The prince charming of Armenian pop - Armenian Reporter

The prince charming of Armenian pop - Armenian Reporter

The prince charming of Armenian pop - Armenian Reporter


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<strong>The</strong> Zobian phenomenon(On the occasion <strong>of</strong> the fifth anniversary <strong>of</strong> his passing)by Aroutun PalianoperaI had not written anything for along time until my friend GerardSvazlian, who is currently a violinistin the orchestra <strong>of</strong> the SanFrancisco Opera Company, suggestedthat I write an article aboutthe renowned singer and soloist <strong>of</strong>the Bucharest Opera, Garbis Zobian.Gerard Svazlian had workedwith Zobian in his younger yearswhile he was a member <strong>of</strong> the YerevanNational Opera Orchestra.<strong>The</strong> temptation to write such anarticle was great, since G. Zobianwas paramount among all the wellknowndramatic tenors, as far as Iwas concerned.Inasmuch as I have been steepedin the traditions <strong>of</strong> classical musicand am familiar with the art <strong>of</strong>past and contemporary singers,Enrico Caruso, Gino Bechi, and G.Zobian have special significancefor me. God lavishly endowedthese singers with inimitable voices,which easily leveled the pathin front <strong>of</strong> them, like copiouslygushing rivers that are impossibleto resist. If talents are bornrelatively <strong>of</strong>ten, then phenomenaappear every couple <strong>of</strong> centuries.Suddenly a personality is born,who tops his predecessors whilepossessing their best characteristicsand experience. We call suchan individual a “phenomenon.”Such phenomena were Leonardoda Vinci, Bach, Paganini,Mozart and Caruso. <strong>The</strong> Peruviansinger Yma Sumac was a phenomenon,owing to the extensiverange <strong>of</strong> her voice. Caruso was aphenomenon because, prior tohim, mankind had not heard suchan unusually beautiful and powerfulvoice, which was capable <strong>of</strong>performing operatic arias <strong>of</strong> themost different nature, romances,Italian and Neapolitan songs. Carusoremained unique, althoughthe music business world proceededto present Gigli, Mario delMonaco and Mario Lanza to thepublic as the new Caruso.While the recording instrumentsat the beginning <strong>of</strong> thetwentieth century were primitive,they had become quite perfectedby the 1950’s and reproduced humanvoices more naturally. Bornafter Caruso was a new generation<strong>of</strong> talented singers, which lackeda “peak.” That peak was Garbis Zobian,whom God had graced withan exceptionally beautiful voice,coupled with obvious emotionalism,expressiveness and natural,vivid dramatization. In the case<strong>of</strong> certain well-known singers,dramatization is created throughthe intensity <strong>of</strong> the voice or artificialtension, and with the use <strong>of</strong>a microphone. Zobian’s voice wasGarbis Zobian inPagliacci (Canio).naturally endowed with dramaticcolor, and he didn’t need to exertartificial effort when singing highnotes. In all segments <strong>of</strong> his voicerange, the sound was symmetricaland smooth. Zobian’s voice canonly be compared to and competewith his own. Melik-Pashaev (Melik-Pashayian),principal conductor<strong>of</strong> the Bolshoi Opera <strong>of</strong> Moscow,described Zobian’s voice as“heroic tenor.” Heroic because itfreely gave renditions <strong>of</strong> the mostcomplex and difficult arias <strong>of</strong> operaticmusic: Othello, Canio, AndreaChenier, Radames, Cavaradossi,Hermann, Turidu, Manrico,and others.<strong>The</strong> purpose <strong>of</strong> this article isnot to comment on the singer’sperformances but to explain theZobian phenomenon.Was Zobian’s birth perhaps accidental?I would say no. <strong>The</strong> reasonis that the universe and all thephenomena being carried out in ithave been previously planned out<strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> Arts & Culture 11/10/2007C11

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