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TIBETAN HEALTHSeptember 2011-september 2012

Secretary’s MessageThe Department of Health (Tibetan Voluntary Health Association), CTA hasbeen promoting a healthy exile Tibetan community, enabling access <strong>to</strong> primaryhealth care services, since 1981. The Department of Health (DoH) has been able<strong>to</strong> support <strong>the</strong> poorest of poor Tibetans during its three decades of service. TheDOH’s activities would not have been possible without contribution of staffwho rendered <strong>the</strong>ir services and o<strong>the</strong>r organizations and individual donors whohave extended <strong>the</strong>ir humanitarian aid.This newsletter dedicated <strong>to</strong> one year service of our Kalon, Dr. TseringWangchuk. On behalf of <strong>the</strong> entire staff of <strong>the</strong> Department of Health, I earnestlycongratulate and thanking you for your dedication and commitment in shouldering<strong>the</strong> responsibility as <strong>the</strong> Health Kalon. This newsletter include information on health projectsand programs that <strong>the</strong> DoH has been actively carrying out <strong>to</strong> make our community healthy, more aware ofvarious ailments.Lastly, I would also like <strong>to</strong> thank individual donors, organizations, former and current staff for <strong>the</strong>ir contributionand untiring work <strong>to</strong> make DoH stronger. Hope your support and service will continue.‘MAY EVERY BEING BE HEALTHY AND HAPPY’Sonam Choephel Shosur

Health Information System (HIS)The Department of Health (DoH), Central TibetanAdministration uses data from Health InformationSystem (HIS) <strong>to</strong> track <strong>the</strong> general health conditionof Tibetans, moni<strong>to</strong>r current health programs, planfuture projects, and allocate resources according <strong>to</strong><strong>the</strong> specific needs of Tibetan communities in Indiaand Nepal.Currently, out of 55 healthcare clinics in India andNepal, 44 submit health data <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> DoH on monthlybasis; <strong>the</strong> remaining 6 clinics will begin <strong>to</strong> submitHIS health data in late 2012.In November, 2011 <strong>the</strong> DoH organized a HIS technologytraining session for health workers that focusedon moni<strong>to</strong>ring and evaluation <strong>to</strong>ols.Manager of HIS, Dr. Lobsang Tsering and <strong>the</strong> dealingstaff, Tenzin Sonam visited Mundgod, Hunsur,Kollegal, and Bylakuppe in September, 2012 <strong>to</strong>evaluate and moni<strong>to</strong>r accurate data collection andreporting. The DoH would like <strong>to</strong> thank PopulationRefugee Migration(PRM) & Gere Foundation viaTibet Fund for <strong>the</strong>ir funding support.Tibetan Medicare SystemIn 2010, <strong>the</strong> Department of Health, Central TibetanAdministration drafted policy guidelines for <strong>the</strong> TibetanMedicare System (TMS) in response <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong>13th Kashag’s decision <strong>to</strong> create a healthcare coverageprogram for Tibetans living in India. Launchedon April 1, 2012 TMS is a holistic social health programunder <strong>the</strong> Tibetan Voluntary Health Associationthat is designed <strong>to</strong> address deficiencies in <strong>the</strong>existing system. TMS provides full coverage ofmedical services and medical catastrophes <strong>to</strong> bothdisadvantaged and wealthy community members.Over time TMS will contribute <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> overall wellbeingof our Tibetan community by providing comprehensivemedical care and preventative health services.Registered members (families and individuals)are eligible <strong>to</strong> receive a maximum annual benefit ofRs. 100,000 and Rs. 50,000 on hospitalization costsfor <strong>the</strong> annual contribution of Rs. 3,565 and Rs. 950respectively. The TMS issues a Smart Card <strong>to</strong> eachmember that contains <strong>the</strong> member’s coverage detailsand confidentially coded medical information. Thistechnological feature will allow members <strong>to</strong> receivemedical care that is more complete and effective.The <strong>to</strong>tal number of TMS membership for year 2011<strong>to</strong> 2012 is 7,586.Tibetan Health-TVHA 1

TMS staff members have visited a number of Tibetansettlements <strong>to</strong> provide benefit and coverage information<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> community and enroll those interestedin <strong>the</strong> programme. DoH also organized Training ofTrainees (ToT) at three places viz. Delhi, Bylakuppeand Salugara from January 16- 27, 2012. 52 participantsfrom different settlements including doc<strong>to</strong>rs,nurses and hospital administration secretaries attended<strong>the</strong> training. The training was conducted withguidance from Micro Insurance Academy (MIA) ofDelhi. In reply <strong>to</strong> a generous invitation from <strong>the</strong> TaiwanInternational Health Insurance Training Centre,two DoH staff, Nyima Gyaltsen and Kapsang,attended <strong>the</strong> training in Taipei and met <strong>the</strong> formerHealth Minister of Taiwan, Prof. Yaung, Chih-Liang.During <strong>the</strong>ir visit <strong>the</strong>y gat<strong>here</strong>d informationon Taiwan’s health insurance program and learnedhealthcare management skills that <strong>the</strong>y will utilizein developing our TMS program. DoH would like<strong>to</strong> thank BMZ & Malteser International, Germanythrough MIA for <strong>the</strong>ir funding support for TibetanMedicare System program.Kalon’s Address <strong>to</strong> Annual Meeting of SettlementOfficers at DharamsalaTELE MedicineThe Department has recently introduced a TibetanTelemedicine as a Pilot project. The TelemedicineProject currently has 2 pilot telemedicine clinics inMainpat and Odisha. Installation of telemedicineclinic at Mainpat has completed on 24th of August,more than 210 teleconsultation has done till date.W<strong>here</strong> as installation in Odisha will take ano<strong>the</strong>rcouple month. Also plan <strong>to</strong> expand <strong>to</strong> more remotearea in next year. The locations of <strong>the</strong> clinics are chosenbased on <strong>the</strong> availability of reliable electricityand internet connection, technical abilities required<strong>to</strong> successfully run <strong>the</strong> program. The TeleradiologySolution Pvt. Ltd. of Bangalore has provided technologysupport for <strong>the</strong> project. The DoH would like<strong>to</strong> extend heartfelt gratitude <strong>to</strong>ward AssociazioneItalia-Tibet, Camelia Foundation who have madethis project possible with <strong>the</strong>ir kind support.The 8th Annual Conference of <strong>the</strong> Tibetan SettlementOfficers, organized by <strong>the</strong> Department ofHome, Central Tibetan Administration was held atDharamsala from June 14-17, 2012. The conferencewas attended by 41 Settlement Officers and threeCo-ordina<strong>to</strong>rs from Tibetan settlements in India andNepal. The Honorable Health Kalon, Dr.TseringWangchuk addressed <strong>the</strong> conference and called for<strong>the</strong> Settlement Officer’s cooperation and support in<strong>the</strong> implementation of <strong>the</strong> CTA’s healthcare policiesand programs. He specifically urged <strong>the</strong> participants<strong>to</strong> create awareness of and encourage <strong>to</strong> enroll in <strong>the</strong>newly launched Tibetan Medicare System (TMS).2 Tibetan Health-TVHAKalon’s official <strong>to</strong>ur outside IndiaHealth Kalon, Dr Tsering Wangchuk visited Taiwanon <strong>the</strong> invitation of Taiwan Health Corps from April8-14, 2012. He met <strong>the</strong> Tibetans living in Taiwan atOffice of Tibet and gave <strong>the</strong>m an overview of <strong>the</strong>

Kashag’s policy and Department of Health. The Kalonalso interacted with Taiwanese Health Minister,Dr. Wen Ta Chiu, Former Health Minister of Taiwan,Prof. Ming Liang Lee, Direc<strong>to</strong>r of Bureau ofInternational Cooperation of Taiwanese Ministry ofHealth, Mr. Hsu Min Hu, Prof. Song Lih Huang andDr. Chen, International Cooperation & DevelopmentFund (ICDF). Besides requesting <strong>the</strong>ir continuedsupport in improving <strong>the</strong> health of <strong>the</strong> Tibetancommunity in exile, he also stressed on <strong>the</strong> need formore mutual collaboration in health and medicinebetween Taiwan and DoH (Tibetan Voluntary HealthAssociation).The Kalon visited Taiwan Dental Association, andmet Dr. Mao Suan Huang <strong>to</strong> discuss on organizingOral Training for Tibetan dentists and dental <strong>the</strong>rapists.He also met with Dr. Jin Jih Tsai, Dr. MartinS.H Hsiao, and Ching Kuan Liu at Kaosiung MedicalUniversity’s Chung Ho Memorial Hospital <strong>to</strong>convey his gratitude for <strong>the</strong> training opportunity<strong>the</strong>y provided for our doc<strong>to</strong>rs.May 23 - 30, 2012– Health Kalon paid his first officialvisit <strong>to</strong> Warsaw, Poland on <strong>the</strong> invitation of WarsawMedical University, Foundation Lech Walesa Instituteand The O<strong>the</strong>r Space Foundation. He attendedInternational Symposium of Alumni of Polish MedicalUniversities in Warsaw on 26 May, 2012. In hisaddress, Kalon gave an overview of <strong>the</strong> health caresystem of Tibetans in exile and <strong>the</strong> DoH’s priorities<strong>to</strong> improve <strong>the</strong> system.He met Polish MP, Mrs. Beata Bubliewicz at PolishParliament and o<strong>the</strong>r important Polish Dignitaries <strong>to</strong>discuss on ways through which Poland can help <strong>the</strong>Tibetan community in exile in <strong>the</strong> field of health.Kalon also visited Helsinki Foundation for HumanRights in Warsaw and met its President Mrs. DanutaPrzywara and Adam Koziel. He thanked <strong>the</strong>m for<strong>the</strong>ir role in bringing first Tibetan students includingKalon himself in Poland <strong>to</strong> study Medicine andEngineering.Health Education and campaignWorld HIV/AIDS DayOn December 1 2011, World HIV/AIDS Day wasobserved. The Department of Health organized aTibetan Health-TVHA 3

street play and talk on HIV/AIDS at Central TibetanAdministration <strong>to</strong> raise awareness amongst <strong>the</strong> employeeson <strong>the</strong> disease. A similar awareness talk wasalso organized at Sherab Gatsel Lobling School. Thedepartment also distributed free condoms and pamphletsat McLeod Ganj.World Cancer DayWorld Cancer Day was observed on February 4,The Department of Health observed World HepatitisDay on July 28, 2012. Kabsang, Pema Norkyi,and Tenzin Sonam Atruktsang of <strong>the</strong> Departmentgave talk on Hepatitis and its prevention methodsat Sherab Gatsel Lobling and College for Higher TibetanStudies, Sarah. Five o<strong>the</strong>r staff set up an informationstand in McLeod Ganj. They distributedbadges, bookmarks, and brochures on Hepatitis near<strong>the</strong> Tsuglagkhang and <strong>the</strong> Main Square.2012. Globally, 12.7 million people are diagnosedwith cancer and 7.6 million people die from <strong>the</strong> diseaseevery year. The Department of Health organizeda panel discussion on Tibe<strong>to</strong>nline TV w<strong>here</strong> Dr.Sonam Dhondup from <strong>the</strong> DoH, and Dr. JamyangDolma from Tibetan Medical and Astro Institutediscussed on prevention, diagnosis, and treatment ofcancer. According <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> DoH, most common typesof cancer among Tibetans are Esophagus, Liver,S<strong>to</strong>mach and Cervical.International Day Against Drug Abuse and IllicitTraffickingWorld Hepatitis DayThe Department of Health observed InternationalDay against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking onJune 26, 2012. An information campaign aimed atdiscouraging <strong>the</strong> use of drugs and alcohol was organized.Calendars, pamphlets, and stickers that providedinformation on <strong>the</strong> dangers of drug use weredistributed. The campaign also encouraged thoseinterested in receiving help <strong>to</strong> contact local supportand treatment organization.4 Tibetan Health-TVHAReproductive Health EducationThe Department of Health, CTA, on request from<strong>the</strong> Health & Environment Committee, Upper TCV,held a Sex Education Program for <strong>the</strong> students fromgrade 6 <strong>to</strong> 12 from August 6-16, 2012. Natalie Spar-

screening of <strong>the</strong> movie “Kyema Lamnor Kyi Khodung”<strong>to</strong> public.Tuberculosis (TB) Control Program.TB Reach Projectrow, a student pursuing a Master of Public Health degreeat Tulane University, volunteering at <strong>the</strong> DoH,led <strong>the</strong> discussion with female students covering <strong>the</strong><strong>to</strong>pics, Basic Female Reproductive Ana<strong>to</strong>my, Puberty,Menstruation and Hygiene. Ano<strong>the</strong>r volunteer at<strong>the</strong> DoH, Tenzin Sonam Atruktsang, a student pursuinga Bachelor of Science at Stanford Universityled <strong>the</strong> discussion with male students covering <strong>the</strong><strong>to</strong>pics, Basic Male Reproductive Ana<strong>to</strong>my, Puberty,Hygiene, and <strong>the</strong> Effects of Tobacco and Alcohol.For grades 9 <strong>to</strong> 12 students, <strong>the</strong> <strong>to</strong>pics of sexuallytransmitted diseases and safe sex were additionallycovered.Medical Camp for Kalachakra Initiation 2011-12The Department of Health arranged medical campat Bodh Gaya <strong>to</strong> offer basic medical care for <strong>the</strong>large number of devotees who attended KalachakraInititiation 2011-2012. 5 doc<strong>to</strong>rs, 12 nurses, and 7staff members from <strong>the</strong> DOH worked in <strong>the</strong> medicalcamp for 16 days. The medical camp providedprimary medical service <strong>to</strong> a <strong>to</strong>tal of 5,610 patients.Important health related information were provided<strong>to</strong> attendees through distribution of pamphlets andTB REACH is a one-year project supported by <strong>the</strong>WHO and <strong>the</strong> S<strong>to</strong>p TB Partnership, which aims <strong>to</strong>find innovative approaches for improving TB casedetection in populations at high risk for tuberculosis(TB) and limited access <strong>to</strong> TB services.The goal of this project is <strong>to</strong> increase case detectionrates of TB and multi-drug resistant (MDR) TB.From August 2011 <strong>to</strong> September 2012, <strong>the</strong> TBREACH team headed by Dr. Richardson Chaisson,Dr. Kerry, and Dr. Kunchok had conducted active TBcase finding in several Tibetan schools, monasteriesand nunneries in Himachal Pradesh and Mundgodand Bylakuppe settlements in Karnataka state.Over 5,245 people were screened for symp<strong>to</strong>ms ofTB (cough, fever, night sweats and weight loss) during<strong>the</strong> team’s time in Mundgod. In Bylakuppe, additional8,970 people were screened for symp<strong>to</strong>msof TB, and over 470 people were tested for TB usingchest x-ray and sputum testing.From June–July 2012 <strong>the</strong> TB REACH team lead byDr. Kerry and Dr. Sonam continued active TB casefinding activities at CST Shimla, CST Dalhousie,Kirti, Dorjee Drak and Jonang monasteries, Domalingand Gaden Choeling nunneries, as well as ongoingscreening of new arrivals at <strong>the</strong> Reception center.Contact tracing was also conducted at GopalpurTCV school.In August, Dr. Lobsang from <strong>the</strong> Department ofHealth joined <strong>the</strong> TB REACH team during a visit<strong>to</strong> STS Paonta and Sakya Monastery at Puruwala.Tibetan Health-TVHA 5

Contact tracing was also conducted at ChauntraTCV school. Many TB suspects undergo sputumtesting with <strong>the</strong> rapid diagnostic machine for TB,<strong>the</strong> GeneXpert MTB/RIF machine. As a result ofTB REACH funding, a new GeneXpert machinewas installed at DTR Hospital in Mundgod and TsoJhe Hospital in Bylakuppe. Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore, a vehiclepurchased with TB REACH funds is now in place atHunsur Phende Hospital. This vehicle was used forTB REACH activities in Bylakuppe.Overall, 20,565 people have been screened for symp<strong>to</strong>msof TB, and over 2,847 people have been testedfor TB at 14 Tibetan schools, 20 monasteries and <strong>the</strong>Reception Center as a result of TB REACH projectactivities. A <strong>to</strong>tal of 62 cases of TB have been identifiedand started on treatment thus far. This workwould not have been possible without <strong>the</strong> supportfrom TB reach team from John Hopkin, Delek hospitaland staffs of CTA’s DOH as well as concernedstaffs in Mundgod, Bylakuppe, and HimachalPradesh. The TB REACH one year project has beenextended until March 2013, so <strong>the</strong> TB REACH teamwill continue <strong>to</strong> conduct TB case finding in schools,monasteries, and nunneries in Uttrakhand state.TB Conference and WorkshopThe TB Conference and Workshop, held from April3-6, 2012 in Dharamsala, was organized by DelekHospital and supported by Johns Hopkins University’sCenter for TB Research USA, TB REACH ofWHO, and AISPO Italy. The conference providedinformation on TB and MDR (multi-drug resistant)TB diagnosis, treatment, management, infectioncontrol, and training of a newly introduced electronicdata system for <strong>the</strong> management of TB patients<strong>to</strong> staff members working in settlement hospitals,schools and monasteries. Doc<strong>to</strong>rs, nurses, and healthstaff from all hospitals, schools, and monasteries attended<strong>the</strong> workshop.Meeting with Central TB Division (CTD) of <strong>the</strong>Government of IndiaOn April 4, 2012 during <strong>the</strong> TB Conference andWorkshop held in Dharamsala, a meeting was heldbetween Central TB Division Govt. of India and Departmen<strong>to</strong>f Health, at <strong>the</strong> DoH’s office in Dharamsala.The meeting was attended by Dr. Ashok Kumar,Deputy Direc<strong>to</strong>rate General from <strong>the</strong> CTD ofNew Delhi, Dr. Tsering Wangchuk, Health Kalon,Mr. Sonam Choephel Shosur, Secretary of DoH, Mr.Tsegyal Dranyi, Additional Secretary of DoH, Dr.Kulbhushan Sood, State TB officer from Shimla,HP., Dr. R.S. Rana, District TB Officer of KangraDistrict, HP., Dr. K.C.Kaushal, RNTCP Consultant,Dr. D.K.Gupta, RNTCP Consultant HP., Dr. TsetanSadutshang, CMO of Delek Hospital from Dharamsalaand Dr. Kunchok Dorjee, TB Programme Direc<strong>to</strong>rof Delek Hospital.The main agenda of <strong>the</strong> meeting was <strong>to</strong> establish acollaboration between DoH and RNTCP, Govt. ofIndia <strong>to</strong> achieve effective TB control in <strong>the</strong> Tibetanpopulation in India. The challenges and solutions forTB control in <strong>the</strong> Tibetan population in India werealso discussed during <strong>the</strong> meeting. It was agreed thatDoH will submit <strong>to</strong> CTD a detailed map of all itspopulation and health facilities in India with a recommendationon which center <strong>to</strong> be conferred DesignatedMicroscopic Center, and which centers canserve as Direct Observered Therapy Short Course(DOTS) Center. Subsequently in July 2012, DoHsubmitted its future proposal plan <strong>to</strong> CTD and hopes<strong>to</strong> see a successful collaboration with CTD Governmen<strong>to</strong>f India in <strong>the</strong> months <strong>to</strong> come.Presentation by Dr. Salvo Fulvio in TB conferenceat Dharamsala6 Tibetan Health-TVHA

Procurement of New-95 Mask <strong>to</strong> HospitalsFor <strong>the</strong> safety of hospital staff of <strong>the</strong> TB ControlProgram, <strong>the</strong> DoH procured and distributed N95protective masks <strong>to</strong> Tso Jhe Hospital in Bylakuppe,DTR Hospital in Mundgod and <strong>the</strong> Tibetan PrimaryHealth Care Centre in Dekyiling, Dehradun. Thesemasks provide a simple and effective method of TBprevention by filtering <strong>the</strong> air that users brea<strong>the</strong> in,protecting <strong>the</strong>m from <strong>the</strong> air-born bacteria that causeTB. The DoH would like <strong>to</strong> convey heartfelt gratitude<strong>to</strong> Population Refugee Migration (PRM throughTibet Fund) and Social and Resource Development(SARD) for <strong>the</strong>ir funding support for this program.TB ScreeningEvery year, The DoH conducts TB screening in selectedTibetan schools in India and Nepal. In 2011,22,630 students were screened in 62 schools. 9 studentswith TB were detected during <strong>the</strong> screening.Successful Collaboration with AISPO Project, ItalyThe Italian Association for Solidarity among People(AISPO), Italy has been supporting <strong>the</strong> TibetanTB Control program since September 2009. Over<strong>the</strong> past 3 years, AISPO has provided supplies suchas computers, printers and labora<strong>to</strong>ry microscopes.AISPO also funded number of important projects including<strong>the</strong> Drug Susceptibility Test for diagnosis ofMDR-TB, TB workshop in Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2010, Labora<strong>to</strong>ryTech Training in April 2011, Advanced NurseTraining in June 2011, TB Conference in April2012, and World TB Day in March 2011 and 2012.On May 23, 2012 <strong>the</strong> DoH hosted a farewell tea partyfor AISPO Project Manager, Dr. Salvo Fulvio <strong>to</strong>express heartfelt gratitude for AISPO’s contribution<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> prevention of TB in Tibetan Community.World TB DayWorld TB Day Basketball TournamentWorld TB Day, was observed on March 24, 2012 inall <strong>the</strong> Tibetan settlements in India and Nepal. Astatement released by <strong>the</strong> Honorable Health Kalonannounced <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>me of this year’s TB Day, “S<strong>to</strong>pTB in Youth”, and emphasized <strong>the</strong> importance ofTB and early treatment. In Dharamasala, healthtalks were conducted. The DoH and Delek Hospitaljointly organized The Second Annual BasketballTournament with <strong>the</strong> support of AISPO and STOPTB. Pamphlets, DVDs, and “S<strong>to</strong>p TB” shirts weredistributed <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> public.Malaria Control ProgramTibetan Health-TVHA 7

Malaria is responsible for significant morbidity andmortality and is a major health concern in Tibetansettlements. According <strong>to</strong> a survey conducted byPlanning Commission (CTA), 3.3% of Tibetans inexile suffer from malaria and most of <strong>the</strong>se cases occurin settlements located in Malaria endemic areas,Central and North East India.The Department recently distributed 1,600Long-Lasting Insecticide-treated Nets (LLINs) inMiao Choepheling settlement and 900 LLINs inMainpat settlement, free of charge <strong>to</strong> destitutes and60% discount <strong>to</strong> general Public. These bed nets aresuccessful at controlling <strong>the</strong> spread of Malaria bypreventing <strong>the</strong> mosqui<strong>to</strong> bites that transmit <strong>the</strong> disease,ultimately reducing long-term illness and associatedmortality.Conference on Access <strong>to</strong> Justice for Victims of Torturein RehabilitationManila, Philippines Nov 22-26, 2011Chu Sum Movement of Tibet (Former Political Prisoner’sAssociation) jointly commemorated <strong>the</strong> InternationalDay in Support of Victims of Torture.Hundreds of Tibetans and foreign supporters gat<strong>here</strong>dat <strong>the</strong> TCV Day School ground <strong>to</strong> observe <strong>the</strong>day. Health Secretary, Mr. Sonam Choephel Shosurread out <strong>the</strong> IRCT statement. During <strong>the</strong> day, Gu ChuSum presented a play on <strong>the</strong> plight of Tibetan politicalprisoners under <strong>the</strong> Chinese regime in Tibet. Mr.Dawa Tsering, a former political prisoner, shared hisexperience of Chinese prison. A pho<strong>to</strong> exhibition depicting<strong>the</strong> real situation of Tibetan political prisonerswas organized.The Revised MBBS BondBy <strong>the</strong> cordial invitation from <strong>the</strong> International RehabilitationCouncil for Torture Victims (IRCT), Mr.Namgyal Dhondup of <strong>the</strong> DoH attended <strong>the</strong> conference‘Access To Justice for Victims of Torture inRehabilitation’. An estimated 50 participants from10 Asian countries namely, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka,Cambodia, Bangladesh, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines,Pakistan and Hongkong <strong>to</strong>ok part in <strong>the</strong> conference.Mr. Namgyal presented <strong>the</strong> work of Tibetan TortureSurvivors’ Program (TTSP) and spoke on <strong>the</strong> his<strong>to</strong>ryand current situation of Tibet.The Department of Health and <strong>the</strong> Department ofEducation of Central Tibetan Administration, with<strong>the</strong> approval from Kashag has revised <strong>the</strong> MBBSBond. The Bond is an agreement forged betweenTibetan Voluntary Health Association (TVHA), TibetanChildren Education and Welfare Fund (TCE-WF) and selected students who in exchange for <strong>the</strong>MBBS seat and scholarship, agree <strong>to</strong> provide 3 yearsservice in Tibetan community after <strong>the</strong> completionof <strong>the</strong>ir MBBS degree.Gu Chu SumInternational Day in Support of Victims of TortureOn June 26, The DoH in association with The Gu8 Tibetan Health-TVHA

Dhondenling Van Thiel Charitable Trust Hospitalin Kollegal and Tibetan Medical and Astro Institutejointly organized a Mo<strong>the</strong>r and Child Health Awarelis<strong>to</strong>f students who have signed <strong>the</strong> Revised MBBS Bond’2012S. No Name Gender College1 Rinzin Choedon F Rajendra Prasad Government Medical College (RPGMC), Tanda, Dharamsala2 Rinchen Sangmo F Sardar Patel Medical College, Bikaner, Rajasthan3 Tenzin Yeshi F Indra Gandhi Medical College (IGMC), Shimla4 Tenzin Tsomo F Sardar Patel Medical College, Bikaner, Rajasthan5 Kalsang Choedon F Sardar Patel Medical College, Bikaner, Rajasthan6 Ugen Gyatso M Indra Gandhi Medical College (IGMC), Shimla7 Tenzin M Indra Gandhi Medical College (IGMC), Shimla8 Tashi Namgyal M Indra Gandhi Medical College (IGMC), Shimla9 Tenzin Tsewang M Rajendra Prasad Government Medical College (RPGMC), Tanda, Dharamsala10 Tenzin Dasel M Rajendra Prasad Government Medical College (RPGMC), Tanda, Dharamsala11 Ngawang Tsetan M Sardar Patel Medical College, Bikaner, Rajasthan12 Tsering Lhamo F Sardar Patel Medical College, Bikaner, Rajasthan13 Tenzin Nordon F Rajendra Prasad Government Medical College (RPGMC), Tanda, Dharamsala14 Tenzin Chonyi M Sardar Patel Medical College, Bikaner, RajasthanMo<strong>the</strong>r & Child health (MCH) ProgramCervical Cancer Prevention EducationIn order <strong>to</strong> promote reproductive health and t<strong>here</strong>bysafe mo<strong>the</strong>rhood, <strong>the</strong> DoH instructed its majorhealthcare centers <strong>to</strong> educate Tibetan women aboutcervical cancer. Healthcare centers in 11 of our Tibetansettlements hired gynecologists <strong>to</strong> presen<strong>the</strong>alth talk on <strong>the</strong> causes, signs and symp<strong>to</strong>ms, precautions,and prevention of cervical cancer.The talks were presented in Bhandara, Bir, Bylakuppe,Dekyiling, Delhi, Dharamsala, Hunsur, Kollegal,Mainpat, Mundgod and North East TibetanSettlements for a <strong>to</strong>tal of 2,668 women ranging <strong>the</strong>age from 16-55 years. Additionally, 483 women receiveda doc<strong>to</strong>r’s consultation and participated incervical cancer screening with Pap test.Since each cervical cancer health talk was organizedexclusively for women, it was an open and interactiveenvironment that allowed women <strong>to</strong> talk franklyabout <strong>the</strong>ir concerns and ask questions that were answeredby <strong>the</strong> gynecologists. The women expressedenormous satisfaction and requested <strong>the</strong> DoH’s supportfor regular cervical cancer screening, HPV vaccinations,and fur<strong>the</strong>r education talks in <strong>the</strong> future.The DoH expresses deep gratitude <strong>to</strong> PRM throughTibet Fund for funding this awareness program andsincere appreciation <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> doc<strong>to</strong>rs who presented<strong>the</strong> talks.Awareness on Breast FeedingTibetan Health-TVHA 9

ness Camp in July, 2012 that focused specifically on<strong>the</strong> importance on infant development. Mrs. TamdingDolma, Tibetan Medical Practitioner, spoke<strong>to</strong> 237 community members about <strong>the</strong> benefits ofbreast feeding, <strong>the</strong> importance of antenatal care and<strong>the</strong> effectiveness of vaccinations for <strong>the</strong> new baby’shealth.Dehradun on 14th September, 2012. Additional Secretary,Tsegyal Dranyi represented Department ofHealth, CTA and welcomed His Holiness with offeringof traditional white scarf at <strong>the</strong> school. Afteroffering of <strong>the</strong> traditional welcome by students andstaffs, school’s report has been presented and readby <strong>the</strong> Direc<strong>to</strong>r of <strong>the</strong> school in <strong>the</strong> hall. The ga<strong>the</strong>ringwas blessed by His Holiness with his speechand a group pho<strong>to</strong> with students and staffs. His Holinessblessed <strong>the</strong> prayer wheels and <strong>the</strong> Peepul treeplanted by him in <strong>the</strong> year 2000. All <strong>the</strong> students andstaffs are fortunate <strong>to</strong> have <strong>the</strong> visit of His Holiness<strong>the</strong> Dalai Lama and visit of Karmapa Rinpoche on1st September, 2012.Staff Development Training ProgramOral Health CampaignTwo skilled dentists, Dr. Tenzin Tsewang of DTRHospital in Mundgod settlement and Dr. TenzinChonden of Menlha Hospital in Orissa, assisted by adental <strong>the</strong>rapist from TsoJhe Hospital in Bylakuppeand community health worker from Menlha Hospitalprovided oral health education, dental screening,and emergency treatment for 350 individuals. Thisfirst ever-dental camp was held in <strong>the</strong> Tibetan settlementsin Central and North East India.School for Tibetans children with Special NeedsHis Holiness <strong>the</strong> 14th Dalai Lama visited NgoengaSchool for Tibetan children with special needs,Our long-standing supporter Latika Roy Foundationhas organized training on special education forNgoenga staffs from March 19 <strong>to</strong> 30 March, 2012 atDehradun. The training benefits our staffs in takingproper care of <strong>the</strong> children with special needs.Training on Inclusive EducationSpecial need educa<strong>to</strong>r Miss Sonam Yangzom ofNgoenga school and staff Nurse Miss Tenzin Sangmoof Bylakuppe Tso-Jhe Hospital have participatedin a three month training on “Master Trainerin inclusive Education” held in Mumbai from 10thJan <strong>to</strong> 6th April, 2012. It was organized by ADAPT(National Resource Centre for Inclusion) and wasfully funded by Empowering <strong>the</strong> Vision of Delhi.The training has imparted our staffs in understandingpeople with special needs from <strong>the</strong> perspectiveof Community level and is very helpful in makinglife easier for those with special needs.10 Tibetan Health-TVHA

Community Based Rehabilitation TrainingAround eleven CBR workers working in PrimaryHealth Centers (PHC) and hospitals have taken partin Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) trainingheld on 6th August <strong>to</strong> 25th Aug, 2012 at MobilityIndia in Bangalore.Stipend for People with Special Needs andDistribution of Aids and AppliancesThrough an ongoing program started in 2003 aimedat reducing <strong>the</strong> level of dependency on o<strong>the</strong>rsamongst <strong>the</strong> people with special needs and elderly,<strong>the</strong> DoH has provided health aids such as glasses,hearing aids, wheel chairs, lava<strong>to</strong>ry chairs, crutchesand pros<strong>the</strong>tics <strong>to</strong> Tibetans. This program has alsoprovided stipends for Tibetans with special needsliving in India. This year, <strong>the</strong> program has served168 people, mainly in Kollegal and Hunsur settlements.Workshop on Women’s HealthBasic health training was given <strong>to</strong> 75 newly arrivedTibetan women from Tibet from February 13-19,2012.Tibetan women living in Tibet often do not haveaccess <strong>to</strong> basic healthcare services or health education.The dietary and climate changes <strong>the</strong>y experienceupon <strong>the</strong>ir arrival in India or Nepal increases<strong>the</strong>ir vulnerability <strong>to</strong> illness. To assist <strong>the</strong>se women<strong>the</strong> DoH in cooperation with <strong>the</strong> Tibetan ReceptionCenter and with support from both Allopathic andTraditional Tibetan Medicine health practitioners,organized an annual, week-long health informationtraining.This year, Dr. Sonam Dhondup and Miss Pema Norkyifrom <strong>the</strong> Department of Health, Nurse KarmaDolma from Bir, Miss Tseyang from <strong>the</strong> Departmen<strong>to</strong>f Finance and Dr.Sonam Dolma from Tibetan Medicaland Astro Institute presented talks on a numberof health <strong>to</strong>pics including Reproductive Ana<strong>to</strong>myand Function, Gynaecologic Illnesses and PreventiveMeasures, Breast Cancer and Self Examination,Nutrition, Mental Health, Tradition Tibetan Medicine,and Women’s Empowerment.Mental Health TrainingAnnual Mental Health Training (MHT) was held inMay at <strong>the</strong> prestigious Vidyasagar Institute of MentalHealth, Neuro & Allied Sciences (VIMHANS) inDelhi. The one week training program teaches MentalHealth Workers new skills for <strong>the</strong> assessmentand treatment of mental health problems in Tibetancommunity members, orients <strong>the</strong>m <strong>to</strong> a modernunderstanding of mental health management, andprovides an opportunity for <strong>the</strong>m <strong>to</strong> discuss withprogram leaders and fellow participants. The MHTTibetan Health-TVHA 11

program’s most recent participants, along with o<strong>the</strong>rmental health professionals, work <strong>to</strong> provide compassionateand effective care for Tibetans who livewith mental health problems.International Clinical Tropical MedicineTrainingFrom January 30 <strong>to</strong> February 11, 2012, two MedicalOfficers of <strong>the</strong> DoH, Dr Lodoe Phuntsok fromMainpat and Dr Tsering Choedon from Bylakuppeattended <strong>the</strong> Seventh Short Course in Clinical TropicalMedicine held at Infectious Diseases Training &Research Centre (IDTRC), Christian Medical Collegein Vellore, South India.Dr. Sonam Dhondup visited Rajendra Prasad GovernmentMedical College (RPGMC) at Tanda andmet <strong>the</strong> Principal of <strong>the</strong> college, Dr. Anil Chauhan.The Kalon requested help from <strong>the</strong> college <strong>to</strong> address<strong>the</strong> issue of <strong>the</strong> shortage of medical doc<strong>to</strong>rsin Tibetan community. Kalon also interacted with<strong>the</strong> Tibetan medical students t<strong>here</strong> and advised <strong>the</strong>m<strong>to</strong> study hard & serve <strong>the</strong> Tibetan community aftercompletion of studies.December 4-9, 2011-The Health Kalon visited IndiraGandhi Medical College (IGMC) at Shimla andmet with <strong>the</strong> Principal, Dr. S. Kaushal, Secretary of<strong>the</strong> Department of Health and Family Welfare ofGovernment of Himachal Pradesh, Sh.A.R. Rizvi,Direc<strong>to</strong>r of Medical Education & Research, Dr. J.Shree Sharma, Controller of Medical examination.The Health Kalon expressed sincere gratitute <strong>to</strong> StateGovernment for alloting two MBBS reserved seatsfor Tibetan students every year. He also requestedKalon’s visit and meeting inside IndiaOc<strong>to</strong>ber 12-13, 2011-The Health Kalon, Dr.TseringWangchuk and Direc<strong>to</strong>r of <strong>the</strong> Planning Commission,Dr. Kunchok Tsundue, visited <strong>the</strong> German Embassyand Micro Insurance Academy in New Delhi<strong>to</strong> discuss about status of Tibetan Medicare system.November 21, 2011-The Health Kalon accompaniedby former Joint Secretary, Mrs. Tsering Yangkey andfor an increase in MBBS seats for Tibetan studentsconsidering <strong>the</strong> dearth of medical doc<strong>to</strong>rs in Tibetansociety.December 14-21, 2011-The Health Kalon, accompaniedby Dr. Sonam Dhondup went <strong>to</strong> Bengaluruand had a meeting with Dr. Raman Reddy, HealthSecretary <strong>to</strong> government of Karnataka <strong>to</strong> discuss <strong>the</strong>possibility of providing reserved seats for Tibetanstudents <strong>to</strong> study MBBS course in <strong>the</strong> state and <strong>the</strong>inclusion of our doc<strong>to</strong>rs and nurses in <strong>the</strong> regulartraining sessions provided by <strong>the</strong> Karnataka government<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir health staff.Kalon Dr. Wangchuk also visited St. Johns NationalAcademy of Health Sciences in Bengaluru and met<strong>the</strong> Direc<strong>to</strong>r, Dr. Lawrence D’Souza, and Associate12 Tibetan Health-TVHA

Direc<strong>to</strong>r, Rev Fr. Glen Mascarenhas and requested<strong>the</strong>m for <strong>the</strong> provision of reserved seats for Tibetanstudents <strong>to</strong> study MBBS and MD at <strong>the</strong>ir institute.The Kalon along with Dr. Sonam Dhondup, medicalofficers and administra<strong>to</strong>rs from four of <strong>the</strong> DOH’shospitals at Tibetan settlements in Karnataka visitedTeleradiology Solution Company and met with ChiefDreamer, Dr. Sunita Maheshwari and Chief enabler,Mr. Ricky Bedi from <strong>the</strong> company. Kalon and <strong>the</strong>whole team from <strong>the</strong> DOH had a thorough observationand discussion on Telemedicine technology at<strong>the</strong> company.The Kalon and two medical officers observed livework of Telemedicine clinic at company site.The Kalon accompanied by Tibetan medical officersalso visited Cisco Company (<strong>the</strong> manufacturerof Telemedicine equipment) <strong>to</strong> observe live work ofTelemedicine technology.They later visited Health Sprint and met with ManagingDirec<strong>to</strong>r, Mr. P Rammohan, Business Manager,Ms. Ekta Sareen, and <strong>the</strong> concerned staff <strong>to</strong>discuss on IT issues of <strong>the</strong> Tibetan Medicare System(TMS). They also visited Medi Assist Company <strong>to</strong>fur<strong>the</strong>r discuss about <strong>the</strong> network hospital of TMSand met with Head Provider, Dr. Muthana SubbiahKeekira, and Dr. Venkatesh KT, Assistant Manager,Hospital Networking and LCMJanuary 2-5, 2012-The Health Kalon visited PostgraduateInstitute of Medical Education and Research(PGIMER) at Chandigarh and met Direc<strong>to</strong>r,Dr. Yogesh Chawla <strong>to</strong> discuss and explore <strong>the</strong> possibilityof Tibetan medical officers under <strong>the</strong> DOH<strong>to</strong> do postgraduate courses at PGIMER.Kalon also went <strong>to</strong> New Delhi <strong>to</strong> meet Dr. NeerajKulshetra, Addl. DDG of <strong>the</strong> Central TB Divisionand requested for continuous TB and MDR TBtraining for Tibetan doc<strong>to</strong>rs and nurses. Kalon latervisited <strong>the</strong> office of International Union against TBand Lung diseases and met its Direc<strong>to</strong>r, Dr. SarabjitSingh Chadha.On his way <strong>to</strong> Bodh Gaya, he s<strong>to</strong>pped at Patna <strong>to</strong>meet a group of Italian Tibet friends led by Dr. RaffaellaChionna who is a long supporter for Tibetanhealth and welfare. Kalon expressed his gratitude <strong>to</strong><strong>the</strong>m for helping Tibetan community starting fromBylakuppe <strong>to</strong> Orissa. On his request, <strong>the</strong>y had alsoagreed <strong>to</strong> continue <strong>the</strong>ir help <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> DOH <strong>to</strong> improveTibetan health, particularly in remote Tibetan settlements.Kalon also met Richard Gere, Long time friend ofTibet. They had a discussion on state of HIV/AIDSin Tibetan Community and Tibetan Medicare systemof <strong>the</strong> DOH.January 26-28, 2012-Health Kalon accompanied byhealth staff, Mr. Sonam Topgyal went <strong>to</strong> Dehradun<strong>to</strong> visit Ngoenga School and Dekyiling. The Kalonmet <strong>the</strong> children and staff of Ngoenga School <strong>to</strong> lis-Tibetan Health-TVHA 13

June 27-28, 2012-The Kalon visited PhuntsoklingTibetan settlement and CST School Dalhousie. Duringa meeting with <strong>the</strong> Tibetans in <strong>the</strong> settlement,Kalon spoke on <strong>the</strong> current situation in Tibet, exten<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir grievances and agreed <strong>to</strong> put <strong>the</strong>ir problemson table for discussion in DOH’s administrativemeeting.They met <strong>the</strong> Settlement Officer of Dekyiling anddiscussed on shortage of drinking water in Lingtsangsettlement and <strong>the</strong> construction of a drainagesystem in Dekyiling settlement. Kalon also visitedMentsekhang branch clinic at Dekyiling. The Kalonalso visited Tsering Dhonden settlement <strong>to</strong> check severityof <strong>the</strong> water shortage problem t<strong>here</strong>.cies and <strong>the</strong> programs of <strong>the</strong> DoH, particularly <strong>the</strong>Tibetan Medicare System.At Tezpur, <strong>the</strong> Health Kalon visited <strong>the</strong> BaptistChristian Hospital and met its Medical Direc<strong>to</strong>r, Dr.Koshy C.George. The Kalon requested for bimonthlyvisiting doc<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>to</strong> Tenzingang clinic and a medicalcamp in <strong>the</strong> Tibetan community.At Tenzigang, The Kalon met Mr. Tenzin NorboThongdok, MLA, Principal Advisor <strong>to</strong> Chief Minister& Parliament Secretary (PWD), ArunachalPradesh. Kalon spoke about <strong>the</strong> health problemsfaced by <strong>the</strong> Tibetans and appealed for <strong>the</strong> provisionof visiting doc<strong>to</strong>r from Kalakthang <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> localTibetan clinic.At Bomdila, The Kalon met Dr. R.D. Thongchi, DistrictTuberculosis Control Officer, and made an appealfor <strong>the</strong> provision of TB related training for ourstaff nurses <strong>to</strong> which <strong>the</strong> later agreed.February 19-20, 2012-The Health Kalon went <strong>to</strong>Delhi <strong>to</strong> meet Ms. Vanya Lambert, a longtime friendof Tibet and highlighted her about Tibetan healthprograms and projects.March 23, 2012-The Kalon attended <strong>the</strong> 50th yearAnniversary of Men Tsee Khang, Dharamsala.April 15-30, 2012-The Health Kalon, accompaniedby Office Superintendent, Karma Namgyal, visitedMiao, Tezu, Tenzingang, Bomdila, and Shillong inNor<strong>the</strong>ast India. Kalon gave talks on Kashag’s poli-14 Tibetan Health-TVHA

ated Tibet Charity’s initiatives such as Animal Careand Anti-Rabies Vaccination Programplained <strong>the</strong> Kashag’s middle way policy and introduced<strong>the</strong> new Tibetan Medicare System.July 04, 2012-The Kalon visited Sherab GatselLobling School and <strong>the</strong> Reception Center. He spokeon Kashag’s policies, all <strong>the</strong> ongoing health programsof DoH and <strong>the</strong> importance of Health andEducation <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> students and staff of Sherab GatselLobling.June 16, 2012-Health Kalon attended World BloodDonor Day function at Tibet Charity House, McleodGanj.On <strong>the</strong> occasion of World Blood Donor Day, HealthKalon graced <strong>the</strong> formal launch of Tibet CharityBlood Donors Club (TCBDC).Kalon lauded Tibet Charity for starting TCBDCwhich he said will help <strong>the</strong> doc<strong>to</strong>rs in saving precioushuman lives. In line with <strong>the</strong> global slogan, hesaid that <strong>the</strong> blood donors are <strong>the</strong> real heroes of <strong>the</strong>society. He said that he has always viewed an NGOlike Tibet Charity as partners in <strong>the</strong> Department ofHealth’s effort <strong>to</strong> provide better health care and createhealth awareness among <strong>the</strong> public. He appreci-Aug 28-7 Sept, 2012-On 28th of August, The HealthKalon along with Additional Secretary Dranyi Tsegyalvisited Ladakh <strong>to</strong> inaugurate <strong>the</strong> New PrimaryHealth Center at Sonamling Choglamsar builtin memory of <strong>the</strong> great Tibe<strong>to</strong>logist “Fosco Marani”through “Fondo Samaritano Rosalia Radici”and “Africa Tremila” Associazione Italian-Tibet,Ladakh.He also visited all <strong>the</strong> 12 camps of Sonamling Settlementand discussed on major problem of drinkingwater and o<strong>the</strong>r health issues in <strong>the</strong>ir area. Duringhis stay, he also met Space Geo Tech, Ph.D Dr.L.G Aswathanarayana from Bangalore who is t<strong>here</strong><strong>to</strong> scrutinize <strong>the</strong> condition of drinking water in <strong>the</strong>settlement. Moreover, Kalon also expressed hisgratitude <strong>to</strong> Claudia & Luciano Mosheni and groupfrom Italy for <strong>the</strong>ir tremendous support. HonorableHealth Kalon also visited Karnag, Samay, Sumdho,Chumur, Nyoma, Tatsang and Choshul area ofJhangthang and met <strong>the</strong> settlers <strong>to</strong> discuss <strong>the</strong> healthproblems.Tibetan Health-TVHA 15

List of Projects Completed in 2011-2012S No. Projects Place Cost Donor1 Garbage Disposal Project Sonamling, Ladakh 36,990 ContingencyFund2 Toilet construction, Gyu<strong>to</strong>e Dalhousie 129,800 ContingencyFund3 Toilet Renovation STS School, Poanta 239,500 ContingencyFund4 Bathroom and Toilet ConstructionGongkar Choede, Khera,Herbertpur100,000 ContingencyFund5 Health Centre Extension projectSonamling, ladakh4,202,275 AFT-AI6 New DVT Hospital Kollegal, Dhondenling 6,635,200 Vimala Association,Italy7 Doc<strong>to</strong>r and Executive SecretaryKollegal, Dhondenling 1,470,000 NCAQuarter8 Bore well and pipeline ConnectionMundgod, C-698,708 PRM-US9 OHT Construction and pipeline Chauntra1,416,545 Bhumang-Chostsok,ConnectionTaiwan10 Public Toilet Renovation Mundgod 219,460 PRM-US11 Water Management Trainer’s Departmental280,000 SOIR-IMTraining12 Pipeline extraction and new Gangkyi-Dharamsala549,049 PRMconnection13 Repair of filtration Tank Gangkyi 290,000 PRM14 Dispensary Renovation STS, Poanta 895,455 PRM15 Dispensary Renovation PHC, Tezu 164,070 PRM16 Solid and Liquid Bio-medicalwaste projectTso-Jhe Hospital, Bylakupee 78,600 ContingencyFund17 Solid and Liquid Bio-medicalwaste projectPhende Hospital, Hunsur 65,000 ContingencyFund18 New water tank at source and Dekyiling638,442 Trust Fund.pipeline Connection projectGrand Total 10,873,894AFT*-Africa Tremila, AI*-Associazione Italia NCA*-Norwegian Church Aid PRM*-Population,Refugee Migration, US SOIR-IM*-Swedish Organization for Individual Relief16 Tibetan Health-TVHA

Van Thiel Charitatable Trust Hospital Constructed at DVT Hospital Kollegal, funded by Vimala Association,Italy. Inaugurated on 29th Feb, 2012 by Gaden Tripa and Sikyong as special Guests.This staff Quarter is funded by Norwegian ChurchAid (NCA) Norway and Inaugurated by <strong>the</strong> settlemen<strong>to</strong>fficer Mr. Phuntsok Tsering on 28th May2012 at DVT Hospital, Kollegal.‘Fosco Marani’Primary Health Centre extendedat Sonamling, Ladakh and Inaugurated by HealthKalon on 29th of Aug’ 2012. Funded by AfricaTremila (AFT) & Associazione Italia (AI).Toilet renovation in Sambhota School, Paonta.Paonta settlement officer Mrs. Karma Dolma inaugurating<strong>the</strong> renovation of Dispencery in SambhotaTibetan School, Paonta.Tibetan Health-TVHA 17

Health Programs, Projects & Activities approved under 2012-13 Budget Proposal of Department ofHealth (TVHA).A) Machinery Purchase1. Fridge for Delhi Samyeling Clinic2. Intercom of DoHealth3. 2 Sets of Computer for DoHealth4. One Computer Moni<strong>to</strong>rB) Renovation1. Delhi Samyeling Clinic Renovation2. CST Poanta and Tibetan Settlement Clinic Renovation3. Tezu Tibetan Settlement Clinic RenovationC )Public Health Education Program1. Publication of Health Awareness Program2. Commemoration of annual Health events recommendedby W.H.O3. Mobile Health Education CampaignD) HIV/AIDS Preventive & Care1. Medical Expenses of HIV/AIDS patient2. HIV Free Testing3. HIV/AIDS Awareness Program4. HIV/AIDS counseling course for health staffs5.Second Meeting of Tibetan People Living withHIV/AIDS6. HIV/AIDS Documentary MovieE) Substance Abuse Preventive and Rehabilitation1. Providing Medical Facilities & Rehabs2. Awareness Programme3. Review MeetingsF) Medical Facilities Program1. Medical Facilities for Staffs, Destitutes2. Essential DrugsG) Handicapped and Leprosy Care1. Stipends for Physically Challenged People2. Medical Facilities and Stipends for Leprosy Patients3) Aids and Appliance for Special Need People4. Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Workshop <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> Caretakers of Physically Challengedand Elder PeopleH) Mental Health Care1. Medical Facilities <strong>to</strong> Mental Patients2. Mental Health Training and its EvaluationI) Health Training1. Basic Health Training for 60 Newly Arrived TibetanWomen2.Health Training <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> StaffsJ) Mo<strong>the</strong>r & Child Health Care and RH1. Antenatal & Postnatal Care for Pregnant Women2. Vaccination for Under 5 Children3. Infant Disability Screening4. Nutrition and Supplements <strong>to</strong> Gangkyi CrècheChildren5. Oral Health and Hygiene6. Mo<strong>the</strong>r and Child Health Care Education Program7. Safe Delivery Practices Training for HealthNursesK) Tuberculosis Prevention and Control1. Medical Facilities <strong>to</strong> all Patients2. Free TB Screening3. Nutrition Food <strong>to</strong> MDR Patients4. Preventive Measures and Awareness Program5. TB Moni<strong>to</strong>ring & Evaluation6. TB & MDR TB Training for Doc<strong>to</strong>rs and Nurses7. Repair & Maintenance of TB Related Equipments8. Moni<strong>to</strong>ring of TB Data9. Trainings on TB DataL) Tibetan Torture Survivors Programme1. Social Support2. One Time Settlement Facilities3. Medical Expenses4. Maintenance of Equipments of <strong>the</strong> Torture Section18 Tibetan Health-TVHA

5.International Torture's Victim's Day6. Life Skill Trainings <strong>to</strong> Tortured WomenM) Water and Sanitation1. Water and Sanitation Project of Tibetan Settlementsin Indiaa) Drinking Water Survey in Ladakhb) Drinking Water Evaluation in Miao, Tezu, Tenzingangand Ravangla Tibetan Settlements.c) Drinking Water Tank Construction Project atRajpurd) Water tank Construction Project at DhonduplingTibetan Settlement, Clemen<strong>to</strong>wne) Water Tank Project at Chauntra Tibetan Settlement2. Annual Water Expenses of Gangkyi Area3. Daily Wages of Water and Sanitation Personnel4. Contribution <strong>to</strong> Tibetan Welfare Office inDharamsala for Waste & Garbage Truck5. Water & Sanitation Contingency fund6. Over Head Tank Construction at Kham Kathok,Sataun7. Drilling Bore well at Ruthok Monastery,LadakhN) Tibetan Medicare System1. Public Awareness Program2. Enrollment and Medical claim reimbursementO) O<strong>the</strong>rs1. Malaria Prevention Program (distribution offree or subsidized insecticide treated nets atMiao and Mainpat)2. Health Information System and its moni<strong>to</strong>ringand evaluation3. Tele Medicine Pilot Project at Mainpat and Odisha4. Recurring Expenses of Department of Health5. Recurring Expenses of Branch6. Staff Saving Scheme7. Annual Audit Fees8. Staff Gratuity and Honorarium9. Grant <strong>to</strong> Tibetan Medical CouncilList of Donor in 2011-2012Department of Health (TVHA) expresses our deep appreciation and thanks <strong>to</strong> all <strong>the</strong> donors and volunteers.We would like <strong>to</strong> request your continued support <strong>to</strong> achieve our goals.S NO. DONOR COUNTRY AMOUNT (RS) PURPOSE1 AET France 109,495 Ngoega School2 Africa Treimila Italy 648,776 Ladakh Hospital Construction3Air France Foundation ViaFranceAET211,536 Ngoenga School4 Alan Merrick England 10,000 Ngoenga School5Association Free Tibetan9,563 Ngoenga SchoolFranceChilldhood11,136 Ngoenga School6650,582 Ladakh Hospital ConstructionAfrica Treimila-AssociazioneItalia TibetItaly693,864 Ladakh Hospital Construction1,382,775 Ladakh Hospital Construction7 Elizebeth (Late) England 5,000 Ngoenga School8Hannah Miller (Emory University)USA 4,000 Tibetan Medicare System9 Hokkaido Friend of Tibet Japan 198,200 Ngoenga School10 Hsueh Huei Lan Taiwan 1,360,481 Chuantra Water TankTibetan Health-TVHA 19

S NO. DONOR COUNTRY AMOUNT (RS) PURPOSE11 Ida Van Gulik Belgium 69,000 Ngoenga School12 Izabella Pawlak Poland 2,700 TMS for Ngoenga Children13 John Hopskin University USA 71,940 T.B Reach Project14 Lhakpa Sigrist Swiss 60,000 Ngoenga School15 BMZ/Malteser International Germany 2,450,500 Tibetan Medicare System16 Ms Mirva Jaatenin Finland 27,470 Ngoenga School17578,899 Kollegal Hospital Doc<strong>to</strong>r QuarterNorwegian Church Aid/Norway969,956 HIV/AIDSSARD220,000 Substance Abuse Control18Provincia Au<strong>to</strong>noma DiItalyTren<strong>to</strong>3,448,527 Telemedicine Project126,880 CHW Salary19 Shenphen Tibet Aid Norway407,680 Emergency Medical Relief Fund20 SOIR IM Sweden822,625 HIV & AIDS Expences450,000 Water and Sanitation220,000 Health Education21PRM, Gere Foundation &USATibet Fund883,950.15 Health Information System4,432,393.25 CHW Salary4,236,911.25 Water and Sanitation9,799,990.75 Emergency Medical Relief Fund1,622,835 Essential Drugs1,956,585 Mo<strong>the</strong>r & Child Health Care182,430 Health Education22 PRM/Tibet Fund/SARD USA210,015 Ngoenga School2,118,215 Handicapped & Disabled6,002,280 T.B Control Program101,880 Health Related Training166,995 Tibetan Medicare System798,030 Ambulance Fund150,000 HIV & AIDS Expences23 Sticco An<strong>to</strong>nio Italy 22,190 Ngoenga School24 Tibet Center, Chicago USA 743,808 Tibetan Medicare System25 Tibet Friendship Australia Australia 43,780 Tibetan Torture Survival Program26 Tibet Fund USA 360,762 Ngoenga School27 Tibet House Trust England 232,611 Ngoenga SchoolMimilit<strong>to</strong>n Via Tibet LondonTrustTezu, TutingRecurring Expenditure of Miao,England 1,292,84528100,739 CHW SalaryTibet Relief Fund England29 275,884 Ngoenga School30 Toserve Via Frances May USA 47,323 Ngoenga School20 Tibetan Health-TVHA

S NO. DONOR COUNTRY AMOUNT (RS) PURPOSE31 Tsamchoe USA 5,490 Ngoenga School32 Camelia Foundation EnglandTelemedicine Clinic Project at72,031Mainpat and Odisha33 Tsetan Dolkar USA 4,940 Tibetan Medicare System34 Tsetan Gawa Nepal 40,000 Ngoenga School35 US Aid USA 3,622,980 Tibetan Torture Survival Program36 Ven Kalsang Damdol India 1,00,000 Ngoenga School37 Tibet Friendship Group Australia 1,33,700 Tibetan Torture Survivor38 Vimala Association Italy204,807 Kollegal Hospital’s Furnitures891,529 Tso Jhe Hospital1,137,440 Hunsur Hospital853,080 Ngoenga School363,112 Kollegal Hospital39 Yeshi Norbu Italy 2,461,164 Ngoenga School40 Associazione Italia Tibet Italy 2,70,316 Torture Victim41 Prof. Fosco Marani ItalyPurchase of Equipment for Ladakh68,000Hospital42 Gaden Tripa (DREPUNG) IndiaInauguration Ceremony of New30,000DVT Hospital, KollegalGRAND TOTAL 61,262,626.4List of in kind Donation from September 2011 <strong>to</strong> August 2012.Department of HealthDonor Equipments PlacesPolpharma Companythrough Yeshi SangpoLhosar, MDManual BP measuring machine, Au<strong>to</strong>matic BP measuring machine,Accuchek Glucometer set, Tech med adult Stethoscope, FingertipPulse Oxymeter, O<strong>to</strong>scope, Tongue Depressor, Digital Thermometer,Portable weight machinePolandPrimary Health Center, MainpatDonor Equipments PlacesSteve Doyle Solar Electric System AustraliaTsori MonasteryKent Water Purifier System, Door & Window at HealthCentreIndiaHumanitarian Effort Reach Out(Hero)Medicines, Cardiac Moni<strong>to</strong>r, Defibrilla<strong>to</strong>r, UPS, Refrigera<strong>to</strong>r,lap<strong>to</strong>p, Centrifuge & MicroscopeDVT Hospital, KollegalDonor Equipments PlacesTaipei University Service Overseas Dental Equipments TaiwanDr. Gianni Chiarelli & Mr Vego Ana<strong>to</strong> Minor Surgery Equipments & Medicines ItalyMr. Mauro Scibetta Hospital Patient Beds & AC in Eye Theatre ItalyDr. Michelle Labora<strong>to</strong>ry Equipments ItalyUSATibetan Health-TVHA 21

DTR Hospital, MundgodDonor Equipments PlacesThe Initiative Oberland,GermanyMass Eye Operation, Medicines, Vaccinations &Equipments, New TB Ward, Construction of NewKitchen, Hospital Renovation, etc.,Via Sakya MonasteryPrimary Health Center, BirDonor Equipment PlacesDr Gomes & herFriendsSte<strong>the</strong>scope (New), Spirit Lamp, B.P plug counlet, B.P Aiwlet S.L,Ear Tracer, B.P Clot, B.P Apparatus, Dopppler (Fetal), Needle Cutter,Thermometer glass, Armsling, Mucus extrac<strong>to</strong>r, Scissors, HeatingPad, Mebulises, ENT Set, B.P Diab. Portable, Height Measuring,Tray (Steal), WT MachineAustraliaTSO JHE Hospital, BylakuppeDonor Equipment PlacesCoorg Institute ofDental Science,Virajpet(CIDS)Free Dental Service support <strong>to</strong> Tibetan Refugee settlement, Bylakuppe.IndiaStaff update in Sept 2011 <strong>to</strong> Sept 2012New Staff AppointmentS.No Name Designation New appointment Transferred (From)(DoA)1 Shosur Sonam Choephel Secretary 12/03/2012 TIPA2 Thu<strong>to</strong>p Namgyal Joint Secretary 31/07/2012 Audit3 Namgyal Gendun Under Secretary 18/08/2012 Kollegal settlement4 Tashi Yangzom Office Superintendent 16/07/2012 Education5 Sonam Dolma Office Superintendent 19/07/2012 Religion6 Tenzin Dolker Office Assistant 05/07/2012 EducationTransferred Name Designation Date of Transferred1 Phasur Wangchuk Secretary 05/03/20122 Topgyal Tsering Additional Secretary 01/03/20123 Tsering Yangkyi Joint Secretary 01/05/201222 Tibetan Health-TVHA

Promoted & Transferred Name Designation Date of Transferred1 Tenzin Igyen Under Secretary 01/06/20122 Namgyal Dhondup Office Superintendent 10/08/20123 Tsering Choezom Section Officer 17/07/20124 Tenzin Dazie Section Officer 13/07/20125 Tsering Choedon Section Officer 16/07/20126 Lobsang Dhargye Office Assistance 10/08/2012Staff updates from 1st Sep 2011 <strong>to</strong> 31 Sept 2012, TVHANew AppointmentS.No Name of Staff Designation Hospital/Places D.O.A1 Tenzin Norzom Opthalmic Tech. DVT Hospital, Kollegal 03/10/20112 Sonam Accountant Menlha Hospital 11/10/20123 Sonam Lhamo Accountant TPHC, Bir 16/11/20114 Tenzin Tsundue Accountant Ngoenga School, Dehradun 17/10/20115 Chungdak Accountant TPHC, Mainpat 01/06/20126 Tsering Executive Secretary Miao Health Center 19/08/20127 Tenzin Choenyi Accountant Menlha Hospital,Odisha 20/08/2012Contract staff:S.No. Name Designation Place From To1 Tenzin Yangdon Staff Nurse Tso-Jhe Khangsar Hospital,10/10/2011 09/10/2012Bylakuppe2 Kelsang Chodon Staff Nurse Health Centre, Miao 10/04/2012 09/04/20133 Karma Dolma Staff Nurse TPHC, Bir 01/01/2012 30/09/20124 Tsewang Gyurmey Driver TPHC, Ladakh 16/04/2012 15/04/20125 Drukpa Dorjee Accountant TPHC, Ladakh 18/04/2012 17/04/20176 Tashi Dhondup Sweeper TPHC, Mainpat 01/02/2012 31/01/20127 Choney Dolma Staff Nurse Tenzingang Clinic 01/05/2012 31/03/20138 Tenzin Gelek Lab Technician Norgyeling Health Centre,15/09/2012 14/09/2012Bandara9 Phuntsok Namgyal Physio<strong>the</strong>rapist Ngoenga School, Dehradun02/07/2012 01/07/2013Tibetan Health-TVHA 23

Resignation:S.No. Name Designation Hospital/places Date of ResignationRemarks1 Kunchok Rinchen Asst. Physio<strong>the</strong>rapisdunNgoenga School, Dehra-29/09/20112 Dr.Tsering Medical Officer Tso-Jhe Khangsar 16/09/2011WangchukHospital,Bylakuppe3 Phuntsok Namgyal Physio<strong>the</strong>rapist TPHC, Bir 19/09/2011 contractexpired4 Ramathunissa Pharmacist Phende Hospital, Hunsur 30/10/2011 contractexpired5 Sonam Tsomo Staff Nurse Phende Hospital, Hunsur 01/12/20116 Paldon Watchman Tso-Jhe KhangsarHospital,Bylakuppe31/12/2011 contractexpired7 Demey Tseten CHW Tso-Jhe Khangsar 29/02/2012Hospital,Bylakuppe8 Tenzin Choedon Off.Sec/Cashier Phende Hospital, Hunsur 28/03/20129 Tenzin Wangyal Accountant D.T.R Hospital, Mundgod 23/05/201210 Ngawang Dolma Off.Sec/Cashier D.T.R Hospital, Mundgod 31/05/201211 Dr. Tenzin Chodhen Dental Doc<strong>to</strong>r Menlha Hospital, Odisha 22/06/201212 Phurbu Tsering Accountant Tso Jhe Khangsar ,Bylakuppe23/06/201213 Tenzin Phuntsok Driver Menlha Hospital, Odisha 01/08/2012Retirement extension:S.No. Name Designation Hospital/ Places From To1 Choenam CHW Tso-Jhe KhangsarHospital, Bylakuppe01/09/2012 30/08/20132 Pema Norbu CHW TPHC Mainpat 01/09/2012 30/08/2013Au<strong>to</strong>matically terminated staff:S.No. Name Designation Hospital/ Places Date of termination To1 Tsering Dorjee Accountant TPHC, Bir 01/11/2011 30/08/20132 Nyima Tsering DentalTherapistTso-Jhe KhangsarHospital, Bylakuppe21/04/2012 30/08/201324 Tibetan Health-TVHA

Transferred Name Designation From To Dated1 Tsering Wangmo Staff Nurse Menlha Hospital, Phende Hospital, 01/01/2012OdishaHunsur2 Tsering Yangkyi Staff Nurse TPHC Mainpat TPHC, Dekyiling 11/06/20123 Sonam Lhamo Accountant TPHC,Bir Phende Hospital, 11/06/2012Hunsur4 Dorjee Dolma Accountant TPHC, Mainpat D.T.R Hospital 11/06/20125 Lobsang Tsomo Accountant Phende Hospital, TPHC, Dekyiling 22/06/2012Hunsur6 Karma Dolma Accountant TPHC, Dekyiling TPHC, Bir 27/06/20127 Sonam Accountant Menlha Hospital, Tso-Jhe Khangsar, 15/06/2012OdishaBylakuppe8 Tenzin Nordon Staff Nurse Tenzingang Health TPHC Mainpat 01/06/2012Centre9 Tenzin Tsewang Dental DVT Hospital, Tso-Jhe Khangsar, 13/07/2012Therapist KollegalBylakuppe10 Norbu Lodoe Dental PHC, DelhiMenlha Hospital, 18/09/2012TherapistOrrisa11 Dr. Lodoe Medical OfficerTPH, Mainpat TPHC, Dekyiling 01/09/2012Phuntsok12 Dawa Tashi Executive THC, Bandara TPHC, Dekyiling 10/09/2012Secretery13 Migmar Tashi ExecutiveSecreteryTPHC, Dekyiling Dept of Health 17/09/2012Tibet Corps, VolunteerName Designation Place DurationTenzin Jigme Physio<strong>the</strong>rapist Tso Jhe Hospital, Bylakuppe 16/07/2012 <strong>to</strong>15/10/2012Volunteer deskS.No. Qualification Places Duration1Medical Doc<strong>to</strong>rs, Dentists& Registered Nurse (BSc &GNM)2 Physio<strong>the</strong>rapist3 Public Health Graduates4 Occupational Therapist5 Speech TherapistHead Office (DoH), Tibetan Settlement Hospitalsin India and NepalNgoenga School, Hospitals at Mundgod, Kollegal,Ladakh and OdishaHead Office (DoH), Tibetan Settlement Hospitalsin India and NepalNgoenga School, Tibetan Children with specialneeds, Dehradun3 - 6months3 - 6months3 - 6months3 - 6monthsTibetan Health-TVHA 25

HOW YOU CAN HELPCentral Tibetan Administration’s Department of Health (Tibetan Voluntary Health Association) works <strong>to</strong>improve <strong>the</strong> health of Tibetan refugee in India, Nepal and Bhutan.List of Health Programs and Projects of Department of Health (Tibetan Voluntary Health Association) onwhich you can help.1. Health Information System2. Water and Sanitation Program3. Health Education Program4. Health Resource Development Program5. Tibetan Medicare System6. Mo<strong>the</strong>r and Child Health Program7. TB and MDR TB Prevention and Control Program8. Integration of Tibetan Sowa Rigpa Medicine and Western Medicine Program9. Ngoenga School for Tibetan Children with Special Needs10. Health and Medical Training Program11. Hepatitis B Prevention and Control Program12. HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care Program13. Substance Abuse Prevention and Rehabilitation Program14. Oral Health and Hygiene Program15. Eye health program including Cataract screening and Surgery16. Medicare and Welfare of Tibetan Torture Survivors Program (TTSP)17. Mental Health Program18. Care of Tibetan People with Disability19. Telemedicine Clinic Pilot Project20. Cancer and Chronic Disease Prevention and Control Program21. Essential Drugs and Ambulance Fund22. Emergency Medical Fund for people below poverty line in India, Nepal and Bhutan23. School Health Program24. Women’s Health Program25. Malaria Prevention and Control Program26. Corpus Fund27. General Donation FundPlease make donation by cheque/bank draft/IMO payable <strong>to</strong> Tibetan Voluntary Health Association<strong>to</strong>wards any of <strong>the</strong> Projects above.BankDetailA/c Holder - TVHAA/c Number - 11510100000519United Commercial Bank (UCO)Gangchen KyishongDharamsala-17621Distt. Kangra (H.P), INDIASWIFT CODE - UCBAINBB002PAN - AAATT1509KTAN - PTLT10935BIFSC - Tibetan Health-TVHA

You can also support urgent health Projects of Department of Health mentioned below1. Purchase of six ambulances; one each for hospitals and health centers at Tenzigang, Miao,Bhandara,Orissa, Kollegal, Bylakuppe2. Purchase of ten life saving Oxygen Concentra<strong>to</strong>rs for hospitals and health centers3. Purchase of Hema<strong>to</strong>logy Analyzer at DTR, Mundgod and Tsojhe Khangsar hospital at Bylakuppe4. Renovation of Primary Clinic at Ladakh changthang at Sumdho5. Puchase of physio<strong>the</strong>rapy equipments and rehabilitation devices for Ngoenga School for Tibetanchildren with special needs6. Construction of New Doc<strong>to</strong>r and hospital administra<strong>to</strong>r's quarter at Miao7. Building of 300 Composite <strong>to</strong>ilets for 300 poorest of poor families at Sonamling Tibetan settlementat Leh and nomadic areas in Ladakh8. Construction of New Doc<strong>to</strong>r and hospital administra<strong>to</strong>r's quarter at Gurupura,Hunsur9. Purchase of three 50 KV Power backup Genera<strong>to</strong>rs for hospitals10. Construction of fully equipped dental Clinic at Miao11. Drinking water project at Tibetan Sonamling Settlements in Ladakha. Zone 1 - Camp 6, 7, 8, 9 (2013-2014)b. Zone 1 - Camp 1,2,3,4 (2014-2015)c. Zone 3 - Camp 12, 4, 5, 10 (2015-2016)12. Purchase of five Digital X ray machines and processorsContactIf you can and wishes <strong>to</strong> support any of <strong>the</strong>se projects and would like <strong>to</strong> have more detailed information andproposals, kindly do write <strong>to</strong> us at our email address:ToPlanning and Project officerDepartment of Health, CTATibetan Voluntary Health<strong>the</strong>althjointsec@tibet.netThank you!Tibetan Health-TVHA 27

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