Composite Training Unit Exercises and Joint Task ... -

Composite Training Unit Exercises and Joint Task ... - Composite Training Unit Exercises and Joint Task ... -
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Page 2The Commission hereby conditionally concurs with consistency determination CD-086-06 bythe Navy on the grounds that the project would be is fully consistent, and thus consistent to themaximum extent practicable, with the enforceable policies of the CCMP., provided the AirForce agrees to modify the project consistent with the condition specified below, as providedfor in 15 CFR §930.4.The Commission staff proposes several minor wording changes to reflect the Navy’sagreement with the recommended condition language.Executive Summary, bottom of page 2/top of page 3:Thus, through its consultation with other federal agencies, the Navy is applying a number ofhabitat protection measures to the proposed activities. When added to the measures included inthe Navy’s consistency determination, the only measure lacking to enable a finding ofconsistency with the marine resource policies is a Navy agreement to submit the marinemammal/turtle monitoring reports that it prepares for NMFS to the Commission staff.Submittal of these reports is necessary under the Coastal Act for several reasons. First, theNavy is using explosives within the coastal zone, which have the potential to affect marinemammals unless adequate preclusion areas are maintained. Second, review of the monitoringis necessary to assure the Commission that the Navy has complied with its commitments toprotect marine resources. Third, interim monitoring reports may lead to alterations in trainingpractices and protection measures included. Fourth, submittal of the monitoring reports is anideal way for the Navy to support its assertion that use of mid-frequency sonar in federalwaters would not affect the coastal zone. Fifth, the federal consistency regulations (Section930.45 – see page 9) specifically require continued monitoring and coordination with stateagencies). The Commission staff initially recommended, and the Navy has now agreed, to istherefore conditioning its concurrence on a requirement that the Navy provide its monitoringreports to the Commission staff. As modified, Only as conditioned would the project wouldinclude adequate measures to enable the Commission to find that the activities will beconducted in a manner protecting marine resources, and that the proposed activities would beconsistent with the applicable marine resource, water quality, and environmentally sensitivehabitat policies (Sections 30230, 30231, and 30240) of the Coastal Act.As provided in 15 CFR § 930.4(b), in the event the Navy does not agree with theCommission’s condition of concurrence, then all parties shall treat this conditional concurrenceas an objection.Condition and Applicable Legal Authorities, page 8-9, delete the recommended conditionand the section on Applicable Legal Authorities.Marine Resources Findings, page 13, make the following changes:

Page 3Thus, through its consultation with other federal agencies, the Navy is applying a number ofhabitat protection measures to the proposed activities. When added to the measures included inthe Navy’s consistency determination, the only measure lacking to enable a finding ofconsistency with the marine resource policies is a Navy agreement to submit the marinemammal/turtle monitoring reports that it prepares for NMFS to the Commission staff. TheNavy has only now agreed to also provide the coordinate with Commission staff with all onwhether marine mammal incident and other monitoring reports that it will be provide toNMFSd to Commission staff, and only after discussion and review with NOAA. Submittal ofmarine mammal monitoring reports is necessary under the Coastal Act for several reasons.First, the Navy is using explosives, albeit small, within the coastal zone, which have thepotential to affect marine mammals unless adequate preclusion areas are maintained. Second,review of the monitoring is necessary to assure the Commission that the Navy has compliedwith its commitments to protect marine resources. Third, interim monitoring reports may leadto alterations in training practices and protection measures included (as was the case for theMobil Pier decommissioning project the Commission reviewed in 1996, where acousticmonitoring of the explosives footprint led to greater areas of preclusion than originallyproposed). Fourth, if the Navy’s concern is of a jurisdictional nature based on use of midfrequencysonar in only federal waters, there is no better way for the Navy to establish to theCommission’s satisfaction that coastal zone resource impacts are being avoided than to providethe Commission the data that would support the Navy’s conclusions. Fifth, the federalconsistency regulations (Section 930.45 – see page 9) specifically require continuedmonitoring and coordination with state agencies). Because the Navy has now agreed toprovide these The Commission is therefore conditioning its concurrence on a requirement thatthe Navy provide its monitoring reports to the Commission staff, . Only asmodified,conditioned would the project would include adequate measures to enable theCommission to find that the activities will be conducted in a manner protecting marineresources, and that the proposed activities would be consistent with the applicable marineresource, water quality, and environmentally sensitive habitat policies (Sections 30230, 30231,and 30240) of the Coastal Act.As provided in 15 CFR § 930.4(b), in the event the Navy does not agree with theCommission’s condition of concurrence, then all parties shall treat this conditional concurrenceas an objection.

Page 3Th<strong>us</strong>, through its consultation with other federal agencies, the Navy is applying a number ofhabitat protection measures to the proposed activities. When added to the measures included inthe Navy’s consistency determination, the only measure lacking to enable a finding ofconsistency with the marine resource policies is a Navy agreement to submit the marinemammal/turtle monitoring reports that it prepares for NMFS to the Commission staff. TheNavy has only now agreed to also provide the coordinate with Commission staff with all onwhether marine mammal incident <strong>and</strong> other monitoring reports that it will be provide toNMFSd to Commission staff, <strong>and</strong> only after disc<strong>us</strong>sion <strong>and</strong> review with NOAA. Submittal ofmarine mammal monitoring reports is necessary under the Coastal Act for several reasons.First, the Navy is <strong>us</strong>ing explosives, albeit small, within the coastal zone, which have thepotential to affect marine mammals unless adequate precl<strong>us</strong>ion areas are maintained. Second,review of the monitoring is necessary to assure the Commission that the Navy has compliedwith its commitments to protect marine resources. Third, interim monitoring reports may leadto alterations in training practices <strong>and</strong> protection measures included (as was the case for theMobil Pier decommissioning project the Commission reviewed in 1996, where aco<strong>us</strong>ticmonitoring of the explosives footprint led to greater areas of precl<strong>us</strong>ion than originallyproposed). Fourth, if the Navy’s concern is of a jurisdictional nature based on <strong>us</strong>e of midfrequencysonar in only federal waters, there is no better way for the Navy to establish to theCommission’s satisfaction that coastal zone resource impacts are being avoided than to providethe Commission the data that would support the Navy’s concl<strong>us</strong>ions. Fifth, the federalconsistency regulations (Section 930.45 – see page 9) specifically require continuedmonitoring <strong>and</strong> coordination with state agencies). Beca<strong>us</strong>e the Navy has now agreed toprovide these The Commission is therefore conditioning its concurrence on a requirement thatthe Navy provide its monitoring reports to the Commission staff, . Only asmodified,conditioned would the project would include adequate measures to enable theCommission to find that the activities will be conducted in a manner protecting marineresources, <strong>and</strong> that the proposed activities would be consistent with the applicable marineresource, water quality, <strong>and</strong> environmentally sensitive habitat policies (Sections 30230, 30231,<strong>and</strong> 30240) of the Coastal Act.As provided in 15 CFR § 930.4(b), in the event the Navy does not agree with theCommission’s condition of concurrence, then all parties shall treat this conditional concurrenceas an objection.

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