AnnuAl RepoRt to membeRs | 2012 - Cornell Lab of Ornithology

AnnuAl RepoRt to membeRs | 2012 - Cornell Lab of Ornithology

AnnuAl RepoRt to membeRs | 2012 - Cornell Lab of Ornithology


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Annual Report <strong>to</strong> members | <strong>2012</strong>

Innovating Innovation Opens the Means New <strong>to</strong> Possibilities Discover the for Unknown…and Discovery Open Conservation New PossibilitiesAburning passion for discoverydrives the best scientific research,but innovative technology canpush research even farther,in<strong>to</strong> realms that were previously enigma.Realms like the mysteries <strong>of</strong> bird migration,which have been cracked open a bit widerwith recent revelations about nighttimeflights. Each spring and fall, unseen rivers<strong>of</strong> millions <strong>of</strong> Neotropical migrants flowoverhead in the darkness. They speaka secret language <strong>of</strong> night flight callsthat are very different from most <strong>of</strong> thevocalizations these birds make during theday. To interpret this vast mystery, <strong>Cornell</strong><strong>Lab</strong> engineers are inventing and improvingtechnologies <strong>to</strong> tune in <strong>to</strong> night flightcalls and develop the fuller picture <strong>of</strong> birdmigration needed <strong>to</strong> protect birds acrossour 21st-century landscape.5

Technology:Gathering the DataThe power <strong>of</strong> birders and technologyFifteen years ago, programmers at the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> harnessed the power <strong>of</strong>the Internet <strong>to</strong> launch the world’s first online citizen-science project—the Great Backyard Bird Count. Ever since, they’ve continued <strong>to</strong> innovatenew ways <strong>to</strong> engage birders in gathering, sharing, and exploring massiveamounts <strong>of</strong> data for science and conservation. This year, a revolutionary newapp called BirdLog enabled birders <strong>to</strong> upload their sightings from the fieldin real-time from iPhones and Androids. As bird observations submitted <strong>to</strong>eBird surpassed the 100 million mark this year, scientists made huge stridesin mining the data <strong>to</strong> reveal new insights about bird migration.Sensors for the Night skyFor millennia, humans have heard the fleeting sounds <strong>of</strong> birds migrating atnight, but only in recent years have technological breakthroughs made it possible<strong>to</strong> reveal the details at many locations, night after night. By modifyingau<strong>to</strong>nomous recording units (ARUs) initially developed <strong>to</strong> listen <strong>to</strong> whalesin the ocean, <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> engineers have created terrestrial ARUs that havecaptured nearly 18 terabytes <strong>of</strong> sound data from the night sky. These recordingsreveal millions <strong>of</strong> birds that utilize travel corridors, including those thatfly over an area overnight and are never seen. Someday, birders might helptrack nocturnal migration across the continent by mounting ARU-type unitson their ro<strong>of</strong><strong>to</strong>ps.Chestnut-sided Warblers fly across the Gulf <strong>of</strong> Mexico on theirannual migrations. New maps based on eBird data reveal that theytake different paths in spring and fall, north through the westernGulf and Texas, and south via the eastern Gulf and Florida.Night Flight ListenerAndrew Farnsworth has a rare talent: Hecan identify North American birds by earat night, and he’s driven <strong>to</strong> find out whatthose calls can tell us about migration.As a <strong>Cornell</strong> graduate student, he createdthe “Rosetta S<strong>to</strong>ne” for warblers—a catalog<strong>of</strong> flight calls for 48 species <strong>of</strong> migrantwarblers—and studied how these callsvary depending on evolutionary his<strong>to</strong>ry,weather, migration density, and otherfac<strong>to</strong>rs. Now a <strong>Lab</strong> researcher, Farnsworth’sdeeply specialized expertise is vital <strong>to</strong> <strong>Lab</strong>efforts <strong>to</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>r night flights and protectflyways for these unseen migrations.Philip MontgomeryChestnut-sided Warbler by Michael Furtman6

From observation <strong>to</strong> impactFinding The MeaningSeeing soundA human being would have <strong>to</strong> devote 12 years <strong>of</strong> 24/7, nons<strong>to</strong>p listening <strong>to</strong>analyze the millions <strong>of</strong> nocturnal flight calls collected by the <strong>Lab</strong>’s au<strong>to</strong>nomousrecording units. And that person would need encyclopedic knowledge <strong>of</strong> nearly24,000 types <strong>of</strong> calls made by 62 species. That’s why <strong>Lab</strong> programmers are creatingau<strong>to</strong>mated detection s<strong>of</strong>tware that uses artificial intelligence <strong>to</strong> detect flightcalls, convert them in<strong>to</strong> visual spectrograms for analysis, and identify whichspecies constitute the huge migra<strong>to</strong>ry flocks that fly overhead in the night sky.Mapping MigrationWith millions <strong>of</strong> bird observations from citizen-science projects, <strong>Lab</strong> scientists arenow creating unprecedented, sophisticated maps <strong>of</strong> bird migration. These STEM(Spatio-Temporal Explora<strong>to</strong>ry Model) maps combine eBird data with hundreds<strong>of</strong> environmental variables <strong>to</strong> show the expected occurrence for bird specieseach week <strong>of</strong> the year at more than 130,000 locations across the lower 48 states,revealing new insights about the dynamics <strong>of</strong> North American bird migration.Helping the BirdsGerrit VynSafer spots, and times, for wind turbinesUsing new maps based on eBird data,scientists can identify the migra<strong>to</strong>rycorridors birds rely on for safe passagebetween breeding and winteringgrounds. The <strong>Lab</strong> and The NatureConservancy are helping the NewYork State Energy, Research, and DevelopmentAuthority evaluate placeswhere wind energy developmentshould be avoided. <strong>Lab</strong> researchersare also using ARUs at existing windturbine sites <strong>to</strong> track night flight callsand identify the peak migration timeswhen turbines should be powereddown <strong>to</strong> avoid bird collisions.This STEM probability-<strong>of</strong>occurrencemap for YellowWarbler during fall migrationshows the importance<strong>of</strong> shrub/forested wetlands<strong>to</strong>pover sites in the HudsonValley and along the LakeOntario and Erie shorelines.“And Now for Your Weekend Bird Forecast…”Imagine a day when the local TV news weather segment includes a forecast <strong>of</strong> birdsmigrating through your area. It’s happening <strong>to</strong>day at the <strong>Lab</strong> through a partnershipwith Oregon State University and NOAA <strong>to</strong> produce BirdCast—a weekly report thatuses eBird and STEM maps <strong>to</strong> track the migration in real time and forecast whenand where birds are headed next. Someday BirdCast could be provided <strong>to</strong> meteorologists<strong>to</strong> educate the public about bird migration. And for conservation, BirdCastcould be helpful in advising cities when <strong>to</strong> dim lights on buildings and <strong>to</strong>wers <strong>to</strong>reduce the hundreds <strong>of</strong> millions <strong>of</strong> bird deaths from collisions every year.7

TechnologyGlobal reachOur Model:“There are bright, motivated, passionate conservationists everywhere. When we go <strong>to</strong> other countries, we find thelocal conservationists, and we provide them the training, technology, and strategy <strong>to</strong> gather the scientific data theyneed <strong>to</strong> succeed. It’s really about empowering local partners, helping the dedicated people in each country <strong>to</strong> studyand protect the birds and habitats that they know and love.”—Eduardo Iñigo–Elias, coordina<strong>to</strong>r for the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong>’s Neotropical Conservation Initiative8Black-throated Blue Warbler by Gerrit Vyn

Global reach:DATAdiscovering nest sites in haitiBlack-capped Petrels, once thought <strong>to</strong> beextinct, are still critically endangered. But efforts<strong>to</strong> protect them have been stymied by lack <strong>of</strong>knowledge about their cliffside nest burrows.In 2008, James Goetz (now a <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> Ph.D.student) spearheaded expeditions along the forestedcliffs <strong>of</strong> Haiti <strong>to</strong> search for petrel breedingcolonies. Since then, Goetz has worked with theU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and local partnerslike Grupo Jaragua and Fondation Seguin,<strong>to</strong> find more than 30 petrel nesting locations—yielding a bounty <strong>of</strong> petrel nesting biology datawhere once there was a black hole.Training<strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> Ph.D. student JamesGoetz and partners in the DominicanRepublic snapped one <strong>of</strong> thefirst pho<strong>to</strong>s <strong>of</strong> a Black-capped Petrelchick in a mountain<strong>to</strong>p cave in Haiti.Safeguarding Thrush habitat in HispaniolaAbout 90 percent <strong>of</strong> the global Bicknell’s Thrush population winters inHispaniola. This is a species in serious decline, with fewer than 40,000individuals left. To keep tabs on wintering Bicknell’s Thrushes, and <strong>to</strong> identifyand protect critical habitat, the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> and partners such as theVermont Center for Ecostudies conducted bird-moni<strong>to</strong>ring workshops inthe Dominican Republic and Haiti. The <strong>Lab</strong>’s scientists trained universitystudents and park rangers in mist netting, bioacoustics surveys, and radiotelemetry. Haitian and Dominican biologists are now gathering data for aconservation plan that combines economic incentives, protected reserves,and forest res<strong>to</strong>ration <strong>to</strong> safeguard Bicknell’s Thrush wintering grounds.James GoetzPutting ItAll Togetherin CubaCuba is critical habitat for birds. TheCuban Archipelago is the winter home ormigra<strong>to</strong>ry flyway for 229 species <strong>of</strong> NorthAmerican breeding birds, including 98 percen<strong>to</strong>f Ospreys from the eastern United States andCanada and 80 percent <strong>of</strong> U.S. Black-throatedBlue Warblers. The <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ornithology</strong>has been working for the past 10 years on cooperativeconservation projects in Cuba. The effortbegan with <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> and Cuban scientistsconducting joint bird-survey expeditions in<strong>to</strong>remote rainforests <strong>to</strong> identify wintering habitatfor Neotropical birds. The surveys also foundcritical habitat for endangered Cuban endemics,such as the Fernandina Flicker (one <strong>of</strong> the world’srarest woodpeckers) and the world’s smallestbird—the Bee Hummingbird (2 inches tall andweighing less than a penny). Over ensuing years,<strong>Lab</strong> scientists, educa<strong>to</strong>rs, and audio expertsreturned <strong>to</strong> teach field ornithology courses andacoustic moni<strong>to</strong>ring workshops. The <strong>Lab</strong> andCuban partners produced and shipped 7,000CDs <strong>of</strong> the first all-Cuban bird audio guide and10,0000 copies <strong>of</strong> Aves de Cuba—a Spanish-languageCuban bird field guide—<strong>to</strong> be distributed10

yProviding what international partners need <strong>to</strong> protect species around the worldNATURALEZA/ GUÍAS DE CAMPO“Este es un trabajo impresionante, una guía de campo excepcionalmente completa delas aves de Cuba, un valioso libro que llenará el vacío existente por mucho tiempoen la literatura, escri<strong>to</strong> por los colegas que conocen mejor de observación de aves enCuba.”—John Faaborg, Universidad de Missouri, Columbia“Es el primer libro dedicado enteramente a las aves de Cuba publicado en losúltimos ochenta años. Aves de Cuba es un trabajo serio, que mantiene la tradiciónde las obras de don Ramón de la Sagra, Johannes Gundlach y Thomas Barbour.Con una vasta cantidad de nueva información, mapas de distribución y admirablesilustraciones, este es un compendio de la Orni<strong>to</strong>logía cubana y una excelente guía decampo.”—Davis W. Finch, WINGS“Apoyados en la experiencia de <strong>to</strong>da una vida de trabajo en su país natal, OrlandoGarrido y Arturo Kirkconnell han producido una guía verdaderamente completaque será esencial para <strong>to</strong>dos aque los que anhelen disfrutar el placer de la excitantebelleza de las aves cubanas.”—James W. Wiley, al frente del GramblingCooperative Wildlife Project, Universidad de GramblingLa riqueza y diversidad de las aves de Cuba comprende 369 especiesregistradas, representantes de 20 órdenes y 63 familias, con 26 especiesendémicas que incluyen a la encantadora Pedorrera, al lamativo y eleganteTocororo (ave nacional), el colorido carpintero verde y el ave más pequeñadel mundo, el Zunzunci<strong>to</strong>. Esta compacta guía de referencia contiene 51láminas a <strong>to</strong>do color y 662 imágenes que ilustran los plumajes del macho,hembra y juvenil (en algunos casos por primera vez). Muchas especiesmigra<strong>to</strong>ria son ilustradas con los colores durante la época invernal (noreproductiva) o plumaje de verano (reproductiva). Estas imágenes nosproporcionan un panorama de las aves de Norteamérica, tal como aparecenen sus cuarteles invernales.Aves de CubaAves de Cubapor Orlando H. Garridoy Arturo KirkconnellIlustraciones por Román CompañyPrólogo por John W. FitzpatrickToolsEnabling Chileans <strong>to</strong> Tune In <strong>to</strong> their Blue WhalesIn 2003, Chilean scientists discovered a summer nursery for blue whales, one<strong>of</strong> the world’s most endangered species, <strong>of</strong>f the coast <strong>of</strong> Patagonia. To protectthis sensitive habitat, conservationists needed <strong>to</strong> learn more. So researchers atthe Universidad Austral de Chile used deep-sea audio recording devices fromthe <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong>’s Bioacoustics Research Program. After six months, the Chileanscientists began analyzing the underwater recordings at the <strong>Lab</strong>’s SoundAnalysis Workshop. The need for acoustic recording in this nearly pristinearea is time-sensitive because increasing human intrusion for eco<strong>to</strong>urismand commerce, including seismic testing for energy resources, will affect theacoustic habitat for all the marine life, and thus their breeding and feeding.Orlando H. Garrido y Arturo Kirkconne l son curadores del MuseoNacional de His<strong>to</strong>ria Natural de Cuba. El fa lecido Román Compañy fueun excelente ilustrador de las aves deCuba y su fauna. John W. Fitzpatrickdirige e labora<strong>to</strong>rio de orni<strong>to</strong>logía de Corne l.En la portada de libro se ilustran seis de las especies endémicas de Cuba,que incluyen al Tocororo (extremo superior derecho), debajo de este laPedorrera y a su izquierda y en vuelo, el Zunzunci<strong>to</strong>. A continuación y pordebajo de es<strong>to</strong>s el Sijú Platanero ocupa el centro, que tiene a su izquierdaal Tomeguín del Pinar. En el extremo inferior izquierdo el Pechero y en elderecho, la Paloma Perdiz.<strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> staff and Cuban biologistson a bird-survey expedition at HumboldtNational Park in Cuba.Coms<strong>to</strong>ck/Corne l PaperbacksCORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESSCOPIA COMPLEMENTARIA,PROHIBIDA SU VENTAwww.corne lpress.corne l.edu 10250throughout the country’s parks and schools. Andin April <strong>2012</strong>, the <strong>Lab</strong> brought a cohort <strong>of</strong> Cubanuniversity students <strong>to</strong> Sapsucker Woods in Ithaca,New York, for an intensive bird conservationbiology short-course—perhaps the largest group<strong>of</strong> Cuban student scientists <strong>to</strong> visit the UnitedStates in 50 years. All <strong>of</strong> this work was made possibleby funding from the MacArthur Foundationand the Chris<strong>to</strong>pher Reynolds Foundation. Theseinvestments in Cuban bird conservation will liveon in the talented, trained biologists and accumulatingknowledge there. A decade after <strong>Lab</strong> scientistsfirst arrived in Havana, our partners in Cubaare better trained and equipped <strong>to</strong> protect theirbirds, including wintering Neotropical migrants.Orlando H.GarridoArturoKirkconne loutreachteaching Cloud Forest Kids about birdsIn Guatemala, preserving cloud forests from cutting requires a shift in localattitudes. That means educating the next generation about the importance<strong>of</strong> their cloud forests. With funding from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service,local group Community Cloud Forest Conservation is using the <strong>Cornell</strong><strong>Lab</strong>’s BirdSleuth curriculum <strong>to</strong> teach children from eight remote villageschools about their local birds and the incredible biodiversity around them.The students have developed their own Mayan eBird portal where they canidentify birds in their native language and record sightings. The entire programis eligible for USFWS funds from the Neotropical Migra<strong>to</strong>ry Bird Actbecause Golden-winged Warblers winter in these Guatemalan highlands.Now, golden-wings have new advocates in the children <strong>of</strong> the cloud forests.11

TechnologyCitizen ScienceOur Model:“What we’ve built in eBird is an example<strong>of</strong> what can be accomplished when youengage a passionate community in doingwhat they love <strong>to</strong> do and show them howthey can play an important role <strong>to</strong> help all<strong>of</strong> us better understand our world.”—Brian Sullivan, eBird project leader12

Our Innovating Model: the Means Engaging <strong>to</strong> Discover Birders the in Science Unknown…and Conservation Open New PossibilitiesImagine the most comprehensiveecological inven<strong>to</strong>ry ever convened—legions <strong>of</strong> observers fanning outacross North America, from coast<strong>to</strong> coast and all habitats in between,from forest and desert and prairie <strong>to</strong> cityparks and suburban backyards. That kind<strong>of</strong> massive bird-moni<strong>to</strong>ring campaign isoccurring every day courtesy <strong>of</strong> the morethan 200,000 people in the United Statesand Canada who are powering <strong>Cornell</strong><strong>Lab</strong> citizen-science projects at feedersand nests, in schools and out in the wilds,turning millions <strong>of</strong> bird sightings in<strong>to</strong>valuable data.Wood Duck by Melissa Groo13

Citizen Science:Birding<strong>to</strong>ols for beginning birders and hard-core listers<strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> citizen-science programs recruit new demographics in<strong>to</strong> birding,opening people’s eyes <strong>to</strong> birds while connecting them <strong>to</strong> science. Initiativeslike Celebrate Urban Birds bring birding <strong>to</strong> an inner-city audience, andyield insights about how certain species fare in heavily developed areas. Thenew YardMap program <strong>of</strong>fers online landscaping <strong>to</strong>ols for homeowners <strong>to</strong>design bird-friendly backyards. And eBird provides an invaluable online <strong>to</strong>olsetfor birders at any level. In addition <strong>to</strong> easy e-listing, eBird <strong>of</strong>fers maps withHotspots and collections <strong>of</strong> eBird lists in prime birding areas. Time charts <strong>of</strong>species abundance allow birders <strong>to</strong> see when and where there’s prime-timeviewing for migra<strong>to</strong>ry birds. And for competitive birders, there’s the eBird Top100—a daily ranking <strong>of</strong> the most prolific birders by lists and <strong>to</strong>tal species.eBird South <strong>of</strong> the BorderThe eBird technology platform can easily be adapted <strong>to</strong> bird-moni<strong>to</strong>ring projectsin other countries. In Mexico, the aVerAves program (eBird Mexico) enabled abird-survey project, coordinated by the Mexican government and its CONABIOconservation agency, that gathered data on almost 300 species in the mountainoussouthern Los Tuxtlas region, where critical bird habitat is threatened by agriculturalexpansion. In Chile, the launch <strong>of</strong> the Red de Observadores de Aves y Vida SilvestreeBird portal has been crucial <strong>to</strong> identifying important areas for bird conservation.Recently, the Chilean government announced that projects requiring environmentalimpact statements must consult with eBird Chile <strong>to</strong> evaluate effects on bird species.Bird DataPowerhousethe biggest avian database everOver the past decade, <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> computerengineers have built a single, unifiedplatform that combines all the data collectedby the <strong>Lab</strong>’s entire suite <strong>of</strong> citizen-scienceprograms. The platform includes more than 100million bird observations from eBird, as well as 20million winter bird records from Project Feeder-Watch and 10 million observations from the GreatBackyard Bird Count. And the platform includesmore than just bird sightings, with breeding datafrom the more than 400,000 nests that have beenmoni<strong>to</strong>red by NestWatchers. It all adds up <strong>to</strong> morethan 200 million records, the most powerful birddatabase ever created—and all <strong>of</strong> it easily accessible<strong>to</strong> scientists and conservationists.14

Birding can be a powerful force for understanding and protecting birdsSCIENCEA Continuous Continental Winter Bird SurveyeBird Illuminates Climate-Change ShiftsStudies examining changes in the arrival dates <strong>of</strong> migra<strong>to</strong>ry birds acrosstheir range have his<strong>to</strong>rically been constrained <strong>to</strong> small scales because formaldata were recorded only at specific reserves or research stations. Then cameeBird. In <strong>2012</strong>, University <strong>of</strong> North Carolina researcher Allen Hurlbert publisheda groundbreaking study showing how climate change is affecting birdmigration. Hurlbert examined millions <strong>of</strong> spring eBird observations for 18bird species from 2000 <strong>to</strong> 2010. By cross-referencing with weather data, hefound that bird species were shifting up their arrival dates almost a day forevery Celsius degree <strong>of</strong> increasing spring temperature. A few species, such asRed-eyed Vireo, Great Crested Flycatcher, and House Wren, shifted up theirarrival by as many as three <strong>to</strong> six days.“Volunteer citizen-scienceprograms such as ProjectFeederWatch and eBird haveproven extraordinarily important,even indispensable,for the success <strong>of</strong> modernbroad-scale avian ecologicalstudies.”—Benjamin Zuckerberg,Department <strong>of</strong> Forest andWildlife Ecology,University <strong>of</strong> WisconsinIn <strong>2012</strong> Project FeederWatch celebrated 25 yearswith more than 50,000 backyard birders reportingon feeder activity—and providing scientists with adeep dataset <strong>of</strong> bird abundance and ranges. <strong>Cornell</strong><strong>Lab</strong> researcher David Bonter examined FeederWatchdata from 1989 <strong>to</strong> 2006 <strong>to</strong> describe a markeddecline in Evening Grosbeaks, with a 27% decreasein flock size and 50% drop in sites reporting anygrosbeaks at all. The University <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin’s BenZuckerberg analyzed data collected between 1990and 2010 revealing that American Robins arrived 13days earlier in Wisconsin in spring, 1.5 days soonerfor every 1° C increase in winter temperatures.EveningGrosbeak byJudithBlakelyConservationImportant Bird Areas Near ChicagoConducting a proper bird inven<strong>to</strong>ry used <strong>to</strong> requirehundreds <strong>of</strong> hours <strong>of</strong> data processing, meaningthat only well-staffed operations could do it. Butwith eBird, the Chicago Wilderness Habitat Project,a small conservation group in northeastern Illinois,launched a bird survey with au<strong>to</strong>matic online datacompilation that involved thousands <strong>of</strong> Chicago-areabirders. Using data from its eBird portal, the groupprovided recommendations <strong>to</strong> land managers onprotecting key species and sensitive nesting areas.eBirders IMprove outlook for sagebrush birdsThe State <strong>of</strong> the Birds 2011 report, published by the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> and partnersand delivered <strong>to</strong> the U.S. Department <strong>of</strong> the Interior, highlighted the importance<strong>of</strong> public lands as bird habitat. As a follow-up the <strong>Lab</strong> provided eBirdmodels <strong>to</strong> the Bureau <strong>of</strong> Land Management (BLM) showing distribution datafor sagebrush birds in the Intermountain West, including Brewer’s Sparrow,Sage Sparrow, Sage Thrasher, and Green-tailed Towhee. BLM policies willnow be adjusted <strong>to</strong> maximize benefits for sagebrush birds. “These models,based on tens <strong>of</strong> thousands <strong>of</strong> eBird observations, represent the best picturewe have <strong>of</strong> bird distributions in the West,” said <strong>Lab</strong> conservation scientistKen Rosenberg. “The eBird data opened the eyes <strong>of</strong> federal land managers <strong>to</strong>the tremendous opportunities for conserving birds on BLM lands.”Sage Thrasher by Chris Wood15

World Premiere for an Epic Quest:Birds—<strong>of</strong>—paradiseEight years. 18 expeditions. 544 days inthe field, in the rugged, remote jungles<strong>of</strong> New Guinea. An epic quest—<strong>to</strong> collectvisual documentation <strong>of</strong> all 39 species <strong>of</strong> thereclusive, resplendent birds-<strong>of</strong>-paradise…forthe first time, ever.<strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> scientist Edwin Scholespartnered with National Geographic pho<strong>to</strong>grapherTim Laman <strong>to</strong> study and documentthe breeding displays and behaviors <strong>of</strong> thesefantastically plumed birds. They returnedfrom New Guinea with tens <strong>of</strong> thousands <strong>of</strong>pho<strong>to</strong>s and more than 2,000 video clips thatwere archived in<strong>to</strong> the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong>’s MacaulayLibrary. It’s a monumental accomplishment,considering the best visual evidence<strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> these species previously werepaintings <strong>of</strong> museum specimens.“What started out as a fascination forthe birds-<strong>of</strong>-paradise and curiosity aboutexploring New Guinea evolved in<strong>to</strong> an unprecedentedopportunity <strong>to</strong> fill a gap in thedocumentation <strong>of</strong> the planet’s biodiversity,”said Scholes.The male Ribbon-tailed Astrapia’s tail measures three feet.Pho<strong>to</strong> by Tim Laman.

In fall <strong>2012</strong>, the joint project with National Geographic goes public, allowing everyone <strong>to</strong> enjoy the mysterious splendor <strong>of</strong> the birds-<strong>of</strong>-paradise:• The book, a glossy pho<strong>to</strong>graphic volumewith stunning imagery and tales fromthe expeditions;• The s<strong>to</strong>ries, feature articles running inNational Geographic and the <strong>Lab</strong>’s LivingBird magazines;• The film, a documentary premiering atthe Banff Film Festival and broadcast onthe National Geographic Channel;• The exhibition, an interactive and imaginativemultimedia exhibit that debuts atthe National Geographic Museum beforetravelling <strong>to</strong> museums across the country;• The speaking <strong>to</strong>ur, a yearlong, nationwidelecture series featuring Scholes,Laman, and their pho<strong>to</strong>s and videos <strong>of</strong>the majestic birds-<strong>of</strong>-paradise.Explore the birds-<strong>of</strong>-paradise yourself at Birds<strong>of</strong>ParadiseProject.org.

Technology EducationOur Model:“Chickadees chirpingCheerful as a summer mornIt’s twenty below…Blue Jays, cardinals,Brighten up trees like Christmas lightsLeft up all year long.”—Alex, Grade 7, Minneapolis, MN18Common Mergansers by Gerrit Vyn

Innovating Inspiring Anyone, the Means at Any <strong>to</strong> Discover Age, <strong>to</strong> Care the Unknown…and About Birds and Open Nature New Possibilities“We will conserve only whatwe love. We will love onlywhat we understand. We willunderstand only what weare taught.” So goes the famous quote bySenegalese conservationist Baba Dioum.It’s more than a mot<strong>to</strong>, it’s a commitmentfor the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong>’s education programs—using birds <strong>to</strong> help people betterunderstand nature and be active citizensand stewards <strong>of</strong> the earth. And teachingabout birds isn’t just for schoolkids. It’s forpeople <strong>of</strong> all ages, and all nations. Becausebirds are everywhere. They’re fascinating<strong>to</strong> grandkids and grandparents alike.And every bird in a backyard tree, near aplayground jungle gym, on a skyscraper’sledge, is an opportunity <strong>to</strong> teach about theinterconnectedness <strong>of</strong> all living things.19

Education:SchoolKidsScientific inquiry for schoolkidsDoes precipitation affect how many DarkeyedJuncos we see? Does the size <strong>of</strong> abird affect the pitch <strong>of</strong> its call? K-12students watch birds, ask intriguing questions,pose hypotheses, and collect and analyze data<strong>to</strong> formulate a conclusion in the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong>’sBirdSleuth curriculum—a fun and interactivesuite <strong>of</strong> investiga<strong>to</strong>ry projects that meet currentscience education standards. BirdSleuth is a greatway <strong>to</strong> get kids outdoors and watching birds.Last year, thousands <strong>of</strong> students in hundreds <strong>of</strong>schools across the country conducted BirdSleuthscience investigations. Some schools integratedtheir BirdSleuth projects in<strong>to</strong> formal <strong>Lab</strong> citizenscienceinitiatives, such as eBird and Project FeederWatch,so their data contributed <strong>to</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essionalanalyses <strong>of</strong> regional bird trends—and buddingornithologists got their first taste <strong>of</strong> real science.A Bird in the HandTexas 3rd grader Alisa Van Eerden’s BirdSleuthproject began with her question: Is it possible <strong>to</strong>train a wild bird <strong>to</strong> eat out <strong>of</strong> a human hand? Herexperiment started with stuffing a pair <strong>of</strong> jeans anda jacket with old <strong>to</strong>wels, and <strong>to</strong>pping it <strong>of</strong>f with apumpkin head wearing sunglasses and a hat, <strong>to</strong> createa decoy she named “Stuffy.” After several weeks<strong>of</strong> watching birds feed near Stuffy, and eventuallyout <strong>of</strong> the decoy’s glove, Alisa traded places withStuffy—and voila! A Tufted Titmouse in her hand. A3rd grader with a big smile on her face.TeensInspiring young scientistsGlobal environmental issues meet emerginggeospatial computer technologies in the <strong>Lab</strong>’sCrossing Boundaries curriculum for middle- andhigh-schoolers, created in partnership withfaculty at Hobart & William Smith Colleges. Tolearn about landscape changes in the UnitedStates and abroad, students compare his<strong>to</strong>ricaland current satellite imagery on Google Earth.Then they explore geographic differences in biodiversity,from faraway places like the Amazon<strong>to</strong> their own communities, using a species databaseand the very same GPS and GIS technologiesused by scientists. Students even get a taste<strong>of</strong> peer review by presenting their projects onwiki sites and exchanging feedback with classmates.The real-life research and personal s<strong>to</strong>ries<strong>of</strong> <strong>Cornell</strong> grad students are included in CrossingBoundaries units along the way, so students canbegin envisioning what their futures might looklike in conservation science.Source: YouTube20

Discovering birds, connecting <strong>to</strong> natureHigher EducationMen<strong>to</strong>rship…pass it onLast year the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> continued its proudrole as an academic research institution, with<strong>Lab</strong> scientists advising more than 100 undergradand graduate students. <strong>Cornell</strong> Ph.D. candidateNathan Senner was one <strong>of</strong> those students, with adissertation on a multiyear research project thatbanded Hudsonian Godwits with GPS data loggersin sub-arctic Mani<strong>to</strong>ba and moni<strong>to</strong>red theirextraordinary 6,000-mile flights <strong>to</strong> Ecuador andChile. Senner became the first scientist <strong>to</strong> detailthis godwit’s marathon migrations, one <strong>of</strong> theLIFELONG LEARNINGBird study for everyone<strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> lifelong learning programs are basedon the premise that you don’t have <strong>to</strong> be a collegebiology major <strong>to</strong> study ornithology. In 1972 the<strong>Lab</strong> introduced “A Home Study Course in BirdBiology,” the first college-level correspondencecourse in ornithology. Four decades later, thecourse has enrolled more than 10,000 people in65 countries with a rigorous curriculum <strong>of</strong> birdbehavior, ecology, evolution, and more. Severalzoos across the nation have made it a requiredcourse for zookeepers in training. In 2013 thefarthest recorded travels <strong>of</strong> any bird on earth. Theproject also ignited the imagination <strong>of</strong> a teenagernamed Andy Johnson, who attended Senner’s godwitlecture at the <strong>Lab</strong>’s 2009 Young Birders Event.Johnson enrolled at <strong>Cornell</strong> as a biology undergradthe following year and became a field assistant forSenner, travelling with him from Churchill, Mani<strong>to</strong>ba,<strong>to</strong> Tierra del Fuego. Now Johnson is hard atwork on his thesis project studying Whimbrels,and making plans for his own research journeys <strong>to</strong>the Arctic and South America.latest edition <strong>of</strong> the course’s Handbook <strong>of</strong> BirdBiology will be published by Wiley-Blackwell asan <strong>of</strong>ficial college textbook for university ornithologycourses. Another lifelong learning coursecreated by the <strong>Lab</strong> in 2009, Courtship and Rivalryin Birds, uses interactive online learning <strong>to</strong> helpindividuals around the world develop new skillsin observing and understanding bird behavior.Enrollees so far have come from 18 countries,ranging from beginning birders <strong>to</strong> park naturalistsand wildlife pr<strong>of</strong>essionals.Hawk and Heron Reality ShowsFrom February <strong>to</strong> June <strong>2012</strong>, more than 2 millionpeople from 176 countries watched the real-lifedrama <strong>of</strong> Great Blue Herons nesting a<strong>to</strong>p a deadtree at Sapsucker Woods and Red-tailed Hawks a<strong>to</strong>pa light pole on the <strong>Cornell</strong> campus, courtesy <strong>of</strong> HDweb cams installed and operated by the <strong>Cornell</strong><strong>Lab</strong>. Viewers ranged from BirdSleuth schoolchildrenwho got an educational look at nesting biology <strong>to</strong>adults who found the daily drama—from fending <strong>of</strong>fowl attacks on the nest <strong>to</strong> a fragile fledgling’s waveringfirst flight—as gripping as General Hospital.Three more cams launched in <strong>2012</strong>, in partnershipwith other organizations, and broadcast nests fromelsewhere across the country: American Kestrelsin Idaho, Ospreys in Montana, and Pacific Loons inAlaska. Future cams may feature birds from moreexotic locations, such as rainforests in the Amazonand jungles in Southeast Asia, thus furtheringthe <strong>Lab</strong>’s goal <strong>to</strong> engage everyday people in thefascinating lives <strong>of</strong> birds.21

More Highlights from <strong>2012</strong>••January: The journal Biology Lettersaccepts a <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> paper showing howclustered habitat networks are needed <strong>to</strong>maintain the genetic diversity <strong>of</strong> imperiledFlorida Scrub-Jays. The published paperprompts revision <strong>of</strong> the species’ EndangeredSpecies Act Recovery Plan.••february: Twenty-three youth from the nation’smajor cities come <strong>to</strong> the <strong>Lab</strong>’s “CelebrateUrban Birds” workshop, fostering connectionsbetween the arts, nature, and conservation. Saidone student, “The thing I loved most was ourwalk in the woods at night in silence—I havenever experienced anything like that before.”••march: <strong>Lab</strong> researchers return fromthe Central African Republic with rare images<strong>of</strong> endangered forest elephants at night,taken using thermal-sensing technology.••April: On Earth Day, the world watches anegg crack and a chick emerge in a Red-tailedHawk nest on the <strong>Cornell</strong> campus via a livestream from the <strong>Lab</strong>’s high-def cams.••may: Team Sapsucker ties the North Americanbirding record for most species found in 24hours. In the process they raise $250,000 fromsupporters’ pledges for bird conservation.••june: A new bird species found by <strong>Cornell</strong>graduates in Peru is named Capi<strong>to</strong> fitzpatrickiin honor <strong>of</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> direc<strong>to</strong>r John Fitzpatrick.••july: Citizen-science participants help betatestthe YardMap website and create more than2,400 bird-friendly backyard designs in the firstfour months.Sira Barbet (Capi<strong>to</strong>fitzpatricki) byMichael Harvey••august: The journal Conservation Biologypublishes results from the <strong>Lab</strong>’s deep-sea audiorecorders showing that noise from ships interfereswith the ability <strong>of</strong> endangered right whales<strong>to</strong> communicate with one another.••september: The <strong>Lab</strong> launches www.Birdcast.info, showcasing information about thenew project <strong>to</strong> forecast the migrations <strong>of</strong> birds.••oc<strong>to</strong>ber: The book Birds <strong>of</strong> Paradise:Revealing the World’s Most ExtraordinaryBirds is released, authored by <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> scientistEdwin Scholes and wildlife pho<strong>to</strong>grapherTim Laman.Marianna Hagbloom, New England Aquarium22From left <strong>to</strong> right: Millions <strong>of</strong> viewers around the world watched the Red-tailed Hawk hatchlings on the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong>’s bird cams. The rare image <strong>of</strong> a juvenile forest elephant at night was recorded by the <strong>Lab</strong>’sElephant Listening Project. The North Atlantic right whale is one <strong>of</strong> the critically endangered whale species moni<strong>to</strong>red by the <strong>Lab</strong>’s Bioacoustics Research Program.

A letter <strong>to</strong>Our donors<strong>2012</strong> was a miles<strong>to</strong>ne year for the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong>Paradise Riflebirdby Tim LamanMake Birds Your LegacyIt’s easy <strong>to</strong> include the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> inyour estate plans—and sustain the studyand conservation <strong>of</strong> birds for generations <strong>to</strong>come. To make a bequest through your will,simply include the language: “I give and bequeaththe sum <strong>of</strong> $________ (or ___% <strong>of</strong>my residuary estate) <strong>to</strong> <strong>Cornell</strong> University, aneducational institution in Ithaca, NY, for the<strong>Lab</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ornithology</strong> <strong>to</strong> be used in support <strong>of</strong>its charitable purposes.” To learn more aboutestate planning opportunities that benefityou and the <strong>Lab</strong>, please call Scott Sutcliffeat (607) 254-2424. The <strong>Lab</strong> is pleased <strong>to</strong>acknowledge such friends in perpetuity asmembers <strong>of</strong> the Sapsucker Woods Society.••100,000 friends on the <strong>Lab</strong>’s Facebookpage, following our daily updates on birdsfrom exotic rainforests <strong>to</strong> familiar backyardbird feeders;••2,000,000 people around the world tunedin <strong>to</strong> the <strong>Lab</strong>’s web cams broadcasting the dailylives <strong>of</strong> nesting Great Blue Heron and RedtailedHawk families, from eggs <strong>to</strong> hatching <strong>to</strong>fledging;••100,000,000 eBird observations, themost year-round bird sightings ever recorded ina single database, thanks <strong>to</strong> the nearly 100,000eBirders who have submitted data on 9,500 <strong>of</strong>the planet’s 10,157 species <strong>of</strong> birds.Never before has the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> reached somany people with our messages <strong>of</strong> discovery,wonderment, hope, and environmental stewardship.And this fall we’ll reach a whole new audiencewith the Birds-<strong>of</strong>-Paradise Project—a jointeffort with the National Geographic Society thatwill introduce magazine readers, primetime TVviewers, museum goers, and many more <strong>to</strong> thiselegantly plumed family <strong>of</strong> avifauna.The triumph <strong>of</strong> the Birds-<strong>of</strong>-Paradise Project isyour triumph, <strong>to</strong>o. You and other members wholeft estate gifts for the <strong>Lab</strong> made it possible for<strong>Lab</strong> scientist Edwin Scholes <strong>to</strong> launch researchexpeditions deep in<strong>to</strong> the interior <strong>of</strong> New Guinea’sjungles. And you should be as proud as we are <strong>to</strong>introduce the world <strong>to</strong> these incredible, strange,dazzling birds.There’s never been a better reason, nor a bettertime, <strong>to</strong> get the word out about our uniqueapproach <strong>to</strong> bird conservation through groundbreakingresearch, technological innovation,training and education, citizen science, and masscommunication via every possible channel. Soinvite your friends and family <strong>to</strong> discover thebirds-<strong>of</strong>-paradise and the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> that youknow so well, and that you make possible withyour generosity and commitment <strong>to</strong> a betterworld for birds and all living things.Thank you so much for your support in <strong>2012</strong>,and I look forward <strong>to</strong> the many miles<strong>to</strong>nes we’llachieve <strong>to</strong>gether in 2013.Sincerely,Sean ScanlonSenior Direc<strong>to</strong>r, Development and Philanthropy(607) 254-1105; sbs259@cornell.edu23

Administrative Board, Program Direc<strong>to</strong>rs, and <strong>Cornell</strong> FacultyAdministrative BoardEdward W. Rose III—ChairmanPresident and Owner,Cardinal InvestmentCompanyEllen AdelsonSocial Worker in privatepractice (<strong>Cornell</strong> ‘58)Philip BartelsAt<strong>to</strong>rney, Shipman &Goodwin LLP (<strong>Cornell</strong> ‘71)Andrew Bass*Ph.D., (ex <strong>of</strong>ficio);Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, Neurobiologyand Behavior, AssociateVice Provost for Research,<strong>Cornell</strong> UniversityRobert BerryRetired CEO, U.S. LiabilityInsurance CompaniesJames CarpenterPresident and CEO,Wild Birds UnlimitedScott EdwardsPh.D., Pr<strong>of</strong>essor,Organismic andEvolutionary Biology,Harvard UniversityAlexander EllisGeneral Partner,Rockport CapitalWilliam EllisonPh.D., CEO and ChiefScientist, MarineAcoustics, Inc.Russell FaucettGeneral Partner,Barring<strong>to</strong>n PartnersJohn FooteCo-Founder, TransCore(<strong>Cornell</strong> ’74)Alan FriedmanPh.D., Consultant inmuseum development andscience communicationH. Laurence FullerRetired Co-Chairman,BP Amoco, l.c. (<strong>Cornell</strong> ’61)Ron Hoy*Ph.D., (ex <strong>of</strong>ficio);Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, Neurobiologyand Behavior, <strong>Cornell</strong>UniversityImogene JohnsonCivic Leader,Conservationist,S. C. Johnson Company(<strong>Cornell</strong> ’52)Austin KiplingerChairman, KiplingerWashing<strong>to</strong>n Edi<strong>to</strong>rs(<strong>Cornell</strong> ’39)Kathryn KiplingerCo-Head, U.S. CorporateBanking, Scotia Capital(The Bank <strong>of</strong> Nova Scotia)(<strong>Cornell</strong> ’77)David LitmanCEO, Consumer Club, Inc.(<strong>Cornell</strong> BA ’79, JD ’82)Linda Macaulay<strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Ornithology</strong> ResearchAssociate, BirdsongRecordistClaudia Madrazo deHernándezFounder and Direc<strong>to</strong>r,La Vaca IndependienteWilliam MichenerPh.D., Pr<strong>of</strong>essor andDirec<strong>to</strong>r <strong>of</strong> e-ScienceInitiatives, University <strong>of</strong>New MexicoEdwin MorgensFounder and Chairman,Morgens, Waterfall,Vintiadis, & Co. Inc.(<strong>Cornell</strong> ’63)H. Charles PriceRetired Chairman,H.C. Price CompanyInge ReichenbachPrincipal, ReichenbachConsulting LLCMaria SchneiderJazz ComposerJennifer SpeersConservationist,PhilanthropistJoseph WilliamsDirec<strong>to</strong>r and RetiredChairman, The WilliamsCompanies, Inc.David Winkler*Ph.D., (ex <strong>of</strong>ficio),Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, Ecology andEvolutionary Biology,<strong>Cornell</strong> University* <strong>Cornell</strong> University FacultyProgram Direc<strong>to</strong>rs and FacultyJohn Fitzpatrick*Ph.D., Louis AgassizFuertes Direc<strong>to</strong>r andPr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Ecology andEvolutionary BiologyRick BonneyDirec<strong>to</strong>r, ProgramDevelopment andEvaluationJohn BowmanDirec<strong>to</strong>r, MultimediaProductionsAdriane CallinanSenior Direc<strong>to</strong>r,Administration andBusiness OperationsMiyoko ChuPh.D., Senior Direc<strong>to</strong>r,CommunicationsChris<strong>to</strong>pher Clark*Ph.D., ImogenePowers Johnson Direc<strong>to</strong>r,Bioacoustics ResearchProgram, and SeniorScientist, Neurobiologyand BehaviorAndré Dhondt*Ph.D., Direc<strong>to</strong>r, BirdPopulation Studies,and Edwin H. MorgensPr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ornithology</strong>,Ecology and EvolutionaryBiologyJanis Dickinson*Ph.D., Arthur A. AllenDirec<strong>to</strong>r <strong>of</strong> Citizen Scienceand Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor,Natural ResourcesMary GuthrieDirec<strong>to</strong>r, CorporateMarketing PartnershipsSteve KellingDirec<strong>to</strong>r, InformationScienceWalter Koenig*Ph.D., Senior Scientist,Bird Population Studiesand Neurobiology andBehaviorIrby Lovette*Ph.D., Direc<strong>to</strong>r, FullerEvolutionary BiologyProgram and AssociatePr<strong>of</strong>essor, Ecology andEvolutionary BiologyKen RosenbergPh.D., Direc<strong>to</strong>r,Conservation ScienceSean ScanlonSenior Direc<strong>to</strong>r,Development andPhilanthropyScott SutcliffeDirec<strong>to</strong>r <strong>of</strong> Annual Fundand StewardshipNancy TrautmannPh.D., Direc<strong>to</strong>r, EducationMichael Webster*Ph.D., Direc<strong>to</strong>r, MacaulayLibrary and Robert G. EngelPr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ornithology</strong>,Neurobiology and Behavior* <strong>Cornell</strong> University Faculty24King <strong>of</strong> Saxony Bird-<strong>of</strong>-Paradise by Tim Laman

donors$100,000 and upMr. and Mrs. Robert B. BerryScott and Karen Harder,Kenneth L. Harder TrustJohn D. and Catherine T.MacArthur FoundationMrs. Imogene P. JohnsonLeon Levy FoundationEstate <strong>of</strong> Linda KramerMr. and Mrs. WilliamMacaulayWendy and Hank PaulsonEstate <strong>of</strong> Marjorie PittsH. Charles and Jessie PriceMr. and Mrs. Edward W.Rose IIIRobert F. SchumannEstate <strong>of</strong> Robert F. SchumannMr. and Mrs. Joseph H.WilliamsWolf Creek CharitableFoundation$25,000 <strong>to</strong> $99,999Anonymous (3)Athena FundDr. Joan Brenchley-JacksonMr. and Mrs. Philip H. BartelsCumming FoundationEstate <strong>of</strong> Michael B. EddyThe Ivy FellowshipThe Ivy Expedition FundKathryn and HermanKiplingerScott and Julia SchnuckMrs. Jennifer P. SpeersJoseph and Felicia WeberEstate <strong>of</strong> Madelon G. Wehner$10,000 <strong>to</strong> $24,999Steve and Ellen AdelsonMr. Rex J. BatesSamuel and Diane BodmanC.H. Stuart FoundationMr. Ronald L. ClendenenMr. and Mrs. Judson M.Day<strong>to</strong>nElisabeth C. DudleyMrs. Louisa DuemlingMr. and Mrs. Alexander Ellis IIIMrs. Jane V. EngelMr. and Mrs. Russell FaucettMr. Douglas FetterMr. John Foote andMs. Kristen RupertMr. and Mrs. H. LauranceFullerMeta Alice Keith BrattenFoundationMs. Natalia G. GarciaMr. and Mrs. Clif<strong>to</strong>n C.Garvin, Jr.George and Deirdre GloberDr. and Mrs. Thomas RichardHalberstadtMs. Mary P. HinesEstate <strong>of</strong> Mr. Frederick HochMs. Marguerite H<strong>of</strong>fmanMs. Tracy E. HolmesMrs. Muriel K. HoracekMr. Jason S. KatsMs. Ronni LacrouteMs. Mary Ann MahoneyMr. and Mrs. Davis U. MerwinMr. and Mrs. Edwin H.MorgensMr. and Mrs. Thomas NissleyEstate <strong>of</strong> Alice RandMs. Judith S. RenshawElizabeth and Jean RowleyIrwin and Melinda SimonMr. Bailey SmithWallace Genetic FoundationJane Yolen$5,000 <strong>to</strong> $9,999Mr. John Alexander andMrs. Emily FisherMr. John E. AlexanderMr. Stanley BowdenMs. Barbara CareyElliot and Karin CattarullaMs. Betty M. ClarkMr. Vic<strong>to</strong>r ColeMs. Agnes D. CralleyMs. Clover M. DrinkwaterMr. and Mrs. V. Richard EalesMs. Norma EdsallMs. Susan K. FeaginMs. Tess HederMr. and Mrs. Elliott D. HillbackMoira and Mark HintsaMr. and Mrs. David JunkinMr. Austin KiplingerMr. Patrick LannanDr. William T. LeeburgMs. Bertha A. LewisMr. and Mrs. W. WallaceMcDowellMr. and Mrs. James H.MorgensMr. Leigh H. Perkins, Jr.Dr. and Mrs. Hunter RawlingsJudy and Stuart RichardsonRobert G. and Jane V. EngelFoundationMr. Andrew SabinMr. and Mrs. NelsonSchaenen, Jr.Mrs. Carol U. SislerDr. and Mrs. Kenneth T.SteadmanJohn and Bonnie StrandLewis and Margaret TopperStephen A. WaldMrs. Mary Clare WardShelby WhiteThe White Pine FundConstance and JeffWoodmanMr. L. Chris<strong>to</strong>pher Wright$1,000 <strong>to</strong> $4,999Anonymous (10)Mr. Joseph AcostaAnn and Philip AinesMr. Ferris Akel IIIMr. Charles M. AndersonMrs. Ruth L. AndersonDr. Mark Curtis ArvinMr. Robert S. BakerMs. Alice-Ann BandoniMs. Robin Barker andMr. David TemperoBlues<strong>to</strong>ne FoundationMs. Pamela Borthwick BassMrs. Margaret BealeMr. John M. Beard, Jr.William and Nancy BellamyMr. Matthew T. BornMr. and Mrs. William B. BoydMr. Philip A. BradleyMrs. Walter F. BrissendenDavid and CarolynBrittenhamMs. Cori A. BrownMs. Deirdre M. BrownMs. Percy BrowningMr. Jack BrubakerKenneth and Karen BuchiScott and Mavis BuginasMs. Amanda BurdenMs. Susan BurkhardtMr. and Mrs. William D.BurrowsMs. Colette A. BurrusMs. Ellen P. CabotMrs. Mary L. CarlsenDudley and Curtis CarlsonDr. David CarpenterDr. Ogden B. CarterRichard and Christina CaseyMr. Henry T. ChandlerMr. Andrew Chen andMs. J. Heidi MassMr. Jack G. ClarkeDr. Clare CloseMr. Alan CodyMs. Karenn Wahl ColbyMr. and Mrs. SamuelColemanMr. John J. Coleman, IIIConservation Trust <strong>of</strong>Puer<strong>to</strong> RicoDale and Nellie CorsonRobert and Vanne CowieMs. Lynn CrossMrs. Joan S. CushmanMr. Severyn S. DanaMs. Laurie DannMs. Martha R. DavisMr. Vernon D. Dayh<strong>of</strong>fMr. Edward N. Day<strong>to</strong>nMs. Jennifer DuboisLyn DuMoulinMs. Nancy P. DurrVic<strong>to</strong>ria and John DyrekMr. Leonard J. Ea<strong>to</strong>n Jr.Major Theodore H. EibenDr. Bruce andMrs. Judith P. EissnerEl Deseo FoundationMr. Joseph H. EllisNeal and Ronna EricksonMrs. Rosemary Hall EvansPr<strong>of</strong>essor andMrs. Howard E. EvansMrs. Cecilia C. FabbroMs. Sherry Ferguson andMr. Robert ZoellickMr. Charles FerrisLee and Amy FikesJohn and Molly FitzpatrickMr. and Mrs. Samuel C.FlemingFletcher Bay FoundationDr. Matthew Fraker andDr. Sherri Thorn<strong>to</strong>nStephen and BarbaraFriedmanMr. Alan J. FriedmanMs. Barbara M. GarlinghouseMr. Bryan GieszlMr. Robert Glass andMs. Bronwen NishikawaMr. and Mrs. Robert G.GoeletMs. Annette L. GosnellFrederick and Fair GouldinMr. and Mrs. Bradley GraingerMr. William F. Gratz ‘53Ms. Dorothy GregoryMs. Amy E. GroseMs. Kathryn HaleMr. and Mrs. James C.HanchettDr. Douglas J HannaMr. Thor R. HansonMs. Jean B. HarriesMr. Bruce HarrisLeo HarrisMrs. Margaretta S. HausmanDr. Adadot HayesMr. Thomas A. HendricksonDr. Susan and Mr. Peter Henry25

Donors (continued)Ms. Patti HigginsMrs. Sherley A. HigueraDr. William H. HinesMs. Judith HufMr. James D. HuntMs. Gale S. HurdInven<strong>to</strong>ry Solutions, Inc.Mrs. Pamela A. IsdellCarolyn and Will JacksonMrs. Pat JacobsMs. Kathryn JacobusMr. Andrew MacAoidhJergensMr. David B. JonesMrs. Judith M. JoyDr. and Mrs. Robin JoyceMr. and Mrs. Jack KalivodaMrs. Karen Rupert KeatingMs. Belinda A. KeeverMr. Ronald J. KemperleDr. M. Keith KennedyMrs. Jeanie KilgourMr. and Mrs. Hugh E. KingeryMr. Thomas S. Knight, Jr.Estate <strong>of</strong> Robert J. LaskowskiDonald and Deborah LauperMs. Donna Le ClaireMs. Laura S. LittenMr. and Mrs. Randolph S. LittleMrs. Jennifer Little-BeckPhilip and Caroline LoughlinDr. and Mrs. Herbert J. LouisMs. Felicia D. LovelettMs. Alexandra LutherMr. and Mrs. David B. MageeMs. Carolyn Mangeng andMr. Walter SpallDr. Richard Marshak andDr. Andrea LandsbergMr. David E. MattingleyDr. Leigh McBride andDr. Richard McCormackThomas and Linda McCarthyMrs. Susan R. McCulloughMs. Betty L. McCurdyMs. Winifred P. McDowellDr. Katharine McGovern, Ph.DMs. Elizabeth W. McMahonDr. June MercerMs. Friedrike MerckMs. Catherine MichaudStephen and Evalyn MilmanMr. Howard W. Mizell andFamilyMr. John V. MooreMr. Michael MoranWilliam and Mary Sue MorrillMarcia and Thomas Mor<strong>to</strong>nMr. Duryea Mor<strong>to</strong>nMs. Susan L. MowryMs. Jerlline MullerMrs. Monica A. Munaret<strong>to</strong>Dr. Robert L. Murry, D.V.M.Dr. Diana NevinsMr. Arthur E. Newbold IVMrs. Barbara C. NollNicholas and Susan NoyesMs. Elizabeth H. OliverMrs. Ellen S. ParkesMrs. Barbara W. ParsonDavid and Cary PaynterMr. James PeaJames and Mary PenroseMr. Ralph PetersonDr. Stefania Pittaluga andMr. James BraneganDr. Erika and Michael PrattMr. Robert T. PriddyMrs. Sally QuinnInge and Uwe ReichenbachMs. Frances M. RewMs. Deborah A. ReynoldsDr. and Mrs. Frank H. T.RhodesDr. Beverly S. RidgelyMs. Rhonda RochambeauMr. and Mrs. Steven C.RockefellerMr. Larry RoelDr. William RossDr. William L. RutherfordSage Geodetic, LLCMrs. Carolyn W. SampsonDr. Donald C. SamsonMs. Lynn ScarlettMr. Herman R. Schenkel, Jr.Peter and Christine SchluterMs. Maria SchneiderPatricia and Richard SchrammMs. Paula M. SchutteMr. Barry K. SchwartzMrs. Margaret F. ScottMs. Mary Lee SeitzMs. Lisa SeshensDrs. Sheldon and LuciaSeveringhausDr. and Mrs. Greg SeymourMs. Janice Sharp andMr. Brian BowmanDonald and Linda SimmonsMs. Mary Ann SiriMrs. Susan L. SloanMiss Pamela M. SmithMs. Elizabeth A. SmithMrs. Abby SmithMs. Susan SollinsMs. Shirley SontheimerMr. and Mrs. Robert G. SpahnDr. Timothy SpahrMrs. Barbara StampflMs. Nancy B. StatesSherri StuewerMs. Jean Suplick andMr. Michael MatusonMrs. Anne SymchychT and T Family FoundationMs. Juliet P. TammenomsBakkerDr. Allen J. TogutMrs. Sally S. TongrenMr. Charles TracyTom and Laura TrudeauMr. Lewis UlreyA. Van TienhovenMr. Alison E. VanKeurenMrs. Emily V. WadeMs. Rose WadsworthMrs. Susan N. WagnerMs. Peggy WalbridgeCharles and Jane WalcottMr. and Mrs. John S. WarrinerDavid and Michaelin WattsMr. Jude A. WeisMrs. Stefani WeissDr. Brian WhiteWidgeon Point CharitableFoundationMr. Michael Williams andMs. Sally RussWilliams Family FoundationMr. John WilliamsonDr. Kay M. WilliamsonMrs. Melanie WirtanenMr. Dennet WoodlandMs. Jeannie B. WrightMs. Catherine YerzleyDavid and Cherie ZelingerRichard and AnnemarieZimmerman$500 <strong>to</strong> $999Anonymous (4)Aigen Financial GroupMrs. Hermine AbornDr. Harris AbramsonMs. Oona AldrichMr. John R. AlexanderMs. Paulette AllemandJames and Darla AndersonDr. Mary Alice AndersonMrs. Maureen AndersonMr. William R. AndersonMr. J. Richard AndrewsMrs. Jean R. ArmourBill and Katherine AtterburyMrs. Diana Atwood JohnsonMr. James H. Averill, Jr.Ms. Susan Avery andMr. Joseph HolmesMs. Susan P. BachelderMs. Maria F. BachichMr. Peter Backman andMs. Annie Chris<strong>to</strong>pherMrs. Hope BakerDr. Jeffrey Baldani andMs. Ulla GrapardMrs. Alice Covell BallinMr. and Mrs. Robert BangertMr. William L. BarclayMrs. Alice W. BarkhausenMr. Donald BarnesMs. Catherine BarronJames and Elizabeth BarryMs. Patricia G. BatesMs. Joanne BauerMr. and Mrs. StephenBaumgartnerMrs. Katherine L. BeattieMr. David O. BeattieMrs. Juta BeauchampMs. Teresa BeckMr. Bruce BeckerSusan and Frederick BeckhornMs. Jill BeckmanCliff and Susan BeittelMrs. Lori L. BellingMs. Sheila BennettMr. and Mrs. James BennettMrs. Barbra BerryMs. Anissa Berry-FrickDr. Richard O. BierregaardMs. Joan M. BirchenallGuthrie and Louise BirkheadMrs. Constance BlauMr. Jefferey BleamMr. John BloomfieldBlue Cross Pet HospitalMs. Ann BlumeMr. and Mrs. Bill BoardmanMrs. Esther S. BondareffMs. Eleanor F. BookwalterMr. and Mrs. Richard L.Booth, Jr.Ms. Jean C. BottcherMs. Virginia BoundMs. Eloise BouyeMs. Jacqueline P. BowerBrian and Kathryn BrackneyMr. Jim BradyMs. Karen BreckanMs. Anne M. BrenamanMr. Lawrence BrennanMr. John BreslinSandra and Jeff BrickerMr. Brian J. BroderickMr. Bart BrownMrs. Jean BrubeckMs. Mary BubanovichBuck Henri, LTDMrs. Kate BuddMs. Dorothy BukantzMr. Theodore J. Bullard, Jr.Ms. Kathryne A. BurnsMs. Linda CabotMs. Kathryn E. CadeMr. and Mrs. Richard C. CallMs. Susan Whitney CallahanMrs. Jean M. CallihanMs. Nancy CamachoMs. Shirley CameronMs. Emily B. CampbellCampo Espinoso.orgMs. Janice CaravantesMs. Diane CarlsonMs. Frances CarterDr. Lisa Cass andDr. Mark CohenMs. Phyllis CauffielDr. Eugene andDr. Jean CeglowskiMr. Harry E. CerinoMs. Patience ChamberlinMr. Jason ChanGeorge L. ChapmanMrs. Jayni ChaseMr. Walter B. ChaskelDr. John W. ChesneyPatricia and Al ClarkPriscilla ClarkDr. J.A. ClaymanMs. Kathi D. ClementTerry and Zeo Codding<strong>to</strong>nAddison and Anne ColeN. Karen and Gregory CollinsMr. James R. CollinsMs. Carolee ColterMr. Richard Coms<strong>to</strong>ckMr. Ge<strong>of</strong>frey ConradMs. Nancy Cook andMr. John ChapmanMr. Paul R. CooleyMs. Carol Cramer-BurkePr<strong>of</strong>essors William andMaria CrawfordPeter and Rhoda CurtissMr. Henry M. DarleyCarl and Penelope DauBachMr. and Mrs. Ron DaviesMrs. Jackson DavisMr. David Davis andMs. Jo Ann MillsMs. Nancy DavisDr. Nancy andMr. Thomas DawsonMs. Ann DayMs. Elisabeth J. Day<strong>to</strong>nMrs. Wallace C. Day<strong>to</strong>n26

Dr. Thomas J. DelaneyMr. William E. DerrenbacherMrs. Michelle D. DevineMr. John DeWeesMichael and Nancy DickinsonDr. Nancy A. DiMartino, M.D.Mrs. Mary S. DinersteinMr. Todd DixonMr. and Mrs. Joseph K.DonohueMr. John DoolenMr. Gordon DouglasMrs. Elaine M. DrewMr. David E. Drinkwater-LunnMrs. Ruth H. DuganMs. Rebecca DunawayMrs. Joan Findlay DunhamMs. Janna Dut<strong>to</strong>nMr. Steven Ealick andJudy VirgilioMs. Susan J. Egl<strong>of</strong>fMrs. Sally R. EldermireDr. William T. EllisonMs. Jennifer Engel andMr. Larry YoungMs. Veronica EspadaRick and Nicky FalckMrs. Meryl A. FaulknerMs. Anne Fel<strong>to</strong>n SpencerMs. Marcia Ferguson andMr. Joe TokarDr. David Ferster andDr. Indira RamanDr. Maxine M. FieldMs. Linda FippinMrs. Patricia A. FitzgeraldBrian and Judith FoleyMs. Susan Ford-H<strong>of</strong>fertMr. Jonathan FranzenMs. Nancy G. FrederickMs. Jeanne P. FreemanMs. Patricia FreysingerMaster Solomon FriedmanDr. Marty FrostFriends <strong>of</strong> Bombay Hook, Inc.Ms. Bettina M. FrostMr. Timothy A. FuhrmanMrs. Roberta GaglianoDr. and Mrs. Walter GambleMrs. Chris GarrettMr. Clay<strong>to</strong>n GascoigneMs. Nancy GilbertDr. Richard A. GoldfarbMr. Michael A. GoldmanMr. Edward Gomez andMs. Christina Van FossanRobert and Ann GoodMr. Jack GormanMrs. Susan GottliebMrs. Bernice GrahamMr. David GrahamMs. Jane E. GravesMs. Julia L. GrayMr. Paul GrayMs. Judith A. GrayMs. Dorothy D. GregorMs. Cheryl GriffithsMs. Marlene GroverMs. Karen A. GrysonMs. Joan M. GuerinMr. Scott GunnisonMr. Will HaffnerChristian and Helen HallerMr. and Mrs. Gerard HamillMs. Virginia HamrickMrs. Carol HanawaltMrs. Shirley A. HanceMr. John J. HannanMs. Rebecca HansenMrs. Patricia A. HaqMs. Jane E. HardyMr. Steven HarmerMrs. Karen E. HarrisMr. Thomas B. HarrisMr. Miller S. HarrisMr. William C. HartranftMr. Brien HarveyDr. Robert D. HarwickMr. Thomas E. HawleyMs. Patricia N. HaydenJim and Becky HeckenbachMs. Janeth C. HendershotJoe and Sue HenningerMrs. Pamelia A. HenriksenMr. Charles S. HenryMs. Vicki R. HerrmannMr. William K. HerseyMs. Hannah HillMr. and Mrs. James E. HirschDr. Luc H<strong>of</strong>fmanMs. Jeanette HolmesMr. and Mrs. Paul B. HoodMs. Theodora W. Hoo<strong>to</strong>nMr. William R. HoppingMs. Jean A. Hor<strong>to</strong>nHenry and Sharon HosleyDr. George A. Housley, M.D.Mrs. Jeanne HowardMiss Jean A. HowellMr. and Mrs. John K. HowellDr. Ronald R. HoyMs. Bette HoytMs. Lynn HuberMs. Rebecca C. HuddleMs. Juanita HummelMr. William C. HunterPaul and Amy ImpellusoMs. Barbara IngleDr. William Ishee, Jr.Lee and Rebecca JackrelMs. Shari JacksonMs. Sara JaegerKay and Peter JamiesonMs. Barbara J. JauchMr. and Mrs. Willam JefferyMrs. Anne K. JeffreyMrs. Beverly S. JenningsMs. Frances A. JewettMr. Peter M. J<strong>of</strong>tisDr. Rebecca JohnsonMs. Heather JohnsonMs. Elizabeth B. JohnsonMs. Jana JohnsonMr. Alan R. Johns<strong>to</strong>nMs. Margaret H. JonesMrs. Carol A. JoryMr. Steven KapnickMs. Elizabeth Smith KaraMs. Barbara J. KeinathMs. Mary D. KellyMr. Tim KiltyMs. Phyllis KindDr. Robert E. KleigerMs. Ilene Klein-HeckscherMs. Vic<strong>to</strong>ria F. KorthDr. Stephen KressMr. Barry KriegelRudolf and Dagmar KrocRobert and Susan KuehlthauMr. William J. KukMs. Connie KummerMs. Barbara C. KyseCarroll and Jules <strong>Lab</strong>artheMr. Andre G. LaClairJohn and Carol LawesRichard and Susan LeeMs. Patricia A. LeighfieldMs. Roma E. LenehanLynn LeopoldMs. Lorraine LidDr. James D. Lillard, Jr.Mrs. Grace V. LincolnMs. Deborah L. LindeMs. Sarah LocherMs. Nicole M. LueckeDr. Hans-ChristianLuedemannJanet and William LutzMs. Angela LyrasMs. Karen MadsenDr. Philip MannMarch FoundationMr. Evan MarksMs. Amy MarrJohn and Adrienne MarsMrs. Peggy Martin and FamilyDr. Martina MartinMarvin and Annette LeeFoundation, IncMs. Michelle Ma<strong>to</strong>nMrs. April L. MatthewsFrederick and Linda MauMr. Richard S. MaxwellMs. Missy MayfieldMr. Timothy McCaffreyMr. Richard D. McClureMrs. Karin McCormickMs. Edith McCurdyDr. Sharon McFaddenDr. Patty McGill andDr. Lynn KramerMs. Kathleen McHughMs. Dorothy McIlvaineDr. Mary McKeown-MoakDonald and Lone McKnightMr. John F. McMullanMr. and Mrs. David P.McNicholasMrs. Sally McVeighDavid and Julianne MeheganMs. Mary Anne MekoshMrs. Finetta MellishMrs. Kathie MenuetMeredith CorporationMrs. Jennifer E. MichaelsMs. Madeline MilesMs. Ellen MillerMr. Earl E. MillerDavid and Susan MiskaMs. Elizabeth MitchellMr. and Mrs. R. G. MitchellMs. Eva MoldovanyiMs. Christine S. MoranMs. Jo Ann MorrealeMrs. and Mr. Beverly J.MorrellPenny and Don MoserDr. Frank MoyaDr. David A. MrazekMs. Ursula MuehllehnerCharles and Carol MundMs. Natalie H. NakaoMrs. Virginia NaslundNaturhis<strong>to</strong>risches MuseumKlaus and Mary NeuendorfMr. Robert W. NewcombMs. Susan Nordyke-SmithMs. Pamela NorrisDr. C.J. Nor<strong>to</strong>nMr. William P. NowlinMr. and Mrs. Donal C.O’Brien, Jr.Mrs. Jean W. OgleDr. Patricia O’HandleyDr. Edward O’NeilThe O’Neill PetalCharitable FundMs. Janine OrtmanMs. Candace OsdeneMr. C.W. Eliot PaineMs. Melinda PappDr. Frederick ParkerMr. Robert E. ParsonsMs. Helen Ann Pat<strong>to</strong>nMr. Chet PedersonMs. Theresa PerenichDr. Karen E. PerizzoloMs. Susan PermutMrs. Kathleen E. PetersenGlenn and Ellen PetersonMs. Regina PhelpsMr. William Phillips andMs. Barbara SmithMr. Barrett W. PierceMs. An<strong>to</strong>inette M. PilznerMr. William W. PinchbeckMrs. Elaine PinfoldMs. Royce PinkwaterMr. and Mrs. GeorgeGarrison PottsDonald and Renate PowersMrs. Lucy D. Pres<strong>to</strong>nMs. Nancy A. PrineHerb ProbascoMrs. Joan ProminDr. and Mrs. Jan R. RadkeMr. Mark RamseyMs. Single<strong>to</strong>n RankinMr. Paul Regan IIIMrs. Chris ReiserMr. and Mrs. Steven A.ReisingerMs. Jane P. RiceMr. Ari RiceMr. Leonard Richards andMs. Maureen McClureMr. Thomas F. RichardsonMr. Bob RighterMrs. Dorothy W. RinaldoMs. Cheryl Ring andMs. Stefanie BarleyDr. Dean R. RisingMr. William L. Risser andFamilyMr. Stanley M. RitlandRonald and Katharine RobeyMs. Karen L. RuppertMr. William B. RussellJaci and William RutiserMr. Gary RydstromDr. Lori SaltzMrs. Sara SaplinMs. Lauren Morgens andMr. Matthew J. Sarver27

Donors (continued)Ms. Suzanne Schaefer andMr. Paul DennisonMr. Benjamin Holmesand Mrs. CarolScheifele-HolmesPhyllis and Gary SchillerMr. Frederick SchroederTerry SchroederMr. Thomas S. SchulenbergMr. and Mrs. Robert W.SchulzeMs. Monica J. SchwalbachMs. Barbara SearlesMr. Chris<strong>to</strong>pher J. SelleyDr. Paul SerridgeMr. John T. ShawMs. Jacqueline SheinbergMr. Douglas SheldonMs. Caroline H. ShryockMrs. Joan SiedenburgMs. Barbara J. SiepierskiKatharine B. SimondsDr. and Mrs. Joseph RogersSimpsonMrs. Marjorie Smart andMr. Robert CampMr. R. Emery SmiserMs. Valerie SmithMs. Rebecca C. SmithMrs. Catherine SmithMs. Nancy B. SouletteMr. and Mrs. James W.SpencerVivek SriramMs. Mary St GeorgeDr. Mark Stanback andMs. Nancy PopkinDr. Jeanne M. StellmanDr. Pamela StewartMr. James R. Stewart, Jr.Ms. Joanna SturmSwimmer Family FoundationCarole Ann TaggartDr. Michael G. TannenbaumMr. David P. TapscottMr. Jeremy TaylorMr. Peter Ten Eyck andMs. Rose-Marie WeberMs. Marie Terlizzi andMr. Robert DobbsManley and Doriseve ThalerMs. Jane ThomasMr. and Mrs. Joe ThomasMrs. Kathryne ThorpeMr. Jim TillingMr. Bill TollefsonMr. William G. TrankleCharles and Nancy TrautmannMack and Carol TravisMs. Jessica TraynorMr. Todd TreichelMrs. Mary M. TroutMrs. Mary L. TullohMs. Alice H. TurkMs. Susanna TurnerDr. Patricia Ann TurnerAlan and Donna TysonMr. Russ ValentineMs. Beatrice F. Van RoijenMr. Mark VanderHartMr. Wouter K. VanderwalMs. Rhonda VitanyeMs. Karlene WadleighDr. Judith L. WagnerMr. Andrew L. WagnerMrs. Diane T. WalkerMs. Kathleen WallaceMr. Eamon M. WalshMrs. Dorris M. WamplerMr. Robert WatsonDr. James WatsonMrs. Alice H. Weeman andFamilyMs. Georgia E. WellesDr. Carolyn WellsRobert and Barbara WesselsMr. and Mrs. D.B. Wetherell, Jr.Mr. Thomas WheadonWHLMrs. Judy WhitcombeMr. David WhiteKenan and B. Briscoe WhiteMr. Philip R. WhitneyMr. Tobi WhittemoreDr. Tom WickendenMrs. Carolyn WillMs. Sally WilliamsMr. Stefan T. WilliamsDr. and Mrs. Hibbard E.WilliamsMr. and Mrs. William E. WillisStuart and Jeanne WilsonMs. Karen A. WinsteadMs. Barbara WolinskyMs. Marina WolkonskyMr. Russell L. WoodMr. George C. WoodMr. Dennis WoodsideMr. Dennis WoodsideMs. Mary P. WrightMr. J.A. Wunderlich IIIMs. Carol R. YasterColonel Mary YeakelMs. Lisa D. YntemaMr. Dan YoungMr. Michael F. ZeloskiRoger and Marti ZenkerMatching Gifts3M FoundationAbbott <strong>Lab</strong>ora<strong>to</strong>riesAdobe SystemsAetna FoundationAetna, IncAigen Financial GroupAir Products & Chemicals, Inc.AkzoNobelAmerican InternationalGroup, IncAmerican TransmissionCompanyApple Inc.Argonaut Group, Inc.Aspect Matching GiftsProgramAstraZenecaPharmaceuticalsAT&T FoundationAvago TechologiesBAE Systems, MatchingGift ProgramBank <strong>of</strong> America FoundationBank <strong>of</strong> New YorkBlackRock Matching GiftCompanyBoeing CompanyBP Foundation, Inc.Bris<strong>to</strong>l-Myers SquibbCompanyCaterpillar FoundationMatching GiftCharles Schwab Corp. Fnd.ChevronTexaco CorporationChubb CorporationCisco Systems, IncClorox CompanyCoca-Cola FoundationCon Edison CompanyConocoPhillipsCooper Industries, Inc.Corning IncorporatedDIRECTV Matching GiftProgramDollar Bank Matching GiftCompanyDominion FoundationDuke Energy CorporationEdison InternationalEducational Matching GiftProgramEli Lilly & CompanyFoundationEncana CorporationMatching GiftExpedia Inc.ExxonMobil FoundationGEICO CompaniesGeneral Electric CompanyGeneral Mills FoundationGlaxoSmithKlineGlobal ImpactGoldman Sachs & CompanyGoodrich CorporationFoundationGoogle Matching GiftProgramHarder + CompanyHarris Foundation CorporationHearst CorporationMatching Gift CompanyHeinz Company FoundationHershey Foods CorporationHome DepotHough<strong>to</strong>n Mifflin HarcourtIBM CorporationIllinois Tool Works FoundationIntel CorporationISO Insurance Services OfficeJohn D. and Catherine T.MacArthur FoundationJohn Hancock Mutual LifeInsuranceJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.Johnson & JohnsonJP Morgan Chase FoundationKeybank FoundationKimberly-Clark FoundationKraft FoodsNorth America, IncKresge Foundation<strong>Lab</strong>CorpLand O’Lakes, Inc.Lannan FoundationLexisNexis CaresLockheed MartinMacy’s Inc. Matching GiftMcKesson CorporationFoundationMeadWestvaco FoundationMedtronic FoundationMerck Company FoundationMeredith CorporationMicros<strong>of</strong>t CorporationMinerals Technologies, Inc.Mobil Foundation, Inc.Monsan<strong>to</strong> CompanyMoody’s FoundationMorgan Stanley Co.Mo<strong>to</strong>rola FoundationNintendo <strong>of</strong> America, Inc.Nokia Matching GiftsProgramNordson CorporationNorthern Trust CompanyNRG Energy, Inc.Oracle CorporationOrvis-Perkins FoundationPalmet<strong>to</strong> Bikes, Inc.Parker Hannifin FoundationPatagonia - Subsidiary <strong>of</strong> LostArrow Corp.PC WorldCommunications, Inc.PeopleS<strong>of</strong>tPepsiCo Foundation, Inc.Pfizer, IncPioneer Hi-Bred InternationalPNC Matching Gift ProgramPolar CruisesPrincipal Financial Group Fdn.Procter & Gamble CompanyPrudential InsuranceFoundationRandom House Matching GiftCompanyRaytheon CompanyRidgewood Savings BankRockwell CollinsRum Village Nature CtSan<strong>of</strong>i AventisSC Johnson & Son, Inc.Shell Oil CompanyFoundationStewart’s Ice Cream Shop’sTakedaTaylor, Roth and CompanyThrivent Financial LutheransUBS Matching Gift ProgramUnilever United States, IncUnited Parcel ServiceFoundationUnited TechnologiesCorporationUnumProvident CorporationVerizon FoundationVermont CommunityFoundationWalt Disney CompanyFoundationWells Fargo FoundationWestly FoundationWilliam and Flora HewlettFoundationWilliams CompaniesWisconsin EnergyCorporationWrigley CompanyFoundationXerox Corporation28

Sapsucker Woods SocietyRecognizing all friendswho have included the<strong>Lab</strong> in their estate plans,past and presentMr. Sal Acosta and Ms.Suzanne HutchinsonMr. Charles S. AdamsMs. Louise AddisMs. Diane AdkinAnn and Philip AinesAlbrecht EstateMr. John E. AlexanderRussell and Barbara AllisonMrs. Helga N. AltenMr. Elwin F. AndersonMs. Bertha AndrewMrs. Patricia L. AngottiMrs. Sue D. AnsleyBill and Katherine AtterburyTerry AuldMs. Katharine M. AycriggMs. Judith M. BajorisMs. Madge BakerMr. and Mrs. Konrad BaldMrs. John F. BarryMs. Margaret R. Bar<strong>to</strong>nMrs. Karen F. BeallMrs. John W. BehnkenMrs. Dorothy W. BellMr. Joseph BennerMrs. Brenda J. BestMr. Mark J. Bilak and FamilyMrs. Janet BlamMs. Susan D. BoettgerMrs. James C. H. BonbrightMs. Ann BregmanDr. Joan Brenchley-JacksonMr. Robert E. BrownMs. Becky A. BrownMs. Irene BrownMs. Betty A. BruhnsMr. Gregory BrumfieldMs. Michele Burlew andMr. John BauhsMs. Gretchen L. BurmeisterMs. Frances BurnettMs. Colette A. BurrusDr. and Mrs. David L. CallMs. Eleanor R. CampbellMrs. S. James CampbellDr. Alvin R. CarpenterMr. Fred CarrCarol and Daniel CashMs. Kathaleen A. CattieuMr. Dwight R. ChamberlainMs. Joyce W. CimaClarann EstateMs. Patricia CollinsMs. Beth CooperMrs. Mary E. CostMr. William Powell CottrilleMrs. Virginia R. CrockerMs. Ruth CummingsPeter and Rhoda CurtissMs. Cornelia Daley andMr. Phil CowanRandi and L. Van DaulerMs. Martha E. DayMr. Vernon D. Dayh<strong>of</strong>fMs. Nancy A. deGr<strong>of</strong>fMrs. Ruth D. DillonMr. and Mrs. V. Richard EalesStephen and Betty Ea<strong>to</strong>nMr. Michael B. EddyMs. Norma EdsallMs. Frances J. EhlersDr. Leonard EisererMrs. George B. EmenyMr. and Mrs. Roger H. FarrellMs. Elizabeth E. FayRita M. FetterMs. June M. FickerMr. Robert T. Foote ‘39Dr. Kathy FreasMr. William F. Fuerst, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. H. LauranceFullerMrs. Esther B. GarnseyMr. Donald P. GarrettMs. Paula GillsVincent and Ann MarieGlavianoMrs. Emily R. GloverMs. Doris GoldsteinMr. Alfred H. GrayDr. John and SuzanneGregoireMr. William Anson Grover, Sr.Ms. Joan M. GuerinMrs. Suzanne O. HappenyMs. Marjorie HarbinMrs. Karen E. HarrisDuncan and Adrienne HartleyLynn HasslerJane and Gerry HavilandMs. Lisa HayesSheila Harrah Hearne EstateHarry Heidt EstateMs. Phyllis Henney EstateJoe and Sue HenningerDr. Linda J. HimotMrs. Leona S. HineMs. Mary P. HinesMr. Frederick HochMs. Jean A. Hor<strong>to</strong>nHenry and Sharon HosleyMr. John HupplerJames and Roberta HutchisonMr. Bernard IliffMr. Isidor JeklinMrs. Imogene P. JohnsonMary Johns<strong>to</strong>nMs. Nora W. JonesMr. Jim A JordanMrs. Judith M. JoyMrs. Judith M. KayMrs. Blanche KellyMr. David KeyesMrs. T. Spencer KnightMr. and Mrs. Robert G. KnoxLinda KramerMr. Harold E. KublyMr. Norman C. LantzMr. Robert J. LaskowskiHoward and Sydney LeachMarian LeggMs. Georgina LentiniMs. Marjorie LewinMs. Bertha A. LewisEric and Constance LinckeMr. Richard andMrs. Mae LiveseyMs. Catherine LomuscioMr. C. James LutherMrs. Madeline LutzMr. and Mrs. William MacaulayMr. J De Navarre Macomb, Jr.Ms. Marion MascariMs. Mary MauelMs. Claudia MayfieldMr. William McCarthyMr. Richard G. McClungMs. Mary Ellen McCrossenMs. Betty L. McCurdyMr. Everett G. McDonough, Jr.Ms. Margaret J. McDowellMs. Winifred P. McDowellDr. Ann J. McGarvey, D.D.S.Mrs. D. M. McKeeMrs. Elizabeth A. McLarenMs. Carol McQuadeMrs. Nancy MenefeeMr. Harry MerkerMr. John P. MerrillMs. R. Rosalie MetzgerMs. Marinia MichalecDr. Norman S. MooreMr. Frederick MorelleMr. John David MorrisMr. John A-X Morris ‘74Marcia and Thomas Mor<strong>to</strong>nPenny and Don MoserMs. Rita J. MyrickRobert NaglerMs. Mildred E. NeffGary Neuman and Julie WestMr. Gary l. NewkirkDr. Polly G. NicelyMr. Alphonse R. NormandiaMrs. Judith L. O’NealeMr. Stephen B. OresmanMrs. Mary A. OsterMs. Julie OxfordMr. Thomas R. PalmerMs. Virginia Panarace EstateMrs. Ellen S. ParkesMs. Ellen I. PaulMs. Esther A. PearlmanDr. and Mrs. William D.PetersonMr. George M. PflaumerMr. William Phillips andMs. Barbara SmithPr<strong>of</strong>essor Elmer S. PhillipsMs. Lauren PickardMr. Richard F. PietschMs. Marjorie A. PittsMr. Zoltan PorgaMr. and Mrs. Ronald R. PorterMr. Richard PoughAlbert and Diane PuffMs. Alice M. RandMs. Hazel E. ReedMs. April L. ReeseDr. Laurie RenzMs. Frances M. RewMs. Kathleen RhodesMrs. Susan Starr RichardsMr. Chandler RobbinsMrs. Eleanor RobbinsMr. William R. RobertsonMr. Stan RodwinMr. Thomas W. Rogers EstateMr. and Mrs. Edward W.Rose IIIMrs. Jeanette G. RosenbergerElizabeth and Jean RowleyMs. Gayle RussellMrs. Lynette RussoDr. William L. RutherfordMr. Richard Sanders andMs. Janice HandMr. Richard ScalesMs. Lynne R. ScheerDr. Francis G. Scheider, M.D.Mrs. Janey SchnoorMs. Ellen M. SchoppMr. Robert F. SchumannMs. Monica J. SchwalbachRobert and Nancy SearjeantDrs. Sheldon and LuciaSeveringhausBetty and Jim ShannonMs. Helen R. ShaskanMrs. Mary S. ShaubMrs. Alice M. ShawMr. Richard S. ShirleyMr. Richard J SiewersMs. Mindy SimonMrs. Carol U. SislerBernie and Mary Sl<strong>of</strong>erMs. Vic<strong>to</strong>ria SlowikMrs. Marjorie Smart andMr. Robert CampMrs. Emily C. SmithMs. Marybeth SollinsDr. and Mrs. Kenneth T.SteadmanMr. David SteinBarry and Sandy StevensonMr. James R. Stewart, Jr.Mr. William R. StewartMs. Pamela J. S<strong>to</strong>ryMr. Edward P. Street, Jr.Mrs. Lyman K. StuartMrs. Miriam P. StuartMs. Ingrid SunzenauerMr. Scott SutcliffeMr. Robert SwiftMs. Donna E. TatroMrs. Nancy ThomasMr. John H. ThomsonDr. Walter ThurberMrs. Phyllis TillinghastElizabeth ToddMr. Charles E. Treman, Jr.Reverend Barbara B. TriggsMrs. Mary Van VleckMs. Charlotte VaughnMrs. Mary Clare WardMrs. E.R. WebsterMrs. Madelon G. WehnerMs. Mariellen WhelanMs. Jeanne A. WhiteMrs. Jeanne D. Wigen-AyersDr. Andrea WigginsMs. Hazel L. WilburMr. Robert G. WilliamsMr. Stefan T. WilliamsMrs. Louise W. WoodruffMrs. Shirley S. WoodsMr. L. Chris<strong>to</strong>pher WrightMs. Jeannie B. WrightMrs. Barbara WrightMs. Carolyn WynneMrs. Clara Taylor YagerDr. Paula YellinMr. George W. ZepkoMs. Dorothy N. Zirkle29

Donors (continued)Gifts in Honor <strong>of</strong>Steve and Ellen AdelsonMs. Jacqueline SheinbergMary BryantDr. Megan McGlinnNancy DunnMs Kaylyn WingoStephen EasleyMr. and Mrs. David C. EasleyJohn FitzpatrickMrs. Sandy LaughlinGayle FlinnMr. and Mrs. David G. FlinnChristina Grajales andIsabelle KirshnerMs. Royce PinkwaterThomas RichardHalberstadtMrs. John C. Mueller, Jr.Mary HinesThe Chicago CommunityFoundationJohn and Lauren HinesMs. Nancy PickMr. and Mrs. Thomas F. PickMs. Debra N. WaltersDr. William H. HinesTracy HolmesMeta Alice Keith BrattenFoundationPaul HoodHenry and Eleanor HoodImogene JohnsonMrs. Dorothy M. ConstantineJanet Kirby MacMichaelMs. Deborah LagrasseMs. Linda L. VanbeckErika MolnarFidelity FoundationEdwin and LindaMorgensMrs. Sandy LaughlinJennifer NorrisMs Leanna ZweigFredrick PowellMs. Shirley ParishMary RussellMs. Ruth RussellMarty SchlabachA. Van TienhovenTed ThannhauserMrs. Patricia CivilJoseph H. WilliamsMr. James C. WilliamsMs. Margot T. RoseMs. Jennifer B. RossDr. Joseph H. WilliamsMr. Peter WilliamsChris WoodMichael and CarolynKulak<strong>of</strong>skyGifts in Memory <strong>of</strong>Ilse AlbroMs. Judy A RiechmannMrs. Cornelia MillerPatrick Buick GMCMrs. Ulla BurscheidSharon BarronMr. Jeffrey ConklinMr. Warren EddyBingham<strong>to</strong>n Tennis CenterMr. and Mrs. Michael TingeyAlbert BrandMr. and Mrs. Robert LiebowitzJohn BrattenMeta Alice Keith BrattenFoundationJulie BrodhagCandi and Judd HubertGilbert BurnsMs. Kathryne A. BurnsMr. R. P. BihlerMr. Wayne BihlerMr. Glen BihlerMrs. Sherry StibbardFred and Maureen SwitzerMs. Anne ReilleyBarbara BurwellMs. Barbara WalckMs. Helen C. ParkeKay R. Brother<strong>to</strong>nRoger and MarilynWitherspoonMs. Frances TateDale CorsonMs. Alix HandelsmanEdith Q. EddyMrs. Florence HayesPeter and Rhoda CurtissLynn and Shirley AndersonMr. and Mrs. Ronald E. RuckerJan JenningsCatherine ElliottMs. Valerie SmithRita FetterMr. Douglas FetterHelaire FreedeMr. and Mrs. Stephen B.WempleHerbert FriedmannMrs. Karen F. BeallWilliam GiezendannerPaul and CorinnaGiezendannerIlse H StalisMr. Raymond SeraydarianMr. Michael SouzaMs. Elaine SegaliReid GrahamMrs. Claire KluskensMr. Peter Ten Eyck andMs. Rose-Marie WeberDr. Robert D. HarwickMs. Elizabeth A. HarwickJohn and Margaret CharleyMr. and Mrs. Daniel T.DempseyMs. Linda S. ByerMr. Steven HirschWilliam HetzneckerRichard and Christina CaseyHerbert HinckleyMs. Jill HinckleyMary B. Johns<strong>to</strong>nMs. Nancy McCumberEdith JonesMrs. Lori L. BellingMrs. Carolyn EllerhorstRuth KiligasAnn and Mike D’AttilioMary KiplingerMr. and Mrs. George ClarkLinda KramerMs. Lindsay Knowl<strong>to</strong>nHerman LittleMrs. Jennifer Little-BeckRobert Livings<strong>to</strong>neMr. C. Mor<strong>to</strong>n Bishop IIIPhil Lloys-GrandadRufusMs. Jamie PavlatMs. Elizabeth PerkinsMs. Susan VollmerMs Allison MyersMs. Melanie DempsterMs. Julia MartinMs. Marlene MurrahMs. Jane ThomasMs Nancy CraggMrs. and Mr. GlickJanet Kirby MacMichaelMs. Linda MacMichaelBollenback & Forrett PAHarry MerrimanMr. Ronald HowardMs. Joan LoeckerFran and Harry MerrimanMr. James H. ChmuraEP Consolidated PropertiesMrs. Betty J. AndersonMs. Marianne TautgesMs. Elizabeth A. RustadCarl MyrickMr. and Mrs. Jeff LittleHerb ProbascoMs. and Mr. Elaine A.ProbascoAlice RobinsonDr. Paul Van HemelMs. Robin PulverRobert SchumannMr. Frank AltieriMs. Hope MandevilleBea SmithMrs. Sharon TurnerSponsorsMs. Jean C LoweMrs. Connie L. BricknerSally SutcliffeMrs. June E. MerrillJean WickendenMs. Elizabeth W McMahonDawn WoodlandMr. Dennet WoodlandWilliam WoodsMrs. Shirley S. WoodsThe <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> thanks our sponsors for theirsupport in <strong>2012</strong>. Through these partnerships wereached out <strong>to</strong> even broader audiences <strong>to</strong> improvethe understanding and protection <strong>of</strong> birds in backyardsand around the world. Thank you!Bob’s Red MillCarl Zeiss Sports Optics, LLCD & D Commodities Ltd.Droll Yankees Inc.Kaytee Products, Inc.OpticsPlanet, Inc.Swarovski Optik North America LimitedPenning<strong>to</strong>n® Wild Bird FeedPine Tree Farms, Inc.Wild Birds Unlimited, Inc.Wild Birds Unlimited at Sapsucker WoodsFor more information about corporate sponsorshipopportunities, contact Mary Guthrie, direc<strong>to</strong>r <strong>of</strong> corporatemarketing partnerships, at msg21@cornell.edu30

Fiscal Year <strong>2012</strong>Financial REport(July 1, 2011—June 30, <strong>2012</strong>)The <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ornithology</strong>takes great care <strong>to</strong> steward your gifts wisely.FY12 RevenuesFY12 ExpendituresWith the support <strong>of</strong> our generous membersand donors, the <strong>Lab</strong> has nearly doubled insize over the past 10 years, allowing us <strong>to</strong>broaden the scope and reach <strong>of</strong> our programs.We continually strive <strong>to</strong> keep administrativeand fundraising costs as low as possible andinvest our valuable human and financial resourcesin building high-quality science, education,and conservation programs.14.36%6.9%36.8%0.02%1.94%39.98%14.8%9.9%75.3%Thank you for trusting us and for enabling us<strong>to</strong> continue advancing knowledge, buildingtechnologies, and strengthening conservationinitiatives around the world.Membership and Gifts............................$8,859,992Grants and Contracts..............................$8,156,861Program Income......................................$3,182,905Invested Funds and Related Income.....$1,528,162Gifts Directed <strong>to</strong> Investment Funds.........$431,029Other...............................................................$3,430Total Revenue.......................................$22,162,379Program................................................ $16,374,246Administration.........................................$3,228,620Development...........................................$2,150,776Total Expenditures................................$21,753,642Front cover: Yellow Warbler by Glenn BartleyBack cover: The <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ornithology</strong> Staffby Jason Koski, University Pho<strong>to</strong>graphyGraphic design: Joanne AvilaMillions <strong>of</strong> dollars2624222018161412108Annual Operating Revenue and Expense, 2005–<strong>2012</strong>■ Gifts Directed <strong>to</strong> Invested Funds■ Operating Revenue■ ExpenseFY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY<strong>2012</strong>

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