IQL13+ Data Sheet - Trend

IQL13+ Data Sheet - Trend

IQL13+ Data Sheet - Trend


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<strong>Data</strong> <strong>Sheet</strong><strong>IQL13+</strong>SYSTEMFull system details are covered by IQ System LONWORKS Product Engineering ManualLONWORKS busThe IQL is an IQ controller which uses the LONWORKS bus as itscommunications network. It is LONMARK certified and willcommunicate with other LONMARK devices.LONWORKS IntegrationIn a LONWORKS system consisting only of IQ system devices noLONWORKS installation is required as IQ system LONWORKSproducts self-install. Installation onto a LONWORKS networkmanagement tool is only necessary if it is required to bind LONMARKdevices to the IQL strategy modules, if LINCs, pre-version 3.23,straddle a router, if other devices on the LONWORKS networkhave address conflicts with IQ system LONWORKS devices, or ifLONWORKS routers (e.g. IQLROUTERs) are used on an installedsystem. If one IQ system LONWORKS device is installed, all IQsystem LONWORKS devices must be installed.From a LONWORKS network perspective the IQL is supplied in aconfigured state i.e. it will install on the network with its addressset up and communicate using IQ system communications. It canbe set to an unconfigured state using a LONWORKS ManagementTool.IQL addressThe IQL device and Lan number are set up in the factory on arolling basis, so in a batch of IQLs, each will have a differentfactory address (printed on the unit’s label along with its NeuronID). IQ system LONWORKS devices on the same Lan must be onsame LONWORKS subnet (and hence same side of LONWORKSrouter). An IQL may be re-addressed by terse text comms(IqlTool2 recommended). New addresses should be written onthe unit’s label; a tear-off adhesive label strip with unit ID andaddress information can be used for a paper record e.g. logbook.CommunicationThe 3xtend/EINC L or LINC acts as an interface between the IQsystem Lan and the LONWORKS bus. It enables IQLs to communicatewith IQ system Supervisors by terse text comms and with IQsystem IQs by IC Comms. The 3xtend/EINC L is the preferableinterface, but if the system is installed on a LONWORKS ManagementTool, the LINC must be used. If the IQL is bound to other LONMARKdevices it communicates with them using Network Variables(NVs) as shown in accompanying table. The binding to a variableis done by using both SNVT (standardised network variabletype) and NV name for each variable. All the network variablesare described in the manual TE200292. Those required for theLONMARK node and the LONMARK profile 8501 compatibility areshown in the adjacent table (custom strategies may not havethese variables).IqlTool2IqlTool2 software tool connects directly to the LONWORKS segmentby way of the LCI (LONWORKS Comms Interface) using adaptorcables supplied with the interface.It runs on a PC on which SET v5.1 or greater has been installed.IqlTool2 (SET)LCIIQLLONWORKSnetworkIqlTool2 facilitates mapping the LONWORKS segment, resolvingduplicate addresses on LONWORKS, water balancing (/WR2,/WR4, /WT2, /WT4 only), identifying using service button,associating with SDU-LON, monitoring inputs and exercisingoutputs, setting as a timekeeper, and configuring for RD. Itprovides access to text communications for changing moduleparameters (e.g. knobs, switches, changing a generic strategy).nvnameLONMARKNodeSNVTMandatory Network VariablesnviRequestnvoStatusSNVT_obj_reques tSNVT_obj_statu sOptional Configuration PropertiesnciNetConfignciMajDevVernciMinDevVerSNVT_config_srcSNVT_coun tSNVT_coun tManufacturer Defined SectionnciDomainIndexnciDomainWidenciMsgCodenciBufferSizenviCurrDateTimenviSecurity CodenvoGeneratorLONMARKProfile 8501SNVT_coun tSNVT_lev_discSNVT_coun tSNVT_countSNVT_time_stam pSNVT_coun tSNVT_coun tMandatory Network VariablesnviSpaceTempnvoSpaceTempnvoUnitStatusStrategyVar.SNVT_temp_p K2SNVT_temp_p S1SNVT_hvac_statu sOptional Network VariablesnviSetpointnviSetptOffsetnviOccManCmdnviFanSpeedCmdnvoEffectSetPtnvoEffectOccupnvoFanSpeednvoHeatPrimarynvoCoolPrimarySNVT_temp_p K1SNVT_temp_p K8SNVT_occupancy K6SNVT_temp_p K7SNVT_temp_p S2SNVT_occupancy S3SNVT_switch S6SNVT_lev_percent S4SNVT_lev_percent S5Mandatory Configuration PropertiesnciSndHrtBtnciSetpointsSNVT_time_se cSNVT_temp_setp tOptional Configuration PropertiesManufacturer Defined SectionnvoA7nvoA8nviA19nviA20nviA21nviB18_0nviB18_1nviB18_2nviB18_3nviB18_4nviB18_5nviB18_6nviB18_7nvoB1_0nvoB1_1nvoB1_2nvoB1_3nvoB1_4nvoB1_5nvoB1_6nvoB1_7SNVT_temp_p S7SNVT_temp_p S8SNVT_temp_p K3SNVT_temp_p K4SNVT_temp_p K5SNVT_switch W1SNVT_switch W2SNVT_switch W3SNVT_switch W4SNVT_switch W5SNVT_switch W6SNVT_switch W7SNVT_switch W8SNVT_switchI1SNVT_switch I2SNVT_switch I3SNVT_switch I4SNVT_switch I5SNVT_switch I6SNVT_switch I7SNVT_switch I8Table of Network Variables for <strong>IQL13+</strong>LabelLONWORKS ManagedLONWORKS domainindexLONWORKS domain wideLONWORKS messagecodeRouter buffer sizeRemoteSpaceTem pSpace Tem pRemote SetpointRemote SP OffsetRemote OccRemote Fan SpdSetpointOccupanc yFan SpeedHeating DemandCooling DemandEffect Fan SpeedOCC DeadbndStandby DeadbndNOCC DeadbndO=4Pipe I=2PipeSummer ModeElec DisableO=Water I=Ai rWindow ModeO=Pb I=PIRFrost ConditionRemote Shutdow nFan EnabledUnit OccupiedUnit Unoccupie dUnit in BypassUnit in Standb y<strong>IQL13+</strong> LonMark Terminal Unit Controller <strong>Data</strong> <strong>Sheet</strong> TA200205 Issue 6, 4/03/20095

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