Composite Training Unit Exercises and Joint Task ... -

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COMPTUEX/JTFEX EA/OEA Final Executive Summaryand proficiency of naval forces in realistic, free-play scenarios, ranging from military operations otherthan-warto armed conflict. As the final certification event of the FRTP, the Strike Group mustdemonstrate the ability to operate and integrate into a Joint Operations Area under simulated austere,hostile conditions.PURPOSE AND NEEDThe purpose of conducting a COMPTUEX and JTFEX is to provide final certification of readiness priorto forward-deploying forces to Combatant Commanders. The exercise incorporates a multi-dimensional,multi-threat environment that stresses all aspects of joint maritime operations.The need for COMPTUEX and JTFEX major range exercises is derived from the Congressional mandateto organize, train, and equip the military Services (10 U.S.C. 5032). The JTFEX is the certificationcurriculum the Navy uses to meet its responsibility for deploying CSGs and ESGs. The COMPTUEXand JTFEX are needed both to train and evaluate the units and staffs, and to provide an opportunity toevaluate their readiness. The COMPTUEX and JTFEX provide a three-fold evaluation process. First, theStrike Group Commander, the Commander’s staff, and the Commander’s component commanderspractice essential skills to examine and prioritize every potential threat, balance competing demands ofspecific warfare commanders, and apportion limited assets to counter threats and decisively prevail incombat. Second, the Strike Group Commanders and their staffs are evaluated by THIRD Fleet on theirability to accurately analyze and assess the tactical situation, assimilate new information, plan anddevelop courses of tactical action, and effectively conduct military operations. Third, Strike GroupCommanders are evaluated on overall mission accomplishment, interoperability, response to emergenttasking, and force protection. At the conclusion of the COMPTUEX and JTFEX, Commander, THIRDFleet certifies to Commander, Pacific Fleet the readiness of the CSG or ESG to deploy, fulfilling theNavy’s Title 10 responsibilities.COMPTUEX/JTFEX ACTIVITIES AND LOCATIONSThe analysis in this Environmental Assessment (EA)/Overseas Environmental Assessment (OEA) focuseson four offshore and nearshore ranges within the Southern California (SOCAL) Range Complex(Warning Area 291 [W-291], SCIRC, NB Coronado, and offshore MCB Camp Pendleton) and thesouthern portion of the offshore area within the Point Mugu Sea Range. For purposes of analysis in theEA/OEA, these four offshore and near shore training areas within the SOCAL Range Complex arereferred to as the SOCAL Operating Area (SOCAL OPAREA). Bases and ranges used only for supportactivities and certain special warfare training events were omitted from further consideration becausethese are considered routine support activities (e.g., take off/landing from an existing airfield), so are notwithin the operational scope of the EA/OEA.February 2007ES-2

COMPTUEX/JTFEX EA/OEA Final Executive SummaryALTERNATIVES CONSIDEREDThe No Action Alternative consists of the individual operations at existing major ranges and facilitiesassociated with COMPTUEX and JTFEX events from February 2007 through January 2009. Under thisalternative, Commander, THIRD Fleet would continue to conduct training operations. These operationswould include three ESG COMPTUEXs, four CSG COMPTUEXs, three ESG JTFEXs, and four CSGJTFEXs, for a total of fourteen exercises in two years in the southwestern United States and SOCALOPAREAS.Under the Proposed Action, Commander, THIRD Fleet would have the option to conduct two concurrent,major range events. While the overall number of major range events depicted in the No ActionAlternative (14 exercises) would not increase, Commander, THIRD Fleet, would have the flexibility toassess two Strike Groups simultaneously, thereby supporting the Fleet Response Plan. Concurrent majorrange events provide: flexibility to respond to surge requirements; valuable opportunities for carrieroperations; and enhanced operational capabilities.SUMMARY OF FINDINGSAs defined in the CEQ regulations, an environmental assessment is a concise public document that brieflyprovides sufficient evidence and analysis for determining whether to prepare an environmental impactstatement (EIS) or a finding of no significant impact (FONSI). In this case, an EA/OEA is being preparedas part of an ongoing planning process intended to optimize THIRD Fleet COMPTUEX and JTFEXcapabilities and to anticipate changes in exercise requirements or demand. This EA/OEA assesses theenvironmental effects of ongoing exercises at current operational levels and capacity using existingmilitary assets (the No Action Alternative) as well as effects of conducting concurrent major range events(the Proposed Action).Military installations and ranges providing infrastructure support to military units participating inCOMPTUEX and JTFEX have been omitted from further consideration in this EA/OEA. COMPTUEXand JTFEX activities carried forward for analysis include those which are not addressed in current NEPAdocumentation, and occur in offshore and nearshore ranges and operating areas. The EA/OEA analyzesCOMPTUEX/JTFEX major range events for the period of operations from February 2007 to January2009.The analysis conducted in the COMPTUEX/JTFEX EA/OEA focused on the following resources: airquality, water resources, noise, biological resources, cultural resources, hazardous materials and wastes,socioeconomics, environmental justice and protection of children, land use, transportation, and publichealth and safety. For biological resources, the COMPTUEX/JTFEX EA/OEA includes analysis relatedto mid-frequency active sonar and underwater explosives. The COMPTUEX/JTFEX EA/OEA providesan analysis of exposure of marine mammals to mid-frequency active sonar and underwater explosivesduring the COMPTUEX/JTFEX training events for both the No Action Alternative and the ProposedAction.Based on the analysis presented in this EA/OEA (and summarized in Table ES-1), no significant impactson any of the affected environmental resource areas would occur as a result of implementation of the NoAction Alternative or Proposed Action. Based on the results of the impact analysis presented in theEA/OEA, the No Action Alternative does not meaningfully differ from impacts associated with theProposed Action. The impacts are fundamentally the same because:The sum total number and type of training activity is the same for both alternativesES-3 February 2007

COMPTUEX/JTFEX EA/OEA Final Executive SummaryALTERNATIVES CONSIDEREDThe No Action Alternative consists of the individual operations at existing major ranges <strong>and</strong> facilitiesassociated with COMPTUEX <strong>and</strong> JTFEX events from February 2007 through January 2009. Under thisalternative, Comm<strong>and</strong>er, THIRD Fleet would continue to conduct training operations. These operationswould include three ESG COMPTUEXs, four CSG COMPTUEXs, three ESG JTFEXs, <strong>and</strong> four CSGJTFEXs, for a total of fourteen exercises in two years in the southwestern <strong>Unit</strong>ed States <strong>and</strong> SOCALOPAREAS.Under the Proposed Action, Comm<strong>and</strong>er, THIRD Fleet would have the option to conduct two concurrent,major range events. While the overall number of major range events depicted in the No ActionAlternative (14 exercises) would not increase, Comm<strong>and</strong>er, THIRD Fleet, would have the flexibility toassess two Strike Groups simultaneo<strong>us</strong>ly, thereby supporting the Fleet Response Plan. Concurrent majorrange events provide: flexibility to respond to surge requirements; valuable opportunities for carrieroperations; <strong>and</strong> enhanced operational capabilities.SUMMARY OF FINDINGSAs defined in the CEQ regulations, an environmental assessment is a concise public document that brieflyprovides sufficient evidence <strong>and</strong> analysis for determining whether to prepare an environmental impactstatement (EIS) or a finding of no significant impact (FONSI). In this case, an EA/OEA is being preparedas part of an ongoing planning process intended to optimize THIRD Fleet COMPTUEX <strong>and</strong> JTFEXcapabilities <strong>and</strong> to anticipate changes in exercise requirements or dem<strong>and</strong>. This EA/OEA assesses theenvironmental effects of ongoing exercises at current operational levels <strong>and</strong> capacity <strong>us</strong>ing existingmilitary assets (the No Action Alternative) as well as effects of conducting concurrent major range events(the Proposed Action).Military installations <strong>and</strong> ranges providing infrastructure support to military units participating inCOMPTUEX <strong>and</strong> JTFEX have been omitted from further consideration in this EA/OEA. COMPTUEX<strong>and</strong> JTFEX activities carried forward for analysis include those which are not addressed in current NEPAdocumentation, <strong>and</strong> occur in offshore <strong>and</strong> nearshore ranges <strong>and</strong> operating areas. The EA/OEA analyzesCOMPTUEX/JTFEX major range events for the period of operations from February 2007 to January2009.The analysis conducted in the COMPTUEX/JTFEX EA/OEA foc<strong>us</strong>ed on the following resources: airquality, water resources, noise, biological resources, cultural resources, hazardo<strong>us</strong> materials <strong>and</strong> wastes,socioeconomics, environmental j<strong>us</strong>tice <strong>and</strong> protection of children, l<strong>and</strong> <strong>us</strong>e, transportation, <strong>and</strong> publichealth <strong>and</strong> safety. For biological resources, the COMPTUEX/JTFEX EA/OEA includes analysis relatedto mid-frequency active sonar <strong>and</strong> underwater explosives. The COMPTUEX/JTFEX EA/OEA providesan analysis of exposure of marine mammals to mid-frequency active sonar <strong>and</strong> underwater explosivesduring the COMPTUEX/JTFEX training events for both the No Action Alternative <strong>and</strong> the ProposedAction.Based on the analysis presented in this EA/OEA (<strong>and</strong> summarized in Table ES-1), no significant impactson any of the affected environmental resource areas would occur as a result of implementation of the NoAction Alternative or Proposed Action. Based on the results of the impact analysis presented in theEA/OEA, the No Action Alternative does not meaningfully differ from impacts associated with theProposed Action. The impacts are fundamentally the same beca<strong>us</strong>e:The sum total number <strong>and</strong> type of training activity is the same for both alternativesES-3 February 2007

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