National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife ... - All About Birds

National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife ... - All About Birds

National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife ... - All About Birds


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Table 29. Hunters <strong>and</strong> Days <strong>of</strong> <strong>Hunting</strong> on Private L<strong>and</strong> by Selected Characteristic: 2011(Population 16 years old <strong>and</strong> older. Numbers in thous<strong>and</strong>s)CharacteristicTotalhunters,public <strong>and</strong>private l<strong>and</strong>NumberHuntersHunters on private l<strong>and</strong> 1Percent <strong>of</strong>total huntersPercent <strong>of</strong>hunters usingprivate l<strong>and</strong>Total days,public <strong>and</strong>private l<strong>and</strong>Days <strong>of</strong> huntingNumberDays on private l<strong>and</strong> 2Percent <strong>of</strong>total daysPercent <strong>of</strong>days onprivate l<strong>and</strong>Total persons .......................... 13,674 11,537 84 100 281,884 218,839 78 100Population Density <strong>of</strong> Residence ..........Urban ............................... 5,797 4,641 80 40 97,899 68,734 70 31Rural ............................... 7,877 6,896 88 60 183,986 150,105 82 69Population Size <strong>of</strong> Residence .............Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) ...... 10,915 9,066 83 79 216,150 164,493 76 751,000,000 or more ................... 3,367 2,788 83 24 58,011 46,824 81 21250,000 to 999,999 .................. 2,374 1,824 77 16 46,830 32,155 69 1550,000 to 249,999 ................... 5,174 4,454 86 39 111,309 85,513 77 39Outside MSA ......................... 2,759 2,471 90 21 65,734 54,346 83 25Census Geographic Division .............New Engl<strong>and</strong> ......................... 420 368 88 3 8,416 6,186 74 3Middle Atlantic ....................... 1,558 1,377 88 12 38,487 31,714 82 14East North Central ..................... 2,688 2,432 90 21 49,089 38,347 78 18West North Central .................... 1,661 1,514 91 13 30,715 22,949 75 10South Atlantic ........................ 1,870 1,699 91 15 42,430 34,591 82 16East South Central ..................... 1,531 1,419 93 12 40,701 35,605 87 16West South Central .................... 1,909 1,723 90 15 42,409 38,077 90 17Mountain ............................ 1,043 444 43 4 14,723 4,771 32 2Pacific .............................. 996 560 56 5 14,913 6,599 44 3Age16 to 17 years ........................ 419 365 87 3 7,379 6,090 83 318 to 24 years ........................ 1,288 1,142 89 10 24,253 19,266 79 925 to 34 years ........................ 2,079 1,766 85 15 51,074 42,296 83 1935 to 44 years ........................ 2,416 2,119 88 18 52,209 38,871 74 1845 to 54 years ........................ 3,143 2,568 82 22 59,345 43,001 72 2055 to 64 years ........................ 2,842 2,343 82 20 60,259 48,638 81 2265 years <strong>and</strong> older ..................... 1,487 1,233 83 11 27,364 20,675 76 965 to 74 years ...................... 1,221 1,014 83 9 23,144 17,743 77 875 <strong>and</strong> older ........................ 266 220 82 2 4,220 2,933 70 1SexMale ............................... 12,217 10,303 84 89 263,059 204,724 78 94Female .............................. 1,457 1,233 85 11 18,826 14,115 75 6EthnicityHispanic ............................ 271 *168 *62 *1 3,846 *2,524 *66 *1Non-Hispanic ........................ 13,403 11,369 85 99 278,038 216,315 78 99Race .................................White ............................... 12,852 10,873 85 94 265,100 205,368 77 94African American ..................... 413 365 88 3 6,368 5,856 92 3Asian American ....................... *27 ... ... ... *680 ... ... ...<strong>All</strong> others ............................ 382 288 75 2 9,737 7,377 76 3Annual Household IncomeLess than $20,000 ..................... 991 893 90 8 19,844 15,618 79 7$20,000 to $24,999 .................... 533 416 78 4 6,500 5,171 80 2$25,000 to $29,999 .................... 495 460 93 4 9,289 7,869 85 4$30,000 to $34,999 .................... 556 447 80 4 12,144 9,475 78 4$35,000 to $39,999 .................... 606 481 79 4 11,984 9,448 79 4$40,000 to $49,999 .................... 1,129 952 84 8 24,242 18,730 77 9$50,000 to $74,999 .................... 2,610 2,164 83 19 55,666 41,085 74 19$75,000 to $99,999 .................... 2,371 2,051 87 18 52,926 40,929 77 19$100,000 to $149,999 .................. 1,932 1,541 80 13 37,706 28,559 76 13$150,000 or more ..................... 861 768 89 7 13,949 11,593 83 5Not reported ......................... 1,591 1,362 86 12 37,636 30,362 81 14Education11 years or less ....................... 1,482 1,306 88 11 31,409 26,387 84 1212 years ............................. 4,975 3,989 80 35 112,076 81,891 73 371 to 3 years <strong>of</strong> college .................. 3,510 3,063 87 27 75,816 60,480 80 284 years <strong>of</strong> college ..................... 2,447 2,093 86 18 39,414 30,885 78 145 years or more <strong>of</strong> college ............... 1,260 1,086 86 9 23,169 19,195 83 9* Estimate based on a sample size <strong>of</strong> 10–29. … Sample size too small (less than 10) to report data reliably.1Hunters on private l<strong>and</strong> include those who hunted on both private <strong>and</strong> public l<strong>and</strong>.2Days <strong>of</strong> hunting on private l<strong>and</strong> includes both days spent solely on private l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> those spent on private <strong>and</strong> public l<strong>and</strong>.Note: Percent <strong>of</strong> total hunters <strong>and</strong> percent <strong>of</strong> total days are based on the total hunters <strong>and</strong> total days columns for each row. Percent <strong>of</strong> hunters using private l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> percent <strong>of</strong> dayson private l<strong>and</strong> are based on the total Numbers <strong>of</strong> hunters on private l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> total Numbers <strong>of</strong> days on private l<strong>and</strong>, respectively.82 2011 <strong>National</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Fishing</strong>, <strong>Hunting</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Wildlife</strong>-Associated Recreation U.S. Fish <strong>and</strong> <strong>Wildlife</strong> Service <strong>and</strong> U.S. Census Bureau

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