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COMPTUEX/JTFEX EA/OEA Final Appendix Aslowly increased <strong>and</strong> exp<strong>and</strong>ed its range. Aside from the small translocated population at San NicolasIsl<strong>and</strong> (under the jurisdiction of U.S. Fish <strong>and</strong> Wildlife Service), few sea otters are expected to occurwithin offshore areas of the SOCAL Range Complex beca<strong>us</strong>e of their preference for relatively shallow(~66 ft [20 m] deep), coastal waters. The southern sea otter is listed as threatened under the ESA <strong>and</strong>designated as depleted under the MMPA.MAJOR DATA SOURCES FOR DISTRIBUTION MAPSSightings of marine mammals at sea within <strong>and</strong> near the SOCAL Range Complex have been described inmany reports <strong>and</strong> publications. The sources of information for the sightings on the maps included in thisEA/OEA are summarized below in Table A-3, <strong>and</strong> details are provided in Appendix A-3 of the SOCALMarine Resource Assessment (U.S. Navy, 2005). Tracklines <strong>and</strong> survey grid blocks for aerial <strong>and</strong>shipboard surveys conducted in <strong>and</strong> near the Range Complex during cold-water period <strong>and</strong> warm-waterperiods are given in Figures A-1 <strong>and</strong> A-2, respectively.In addition to the sightings, the maps also include three areas of occurrence: primary, secondary, <strong>and</strong> rare.Protected species biologists with the NMFS-SWFSC ultimately devised these qualitative terms. “Area ofprimary occurrence” is defined as the areas <strong>and</strong> habitats where the species is primarily found. “Area ofsecondary occurrence” is defined as the areas <strong>and</strong> habitats where the species may be found, especiallyduring “anomalo<strong>us</strong>” environmental conditions. “Area of rare occurrence” is defined as the areas <strong>and</strong>habitats where the species is not expected to be found regularly. “Unknown” (hatched) is defined as theareas <strong>and</strong> habitats for which insufficient information is available to establish occurrence beca<strong>us</strong>e of lackof survey effort. The areas were designated <strong>us</strong>ing best judgment, including NMFS-SWFSC expertopinion (based on many years of survey experience in the area), known habitat preferences <strong>and</strong>distribution of a species, <strong>and</strong> mathematical models.Table A-3. Sources of Information for Sightings of Marine Mammals at Sea within <strong>and</strong> Near theSOCAL Range ComplexNaval Undersea Center (now the Naval Ocean Systems Center NOSC ) aerial surveys over the continental shelf from Point Conceptionsouth to 31°30’N <strong>and</strong> offshore to 121°W, 1968–1975 (Leatherwood <strong>and</strong> Walker 1979; Dahlheim et al. 1982; Leatherwood et al. 1984).NMFS-SWFSC coastal bottlenose dolphin aerial surveys along the central <strong>and</strong> southern California coast (~32°N–38°N), 1990–2000(Carretta et al. 1998). Only data from 1990–1994 <strong>and</strong> 1999–2000 were included.NMFS-SWFSC California coastal cetacean surveys out to ~280 km offshore off southern California, March–April 1991 <strong>and</strong> February–April1992 (Carretta <strong>and</strong> Forney 1993; Forney <strong>and</strong> Barlow 1993; Forney et al. 1995).NMFS-SWFSC aerial surveys in a portion of the Navy Outer Sea Test Range (OSTR), west of San Nicolas Isl<strong>and</strong> in the Point Mugu SeaRange, January 1993–May 1994 (Carretta et al. 1995).Minerals Management Service (MMS) aerial surveys of seabirds <strong>and</strong> marine mammals in the waters of the Santa Barbara Channel <strong>and</strong> theSanta Maria Basin, November 1994 <strong>and</strong> Aug<strong>us</strong>t 1997 (Schmitt et al. 2003).Channel Isl<strong>and</strong>s National Marine Sanctuary (CINMS) aerial survey, June 1997–December 2003 (Waltenberger <strong>and</strong> Pickett 2000;Schwemm et al. 2000).NMFS-SWFSC aerial surveys of the San Clemente Isl<strong>and</strong> Range Complex, April 1998–July 1999 (Carretta et al. 2000). NOSC shipboardsurveys from Point Conception to the tip of Baja California, 1965–1975, each quarter of the year; <strong>and</strong> from San Diego to Kodiak, AK, in April(Leatherwood <strong>and</strong> Walker 1979; Dahlheim et al. 1982; Leatherwood et al. 1984).Pacific Ocean Biological Survey Program of the Smithsonian Institution shipboard surveys from the Mexican border towaters off British Columbia, 1967 <strong>and</strong> 1968 (Leatherwood <strong>and</strong> Walker 1979).A-9 February 2007

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