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Appendix A Final COMPTUEX/JTFEX EA/OEABottlenose DolphinThe bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncat<strong>us</strong>) is not listed as endangered under the ESA. In southernCalifornia, two populations occur: a coastal population within 0.5 nm (0.9 km) of shore <strong>and</strong> a largeroffshore population (Hansen 1990). There is a minimum population estimate of 186 (CV=0.12) for theCalifornia Coastal Stock of the bottlenose dolphin, <strong>and</strong> 3,053 (CV=0.66) for theCalifornia/Oregon/Washington Offshore Stock (Carretta et al., 2005). Neither stock is considereddepleted or strategic under the MMPA.The coastal population of bottlenose dolphins inhabits waters from Point Loma to San Pedro (Dohl et al.,1981; Hansen 1990). Occasionally, during warm-water incursions such as during the 1982–1983 El Niñoevent, their range extends as far north as Monterey Bay (Wells et al., 1990). Bottlenose dolphins in theSouthern California Bight appear to be highly mobile within a relatively narrow coastal zone (Defran etal., 1999), <strong>and</strong> exhibit no seasonal site fidelity to the region (Defran <strong>and</strong> Weller, 1999). Sightings ofcoastal bottlenose dolphins are common along the coast east of the SCIRC (Barlow et al., 1997).Offshore bottlenose dolphins are thought to have a continuo<strong>us</strong> distribution in California (Mangels <strong>and</strong>Gerrodette, 1994). They have been found in the Southern California Bight <strong>and</strong> in waters as far north as~41ºN (Barlow et al., 1997). During most of the year, a relatively large population of bottlenose dolphinsoccurs in offshore waters of the Southern California Bight centered around Santa Catalina Isl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong>, to alesser degree, the eastern coast of San Clemente Isl<strong>and</strong> (Fig. A-11). The population may disperse morebroadly in summer than in winter (Dohl et al., 1981).Pantropical Spotted DolphinThe pantropical spotted dolphin (Stenella attenuata) is not listed as endangered under the ESA, <strong>and</strong> is notconsidered to be a strategic stock under the MMPA. There are no abundance estimates available for thisspecies in the NOAA stock assessment report for this area of the Pacific.The pantropical spotted dolphin can be found throughout tropical <strong>and</strong> some subtropical oceans of theworld (Perrin <strong>and</strong> Hohn, 1994). In the eastern Pacific, its range is from 25ºN (Baja California, Mexico) to17ºS (southern Peru) (Perrin <strong>and</strong> Hohn, 1994). Pantropical spotted dolphins are associated with warmtropical surface water (Au <strong>and</strong> Perryman, 1985; Reilly, 1990; Reilly <strong>and</strong> Fiedler, 1994). Au <strong>and</strong>Perryman (1985) noted that the species occurs primarily north of the Equator, off southern Mexico, <strong>and</strong>westward along 10ºN. They also noted its occurrence in seasonal tropical waters south of the GalápagosIsl<strong>and</strong>s.Pantropical spotted dolphins <strong>us</strong>ually occur in deeper waters, <strong>and</strong> rarely over the continental shelf orcontinental shelf edge (Davis et al., 1998; Waring et al., 2002). They are extremely gregario<strong>us</strong>, forminggroups of hundreds or even tho<strong>us</strong><strong>and</strong>s of individuals. In the ETP, spotted <strong>and</strong> spinner dolphins are oftenseen together in mixed groups (Au <strong>and</strong> Perryman, 1985).The SOCAL Range Complex is near the northern extent of the pantropical spotted dolphin’s range. Mostsightings in or near the SOCAL Range Complex have been offshore <strong>and</strong> at the southern extent of therange complex (Fig. A-12).Striped DolphinThe striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) is not listed as endangered under the ESA, <strong>and</strong> theCalifornia/Oregon/Washington stock is not considered to be depleted or strategic under the MMPA. Thebest estimate of the size of the California/Oregon/Washington stock is 9,165 (CV=0.53; Carretta et al.,2005).Striped dolphins have a cosmopolitan distribution in tropical to warm temperate waters (Perrin et al.,1994a). Their preferred habitat seems to be deep water (Davis et al. 1998) along the edge <strong>and</strong> seaward ofthe continental shelf, particularly in areas influenced by warm currents (Waring et al., 2002). This speciesis well documented in both the western <strong>and</strong> eastern Pacific off the coasts of Japan <strong>and</strong> North AmericaFebruary 2007 A-34

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