Chapter 2: - Center for Responsible Travel

Chapter 2: - Center for Responsible Travel

Chapter 2: - Center for Responsible Travel


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Are Donations Tax Deductible?Only through the private vacation homeowners foundation. We have set up apresence on CREST‘s <strong>Travel</strong>ers‘Philanthropy donations portal, but haveyet to actively request donations. We areopen to developing strategies to do so. Do You Offer Opportunities <strong>for</strong>Voluntourism?Yes, we offer short term experiencessuch as beach clean-up activities andPrimary school, Punta Islita, Costa Rica.Credit: Hotel Punta Islitasea-turtle protection in Camaronal. But we are developing a more <strong>for</strong>mal voluntourismprogram to be launched in 2011.What Type of Educational Materials Do You Give to <strong>Travel</strong>ers?Guests are given a <strong>Responsible</strong> Tourism brochure outlining responsible travel and HotelPunta Islita‘s social and environmental policies and practices. We are re-designing it toincorporate giving options. Our community initiatives are described on a second-levelpage within the website (http://www.hotelpuntaislita.com/what_we_do/the-iniciative). Wealso feature relevant content in our monthly newsletter which goes to about 10,000people and via social media.How are Funds Distributed?They are distributed on a project by project basis, depending on the needs of each project. Interms of ensuring accountability, Hotel Punta Islita‘s Finance Department actively manages theaccounts and provides financial reports.How Much Has Been Raised?About $100,000 since 2003. Has Your Philanthropic Program Helped, Hurt or Had NoImpact on Your Business?It has definitely helped Hotel Punta Islita. The healthy relation withthe community and recovering ecosystem has made this a moreattractive and unique destination. We are also encouraged to findthat the hotel‘s ―green‖ personality attracts a better clientele, peoplewho are more interested in culture and in protecting naturalresources.Artwork, Punta Islita, CostaRica. Credit: Hotel Punta IslitaFor more in<strong>for</strong>mation contact:Maria Barquero: outreach@grupoislita.comWebsite: www.hotelpuntaislita.com30

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