Skin Care Class Outline - QT Office

Skin Care Class Outline - QT Office

Skin Care Class Outline - QT Office


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We have LEFT no one out, Mary Kay’s products are safefor those with eczema, psoriasis and sensitive skin. Didyou know that most skin care and color products that youbuy off the shelf are no longer required to be tested by theFDA, doesn’t seem RIGHT does it? Did you also knowthat some include carcinogenic ingredients that can causecancer!? Mary Kay still pays the FDA to test and approveall of our products so you are LEFT with a high quality,safe product with a money back guarantee. Animaltesting? We LEFT that alone a long time ago! Saving theplanet? Well Mary Kay has gone green!! When productsare delivered RIGHT to our door they come in a recyclablecardboard box and are filled with biodegradable packagingpeanuts. It’s fun to put them RIGHT in your sink, turn thewater RIGHT on and watch them go RIGHT down thedrain. Mary Kay has LEFT no stone unturned to makesure they are a fabulous Company that gives back andtruly cares.”Lay out the order of events and mention the individualclose, and booking their follow up appointment.Everything today is a part of our Best Selling TimeWiseanti-aging skin care line. Many of our products you’ll betrying also come with the Good House Keeping moneyback guarantee.TimeWise Cleanser:(for a ticket, ask: at what age does our skin slow down andwe should begin using an anti-aging skin care line? –answer: 16)

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