REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS For Bad Debt Collection Services For ...

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS For Bad Debt Collection Services For ... REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS For Bad Debt Collection Services For ...


Solicitations Under $50,000On solicitations under $50,000 and where two or more certified Section 3 BusinessConcerns are available to compete, SAHA will institute a “first source” solicitationinitiative whereby two of the three solicited firms must be Section 3 Business Concerns.Solicitations Greater than $50,000On Requests for Proposals the following incentives will be instituted:1) A twenty percent (20%) preference will be instituted for Category 1Section 3 Business Concerns bidding as prime contractors.2) A fifteen percent (15%) preference will be instituted for Category 2 Section3 Business Concerns bidding as prime contractors.3) A ten percent (10%) preference will be instituted for Category 3 Section 3Business Concerns bidding as prime contractors.4) A five percent (5%) preference will be instituted for Category 4 Section 3Business Concerns bidding as prime contractors.5) A five percent (5%) preference will be provided to SAHA prime contractorsthat have achieved both the resident hires and business concerncontracting goals in their immediate past contract performance within thelast year.6) A five percent (5%) preference will be provided to SAHA prime contractorsparticipating in a SAHA approved Joint Venture or Mentor-Protégéprogram with an eligible Section 3 Business Concern.7) A five percent (5%) preference will be provided to prime contractors thathave formal apprenticeship programs approved by DOL and commit totraining no less than ten (10) eligible Section 3 residents through suchprograms annually that provide no less than 250 hours of formal training.On Invitations for Bids the following preference will be instituted:1). Contractors who are certified as Section 3 Business Concerns and whoseprices are within the independent cost estimate of the project and areboth responsive and responsible, shall receive a preference according tothe following table, where x is the amount by which the Section 3Business Concern may be above the lowest responsive bid.------------------------------------------------------------------------x=lesser of:------------------------------------------------------------------------When the lowest responsive bidis less than $100,000 10% of that bid or $9,000..When the lowest responsive bid is:At least $100,000, but less than $200,000 9% of that bid, or $16,000.At least $200,000, but less than $300,000 8% of that bid, or $21,000.At least $300,000, but less than $400,000 7% of that bid, or $24,000.Page 3 of 6

At least $400,000, but less than $500,000 6% of that bid, or $25,000.At least $500,000, but less than $1 million 5% of that bid, or $40,000.At least $1 million, but less than $2 million 4% of that bid, or $60,000.At least $2 million, but less than $4 million 3% of that bid, or $80,000.At least $4 million, but less than $7 million 2% of that bid, or $105,000.$7 million or more 1\1/2\% of the lowest responsive bid, with no dollarlimit.2) Where two or more Section 3 business concerns are both responsive andresponsible, the Section 3 business concern with the lowest price shall receivethe contract award.A successful contractor’s usage of the above preferences shall be capped annually at $1million dollars in the aggregate. Once a contractor has been awarded annually $1 milliondollars in contracts as a result of a preference, the contractor is no longer eligible for theabove preferences for the remainder of the calendar year.5. Bidders/proposers must either achieve the Section 3 Program employment andsubcontracting goals identified above (under number 3) or demonstrate acceptablegood faith efforts to achieve the numerical goals in the proposal/bid. SAHArepresentatives shall review and deem acceptable, in their sole determination, a bidderor proposer’s good faith efforts prior to the award of the contract. Please be advised thata contractor Section 3 performance will be considered and evaluated on future SAHAcontracts and will be a factor in t the selection and/or contract award.6. To ensure that the SAHA Section 3 Program benefits individuals and businesses thatare eligible Section 3 residents and Business Concerns, all Section 3 resident andBusiness Concerns must be deemed eligible through documentation of a “Section 3Eligibility Form” for each eligible individual or business. Notice is hereby given that it isthe responsibility of the prime contractor to ensure that all participating and eligibleSection 3 residents and/or Business Concerns (vendors, suppliers or subcontractors)submit the necessary information for proper SAHA status review and credit.7. All SAHA prime contractors must submit a Section 3 program compliance report on amonthly basis in the form and content as requested by SAHA staff. This report shalldocument Section 3 resident and Business Concern training, employment, andsubcontracting monthly performance against goals and opportunities.8. Failure or refusal by a SAHA bidder/proposer or contractor to satisfy or comply with theSection 3 Program requirements, either during the bid/proposal process or during theterm of the SAHA agreement, shall constitute a material breach of contract whereuponthe contract, at the option of SAHA, may be cancelled, terminated, or suspended inwhole or in part; and, the contractor debarred from further contracts with SAHA as anon-responsible contractor. SAHA may at its discretion also declare bids/proposals notcomplying with the Section 3 Program requirements in whole or in part nonresponsiveand eliminate them from consideration of a contract award.Page 4 of 6

At least $400,000, but less than $500,000 6% of that bid, or $25,000.At least $500,000, but less than $1 million 5% of that bid, or $40,000.At least $1 million, but less than $2 million 4% of that bid, or $60,000.At least $2 million, but less than $4 million 3% of that bid, or $80,000.At least $4 million, but less than $7 million 2% of that bid, or $105,000.$7 million or more 1\1/2\% of the lowest responsive bid, with no dollarlimit.2) Where two or more Section 3 business concerns are both responsive andresponsible, the Section 3 business concern with the lowest price shall receivethe contract award.A successful contractor’s usage of the above preferences shall be capped annually at $1million dollars in the aggregate. Once a contractor has been awarded annually $1 milliondollars in contracts as a result of a preference, the contractor is no longer eligible for theabove preferences for the remainder of the calendar year.5. Bidders/proposers must either achieve the Section 3 Program employment andsubcontracting goals identified above (under number 3) or demonstrate acceptablegood faith efforts to achieve the numerical goals in the proposal/bid. SAHArepresentatives shall review and deem acceptable, in their sole determination, a bidderor proposer’s good faith efforts prior to the award of the contract. Please be advised thata contractor Section 3 performance will be considered and evaluated on future SAHAcontracts and will be a factor in t the selection and/or contract award.6. To ensure that the SAHA Section 3 Program benefits individuals and businesses thatare eligible Section 3 residents and Business Concerns, all Section 3 resident andBusiness Concerns must be deemed eligible through documentation of a “Section 3Eligibility <strong>For</strong>m” for each eligible individual or business. Notice is hereby given that it isthe responsibility of the prime contractor to ensure that all participating and eligibleSection 3 residents and/or Business Concerns (vendors, suppliers or subcontractors)submit the necessary information for proper SAHA status review and credit.7. All SAHA prime contractors must submit a Section 3 program compliance report on amonthly basis in the form and content as requested by SAHA staff. This report shalldocument Section 3 resident and Business Concern training, employment, andsubcontracting monthly performance against goals and opportunities.8. Failure or refusal by a SAHA bidder/proposer or contractor to satisfy or comply with theSection 3 Program requirements, either during the bid/proposal process or during theterm of the SAHA agreement, shall constitute a material breach of contract whereuponthe contract, at the option of SAHA, may be cancelled, terminated, or suspended inwhole or in part; and, the contractor debarred from further contracts with SAHA as anon-responsible contractor. SAHA may at its discretion also declare bids/proposals notcomplying with the Section 3 Program requirements in whole or in part nonresponsiveand eliminate them from consideration of a contract award.Page 4 of 6

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