REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS For Bad Debt Collection Services For ...

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS For Bad Debt Collection Services For ... REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS For Bad Debt Collection Services For ...


Request for Proposals No. 1204-946-33-3797 Bad Debt Collection Services2.12 SAHA reserves the right to, without any liability; cancel the award of anyproposal(s) at any time before the execution of the contract documents by allparties.2.13 SAHA reserves the right to reduce or increase estimated or actual quantities inwhatever amount necessary without prejudice or liability to SAHA, if:2.13.1 Funding is not available,2.13.2 Legal restrictions are placed upon the expenditure of monies for thiscategory of service or supplies; or,2.13.3 SAHA’s requirements in good faith change after award of the contract.2.14 SAHA reserves the right to make an award to more than one proposer based onratings or to make an award with or without negotiations or Best and Final Offers(BAFO).2.15 SAHA reserves the right to establish a competitive range for proposals based onthe initial scores and to require presentations by the proposers within thecompetitive range.2.16 SAHA reserves the right to require additional information from all proposers todetermine level of responsibility. Such information shall be submitted in the formrequired by SAHA within two (2) business days of written request.2.17 SAHA reserves the right to amend the contract any time prior to contractexecution.2.18 SAHA reserves the right to require the Contractor to keep accurate timesheetsfor all employees assigned to perform any project, task, or assignment resultingfrom this RFP and any resulting contract.2.19 SAHA reserves the right to contact any individuals, entities, or organizations thathave had a business relationship with the proposer regardless of their inclusionin the reference section of the proposal submittal.2.20 In the event any resulting contract is prematurely terminated due to nonperformanceand/or withdrawal by the Contractor, SAHA reserves the right toseek monetary restitution (to include but not limited to withholding of moniesowed) from the Contractor to cover costs for interim services and/or cover thedifference of a higher cost (difference between terminated Contractor’s rate andnew company’s rate) beginning the date of Contractor’s termination through thecontract expiration date.HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS (210-477-6059)Page 8

3.0 General Conditions:Request for Proposals No. 1204-946-33-3797 Bad Debt Collection Services3.1 Specifications are attachment A.3.2 Regulatory/Licensing: Contractor(s) shall comply with all applicable federal,state and local laws, rules, regulations, ordinances and codes and obtain anylicenses or permits required to provide the services under this RFP.3.3 Proposal Prices: Proposers are advised that the Proposal Fee shall be allinclusive and fully burdened to accomplish the work as specified in this RFP andany resulting contract.3.4 Contactor will be required to prepare and submit monthly reports onSection 3. Contractor shall utilize Section 3 residents and businesses as definedin Attachment D to perform the requirements under this proposal to the greatestextent feasible and shall document such efforts monthly. There is a 30% goal forhiring Section 3 residents on any contract resulting from this RFP, a 10% goal forsubcontracting with Section 3 Businesses for construction contracts and a 3%goal for subcontracting with Section 3 Businesses for non-construction contracts.Contractors will be evaluated on their performance at achieving this goal andsuch evaluation shall be a factor in future awards.3.5 Responsibility for Subcontractors: All requirements for the “Prime” contractorshall also apply to any and all subcontractors. It is the Prime Contractors’responsibility to insure the compliance by the subcontractors. Regardless ofsubcontracting, the Prime Contractor remains liable to SAHA for the performanceunder this RFP or any resulting contract.3.6 Contractor shall provide at contractor’s own expense all equipment, labor,materials, supplies, and tools to perform all the services required underthis RFP and any resulting contract.3.7 Contractor shall perform criminal history checks and drug screening testson all employees performing work under this RFP and any resultingcontract and if requested provide summaries of the results to SAHA.Prospective employees whose criminal history checks discloses amisdemeanor or felony conviction involving crimes of moral turpitude orharm to persons or property shall not be used to perform work under thisRFP or any resulting contract. Contractor is required to perform drugscreening of all employees and to insure acceptable test results. Criminalhistory and drug screening checks will be completed at the sole expense ofthe Contractor.3.8 Liquidated Damages: For each day that performance under a resulting contractfrom this RFP is delayed beyond the time specified for completion, the successfulproposer shall be liable for liquidated damages in the amount of $25.00 per day.However, the timeframe for performance may be adjusted at SAHA’s discretionHOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS (210-477-6059)Page 9

Request for Proposals No. 1204-946-33-3797 <strong>Bad</strong> <strong>Debt</strong> <strong>Collection</strong> <strong>Services</strong>2.12 SAHA reserves the right to, without any liability; cancel the award of anyproposal(s) at any time before the execution of the contract documents by allparties.2.13 SAHA reserves the right to reduce or increase estimated or actual quantities inwhatever amount necessary without prejudice or liability to SAHA, if:2.13.1 Funding is not available,2.13.2 Legal restrictions are placed upon the expenditure of monies for thiscategory of service or supplies; or,2.13.3 SAHA’s requirements in good faith change after award of the contract.2.14 SAHA reserves the right to make an award to more than one proposer based onratings or to make an award with or without negotiations or Best and Final Offers(BAFO).2.15 SAHA reserves the right to establish a competitive range for proposals based onthe initial scores and to require presentations by the proposers within thecompetitive range.2.16 SAHA reserves the right to require additional information from all proposers todetermine level of responsibility. Such information shall be submitted in the formrequired by SAHA within two (2) business days of written request.2.17 SAHA reserves the right to amend the contract any time prior to contractexecution.2.18 SAHA reserves the right to require the Contractor to keep accurate timesheetsfor all employees assigned to perform any project, task, or assignment resultingfrom this RFP and any resulting contract.2.19 SAHA reserves the right to contact any individuals, entities, or organizations thathave had a business relationship with the proposer regardless of their inclusionin the reference section of the proposal submittal.2.20 In the event any resulting contract is prematurely terminated due to nonperformanceand/or withdrawal by the Contractor, SAHA reserves the right toseek monetary restitution (to include but not limited to withholding of moniesowed) from the Contractor to cover costs for interim services and/or cover thedifference of a higher cost (difference between terminated Contractor’s rate andnew company’s rate) beginning the date of Contractor’s termination through thecontract expiration date.HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS (210-477-6059)Page 8

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