National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife ... - All About Birds

National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife ... - All About Birds

National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife ... - All About Birds


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2001–2011 Comparison <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wildlife</strong>-Watching ParticipationComparing 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2011 wildlifewatchingmeasures finds no statisticallysignificant change in the number <strong>of</strong>total participants, days, or expenditures.The increase in people photographingwildlife around the home waspartially balanced by the decrease inpeople feeding wildlife. Away-fromhomeobservers <strong>and</strong> feeders decreasedin number, but not enough to affectoverall away-from-home wildlifewatching. The number <strong>of</strong> days <strong>of</strong> awayfrom-homewildlife watching did notchange for any category. Similarly, theamount spent for wildlife watching wasstable for all categories in 2006 <strong>and</strong>2011.From 2001 to 2011 the number <strong>of</strong>participants increased 9 percent. <strong>All</strong>categories <strong>of</strong> around-the-home wildlifewatching increased or stayedlevel, led by the 82 percent increase inphotographing wildlife. Overall awayfrom-homewildlife watching participantnumbers stayed level, with theincrease in photographers somewhatcountered by the decrease in feedingwildlife. Similarly, the overall number<strong>of</strong> away-from-home days did notsignificantly change, with the increasein photographing days <strong>and</strong> decreasein feeding days roughly balancingeach other. Trip-related expendituresincreased significantly, but not enoughto propel overall expenditures significantlyhigher. Equipment purchases, thelargest component <strong>of</strong> wildlife-watchingexpenditures, did not increase ordecrease significantly.Number <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wildlife</strong> Watchers(Millions)Days <strong>of</strong> Away-From-Home<strong>Wildlife</strong> Watching(Millions)<strong>Wildlife</strong>-Watching Expenditures(Billions <strong>of</strong> 2011 dollars)48.851.154.966.171.1 71.8372352336200120062011200120062011200120062011U.S. Fish <strong>and</strong> <strong>Wildlife</strong> Service <strong>and</strong> U.S. Census Bureau 2011 <strong>National</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Fishing</strong>, <strong>Hunting</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Wildlife</strong>-Associated Recreation 51

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