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COMPTUEX/JTFEX EA/OEA Final Chapter 10Nachtigall, P.E., D.W. Lemonds, <strong>and</strong> H.L. Roitblat, 2000. Psychoaco<strong>us</strong>tic studies of dolphin <strong>and</strong> whale hearing.Pages 330-363 in W.W.L. Au, A.N. Popper, <strong>and</strong> R.R. Fay, eds. Hearing by whales <strong>and</strong> dolphins. New York:Springer-Verlag.Nachtigall, P.E., J.L. Pawloski, <strong>and</strong> W.W.L. Au, 2003a. Temporary threshold shift <strong>and</strong> recovery following noiseexposure in the Atlantic bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncat<strong>us</strong>). Journal of the Aco<strong>us</strong>tical Society ofAmerica. 113:3425-3429.Nachtigall, P.E., A. Supin, J.L. Pawloski, <strong>and</strong> W.W.L. Au., 2003b. Temporary threshold shift after noise exposurein bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncat<strong>us</strong>). Marine Mammal Science (in review).Nachtigall, P.E., A.Y. Supin, J. Pawloski, <strong>and</strong> W.W.L. Au. 2004. Temporary threshold shifts after noise exposure inthe bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncat<strong>us</strong>) measured <strong>us</strong>ing evoked auditory potentials. Marine MammalScience 20:673-687.National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), 2005. Notice of Issuance of an Incidental Harassment Authorization,Incidental to Conducting the Precisions Strike Weapon (PSW) Testing <strong>and</strong> <strong>Training</strong> by Eglin Air Force Basein the Gulf of Mexico. Federal Register,70(160):48675-48691.______,), 2002. Endangered <strong>and</strong> threatened species: Determination on a petition to revise critical habitat fornorthern right whales in the Pacific. Federal Register 67:7660-7665.______, 1998. Essential fish habitat: new marine fish habitat conservation m<strong>and</strong>ate for Federal agencies. NationalMarine Fisheries Service Southwest Regional Office.______, 1997. Biological Opinion for Navy Activities off the Southeaster <strong>Unit</strong>ed States along the Atlantic Coast.Office of Protected Resources <strong>and</strong> the Southeast Regional Office, St. Petersburg, Florida.______, 1992. Recovery plan for the Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubat<strong>us</strong>). Prepared by the Steller sea lion RecoveryTeam for the National Marine Fisheries Service, Silver Spring, MD.______, 1991. Recovery plan for the northern right whale (Eubalaena glacialis). Prepared by the Right WhaleRecovery Team for the National Marine Fisheries Service, Silver Spring, MD. 86 pp.National Oceanic <strong>and</strong> Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2006. Notice Small Takes of Marine MammalsIncidental to Specified Activities; Rim of the Pacific Antisubmarine Warfare Exercise <strong>Training</strong> Events Withinthe Hawaiian Isl<strong>and</strong>s Operating Area, Federal Register, Department of Commerce; NMFS, FR 71, 130,38710-38, 7 July.______, 2002b. Report of the workshop on aco<strong>us</strong>tic resonance as a source of tissue trauma in cetaceans. NOAAFisheries, Silver Spring, Maryl<strong>and</strong>. April 2002.______, 2001. Final Rule for the Shock Trial of the WINSTON S. CHURCHILL (DDG-81), Federal Register,Department of Commerce; NMFS, FR 66, No. 87, 22450-67.National Ocean Service (NOS), 2001. Environmental sensitivity index (ESI) atlas: Southern California. Available byNational Oceanic <strong>and</strong> Atmospheric Administration CD.National Research Council, 2003. Ocean noise <strong>and</strong> marine mammals. The National Academic Press, WashingtonD.C. 208 pp.Nedwell, J.R., B. Edwards, A.W.H. Turnpenny, <strong>and</strong> J. Gordon, 2004. Fish <strong>and</strong> marine mammal audiograms: Asummary of available information. Subaco<strong>us</strong>tech Ltd. Report, Ref. 534R0213.Nerini, M., 1984. A review of gray whale feeding ecology. Pages 423-450 in M.L. Jones, S.L. Swartz, <strong>and</strong> S.Leatherwood (eds.), The gray whale, Eschrichti<strong>us</strong> rob<strong>us</strong>t<strong>us</strong>. San Diego: Academic Press. 600 pp.Norris, K.S. <strong>and</strong> J.H. Prescott, 1961. Observations on Pacific cetaceans of Californian <strong>and</strong> Mexican waters.University of California Publications in Zoology 63:291-402.Northridge, S. P. <strong>and</strong> R.J. Hofman, 1999. Marine mammal interactions with fisheries. Pages 99-119 in J.R. Twiss,Jr. <strong>and</strong> R.R. Reeves, eds. Conservation <strong>and</strong> management of marine mamammals. Washington, D.C.,Smithsonian Institution Press.10-17 February 2007

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