National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife ... - All About Birds

National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife ... - All About Birds

National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife ... - All About Birds


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Table 41. Selected Characteristics <strong>of</strong> Participants <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wildlife</strong>-Watching Activities Away From Home: 2011(Population 16 years old <strong>and</strong> older. Numbers in thous<strong>and</strong>s)CharacteristicU.S. populationNumber Percent NumberTotal wildlife-watchingparticipantsPercent whoparticipated Percent NumberTotal away-from-homeparticipantsPercent whoparticipatedTotal persons .................................... 239,313 100 71,776 30 100 22,496 9 100Population Density <strong>of</strong> ResidenceUrban ......................................... 180,723 76 46,973 26 65 15,974 9 71Rural ......................................... 58,589 24 24,803 42 35 6,523 11 29Population Size <strong>of</strong> ResidenceMetropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) ................ 224,025 94 65,664 29 91 20,651 9 921,000,000 or more ............................. 127,462 53 33,070 26 46 10,672 8 47250,000 to 999,999 ............................ 48,157 20 16,436 34 23 4,634 10 2150,000 to 249,999 ............................. 48,406 20 16,159 33 23 5,346 11 24Outside MSA ................................... 15,288 6 6,111 40 9 1,845 12 8Census Geographic DivisionNew Engl<strong>and</strong> ................................... 11,593 5 3,954 34 6 1,187 10 5Middle Atlantic ................................. 32,392 14 9,118 28 13 2,561 8 11East North Central ............................... 36,199 15 12,840 35 18 3,168 9 14West North Central .............................. 15,860 7 5,479 35 8 1,783 11 8South Atlantic .................................. 46,417 19 13,315 29 19 4,393 9 20East South Central ............................... 14,206 6 4,663 33 6 1,456 10 6West South Central .............................. 27,195 11 7,164 26 10 1,728 6 8Mountain ...................................... 17,013 7 5,189 30 7 2,230 13 10Pacific ........................................ 38,438 16 10,054 26 14 3,990 10 18Age16 to 17 years .................................. 7,652 3 964 13 1 339 4 218 to 24 years .................................. 26,517 11 2,580 10 4 773 3 325 to 34 years .................................. 41,613 17 7,969 19 11 3,117 7 1435 to 44 years .................................. 40,779 17 10,163 25 14 4,326 11 1945 to 54 years .................................. 46,167 19 15,594 34 22 5,768 12 2655 to 64 years .................................. 38,469 16 16,155 42 23 4,740 12 2165 years <strong>and</strong> older ............................... 38,117 16 18,351 48 26 3,433 9 1565 to 74 years ................................ 22,655 9 12,044 53 17 2,722 12 1275 <strong>and</strong> older .................................. 15,461 6 6,307 41 9 711 5 3SexMale, total ..................................... 114,705 48 33,176 29 46 11,472 10 5116 to 17 years ................................ 3,922 2 535 14 1 *162 *4 *118 to 24 years ................................ 12,909 5 1,281 10 2 490 4 225 to 34 years ................................ 20,350 9 3,590 18 5 1,500 7 735 to 44 years ................................ 19,738 8 5,269 27 7 2,455 12 1145 to 54 years ................................ 22,426 9 7,228 32 10 2,797 12 1255 to 64 years ................................ 18,252 8 7,361 40 10 2,340 13 1065 years <strong>and</strong> older ............................. 17,108 7 7,912 46 11 1,727 10 865 to 74 years .............................. 10,832 5 5,406 50 8 1,428 13 675 <strong>and</strong> older ................................ 6,276 3 2,505 40 3 299 5 1Female, total ................................... 124,608 52 38,600 31 54 11,025 9 4916 to 17 years ................................ 3,730 2 429 12 1 *176 *5 *118 to 24 years ................................ 13,608 6 1,299 10 2 284 2 125 to 34 years ................................ 21,263 9 4,379 21 6 1,617 8 735 to 44 years ................................ 21,041 9 4,893 23 7 1,871 9 845 to 54 years ................................ 23,741 10 8,366 35 12 2,971 13 1355 to 64 years ................................ 20,216 8 8,794 44 12 2,400 12 1165 years <strong>and</strong> older ............................. 21,008 9 10,439 50 15 1,706 8 865 to 74 years .............................. 11,824 5 6,638 56 9 1,294 11 675 <strong>and</strong> older ................................ 9,185 4 3,802 41 5 412 4 2EthnicityHispanic ...................................... 32,557 14 3,723 11 5 1,442 4 6Non-Hispanic .................................. 206,756 86 68,053 33 95 21,054 10 94RaceWhite ......................................... 182,872 76 65,385 36 91 20,644 11 92African American ............................... 23,402 10 2,590 11 4 610 3 3Asian American ................................. 11,647 5 1,049 9 1 253 2 1<strong>All</strong> others ...................................... 21,392 9 2,752 13 4 989 5 4Annual Household IncomeLess than $20,000 ............................... 30,550 13 6,768 22 9 1,622 5 7$20,000 to $24,999 .............................. 12,713 5 3,564 28 5 838 7 4$25,000 to $29,999 .............................. 10,441 4 2,385 23 3 663 6 3$30,000 to $34,999 .............................. 11,504 5 4,046 35 6 756 7 3$35,000 to $39,999 .............................. 11,441 5 3,326 29 5 1,018 9 5$40,000 to $49,999 .............................. 17,091 7 5,166 30 7 1,691 10 8$50,000 to $74,999 .............................. 33,850 14 12,685 37 18 4,773 14 21$75,000 to $99,999 .............................. 25,236 11 8,950 35 12 3,769 15 17$100,000 to $149,999 ............................ 23,790 10 8,700 37 12 2,775 12 12$150,000 or more ............................... 17,151 7 6,298 37 9 2,088 12 9Not reported ................................... 45,545 19 9,888 22 14 2,502 5 11Education11 years or less ................................. 31,574 13 5,575 18 8 1,237 4 512 years ....................................... 81,984 34 21,098 26 29 5,224 6 231 to 3 years <strong>of</strong> college ............................ 55,014 23 16,135 29 22 5,337 10 244 years <strong>of</strong> college ............................... 42,552 18 16,066 38 22 5,436 13 245 years or more <strong>of</strong> college ......................... 28,188 12 12,901 46 18 5,263 19 23See footnotes at end <strong>of</strong> table.U.S. Fish <strong>and</strong> <strong>Wildlife</strong> Service <strong>and</strong> U.S. Census Bureau 2011 <strong>National</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Fishing</strong>, <strong>Hunting</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Wildlife</strong>-Associated Recreation 89Percent

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