LEARN TO LEAD - Civil Air Patrol

LEARN TO LEAD - Civil Air Patrol

LEARN TO LEAD - Civil Air Patrol


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Command and ControlCommand and control is the exercise of authority and directionby a properly designated commander over assignedand attached forces in the accomplishment of themission. Command and control functions are performedthrough an arrangement of personnel, equipment, communications,facilities, and procedures employed by acommander in planning, directing, coordinating, and controllingforces and operations in the accomplishment ofthe mission. This core function includes all of the C2-relatedcapabilities and activities associated with air, space,cyberspace, nuclear, and agile combat support operationsto achieve strategic, operational, and tactical objectives.Global Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance,and ReconnaissanceGlobal Integrated ISR is the synchronization and integrationof the planning and operation of sensors, assets, andprocessing, exploitation, dissemination systems acrossthe globe to conduct current and future operations. Thesub-elements of this function are:• Planning and Directing• Collection• Processing and Exploitation• Analysis and Production• Dissemination and IntegrationGlobal Precision AttackGlobal Precision Attack is the ability to hold at risk orstrike rapidly and persistently, with a wide range of munitions,any target and to create swift, decisive, and preciseeffects across multiple domains. The sub-elements of thisfunction are:• Strategic Attack• <strong>Air</strong> Interdiction• Close <strong>Air</strong> SupportSpecial OperationsSpecial Operations are operations conducted in hostile,denied, or politically sensitive environments to achievemilitary, diplomatic, informational, and/or economic objectivesemploying military capabilities for which there isno broad conventional force requirement. These operationsmay require covert, clandestine, or low-visibility capabilities.Special operations are applicable across theROMO. They can be conducted independently or in conjunctionwith operations of conventional forces or othergovernment agencies and may include operationsthrough, with, or by indigenous or surrogate forces. Specialoperations differ from conventional operations in degreeof physical and political risk, operational techniques,mode of employment, independence from friendly support,and dependence on detailed operational intelligence andindigenous assets. The sub-elements of this function are:• Agile Combat Support• Aviation Foreign Internal Defense• Battlefield <strong>Air</strong> Operations• Command and Control• Information Operations• Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance• Military Information Support Operations• Precision Strike• Specialized <strong>Air</strong> Mobility• Specialized RefuelingRapid Global MobilityRapid Global Mobility is the timely deployment, employment,sustainment, augmentation, and redeployment ofmilitary forces and capabilities across the ROMO. It providesjoint military forces the capability to move fromplace to place while retaining the ability to fulfill theirprimary mission. Rapid Global Mobility is essential to virtuallyevery military operation, allowing forces to reachforeign or domestic destinations quickly, thus seizing theinitiative through speed and surprise. The sub-elementsof this function are:• <strong>Air</strong>lift• <strong>Air</strong> Refueling• Aeromedical EvacuationPersonnel RecoveryPersonnel Recovery (PR) is defined as the sum of military,diplomatic, and civil efforts to prepare for and executethe recovery and reintegration of isolated personnel. It isthe ability of the US government and its internationalpartners to affect the recovery of isolated personnelacross the ROMO and return those personnel to duty. PRalso enhances the development of an effective, global capacityto protect and recover isolated personnel whereverthey are placed at risk; deny an adversary‘s ability to exploita nation through propaganda; and develop joint, in-104

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