National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife ... - All About Birds

National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife ... - All About Birds

National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife ... - All About Birds


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Table 8. Selected Characteristics <strong>of</strong> Anglers <strong>and</strong> Hunters: 2011(Population 16 years old <strong>and</strong> older. Numbers in thous<strong>and</strong>s)CharacteristicU.S. population Sportspersons (fished or hunted) Fished onlyNumber Percent NumberPercent whoparticipated Percent NumberPercent whoparticipatedTotal persons .................................. 239,313 100 37,397 16 100 23,714 10 100Population Density <strong>of</strong> ResidenceUrban ....................................... 180,723 76 21,989 12 59 16,184 9 68Rural ....................................... 58,589 24 15,407 26 41 7,530 13 32Population Size <strong>of</strong> ResidenceMetropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) .............. 224,025 94 32,747 15 88 21,824 10 921,000,000 or more ........................... 127,462 53 13,733 11 37 10,366 8 44250,000 to 999,999 .......................... 48,157 20 7,777 16 21 5,403 11 2350,000 to 249,999 ........................... 48,406 20 11,238 23 30 6,055 13 26Outside MSA ................................. 15,288 6 4,649 30 12 1,890 12 8Census Geographic DivisionNew Engl<strong>and</strong> ................................. 11,593 5 1,441 12 4 1,021 9 4Middle Atlantic ............................... 32,392 14 3,966 12 11 2,408 7 10East North Central ............................. 36,199 15 6,766 19 18 4,078 11 17West North Central ............................ 15,860 7 3,980 25 11 2,320 15 10South Atlantic ................................ 46,417 19 6,749 15 18 4,871 10 21East South Central ............................. 14,206 6 3,010 21 8 1,479 10 6West South Central ............................ 27,195 11 4,855 18 13 2,946 11 12Mountain .................................... 17,013 7 2,976 17 8 1,933 11 8Pacific ...................................... 38,438 16 3,654 10 10 2,658 7 11Age16 to 17 years ................................ 7,652 3 1,103 14 3 685 9 318 to 24 years ................................ 26,517 11 2,886 11 8 1,597 6 725 to 34 years ................................ 41,613 17 6,750 16 18 4,671 11 2035 to 44 years ................................ 40,779 17 6,723 16 18 4,299 11 1845 to 54 years ................................ 46,167 19 8,365 18 22 5,222 11 2255 to 64 years ................................ 38,469 16 6,886 18 18 4,043 11 1765 years <strong>and</strong> older ............................. 38,117 16 4,684 12 13 3,196 8 1365 to 74 years .............................. 22,655 9 3,506 15 9 2,285 10 1075 <strong>and</strong> older ................................ 15,461 6 1,177 8 3 911 6 4SexMale, total ................................... 114,705 48 28,093 24 75 15,867 14 6716 to 17 years .............................. 3,922 2 839 21 2 510 13 218 to 24 years .............................. 12,909 5 2,160 17 6 1,145 9 525 to 34 years .............................. 20,350 9 4,720 23 13 2,934 14 1235 to 44 years .............................. 19,738 8 5,081 26 14 2,837 14 1245 to 54 years .............................. 22,426 9 6,163 27 16 3,411 15 1455 to 64 years .............................. 18,252 8 5,418 30 14 2,704 15 1165 years <strong>and</strong> older ........................... 17,108 7 3,711 22 10 2,326 14 1065 to 74 years ............................ 10,832 5 2,808 26 8 1,675 15 775 <strong>and</strong> older .............................. 6,276 3 903 14 2 651 10 3Female, total ................................. 124,608 52 9,304 7 25 7,846 6 3316 to 17 years .............................. 3,730 2 264 7 1 175 5 118 to 24 years .............................. 13,608 6 726 5 2 453 3 225 to 34 years .............................. 21,263 9 2,030 10 5 1,736 8 735 to 44 years .............................. 21,041 9 1,642 8 4 1,463 7 645 to 54 years .............................. 23,741 10 2,202 9 6 1,811 8 855 to 64 years .............................. 20,216 8 1,467 7 4 1,339 7 665 years <strong>and</strong> older ........................... 21,008 9 973 5 3 870 4 465 to 74 years ............................ 11,824 5 699 6 2 611 5 375 <strong>and</strong> older .............................. 9,185 4 274 3 1 260 3 1EthnicityHispanic .................................... 32,557 14 1,793 6 5 1,522 5 6Non-Hispanic ................................ 206,756 86 35,603 17 95 22,192 11 94RaceWhite ....................................... 182,872 76 32,706 18 87 19,846 11 84African American ............................. 23,402 10 2,341 10 6 1,928 8 8Asian American ............................... 11,647 5 737 6 2 710 6 3<strong>All</strong> others .................................... 21,392 9 1,612 8 4 1,230 6 5Annual Household IncomeLess than $20,000 ............................. 30,550 13 3,610 12 10 2,619 9 11$20,000 to $24,999 ............................ 12,713 5 1,748 14 5 1,215 10 5$25,000 to $29,999 ............................ 10,441 4 1,481 14 4 986 9 4$30,000 to $34,999 ............................ 11,504 5 1,648 14 4 1,092 9 5$35,000 to $39,999 ............................ 11,441 5 1,714 15 5 1,108 10 5$40,000 to $49,999 ............................ 17,091 7 3,085 18 8 1,956 11 8$50,000 to $74,999 ............................ 33,850 14 6,725 20 18 4,114 12 17$75,000 to $99,999 ............................ 25,236 11 5,517 22 15 3,138 12 13$100,000 to $149,999 .......................... 23,790 10 4,799 20 13 2,868 12 12$150,000 or more ............................. 17,151 7 2,940 17 8 2,079 12 9Not reported ................................. 45,545 19 4,131 9 11 2,540 6 11Education11 years or less ............................... 31,574 13 4,225 13 11 2,743 9 1212 years ..................................... 81,984 34 12,329 15 33 7,346 9 311 to 3 years <strong>of</strong> college .......................... 55,014 23 9,486 17 25 5,976 11 254 years <strong>of</strong> college ............................. 42,552 18 6,995 16 19 4,548 11 195 years or more <strong>of</strong> college ....................... 28,188 12 4,361 15 12 3,101 11 13See footnotes at end <strong>of</strong> table.U.S. Fish <strong>and</strong> <strong>Wildlife</strong> Service <strong>and</strong> U.S. Census Bureau 2011 <strong>National</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Fishing</strong>, <strong>Hunting</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Wildlife</strong>-Associated Recreation 61Percent

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