Composite Training Unit Exercises and Joint Task ... -

Composite Training Unit Exercises and Joint Task ... - Composite Training Unit Exercises and Joint Task ... -
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COMPTUEX/JTFEX EA/OEA Final Chapter 4Pantropical Spotted Dolphin (Stenella attenuata)The pantropical spotted dolphin is not listed as endangered under the ESA, and is not considered to be astrategic stock under the MMPA. There are no abundance estimates available for this species in theNOAA stock assessment reports for this area of the Pacific. The modeling efforts and harassmentanalysis for mid-frequency active sonar estimate that no Level A harassment of pantropical spotteddolphins would occur. The analysis estimates that up to 547 incidents of non-injurious behavioralharassment (Level B harassment) may be experienced by pantropical spotted dolphins on annual basis(Table 4.3-23). Six pantropical spotted dolphins could be exposed to impulsive noises or pressures fromunderwater detonations that could cause TTS but would not cause physical injury.Table 4.3-23. Raw Annual Acoustic Model Output of Pantropical Spotted DolphinBehavioral173-

COMPTUEX/JTFEX EA/OEA Final Chapter 4Pygmy Sperm Whale (Kogia breviceps)The pygmy sperm whale is not listed under the ESA, and the California/Oregon/Washington Stock is notconsidered depleted or strategic under the MMPA. No population trends have been observed inCalifornia or adjacent waters. The best estimate of the size of the California/Oregon/Washington Stock is247 (CV = 1.06, Carretta et al., 2004). The modeling efforts and harassment analysis for mid-frequencyactive sonar estimate that no Level A harassment of pygmy sperm whales would occur. The analysisestimates that up to 859 incidents of non-injurious behavioral harassment and 56 incidents of noninjuriousphysiological harassment (Level B harassment) may be experienced by pygmy sperm whales onannual basis (Table 4.3-24). No pygmy sperm whales will be exposed to impulsive noises or pressuresfrom underwater detonations that would cause TTS or could cause physical injury.Table 4.3-24. Raw Annual Acoustic Model Output of Pygmy Sperm WhaleBehavioral173-

COMPTUEX/JTFEX EA/OEA Final Chapter 4Pantropical Spotted Dolphin (Stenella attenuata)The pantropical spotted dolphin is not listed as endangered under the ESA, <strong>and</strong> is not considered to be astrategic stock under the MMPA. There are no abundance estimates available for this species in theNOAA stock assessment reports for this area of the Pacific. The modeling efforts <strong>and</strong> harassmentanalysis for mid-frequency active sonar estimate that no Level A harassment of pantropical spotteddolphins would occur. The analysis estimates that up to 547 incidents of non-injurio<strong>us</strong> behavioralharassment (Level B harassment) may be experienced by pantropical spotted dolphins on annual basis(Table 4.3-23). Six pantropical spotted dolphins could be exposed to impulsive noises or pressures fromunderwater detonations that could ca<strong>us</strong>e TTS but would not ca<strong>us</strong>e physical injury.Table 4.3-23. Raw Annual Aco<strong>us</strong>tic Model Output of Pantropical Spotted DolphinBehavioral173-

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