Chapter 2: - Center for Responsible Travel

Chapter 2: - Center for Responsible Travel

Chapter 2: - Center for Responsible Travel


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ecently constructed trout farm now require signed letters of commitment from all teachers at theschool. Our other projects worldwide are set up in this same manner.How Much Has Been Raised?To date we have raised over $16,000 <strong>for</strong> thePatacancha Project from contributions of travelers andCountry Walkers. Additionally we have set up a CW<strong>Travel</strong>ers‘ Fund that is worldwide and adds a donationamount to each traveler‘s trip that gives back to eachof the destinations they visit. This is the first year wehave started this Fund and so do not have theaccounting <strong>for</strong> how much has been raised, but weanticipate around $30,000 <strong>for</strong> 2011.Has your Philanthropic Program Helped, Hurtor Had No Impact on Your Business?Patacancha student, Peru.Credit: Country WalkersWe believe our ongoing support of worldwide community projects and initiatives is integral to theCountry Walkers mission. This commitment is part of our corporate culture and CountryWalkers employees and guides proudly support this priority. Our philanthropic commitment andthe specific inclusion of responsible travel practices into our tour itineraries is also recognized byour guests—we know this by tracking the financial contributions made by our guests and bytheir direct feedback and responses to their on-tour experiences.For more in<strong>for</strong>mation contact:Sonya Bradley: sonya@countrywalkers.comWebsite: www.countrywalkers.com50

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