National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife ... - All About Birds

National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife ... - All About Birds

National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife ... - All About Birds


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Education, Race, <strong>and</strong> Ethnicity <strong>of</strong>Around-The-Home ParticipantsLooking at the educational background<strong>of</strong> participants, it was found that therate <strong>of</strong> participation in around-thehomewildlife watching increased withthe increase in educational attainment.The highest participation rate wasamong recreationists with 5 years ormore <strong>of</strong> college, 43 percent. They madeup 18 percent <strong>of</strong> all around-the-homewildlife watchers. The lowest participationrate, 17 percent, was among peoplewith 11 years or less <strong>of</strong> education—8 percent <strong>of</strong> all participants. Recreationistswith 12 years <strong>of</strong> education,30 percent <strong>of</strong> all around-the-homeparticipants, had a participation rate<strong>of</strong> 25 percent. Participants with 1 to3 years <strong>of</strong> college, 22 percent <strong>of</strong> allparticipants, had a participation rate <strong>of</strong>28 percent. Recreationists with 4 years<strong>of</strong> college, 23 percent <strong>of</strong> all participants,had a participation rate <strong>of</strong>36 percent.A wide range <strong>of</strong> participation rateswere found among the different races<strong>and</strong> ethnic groups. <strong>About</strong> 34 percent<strong>of</strong> the White population engaged inAround-The-HomeParticipants by Education,Race, <strong>and</strong> Ethnicity(In millions)Total participants. . . . . . . . . 68.6Education11 years <strong>of</strong> less ......... 5.412 years ............... 20.31 to 3 years <strong>of</strong> college .... 15.34 years <strong>of</strong> college ....... 15.55 years or more <strong>of</strong> college. 12.1RaceWhite ................. 62.5African American ....... 2.6Asian American ......... 1.0Other ................. 2.6EthnicityHispanic .............. 3.4Non-Hispanic .......... 65.2Percent <strong>of</strong> Around-The-Home <strong>Wildlife</strong> Watchers by Education(Total: 68.6 million participants)11 years or less8%12 years30%5 years or more <strong>of</strong> college18%4 years <strong>of</strong> college23%1 to 3 years <strong>of</strong> college22%Percent <strong>of</strong> U.S. Population Who Participated Around-The-Home by Education11 years or less 17%12 years1 to 3 years <strong>of</strong> college4 years <strong>of</strong> college5 years or more<strong>of</strong> college25%28%Percent <strong>of</strong> Around-The-Home <strong>Wildlife</strong> Watchers by Race(Total: 68.6 million participants)Other 4%Asian American 1%African American 4%36%Percent <strong>of</strong> U.S. Population Who Participated Around-The-Home by EthnicityNon-Hispanic 32%Hispanic10%White 91%43%Source: Table 42.U.S. Fish <strong>and</strong> <strong>Wildlife</strong> Service <strong>and</strong> U.S. Census Bureau 2011 <strong>National</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Fishing</strong>, <strong>Hunting</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Wildlife</strong>-Associated Recreation 43

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