when credit is givento the source.Submissions are requested by the15th and cut<strong>of</strong>f date is the about the18th <strong>of</strong> the month prior to publication.Note: The <strong>Early</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> V-8 <strong>Club</strong> PSRG #18respects our members and friends confidentialityand privacy. We do not make ourmailing list available to other organizations.The Puget Sound RegionalGroup meets on the first Tuesday<strong>of</strong> each month at 7:30 p.m. At theLuther Memorial Church, 13047Greenwood Ave N. in Seattle.

Greetings,PresidentsWordsBob HeckelThe Newsletter saga has taken another turnsince Norman’s resignation as stated in the JulyNewsletter. Upon further consideration and withassistance from the Bunn’s and Scott Jenkins,Norman thinks he can handle it. I won’t bore you withthe details and responsibility assignments becauseI’m not sure I fully understand them myself! Howeverbetween Norman, Ray, Sherry and Scott there ismore than enough talent to put out a quality product.Interestingly enough, between Norman’sresignation and his “reconsideration”, we werescrambling to find an editor and guess what, we hadthree, very well qualified volunteers. Thank you foryour <strong>of</strong>fers and thanks to Ray, Sherry and Scott forpitching in and working with Norman.Last week we had a Board Meeting at Shelleyand Cliff and Patty’s in South Cle Elum. Personally,I think it is one <strong>of</strong> the highlights <strong>of</strong> the year. We hada great drive over, toured downtown Easton, andarrived in Cle Elum in time to stock up on the World’sBest Maple Bars, visit the antique mall and got to theMeeting on time. The turnout for the Meeting wasgreat, not only amongst Board Members but nonBoard Members---probably the best <strong>of</strong> the year! Mustbe some magic in that potato salad!The July Meeting at XXX with Cascade wasanother success! The weather in various parts <strong>of</strong> theGreater Seattle Area wasn’t good but it was very nicein Issaquah. Thanks to Jose Enciso, the owner <strong>of</strong>XXX, for donating the raffle items as he does everyyear. Next time you are at XXX introduce yourself toJose, if you don’t already know him, and thank himfor his hospitality.One <strong>of</strong> the nicest parts <strong>of</strong> this event is that it runsitself. People come, sit down with friends, order3food, eat, walk around, visit, look at cars and enjoythemselves. No organization, no programs just enjoyyourself and have fun!Some <strong>of</strong> the highlights for me were: watchingTom McCutchen and Dick Jauch eat those foot longPhiladelphia Cheese Steak sandwiches, having LDtell me his garage is almost complete and I’ll finallyget to ride in his Austin Healey-- while I can still getin it-- meeting Bill Wells, a long time PSRG memberwho just retired and wants to get active-- look for himat McBrides--,looking at the cars, Dick and CyndiWilliams little 1939 Deluxe is one <strong>of</strong> my favorites,and it was impossible to ignore that bright red 12cylinder Ferrari Testa Rossa and the very friendlyowner, who shared with us that burning premium gasat 12—14 miles per gallon makes for an expensiveride. I’m sure you had your favorites too and hopeyou enjoyed yourself!As one looks ahead at the events in the nextmonth or so it is really exciting! Here’s what mycalendar shows: July 25 th Board Meeting at Bev andElmo’s, July 28th All British Car Show at BellevueCollege, <strong>August</strong> 7th McBrides and <strong>August</strong> 11 th PSRGSummer Picnic at Butch Kent’s—if you haven’t madeyour RESERVATIONS for The Picnic contact TomMcCutchen NOW! And,have a good/safe summer! -Bob HeckelWestern National MeetReminderSept. 11 – 14, Redmond, OR• 279 Registered Members.• Virtually all the Redmond accommodations arefull, but plenty <strong>of</strong> accommodations in Bend &Sisters.• Lots <strong>of</strong> activities: Western Theme Banquet;Raffle; Ladies Brunch; 3 different Tours;Concourse.• See Registration Forms in the V8 Timesor on line, at:

General MeetingMinutesKen StobbeInformal Meeting at the XXX Drive In. No real meeting,no minutes.SunshineDick JauchOn the evening <strong>of</strong> the All Makes Picnic, WhichRex Walker enjoyed and commented to me that heliked Ken Dearden’s Lincoln a lot; Rex got a strangefeeling in his chest so his wife, Lee, called 911.Sure enough, after getting to Overlake Hospital hehad a real heart attack and needed some strongstuff to get it kicking again. Later they did the stintoperation, and by Friday Rex was back home,slowed down a bit he says, but still with us. This"Old Cowboy" is in his 80s but you can't tell it byhis attitude and desire to get his 36 Roadster putback together and on the street. It is a really nicecar that, when he bought it, needed some upgradesand a new engine. Best wishes to a completeand quick recovery Rex from me and all the clubmembers.Let’s all say a prayer for Rex and for allthose in need a prayer.Dick Jauch<strong>August</strong> MeetingAUGUST 7th MEETINGWill be held at McBride’s, which is located at 4441 26thAvenue West in Seattle, near Fisherman’s Terminal. Wewill have an opportunity to look at Mcbride’s Collection <strong>of</strong>cars and other interesting items.To make sure no one goes hungry we will serve Pizzafrom Romios and S<strong>of</strong>t drinks at McBrides It should be aGREAT evening, thanks to Gary Duff for setting it up!Here are the specifics:Time 6:00 PMFood will be served- 8:00 PMDriving Instructions--1. SOUTHBOUND, traveling on 15th Avenue NWcross the Ballard Bridge and turn right at your firstopportunity which will be Fisherman’s Terminal/DravusNORTHBOUND, traveling on 15th NW turn right whereit says Fisherman’s Terminal/ Emerson. You will circleover 15th and come to a stop sign. Turn left and continuedown the hill on Emerson. As you go down the hill onEmerson move into the right hand lane.2. Go straight at the first stop light.3. Turn right at the second stop light onto 21st.4. In a couple blocks 21st goes <strong>of</strong>f to the side and thestreet continues as Commodore Way5. On 26th Avenue West, you will want to turn left*. Thestreet sign is a bit hard to read but on the right hand side<strong>of</strong> Commodore opposite 26th is a large sign that reads2600 Commodore Way.6. McBrides is a short block up 26th on the right handside <strong>of</strong> the street. There are two big blue buildings andMcBrides is just beyond them and is gray. The stairsadjacent to the overhead door is one <strong>of</strong> the entrances wecan use.PLEASE DO NOT PARK in front <strong>of</strong> the overhead door orthe spaces to the immediate left!7. There is a second entrance, a somewhat steep ramp,on the other side <strong>of</strong> the building. Continue up 26th 1/4 <strong>of</strong>a block beyond McBrides building, turn right, follow theroad and you will end up on 27th. The ramp is partiallyobscured by a large steel container with an old truck cabon top.*8. *Parking --Commodore Way should <strong>of</strong>fer all we need,with a relatively short walk. 26th <strong>of</strong>fers a number <strong>of</strong>spaces close to the stairs. I would suggest we adoptan honor system and leave those spaces for the not somobile. 27th, for those using the ramp, should <strong>of</strong>fer manyopportunities particularly once one passes the ramp andgoes downhill toward Commodore Way. YES, we willhave people to help direct those who need help or needhelp negotiating the ramp. There is no elevator.Here’s an opportunity to view some interesting cars andother collectibles, eat some good pizza and enjoy anevening with your fellow PSRG’er!Hope to see you there!Gary Duff and Bob Heckel4

MembershipGuy GenerauxNew Member Email :Bill Templeton - mrmotorn@yahoo.comOur club is dedicated to the preservation and restoration<strong>of</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Motor Company products manufactured from 1932through 1954.Guests are always welcome and you do not need to ownan early V-8 to be a member. However, National <strong>Early</strong> <strong>Ford</strong>V-8 <strong>Club</strong> membership is required.Contact Guy Generaux at 206-323-5709 or for additional informationLeads & NeedsLeads & Needs listings are free for club members. All listingswill run for 3 months unless they are renewed or terminatedearly. Ads for non PSRG members will be run for 1 month. Listingswill be dated so you will know when they expire.Contact Norm to have them kept in another month or to havethem removed earlier.Fill out the listing form at the monthly club meeting.ORE-mail your listing to the newsletter editor at your listing to the newsletter editor:Norman Larabee8801 202 nd Place SW,Edmonds, WA 98026Leads<strong>Early</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> V8 Times for sale:From, Bill Taylor’s estate is almost a completeset. Including early issues, which are just letters,not magazines. I will take them to the PortlandSwap Meet, asking $4 ea. for the earlier issuesand $3 for the later ones. A special to <strong>Club</strong>Members for $3 ea. To buy any issues prior to theswap meet. Call with Vol. & Month(s) desired.Bob Porter 206-243-2610 7/12Set <strong>of</strong> 4 like new WSW G78-15 X 5 ½ wide4-ply Polyester tires mounted on the originalfactory 15” x 5-1/2 Roman Red Metal Wheels,<strong>of</strong>f a 1953 Mercury. $200 OBO, located in DesMoines.Mike McQuade 206-940-6224 7/125Leads1953 Mercury Carburetor, used but complete:Horn ring ready for plating / Dash radio screen /Small special issue hub caps 2 ea.1936 <strong>Ford</strong>: New spare tire hold down lock with 2keys. 1950’s <strong>Ford</strong> & T Bird: Exterior Door mountrear view mirrors, New, still in box, 2 ea.1962-1963 <strong>Ford</strong> Galaxy Horn Ring in very goodcondition.Ken Dearden 425- 226-6141 7/121950 <strong>Ford</strong> Coupe Trunk Lid:All <strong>of</strong> the original hinges, badging & lockmechanism. Solid and in great condition. $300OBO.Zol Fox; 1-604-731-4848, Burnaby, or 7/121938 <strong>Ford</strong> TruckThe truck was given to me by my grandfather. Imust sell it soon as I’m losing my storage. It isin pretty good shape and has a nice dark bluebody and a nice wood bed. It has a 3 speedtransmission and an old V8 engine. The truck isall stock. I would like to sell the truck to someonewho could do the work on it that I cannot do. Ifanyone in your <strong>Club</strong>, or if you know someonewho is interested, I can send pictures, or showthe truck.Woody Simmons; 206-310-5772. 7/121940 <strong>Ford</strong> FendersThis gentleman in Everett has a relative in theMidwest who has a number <strong>of</strong> 40 <strong>Ford</strong> fendersfor sale. I don’t know how many fenders; if theyare front or rear, left or right; condition; or askingprice, etc. I misplaced his phone number, so allwe have to go on is his address: Todd Ferguson,5011 Sperry Lane, Everett, WA 98203. Todddoes not have an old <strong>Ford</strong>, but his relative (withthe fenders) is a member <strong>of</strong> the National. If youare interested, you might drop him a line at theabove addressNeeds1949_1951 ford headliner partsRandy from accel upholstery looking forheadliner parts bows and tuck rails for a 7/12

Fall BanquetBruce AndersonPlanning is nearing completion for the Fallbanquet so we hope you reserve the date <strong>of</strong>Sunday, November the 18 th. The banquet will beheld at the Red Lion in Bellevue from 5:00 to 9:00PM. The Red Lion was chosen because it bestmet the needs <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Club</strong> in terms <strong>of</strong> facilities suchas space, parking, and dining within the allocatedbudget..The theme will be “Celebrating the30’s and 40’s”.A sit down meal with three plate selections will befeatured. There will also be a no host bar available.Certificates <strong>of</strong> appreciation and awards along withraffle prizes will be included in the program. Theprice has not yet been set, however the price andother details will be included in the registration formwhich will appear in the September, October, andNovember Newsletters.The Banquet Committee consists <strong>of</strong> SharonHeckel, Mark and Carol Keenholts, together with Billand Laurie Meade. Sharon has provided leadershipfor the committee which has done an excellent job<strong>of</strong> locating a suitable venue and planning the event.The fall PSRG banquet promises to be a fun andexciting evening so make your plans now to attend.For additional information please call Sharon Heckelat 425-697-5951 Bruce AndersonThe Bathtub TestDuring a visit to my doctor, I asked him “How do youdetermine whether or not an older person should beput in an old age home?”“Well”, he said, “we fill up a bathtub and then we <strong>of</strong>fera teaspoon, a teacup, and a bucket to the person toempty the bathtub.“Oh, I understand” he said. “A normal person woulduse the bucket because it is bigger and will do the jobfaster.”“No” he said. “A normal person would pull the plug atthe bottom <strong>of</strong> the bathtub.Do you want a bed near the window?”6PSRG’s Mailing ListPSRG currently maintains a master members E-maillist. However, this list does not include a few memberswho have requested to be excluded from receiving anyE-mail from the club. At times there are urgent messagesthat all members should receive prior to the nextnewsletter, meeting or event. It is being proposed that anadditional list be created with all members that have anE-mail address included in the list. The new list wouldonly be used for urgent purposes. Our existing E-mail listwould be maintained for general information and newslettersand would continue to exclude those who do not wishto receive general E-mail.Please send any changes to your E-mail preferences toRay Bunn at you are currently receiving E-mail including the Newsletterand you are happy with this, you do not need to doanything.If you are not receiving any E-mail or the Newsletterand you would like to be added to the “Priority Only” list,please E-mail or Mail your request.If you are not receiving any E-mail or the Newsletterand would like to be added to the “General” list, pleaseE-mail or Mail your request.If you would like to be removed from the list, pleasesend in your request.If you do not have E-mail capability but would like to receiveurgent information, please contact another memberwho could pass the information to you when required orperhaps a friend or neighbor who could get the informationto you, please furnish their E-mail address to Ray.Law <strong>of</strong> Mechanical RepairAfter your hands become coatedwith grease, your nose willstart to itch and you will haveto go to the bathroom!

2012 Tour <strong>of</strong>the Year2012 PSRG Tour <strong>of</strong> the YearWith the week-long National <strong>Early</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Meetcoming up in Redmond Oregon this year plusmany other club activities on the horizon, wehave decided to change gears a bit for ourannual Tour <strong>of</strong> the Year.It will be a "one-day affair" featuring a visitto the new LeMay: America’s Car Museum,recently opened in Tacoma. This is your specialopportunity to view the museum collection withyour fellow PSRG members at a very special rate.Following our museum visit we will join togetherfor a fabulous dinner in the VIP Room at thePacific Rim Buffet, located inside nearby EmeraldQueen Casino, Fife.As customary, PSRG will subsidize part <strong>of</strong> thisevent - which includes admission to the museum,buffet dinner and gratuity at the Pacific Rimrestaurant, plus an opportunity to win someAmerica’s Car Museum raffle prizes. We arecurrently exploring weekend dates in Octoberthat will work for the tour, without conflictingwith other car events or major football games.Watch your upcoming newsletters for furtherdetails on the tour with date, meeting time,place, etc., as well as a reservation form.Guy GenerauxChairman, Tour <strong>of</strong> the YearCome see Beauties like this 1913 REOEngine SeminarBruce Anderson - Gary DuffGary Duff and I have talked <strong>of</strong> a Seminar atwhich Gary would demonstrate the process forreplacing the rear main seal; without removingthe crankshaft. The demonstration wouldrequire a 1946 to 1948 V-8 engine (59A) whichis in need <strong>of</strong> a rear seal but that is otherwise ingood condition.The engine must be removed from the carand the oil drained. The pan must be removedwith the engine upright to drain as much oil aspossible from the crankshaft cavity and pan.After draining and cleaning, the pan would beput back on for transportation to the Seminarsite.Gary would then mount the engine a standand turn it crankshaft up for the show andtell. The main issue is that we need a suitableengine. If you have one or know <strong>of</strong> an enginewhich would benefit from this service, please leteither Gary or myself know and we can makearrangements and schedule a date for theSeminar. The Seminar would certainly benefitone <strong>Club</strong> member and should provide usefulinformation to others.VERY IMPORTANT: WE HAVE NOT HEARDFROM ANYONE ABOUT A 59A ENGINETO USE IN THE DEMONSTRATION. THISIS A MUST IF WE ARE TO HOLD THEDEMONSTRATIONBruce Anderson7

PSRG Summer PicnicTom McCutchen & Butch KentPlease reserve the date <strong>of</strong> Saturday, <strong>August</strong> 11 th , for the annual summer picnic. Tom McCutchenis organizing the event this year and Butch Kent is providing the site. The cost per club memberis $10 and non-member guests are $15 which is about 40% <strong>of</strong> the event cost. PSRG is pickingup the other 60% <strong>of</strong> the total picnic costs. In addition to the barbecue, the club will providewater and pop. The barbecue will begin at about 1:00PM so bring a big appetite! The board hasdecided that no alcoholic beverages will be provided by PSRG. <strong>Club</strong> members may bring thealcoholic beverage <strong>of</strong> their choice excluding hard liquor. You may also want to bring a chair foryour personal use while kibitzing with your fellow V-8 enthusiasts. Please send the reservationrequest form below together with a check made out to PSRG for the appropriate amount to:Tom McCutchen.13420 47th Drive NEMarysville, WA 98271Please make your reservation by <strong>August</strong> 4 th .Picnic location is at Butch Kent’s home: 20200 156 th Avenue NortheastWoodinville, WA 98072Summer Picnic ReservationSend your check made out to PSRG together with this form to:Tom McCutchen, 13420 47 th Drive Northeast, Marysville, WA 98271Please make your reservation no later than <strong>August</strong> 4 th so that Tom can determine the cateringneeds.PSRG club members:_____________________________________@ $10 Each = $_______PSRG club member’s guests: _______________________________@$15 Each = $_______Total enclosed:$___________Name(s):________________________________________________________________________________________________8

Concours d’Eleganceat The WoodJune 23, 2012The setting, just <strong>of</strong>f the 18 th fairway <strong>of</strong> The LynnwoodGolf Course was great!There were big trees,nicely manicuredgrass, a pond andthe golf course in thebackground .Goodparking was close byand for those <strong>of</strong> livingin the Edmonds Area itsright in our back yard.And, the best part, theevent was sponsored bythe Alderwood-TerraceRotary <strong>Club</strong> and allfunds raised went tocharities.This is the 5 th AnnualShow and accordingto the chairman, KimPierce, the mostimpressive line-up <strong>of</strong>cars they’ve ever had.In addition to the cars;there was a fashionshow, wine tasting and alive auction.The cars weredivided into fourclassifications; first “TheClassic Cars” 16 allCCCA Classic Cars, TheSports Cars 14 Porsche356’s, The Muscle Cars15 various Americancars and finally TheHistoric Race Cars 19various entries. Theshow ran from 1:00 PMto 5:00 PM. I arrived at 2:00, it had just stopped rainingand the owners <strong>of</strong> these beautiful automobiles were outwiping them dry.9Up to this point my car show experience had beenlimited to the Greenwood, Snohomish and Edmondstype shows. This was something different! I had neverseen these CCCA Classic Cars up close. Cars like a 28Bugatti Type 44 Roadster, 35 Bugatti Type 57, 38 BMW327/28, it won the People’s Choice Award, three PierceArrows, two Rolls Royces,38 Mercedes 540K, aBentley, a Cadillac, anAuburn and 5 Packard’s allbeautiful automobiles.My next favorite classwas The Historic RaceCars. The timing was goodas the Historic Racessponsored by SOVERNwere the followingweekend and SOVERNhad an information boothat the Show. If you made itto the races the followingweekend, you would haveseen many <strong>of</strong> these carsracing. Most <strong>of</strong> the ownershad the hoods up, wereready to answer questionsand a few fired up theirengines!My experience with356 Porsche’s, is thatunless one is really intothem it is hard to tell thereally nice ones fromthe standouts. They alllooked extremely nice tome and Sharon and I hadone which we enteredin a Porsche Parade.Likewise the Muscle Carswere all very nice. Theone that stood out was a1964 <strong>Ford</strong> Fairlane 500Thunderbolt.While the weathersomewhat dampenedthis year’s show, hopefully, there will be one next year.If there is put it on your calendar!Bob Heckel

2012 WNM UpdateHowdy y’all, the 2012 Western National Meet is just around the corner, September 11-14 in Redmond, Oregon. Here’s the latest updateinformation:Registered Members to Date: 279Hotels/Motels: Almost full in Redmond, but plenty <strong>of</strong> room at neighboring places in Bend, about a 20 minute drive South <strong>of</strong> town andSisters, about a 25 minute drive West <strong>of</strong> town.Western Theme Banquet: Western decor, with even a real Saloon front. Put on your boots and hat and get ready to dance after dinner.We have booked one <strong>of</strong> the premier Central Oregon bands, “County Line.” They play about everything from Country, Oldies, Rock andRoll, Blues, and Swing. Lots <strong>of</strong> photo ops here…Raffle: The prizes are plentiful from car related parts and supplies to some very unique handmade one <strong>of</strong> a kind items including abeautiful Quilt by Albany’s RG # 85.Ladies Brunch: Ladies, we have a great Western fashion show lined up for you, presented by “Desperado.” From traditional westernwear to designer fashions, they have just the right couture for that personal touch <strong>of</strong> your lifestyle.Tours: Three tours are available. One is a self-tour to the Oregon High Desert Museum, where you could spend almost all day takingin all the sights and history <strong>of</strong> Central Oregon. Another tour will be at a vintage automotive wiring loom factory for our old cars, veryinteresting. The Grand Tour will start <strong>of</strong>f as we Parade through Redmond out to Historic Smith Rock for photos, down to and along theDeschutes River with spectacular scenery and out to neighboring town <strong>of</strong> Sisters for a catered “Bar-B-Q in the Park” just for us. Golfers,there’s still room available for that event.Concourse: The venue is a spacious 7+ acre grass field right next to our main gathering building, the Middle Sister. Car wash areas willbe set up right next to car inspections for easy access. The Swap Meet is also in the same area. Bring lots <strong>of</strong> goodies to sell.Note: Please see the “Registration Forms” on line or in the V-8 Times for detailed information on dates and times <strong>of</strong> the above events.Remember, this meet will be in the pristine high desert climate <strong>of</strong> central Oregon. The days are typically warm and dry (70’s- 80’s) andthe nights are cool (40’s-50’s)., Ron Clinton: Chair, 2012WNM. “See y’all there”.10

Next Meeting: Tuesday,<strong>August</strong> 7th, 6 PM atMcBrides.Page 4 has the detailsInput for the September NewsletterDeadline: Friday, <strong>August</strong> 17.Send Input to:editor@efv8psrg.org11

January3rd General meeting. Swap meetmailing party.21st Electrical Seminar atMcCutchen’s shop. ( Postponed.)25th Board meeting. KeenholtsApril3rd General meeting Potluck25th Board meeting at Lewis’s28th Mount Vernon Swap Meet29th Puyallup poker run.Coordinator is Gary DuffJuly3rd General Meeting. Meet atXXX in Issaquah. 6:00 PM14th Run to Roslyn25th Board meeting at Bev. &Elmo Lewis’sOctober2nd General meeting. Show’n Tell24th Board meeting at Don andAnnette Kelson’s shop, Seattle(South Park)2012 PSRG Event CalendarFebruary7th General meeting18th – 19th <strong>Early</strong> Bird SwapMeet, Puyallup22nd Board meeting atBob and Sharon Heckel’sMay1st General Meeting18th – 20th Monroe Swap Meet23rd Board meeting at Tom andDonna McCutchen’s shop, Everett<strong>August</strong>7 th General meeting. Meet atMcBride’s. 6:00 PM Gary DuffCoordinating - Pizza night11th Summer PSRG picnic. TomMcCutchen will host at Butch Kent’s.22nd Board meeting at the Bunn’sNovember6th General meeting. Silent auction18th Fall Banquet28th Board meeting at Bob andRuth Porter’s12March3rd Make-up <strong>of</strong> electrical seminar6th General meeting17th – 18th Almost Spring Swap Meet. Puyallup28th Board Meeting at Norm Larabee’sJune3rd <strong>Ford</strong> car show and Picnic,Bellevue College. Ron Lang and DaveEllis are co-chairs.5th General meeting. Trunk swap meet27th Board meeting at Winfrey’s.September3rd Fall <strong>Ford</strong> Fest, Graham4th General meeting. Potluck8th – 9th Winthrop Tour (Gary Duff)11th – 14th Redmond National Meet26th Board meeting: at the Ellis’s.December4th General meeting. Christmas giftexchangeNo Board meeting

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