National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife ... - All About Birds

National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife ... - All About Birds

National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife ... - All About Birds


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In the 1991 <strong>Survey</strong>, an attempt wasmade to contact every sample personin all three detailed interview waves.In 1996, 2001, 2006, <strong>and</strong> 2011respondents who were interviewedin the first detailed interview wavewere not contacted again until thethird wave (unless they were part <strong>of</strong>the other subsample, i.e., a respondentin both the sportsperson <strong>and</strong> wildlifewatching subsamples could be in thefirst <strong>and</strong> third wave <strong>of</strong> sportspersoninterviewing <strong>and</strong> the second <strong>and</strong> thirdwave <strong>of</strong> wildlife watching interviewing).Also, all interviews in thesecond wave were conducted only bytelephone. In-person interviews wereonly conducted in the first <strong>and</strong> thirdwaves. The 2011 wave 3 screen phasewas composed <strong>of</strong> both telephone <strong>and</strong>in-person interviews.Section I. Important InstrumentChanges in the 1996 <strong>Survey</strong>1. The 1991 <strong>Survey</strong> collectedinformation on all wildlife-relatedrecreation purchases made byparticipants without reference towhere the purchase was made. The1996 <strong>Survey</strong> asked in which statethe purchase was made.2. In 1991, respondents were askedwhat kind <strong>of</strong> fishing they did, i.e.,Great Lakes, other freshwater, orsaltwater, <strong>and</strong> then were askedin what states they fished. In1996, respondents were asked inwhich states they fished <strong>and</strong> thenwere asked what kind <strong>of</strong> fishingthey did. This method had theadvantage <strong>of</strong> not asking about, forexample, saltwater fishing whenthey only fished in a noncoastalstate.3. In 1991, respondents were askedhow many days they “actually”hunted or fished for a particulartype <strong>of</strong> game or fish <strong>and</strong> then howmany days they “chiefly” huntedor fished for the same type <strong>of</strong>game or fish rather than anothertype <strong>of</strong> game or fish. To get totaldays <strong>of</strong> hunting or fishing for aparticular type <strong>of</strong> game or fish, the“actually” day response was used,while to get the sum <strong>of</strong> all days <strong>of</strong>hunting or fishing, the “chiefly”days were summed. In 1996,respondents were asked their totaldays <strong>of</strong> hunting or fishing in thecountry <strong>and</strong> each state, then howmany days they hunted or fishedfor a particular type <strong>of</strong> game orfish.4. Trip-related <strong>and</strong> equipment expenditurecategories were not the samefor all <strong>Survey</strong>s. “Guide fee” <strong>and</strong>“Pack trip or package fee” weretwo separate trip-related expenditureitems in 1991, while they werecombined into one category inthe 1996 <strong>Survey</strong>. “Boating costs”was added to the 1996 hunting<strong>and</strong> wildlife-watching trip-relatedexpenditure sections. “Heating<strong>and</strong> cooking fuel” was added toall <strong>of</strong> the trip-related expendituresections. “Spearfishing equipment”was moved from a separatecategory to the “other” list. “Rods”<strong>and</strong> “Reels” were two separatecategories in 1991 but werecombined in 1996. “Lines, hooks,sinkers, etc.” was one categoryin 1991 but split into “Lines” <strong>and</strong>“Hooks, sinkers, etc.” in 1996.“Food used to feed other wildlife”was added to the wildlife-watchingequipment section, “Boats” <strong>and</strong>“Cabins” were added to thewildlife-watching special equipmentsection, <strong>and</strong> “L<strong>and</strong> leasing<strong>and</strong> ownership” was added to thewildlife-watching expendituressection.5. Questions asking sportspersons ifthey participated as much as theywanted were added in 1996. If thesportspersons said no, they wereasked why not.6. The 1991 <strong>Survey</strong> includedquestions about participation inorganized fishing competitions;anglers using bows <strong>and</strong> arrows,nets or seines, or spearfishing;hunters using pistols or h<strong>and</strong>guns<strong>and</strong> target shooting in preparationfor hunting. These questions werenot asked in 1996.7. The 1996 <strong>Survey</strong> included questionsabout catch <strong>and</strong> releasefishing <strong>and</strong> persons with disabilitiesparticipating in wildliferelatedrecreation. These questionswere not part <strong>of</strong> the 1991 <strong>Survey</strong>.8. The 1991 <strong>Survey</strong> included questionsabout average distancetraveled to recreation sites. Thesequestions were not included in the1996 <strong>Survey</strong>.9. The 1996 <strong>Survey</strong> includedquestions about the last trip therespondent took. Included werequestions about the type <strong>of</strong> trip,where the activity took place, <strong>and</strong>the distance <strong>and</strong> direction to thesite visited. These questions werenot asked in 1991.10. The 1991 <strong>Survey</strong> collected dataon hunting, fishing, <strong>and</strong> wildlifewatching by U.S. residentsin Canada. The 1996 <strong>Survey</strong>collected data on fishing <strong>and</strong> wildlife-watchingby U.S. residents inCanada.Section II. Important instrumentchanges in the 2001 <strong>Survey</strong>1. The 1991 <strong>and</strong> 1996 single racecategory “Asian or PacificIsl<strong>and</strong>er” was changed to twocategories “Asian” <strong>and</strong> “NativeHawaiian or Other PacificIsl<strong>and</strong>er”. In 1991 <strong>and</strong> 1996, therespondent was required to pickonly one category, while in 2001the respondent could pick anycombination <strong>of</strong> categories. Thenext question stipulated that therespondent could only be identifiedwith one category <strong>and</strong> then askedwhat that category was.2. The 1991 <strong>and</strong> 1996 l<strong>and</strong> leasing<strong>and</strong> ownership sections asked therespondent to combine the twotypes <strong>of</strong> l<strong>and</strong> use into one <strong>and</strong> givetotal acreage <strong>and</strong> expenditures. In2001, the two types <strong>of</strong> l<strong>and</strong> usewere explored separately.3. The 1991 <strong>and</strong> 1996 wildlifewatchingsections included questionson birdwatching for aroundthe-homeparticipants only. The2001 <strong>Survey</strong> added a question onbirdwatching for away-from-homeparticipants. Also, questions on theuse <strong>of</strong> birding life lists <strong>and</strong> howmany species the respondent canidentify were added.4. “Recreational vehicles” was addedto the sportspersons <strong>and</strong> wildlifewatchersspecial equipmentsection. “House trailer” was addedto the sportspersons special equipmentsection.5. Total personal income was askedin the detailed phase <strong>of</strong> the 1996<strong>Survey</strong>. This was changed to totalU.S. Fish <strong>and</strong> <strong>Wildlife</strong> Service <strong>and</strong> U.S. Census Bureau 2011 <strong>National</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Fishing</strong>, <strong>Hunting</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Wildlife</strong>-Associated Recreation 111

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