The prince charming of Armenian pop - Armenian Reporter

The prince charming of Armenian pop - Armenian Reporter

The prince charming of Armenian pop - Armenian Reporter


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Betty Panossian-Ter Sargssian.Hayko has charmed his fans with his good looks, romantic ballads, and sense <strong>of</strong> style.<strong>The</strong> <strong>prince</strong> <strong>charming</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>pop</strong> is Hayko<strong>pop</strong>by Betty Panossian-TerSarsgssianYEREVAN – One would thinkthat after scoring the Best MaleSinger Award at the <strong>Armenian</strong>National Music Awards in 2006,Hayko had nothing left to prove.After all, this young singer haswitnessed a steady ascent to thehall <strong>of</strong> fame in the <strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>pop</strong>music industry. He has alreadyrecorded four albums, which becameinstant hits and has had animpressive number <strong>of</strong> sold-outsolo concerts in Armenia and thediaspora.But no! This very determinedballadeer then headed to Eurovision2007 in Finland.Hayko spent the past year carefullymapping out the steps heneeded to take for his career.Following a sold-out concertin October 2006 at the VazgenSarkisian Stadium in Yerevan,Hayko released the soundtrack<strong>of</strong> a lengthy film productionMi vakhetsir (Don’t be afraid)directed by Hrach Keshishyan,and produced by the Armenia’sPublic Television. <strong>The</strong> song hechose to sing at Eurovision 2007was from the soundtrack <strong>of</strong> thatmovie.<strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> Arts & Culture 11/10/2007C7

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