National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife ... - All About Birds

National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife ... - All About Birds

National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife ... - All About Birds


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Table 9. Selected Characteristics <strong>of</strong> Anglers by Type <strong>of</strong> <strong>Fishing</strong>: 2011(Population 16 years old <strong>and</strong> older. Numbers in thous<strong>and</strong>s)CharacteristicU.S. population Total, all fishing Total freshwaterNumber Percent NumberPercent whoparticipated Percent NumberPercent whoparticipatedTotal persons ................................... 239,313 100 33,112 14 100 27,547 12 100Population Density <strong>of</strong> ResidenceUrban ........................................ 180,723 76 20,216 11 61 15,918 9 58Rural ........................................ 58,589 24 12,896 22 39 11,629 20 42Population Size <strong>of</strong> ResidenceMetropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) ............... 224,025 94 29,442 13 89 24,133 11 881,000,000 or more ............................ 127,462 53 12,669 10 38 9,802 8 36250,000 to 999,999 ........................... 48,157 20 7,071 15 21 5,565 12 2050,000 to 249,999 ............................ 48,406 20 9,702 20 29 8,766 18 32Outside MSA .................................. 15,288 6 3,670 24 11 3,414 22 12Census Geographic DivisionNew Engl<strong>and</strong> .................................. 11,593 5 1,355 12 4 1,000 9 4Middle Atlantic ................................ 32,392 14 3,496 11 11 2,409 7 9East North Central .............................. 36,199 15 5,861 16 18 5,266 15 19West North Central ............................. 15,860 7 3,591 23 11 3,421 22 12South Atlantic ................................. 46,417 19 6,163 13 19 4,254 9 15East South Central .............................. 14,206 6 2,444 17 7 2,274 16 8West South Central ............................. 27,195 11 4,298 16 13 3,760 14 14Mountain ..................................... 17,013 7 2,586 15 8 2,499 15 9Pacific ....................................... 38,438 16 3,319 9 10 2,663 7 10Age16 to 17 years ................................. 7,652 3 942 12 3 766 10 318 to 24 years ................................. 26,517 11 2,668 10 8 2,228 8 825 to 34 years ................................. 41,613 17 6,133 15 19 5,250 13 1935 to 44 years ................................. 40,779 17 5,962 15 18 4,923 12 1845 to 54 years ................................. 46,167 19 7,428 16 22 6,131 13 2255 to 64 years ................................. 38,469 16 5,886 15 18 4,993 13 1865 years <strong>and</strong> older .............................. 38,117 16 4,093 11 12 3,255 9 1265 to 74 years ............................... 22,655 9 3,051 13 9 2,415 11 975 <strong>and</strong> older ................................. 15,461 6 1,042 7 3 840 5 3SexMale ........................................ 114,705 48 24,226 21 73 20,359 18 74Female ....................................... 124,608 52 8,885 7 27 7,188 6 26EthnicityHispanic ..................................... 32,557 14 1,675 5 5 1,267 4 5Non-Hispanic ................................. 206,756 86 31,436 15 95 26,280 13 95RaceWhite ........................................ 182,872 76 28,560 16 86 23,995 13 87African American .............................. 23,402 10 2,286 10 7 1,750 7 6Asian American ................................ 11,647 5 733 6 2 472 4 2<strong>All</strong> others ..................................... 21,392 9 1,533 7 5 1,331 6 5Annual Household IncomeLess than $20,000 .............................. 30,550 13 3,266 11 10 2,677 9 10$20,000 to $24,999 ............................. 12,713 5 1,573 12 5 1,421 11 5$25,000 to $29,999 ............................. 10,441 4 1,364 13 4 1,132 11 4$30,000 to $34,999 ............................. 11,504 5 1,444 13 4 1,190 10 4$35,000 to $39,999 ............................. 11,441 5 1,521 13 5 1,276 11 5$40,000 to $49,999 ............................. 17,091 7 2,721 16 8 2,412 14 9$50,000 to $74,999 ............................. 33,850 14 5,851 17 18 5,000 15 18$75,000 to $99,999 ............................. 25,236 11 4,848 19 15 4,182 17 15$100,000 to $149,999 ........................... 23,790 10 4,131 17 12 3,366 14 12$150,000 or more .............................. 17,151 7 2,722 16 8 2,047 12 7Not reported .................................. 45,545 19 3,671 8 11 2,845 6 10Education11 years or less ................................ 31,574 13 3,705 12 11 3,062 10 1112 years ...................................... 81,984 34 10,503 13 32 8,766 11 321 to 3 years <strong>of</strong> college ........................... 55,014 23 8,495 15 26 7,331 13 274 years <strong>of</strong> college .............................. 42,552 18 6,342 15 19 5,324 13 195 years or more <strong>of</strong> college ........................ 28,188 12 4,068 14 12 3,064 11 11See footnotes at end <strong>of</strong> table.PercentU.S. Fish <strong>and</strong> <strong>Wildlife</strong> Service <strong>and</strong> U.S. Census Bureau 2011 <strong>National</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Fishing</strong>, <strong>Hunting</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Wildlife</strong>-Associated Recreation 63

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