Annual Report to Members 2009 - Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Annual Report to Members 2009 - Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Annual Report to Members 2009 - Cornell Lab of Ornithology


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<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong><strong>to</strong> <strong>Members</strong> <strong>2009</strong>

A Message from John Fitzpatrick2The <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ornithology</strong> is a dynamichub—a place where more than 250 scientists,staff, and students converge each day <strong>to</strong> pour energy,passion, and expertise in<strong>to</strong> the study and conservation<strong>of</strong> nature.Here inside the Johnson Center for Birds andBiodiversity, people explore the intricacies <strong>of</strong> DNA,delve in<strong>to</strong> the world’s largest archive <strong>of</strong> animal soundsand videos, teach hands-on research techniques <strong>to</strong>students, engineer new technologies <strong>to</strong> study wildlife,analyze hundreds <strong>of</strong> thousands <strong>of</strong> data-records fromcitizen-science participants, and create websites <strong>to</strong>share the beauty and scientific knowledge <strong>of</strong> birdswith millions <strong>of</strong> people.What matters most, though, is what we do beyondthese walls. Our impact extends all over theworld, in<strong>to</strong> classrooms, homes, libraries—in<strong>to</strong> urbanneighborhoods and remote wilderness from PapuaNew Guinea, <strong>to</strong> Peru, <strong>to</strong> the depths <strong>of</strong> the oceans. The<strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ornithology</strong>’s family includes millions<strong>of</strong> bird watchers, 200,000 citizen-science participants,and 45,000 donors. We collaborate with partners andstudents <strong>of</strong> all ages, all around the world—peoplebound by love <strong>of</strong> birds and nature, and by commitment<strong>to</strong> do everything possible <strong>to</strong> keep nature intactamidst an onslaught <strong>of</strong> environmental challenges.This annual report highlights waysin which the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ornithology</strong>connects science, education, andconservation with people and wildlifeacross the world—work thatcontinues despite the challengingeconomic times that we and allnonpr<strong>of</strong>it organizations faced thisyear. We have carefully managedour resources and, remarkably,membership in the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Ornithology</strong> actually increasedby 8% during the past year. This is atestament <strong>to</strong> widespread public commitment<strong>to</strong> wildlife—and recognition<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> as a trusted, effectiveorganization that turns your support in<strong>to</strong> realbenefits for birds as well as for people. Thankyou for your continued support in making ourfar-reaching work possible.Sincerely,John W. FitzpatrickLouis Agassiz Fuertes Direc<strong>to</strong>rAbove: A King Bird-<strong>of</strong>-Paradise in NewGuinea. During courtship, the male raisesthe green “disks” <strong>of</strong> his tail above his headand swishes them from side <strong>to</strong> side.Right: Ian Fein (at left) and Eric Liner recordscience in action <strong>to</strong> raise awareness <strong>of</strong> NewGuinea’s unique birds-<strong>of</strong>-paradise.Cover: In a New Guinea rainforest, a maleLesser Bird-<strong>of</strong>-Paradise courts femaleswatching nearby. Seven bird-<strong>of</strong>-paradisespecies were recorded on a recent expeditionled by Ed Scholes <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong>’sMacaulay Library, and rainforest biologist/pho<strong>to</strong>journalist Tim Laman, in their ongoingeffort <strong>to</strong> document all <strong>of</strong> New Guinea’s birds<strong>of</strong>-paradise.Pho<strong>to</strong>s by Tim Laman.Tim Laman

"We bring the voice <strong>of</strong> conservation <strong>to</strong> discussions about how the earth's resources are <strong>to</strong> be used. More and more, companiesare turning <strong>to</strong> us for advice because <strong>of</strong> our commitment <strong>to</strong> biodiversity and our expertise in listening in on theworld’s creatures—moni<strong>to</strong>ring animals on land and in the seas."—Chris<strong>to</strong>pher W. Clark, direc<strong>to</strong>r, Bioacoustics Research ProgramChris<strong>to</strong>pher Tessaglia-HymesAndrea Turkalo Protecting Life inthe Seas As energycompanies drill forenergy beneath theocean, they turn <strong>to</strong>the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> <strong>to</strong>help them minimizeharm <strong>to</strong> wildlife. Atleft, our acoustictechnology moni<strong>to</strong>rsmarine mammals,minimizing disruptionand mortality<strong>to</strong> bowhead whales,beluga whales, andwalruses in areasproposed for drilling,and helpingships prevent collisionswith endangeredright whales.Keeping Elephants AliveTo save the lives <strong>of</strong> endangeredforest elephants, <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong>scientists are collaboratingwith the Wildlife ConservationSociety, governmentagencies in Gabon, and thelogging industry <strong>to</strong> controlillegal poaching in forests.The <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong>’s acousticsystem moni<strong>to</strong>rs the sounds<strong>of</strong> elephants and human activitysuch as trespassing andgunshots.Gerrit VynThe State <strong>of</strong> theBirds Produced bythe <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> andpartners, the <strong>2009</strong>State <strong>of</strong> the Birds reportraised nationalawareness <strong>of</strong> theplight <strong>of</strong> birds andresulted in the U.S.Senate’s recommendation<strong>to</strong> increasefunding for endangeredbirds suchas the Akohekohepictured below.Conservation ImpactPercentage <strong>of</strong> U.S. bird speciesfound by the State <strong>of</strong> the Birds report<strong>to</strong> be endangered, threatened, or <strong>of</strong>conservation concern31%Increase in funding for endangeredand threatened species recommendedby U.S. Senate in response <strong>to</strong> the State<strong>of</strong> the Birds report$3 millionCountry with the largest installedwind generation capacity in the worldin 2008United StatesNumber <strong>of</strong> birds and bats affectedby existing wind turbinesUnknownPercentage decline in Sierra MadreSparrows during the last decade80 percentNumber <strong>of</strong> hectares recommendedfor Sierra Madre Sparrow conservation250,000–500,000Number <strong>of</strong> sounds <strong>of</strong> endangeredright whales detected in MassachusettsBay, used <strong>to</strong> avert ship strikes in thepast 12 months18,311Jack Jeffrey5

Connect: Teach students <strong>of</strong> all ages <strong>to</strong> explore and protLifelonglearning.It happens in schoolyardsacross the country as studentsinvestigate birds withthe <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong>’s curricula.In university labs, lecturehalls, and in the field, <strong>Cornell</strong>students work with ourscientists, gaining the skills<strong>to</strong> become leaders in scienceand conservation. Throughworkshops and distancelearningcourses, we teachbiologists, educa<strong>to</strong>rs, andbird enthusiasts around theworld.This year, we broadenedand deepened our educationalimpact, connecting withpeople from all walks <strong>of</strong> life<strong>to</strong> increase the understandingand protection <strong>of</strong> nature.6 Scientists in Training <strong>Cornell</strong> undergraduateCarolyn Sedgwick examinesa chickadee for her study investigatingbehavioral differences between male andfemale chickadees at feeders.Students Cross Boundaries The newCrossing Boundaries program engagesstudents in using GIS and Google Earth<strong>to</strong> analyze biodiversity conservation issuesin Brazil, Mexico, Kenya, and NewYork—and <strong>to</strong> envision career possibilities.Laura EricksonDavid O. Brown Exploration and Discovery In late2008, three recent <strong>Cornell</strong> graduates and aPeruvian colleague mounted an expedition<strong>to</strong> a remote area <strong>of</strong> Peru, returning withnotes on nearly 400 bird species from 43families, including one that may be new<strong>to</strong> science. New Bird Course Goes Online Following up on the popularHome Study Course in Bird Biology, the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> haslaunched a new online course, “Courtship and Rivalry in Birds.”Packed with sounds and videos, the course takes students ona quest <strong>to</strong> understand how birds communicate about the essentials<strong>of</strong> life.Glenn Seeholzer

Connect: See through the eyes <strong>of</strong> bird watchersWhizzing acrossthe Internet,thousands <strong>of</strong> reportsfrom bird watcherspour in<strong>to</strong> the <strong>Cornell</strong><strong>Lab</strong> each day.Our interactive websitesenable bird watchers andscientists <strong>to</strong> see, explore,and analyze these data. Thisyear, hundreds <strong>of</strong> thousands<strong>of</strong> citizen-science participantshelped <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong>researchers connect the birdsin their own backyards <strong>to</strong> reveal thelarger picture <strong>of</strong> bird movements acrossthe hemisphere—and <strong>to</strong> show strikingchanges through time.8Neotropical Birds The new NeotropicalBirds website creates a much-needed,centralized resource about birds fromMexico <strong>to</strong> South America. The websitegathers bird species information fromexperts and showcases images contributedby bird watchers via the NeotropicalBirds Flickr group. Visit www.neotropical.birds.cornell.edu. eBird: Sweeping Views <strong>of</strong> Continent’s Birdlife Scientistsare analyzing millions <strong>of</strong> records from eBird <strong>to</strong> reveal patternsin the continent’s birdlife. The maps below show the relativeabundance <strong>of</strong> Eastern Phoebes in fall (left) and winter (right)using eBird reports, remotely-sensed habitat information, andvariation in detection rates.FallLegend1.

“Citizen science is a multifaceted and exciting way <strong>to</strong> bring people and birds <strong>to</strong>gether for conservation. We collect criticaldata on birds—and form communities <strong>of</strong> learners intent on using their passion <strong>to</strong> discover how birds are affected byenvironmental change and what we might do about it.”—Janis Dickinson, direc<strong>to</strong>r, Citizen ScienceFeederWatchers Document Changes Through Time Datafrom Project FeederWatch participants show that an introducedspecies, the Eurasian Collared-Dove, spread from Florida <strong>to</strong>British Columbia in just seven years, an unprecedented rate.An upcoming article in the journal Ecography examines habitatpreferences and effects on native doves.BirdShare: A Wealth <strong>of</strong> Bird Pho<strong>to</strong>s More than 900 peoplecontributed more than 24,000 pho<strong>to</strong>s <strong>to</strong> Birdshare, the <strong>Cornell</strong><strong>Lab</strong>’s pho<strong>to</strong>-sharing group on Flickr. Many <strong>of</strong> the imagesappear on our websites and species pr<strong>of</strong>iles, including on AllAbout Birds.Citizen Science ImpactNumber <strong>of</strong> scientific papers usingcitizen-science data fromthe <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> since 1997>60Record-breaking number <strong>of</strong> GreatBackyard Bird Count checklists in <strong>2009</strong>93,629Number <strong>of</strong> bird nesting attemptsreported <strong>to</strong> the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> since 199796,140Number <strong>of</strong> NestCam images sortedand labeled by CamClickr participants293,865Number <strong>of</strong> citizen-scienceparticipants in <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> projects200,000Average number <strong>of</strong> birdobservations reported <strong>to</strong>eBird each month1,000,000Number <strong>of</strong> bird observations in theAvian Knowledge Network65,717,5862000LegendAverageflock size03<strong>2009</strong>Pho<strong>to</strong>s, left <strong>to</strong> right: Cuban Tody by Carol Foil; Eastern Phoebe by TrippDavenport; Eurasian Collared-Dove by Judy Howle; Violet-bellied Hummingbirdby Bill Lynch; Dark-eyed (“Oregon”) Junco by Burney Huff9

Connect: Bridge the unknownIn the quest <strong>to</strong> understandnature,<strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> scientistsuse cutting-edgetechnology <strong>to</strong> revealsecrets hidden in DNA, documentrare wildlife, discoverhow animals communicate,and understand the impac<strong>to</strong>f human activities on ourenvironment.This year, from the forests<strong>of</strong> Papua New Guinea <strong>to</strong> theunderwater world <strong>of</strong>f NewYork City, they brought excitingnew discoveries <strong>to</strong>light. Recordings Unravel Bird Duets In a Costa Rican forest, postdoc<strong>to</strong>ral researcherDaniel Mennill used an array <strong>of</strong> microphones <strong>to</strong> record duets between Rufous-andwhiteWrens simultaneously on<strong>to</strong> separate channels <strong>of</strong> a sound file. Mennill and<strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> scientist Sandra Vehrencamp published results deciphering the complexvocal interactions between male and female wrens. Expedition Yields Rare Footage <strong>of</strong> Birds-<strong>of</strong>-Paradise On a recent New Guineaexpedition, Macaulay Library video cura<strong>to</strong>r Edwin Scholes, pho<strong>to</strong>journalist Tim Laman,and the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong>’s multimedia crew captured new sounds and images <strong>of</strong>several spectacular birds-<strong>of</strong>-paradise. These recordings along with Scholes’s researchwill help scientists understand how these unique birds evolved.Documenting Behaviors <strong>of</strong> an Imperiled Species A <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> team recordedrare high-definition video and surround-sound <strong>of</strong> Gunnison Sage-Grouse in Colorado.Fewer than 4,000 <strong>of</strong> these birds remain. The recordings will aid researchers andeduca<strong>to</strong>rs in studying, protecting, and raising awareness <strong>of</strong> this imperiled species.Whip-poor-will Sounds by Moonlight This year, <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> scientists developedsophisticated s<strong>of</strong>tware enabling them <strong>to</strong> collect the most detailed data ever obtainedon how Whip-poor-will activity varies in response <strong>to</strong> moonlight. The technology canbe used <strong>to</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>r Whip-poor-wills and other elusive nocturnal species. Biodiversity through Time Researcher Dan Rabosky and his colleagues at the<strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> have combined math and genetic analyses <strong>to</strong> trace the way diversegroups such as Australian skinks, dia<strong>to</strong>ms, and warblers have evolved throughtime.10Pho<strong>to</strong>s (from <strong>to</strong>p <strong>to</strong> bot<strong>to</strong>m): Dale Morris, Tim Laman, Gerrit Vyn, Michael Drummond, and Dan Rabosky

"Birds have always been spectacular subjects for scientific study, but now we have the <strong>to</strong>ols <strong>to</strong> explore the full breadth <strong>of</strong>their wondrous biology, from their underlying genomes <strong>to</strong> their amazing physiological adaptations <strong>to</strong> their most bizarrebehaviors.”—Irby Lovette, direc<strong>to</strong>r, Evolutionary Biology Program Computational Sustainability <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> scientists are helping <strong>to</strong> advanceanalyses <strong>of</strong> biodiversity data using machine learning and statistical techniques <strong>to</strong>discover patterns in datasets <strong>of</strong> tens <strong>of</strong> millions <strong>of</strong> bird observations. The effort ispart <strong>of</strong> a national collaboration funded by NSF <strong>to</strong> use computational methods forbalancing environmental, economic, and societal needs for a sustainable future. Using Science <strong>to</strong> Help Save a Species Work on the Florida Scrub-Jay completedits 40th year, with hundreds <strong>of</strong> individual jays banded and their pedigreesdocumented many generations back. <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> scientists are studying the role <strong>of</strong>wildfire in sustaining critical habitat, and they are investigating how disease, includingWest Nile virus and encephalitis, influences the population trajec<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> thisthreatened species. Mercury Contamination and Birds Many people may know that mercury levelsare high in fish-eating birds, but mercury rains down upon forests as well. With supportfrom the Leon Levy Foundation, <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> scientists are developing a model<strong>of</strong> mercury contamination in New York forests and identifying regions and birds athigh risk, including Wood Thrushes and Red-eyed Vireos. New Twist in Finch Disease S<strong>to</strong>ry With the help <strong>of</strong> citizen-science participants,<strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> scientists have studied the dynamics <strong>of</strong> House Finch eye diseasesince its emergence 15 years ago. In a new twist, they recently found that AmericanGoldfinches play a role by transmitting the disease <strong>to</strong> House Finches, even when thegoldfinches show no symp<strong>to</strong>ms.Research ImpactGrants and contracts awarded <strong>to</strong>the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> in 2008–09$7,216,947Number <strong>of</strong> scientific publications in2008–09>130Number <strong>of</strong> digital recordings <strong>of</strong>animals in the Macaulay Library archive94,000Records that can be analyzed usingnew information science techniques1,200 environmentalvariables,50,000 locations,50 million observationsHours <strong>of</strong> marine recordingscollected in 2008–09474,552Number <strong>of</strong> years considered inbiodiversity study <strong>of</strong> dia<strong>to</strong>ms40 million Revealing the Lives <strong>of</strong> Urban Whales In the first ever marine acoustic study<strong>of</strong>f the coast <strong>of</strong> New York State, <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> scientists detected a blue whale, finwhales, humpback whales, and right whales near New York City. This project willprovide crucial information on the use <strong>of</strong> these very busy waters by endangeredmarine mammals so regula<strong>to</strong>rs can make informed decisions about the human uses<strong>of</strong> these areas.Pho<strong>to</strong>s (<strong>to</strong>p <strong>to</strong> bot<strong>to</strong>m): Daniel Fink, Laura Erickson, Chris<strong>to</strong>pher Wood, Timothy M. Johnson, NOAA. Right: Western Bluebird by Donald Metzner11

Connect: Share the knowledge and wonder <strong>of</strong> birdsBeautiful and fascinating,birds connect peoplewith nature in every part <strong>of</strong>the world.Your support enables us <strong>to</strong> share thescientific knowledge and wonder <strong>of</strong>birds with millions <strong>of</strong> people. Whetherthey peruse our updated All About Birdswebsite, watch our new “Inside Birding”video series, or hear the sounds <strong>of</strong> birdsin our “singing books,” we hope thateach experienceleads <strong>to</strong>a greater understandingand appreciation<strong>of</strong> birdsand biodiversity. All About Birds, a Wealth <strong>of</strong> Sights,Sounds, and Expertise Online The <strong>Cornell</strong><strong>Lab</strong>’s new All About Birds website ispacked with bird pho<strong>to</strong>s, sounds, video,and advice from our experts. Watch our“Inside Birding” video series. Read RoundRobin, the <strong>Cornell</strong> Blog <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ornithology</strong>.Send a question <strong>to</strong> science edi<strong>to</strong>r LauraErickson. Or browse Living Bird multimedia,our popular “Building Skills” section,and more than 500 bird species pr<strong>of</strong>iles. New Gadgets Find Birds, ExplainBirds, Sing Like Birds The “BirdsEye”Apple iPhone and iPod <strong>to</strong>uch applicationuses <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> sounds, Google maps,and recent eBird reports <strong>to</strong> help peoplefind the birds they want <strong>to</strong> see. New booksand greeting cards open up <strong>to</strong> play birdsounds from the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong>’s MacaulayLibrary so you can see and hear the birdsas you ID them. Our latest book literallyanswers your questions. BirdScope edi<strong>to</strong>rLaura Erickson wrote the Bird WatchingAnswer Book <strong>to</strong> address some <strong>of</strong> the mostfunny, intriguing, and frequently askedquestions we have received frommembers and citizen-scienceparticipants via email and theAll About Birds website.12Long-billed Curlew by Mike Baird

"Birds are nature’s most enjoyable and accessible window in<strong>to</strong> how she works. Our passion at the <strong>Lab</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ornithology</strong> is<strong>to</strong> share this window with everyone and anyone, <strong>of</strong> whatever age or pr<strong>of</strong>ession, who cares <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p for a moment and takea look."—John Fitzpatrick, direc<strong>to</strong>r, <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ornithology</strong> Reaching Communities Far and Wide This year, wereached out <strong>to</strong> our local community with more bird walks,events, and exhibits. In our first-ever Young Birders event, wealso brought 10 teenagers from around the country <strong>to</strong> connectwith our researchers and staff and get a hands-on view <strong>of</strong> careersin science, conservation, and education. Our CelebrateUrban Birds program connected with communities around thenation through mini-grants, enabling them <strong>to</strong> <strong>of</strong>fer meaningfulactivities <strong>to</strong> youth groups, rehabilitation groups, seniors,and others. Our staff and scientists collaborated with MayaLin, crea<strong>to</strong>r <strong>of</strong> the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, on her newsculpture, “What is Missing?” The sculpture features soundsand video <strong>of</strong> endangered animals from the Macaulay Library<strong>to</strong> raise awareness <strong>of</strong> the extinction crisis and opportunities forhabitat conservation. The sculpture, unveiled at the CaliforniaAcademy <strong>of</strong> Sciences, is the first installment in a series thatwill reach people around the globe.At left (clockwise from <strong>to</strong>p), International Migra<strong>to</strong>ry Bird Day; birdart by participants in Celebrate Urban Birds; <strong>2009</strong> Young Birdersevent; Maya Lin's sculpture, "What is Missing?" <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> Buzz The <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong>’s work for birds andbiodiversity was covered by thousands <strong>of</strong> articles, radio shows,television stations, and websites worldwide this year. Our scientistsare always willing <strong>to</strong> give their voice on behalf <strong>of</strong> wildlife,helping <strong>to</strong> raise awareness among the general public aboutthe most pressing conservation issues—as well as the thrill <strong>of</strong>scientific discovery and exploration <strong>of</strong> nature.Outreach ImpactNumber <strong>of</strong> media articles aboutthe <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong>’s work in 2008–09>1,600Number <strong>of</strong> visi<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>to</strong> SapsuckerWoods Sanctuary in 200864,547Number <strong>of</strong> requests for CelebrateUrban Birds kits70,000Percentage <strong>of</strong> Celebrate UrbanBirds participants who are ethnically/culturally underrepresented oreconomically disadvantaged80%Number <strong>of</strong> books sold in <strong>Cornell</strong><strong>Lab</strong>’s Bird Songs series>250,000Number <strong>of</strong> IP addresses with access<strong>to</strong> The Birds <strong>of</strong> North America Online15,940,000Number <strong>of</strong> <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> web pageviews in 2008>52 millionAt left, Bob Simon from CBS’s “60 Minutes” interviews researcher MyaThompson about the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong>’s Elephant Listening Project.Pho<strong>to</strong> credits: Top collage (clockwise from <strong>to</strong>p), Susan Spear; bird art courtesy<strong>of</strong> Celebrate Urban Birds; Ellen Shershow Peña; Tim Lenz. Bot<strong>to</strong>m left pho<strong>to</strong>,Diane Tessaglia-Hymes. Bot<strong>to</strong>m right pho<strong>to</strong>, Lewis’s Woodpecker by Pam Koch.13

The <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> Connects with <strong>Members</strong>Despite the challenging times in our country, the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ornithology</strong>’s membershipprospered and grew over the past year. When faced with the worst financialcrisis <strong>of</strong> our times, you reaffirmed your connections with us—your love for birds, yourcommitment <strong>to</strong> science, and your belief in education. On behalf <strong>of</strong> all <strong>of</strong> my colleagues,thank you for being a special supporter <strong>of</strong> a unique and important organization.Since my arrival last year, we have tried many ways <strong>of</strong> connecting with you. Wehave held small and large events across the country, spoken with donors on a daily basis,and created new surveys <strong>to</strong> learn the hopes and interests <strong>of</strong> our newest members. (Wewill be launching membership surveys soon as well—please watch for them by email orpostal mail.)We also launched a monthly member eNewsletter this year, and provided new onlinedonation forms. If you haven’t been receiving <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> eNews with bird songrecordings, videos, and program updates, you can subscribe for free simply by enteringyour email address in the box on our home page at www.birds.cornell.edu. As always,we also listen <strong>to</strong> and respond <strong>to</strong> thousands <strong>of</strong> members who contact us by sending email<strong>to</strong> cornellbirds@cornell.edu.Recently we launched a new Golden-wing Society for donors and a new travel program<strong>to</strong> respond <strong>to</strong> your requests for more engagement and birding opportunities. Yoursupport allows the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> <strong>to</strong> flourish—thank you.Sincerely,Sean ScanlonSenior Direc<strong>to</strong>r, Development and Philanthropy(607) 254-1105; sbs259@cornell.eduEstate Planning:A Lasting LegacyIt’s easy <strong>to</strong> include the <strong>Lab</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ornithology</strong>in your estate plans, especially througha bequest or life income agreement. Tomake a bequest through your will, simplyinclude the following language: “Igive and bequeath the sum <strong>of</strong> $ _ (or__ % <strong>of</strong> my residuary estate) <strong>to</strong> <strong>Cornell</strong>University for the <strong>Lab</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ornithology</strong> <strong>to</strong>be used in support <strong>of</strong> its charitable purposes.”Doing so can perpetuate yourinterest in birds and support <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Lab</strong>forever.We would be honored <strong>to</strong> talk with youabout these important issues, enablingyou <strong>to</strong> fulfill your commitments <strong>to</strong> yourfamily, bird study, and conservation. Tolearn more about estate planning opportunities<strong>to</strong> benefit you and the <strong>Lab</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Ornithology</strong>, please call Scott Sutcliffeat 607-254-2424 or Sean Scanlonat 607-254-1105. The <strong>Lab</strong> is pleased <strong>to</strong>acknowledge such friends as members<strong>of</strong> the Sapsucker Woods Society (see lis<strong>to</strong>n page 21).14Golden-winged Warbler by Sabine Freiermuth

“I support the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> because I can see the results: More peopleconnecting with science and nature, whether through citizen-scienceinvolvement, curricula for children, or emotionally powerful art exhibits,such as the recent collaboration with Maya Lin <strong>to</strong> raise theawareness <strong>of</strong> extinction and opportunities for conservation.”—Joan Brenchley-Jackson, <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> memberFrom left <strong>to</strong> right, <strong>Lab</strong>member Joan Brenchley-Jackson, artist Maya Lin,and <strong>Lab</strong> direc<strong>to</strong>r JohnFitzpatrick sitting at theedge <strong>of</strong> Lin’s sculpture,“What is Missing?” after itsunveiling at the CaliforniaAcademy <strong>of</strong> Sciences.Behind them, in the tip <strong>of</strong>the cone, sounds and video<strong>of</strong> endangered wildlife fromthe <strong>Lab</strong>’s Macaulay Libraryplay out. As the soundsreverberate and dis<strong>to</strong>rtalong the passageway, theyevoke the dimming hopesfor endangered speciesas well as the fact thatthey’re not yet entirelyout <strong>of</strong> our reach.15Ellen Shershow PeÑa

Administrative board, program direc<strong>to</strong>rs, and faculty<strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ornithology</strong> Administrative BoardProgram Direc<strong>to</strong>rs and FacultyEdward W. Rose (Chairman);President and Owner, Cardinal Investment CompanyEllen G. Adelson, Social Worker in private practice (<strong>Cornell</strong> '58)Philip H. Bartels, Partner, Holland, Kaufmann & Bartels, LLC(<strong>Cornell</strong> '71)Robert B. Berry, Retired CEO, U.S. Liability Insurance CompaniesScott V. Edwards, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, Organismic and Evolutionary Biology,Harvard UniversityWilliam T. Ellison, CEO and Chief Scientist, Marine Acoustics, Inc.Vic<strong>to</strong>r L. Emanuel, Direc<strong>to</strong>r, Vic<strong>to</strong>r Emanuel Nature ToursRussell B. Faucett, General Partner, Barring<strong>to</strong>n PartnersJohn H. Foote, Co-founder, TransCore (<strong>Cornell</strong> '74)Alan J. Friedman, Ph.D, Consultant, Museum Development andScience CommunicationH. Laurance Fuller, Retired Co-chairman, BP Amoco p.l.c. (<strong>Cornell</strong> '61)Ronald R. Hoy* (Ex-<strong>of</strong>ficio); Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, Neurobiology and Behavior,<strong>Cornell</strong> UniversityImogene P. Johnson, Civic Leader, Conservationist,S. C. Johnson Company (<strong>Cornell</strong> '52)Eric J. Jolly, President, Science Museums <strong>of</strong> MinnesotaAustin H. Kiplinger, Chairman, Kiplinger Washing<strong>to</strong>n Edi<strong>to</strong>rs(<strong>Cornell</strong> '39)Kathryn M. Kiplinger, Co-head, U.S. Corporate Banking, Scotia Capital(The Bank <strong>of</strong> Nova Scotia) (<strong>Cornell</strong> '77)David S. Litman, Consumer Club, Inc. (<strong>Cornell</strong> BA '79, JD '82)Linda R. Macaulay, <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ornithology</strong> Research Associate,Birdsong RecordistClaudia Madrazo de Hernández, Founder and Direc<strong>to</strong>r,La Vaca IndependienteEdwin H. Morgens, Founder and Chairman, Morgens, Waterfall,Vintiadis, & Co. Inc. (<strong>Cornell</strong> '63)Wendy J. Paulson, Chairman, RareLeigh H. Perkins, President and CEO, The Orvis Company, Inc.H. Charles Price, Chairman, H. C. Price CompanyElizabeth T. Rawlings, Writer and Transla<strong>to</strong>r, Civic LeaderEduardo F. Santana Castellón, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor,University <strong>of</strong> Guadalajara, MexicoJulia M. Schnuck, Conservationist, Civic Leader (<strong>Cornell</strong> '70)Robert F. Schumann, Trustee and Chairman,Schumann Center for Media and DemocracyCarol U. Sisler, Author, Conservationist, Civic LeaderJennifer P. Speers, Conservationist, PhilanthropistJoseph H. Williams, Direc<strong>to</strong>r and Retired Chairman,The Williams Companies, Inc.David W. Winkler* (Ex-<strong>of</strong>ficio), Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, Ecology and Systematics,<strong>Cornell</strong> UniversityJohn Fitzpatrick*, Louis Agassiz Fuertes Direc<strong>to</strong>r and Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong>Ecology and Evolutionary BiologyRick Bonney, Direc<strong>to</strong>r, Program Development and EvaluationJohn Bowman, Direc<strong>to</strong>r, MultimediaMiyoko Chu, Direc<strong>to</strong>r, CommunicationsChris<strong>to</strong>pher Clark*, Imogene Powers Johnson Direc<strong>to</strong>r, BioacousticsResearch Program, and Senior Scientist, Neurobiology and BehaviorAndré Dhondt*, Direc<strong>to</strong>r, Bird Population Studies, and Edwin H.Morgens Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ornithology</strong>, Ecology and Evolutionary BiologyJanis Dickinson*, Arthur A. Allen Direc<strong>to</strong>r <strong>of</strong> Citizen Science andAssociate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, Natural ResourcesMary Guthrie, Direc<strong>to</strong>r, MarketingSteve Kelling, Direc<strong>to</strong>r, Information ScienceWalter Koenig*, Senior Scientist, Bird Population Studies andNeurobiology and BehaviorIrby Lovette*, Direc<strong>to</strong>r, Fuller Evolutionary Biology Program andAssociate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, Ecology and Evolutionary BiologyKen Rosenberg, Direc<strong>to</strong>r, Conservation ScienceNancy Trautmann, Direc<strong>to</strong>r, EducationSean Scanlon, Senior Direc<strong>to</strong>r, Development and PhilanthropyScott Sutcliffe, Direc<strong>to</strong>r <strong>of</strong> Individual GivingSandra Vehrencamp*, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, Neurobiology and BehaviorMichael Webster*, Direc<strong>to</strong>r, Macaulay Library and Robert G. EngelPr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ornithology</strong>, Neurobiology and Behavior* <strong>Cornell</strong> University Faculty16Roseate Spoonbill by Marianne DiAn<strong>to</strong>nio

List <strong>of</strong> donorsCapital Campaign Contribu<strong>to</strong>rs$5 million+Mr. and Mrs. William MacaulayMr. and Mrs. Edward W. Rose III$1,000,000 <strong>to</strong> $4,999,999Anonymous (1)Ellen and Steve AdelsonMr. and Mrs. H. Laurance FullerMrs. Samuel C. JohnsonSamuel and Linda KramerNed and Linda MorgensAlphonse NormandiaWendy J. Paulson$500,000 <strong>to</strong> $999,000Estate <strong>of</strong> Joyce CimaMr. and Mrs. David JunkinEstate <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Lyman K. StuartWolf Creek Charitable Foundation$250,000 <strong>to</strong> $499,000Mr. and Mrs. Rex J. BatesMr. John Foote and Ms. Kristen RupertDr. and Mrs. T. Richard HalberstadtIvy FellowshipLeon Levy FoundationJohn D. and Catherine T. MacArthurFoundationMr. and Mrs. Davis U. MerwinH. Charles and Jessie PriceJoseph and Felicia WeberFamily Foundation$100,000 <strong>to</strong> $249,000Mr. and Mrs. Phillip AinesSteve Dell<strong>of</strong>fEiserer-Hickey Foundation, Inc.Faucett Family TrustMr. William Phillips andMs. Barbara SmithEstate <strong>of</strong> Mr. Zoltan PorgaAlbert and Diane Puff$50,000 <strong>to</strong> $99,000Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. BartelsEstate <strong>of</strong> Dwight R. ChamberlainMrs. Louisa DuemlingEstate <strong>of</strong> William A. GroverEstate <strong>of</strong> Sheila Harrah HearneMs. Ronni LacrouteDavid and Lucile Packard FoundationMrs. Julia C. SchnuckMrs. Carol U. SislerC. H. Stuart FoundationMr. J. Charles Tracy$25,000 <strong>to</strong> $49,000Mrs. Lloyd E. DutcherGeorgia Ports AuthorityJames and Catherine GeroMrs. Jane A. HavilandMrs. Kenneth E. HillMs. Tracy E. HolmesAnina LappEstate <strong>of</strong> Ms. Betty L. McCurdyEstate <strong>of</strong> Dr. Ann J. McGarvey, D.D.S.Ms. Jane Yolen$5,000 <strong>to</strong> $24,000Henry and Nancy BartelsDr. Joan Brenchley-JacksonDr. Bernard Brennanand Mrs. Patricia BrennanMrs. Jane E. BrodyMrs. Dorothy CarpenterClarann EstateEstate <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Virginia R. CrockerMr. Vernon D. Dayh<strong>of</strong>fMs. Norma J. EdsallMajor Theodore H. EibenMrs. Jane V. EngelW. Hardy and Barbara EshbaughMs. Caryl HartMr. Edwin W. HewittKnight and Ann KiplingerMr. Austin KiplingerDr. Donald E. KroodsmaHoward and Sydney LeachMs. Susan E. LynchMs. Ann M. MayerMr. Earl O. MenefeeMs. Barbara MorseMr. Harold G. OsbornChris<strong>to</strong>pher Reynolds FoundationRusinow Family Charitable FoundationMr. and Mrs. William SandersMr. Bailey SmithJames SollinsJennifer SpeersScott SutcliffeAllen J. TogutMr. L. Chris<strong>to</strong>pher WrightCorporate Partners$20,000 and aboveWild Birds Unlimited, Inc.Swarovski Optik North America$10,000 <strong>to</strong> $19,000Optics Planet, Inc.$1,000 <strong>to</strong> $9,999Aspects, Inc.Birdola ProductsBlue Cross Pet HospitalBowhead Technical Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalServices, Inc.Chirp ‘n Chatter, Inc.CHS, Inc.Co-Operative Feed Dealers, Inc.D&D Commodities, Ltd.Databanq, Inc.Dr. Matt Fraker and Dr. Sherri Thorn<strong>to</strong>nDroll Yankees, Inc.Gardner’s Wildlife & GardeningLebanon Seaboard CorporationPine Tree Farms, Inc.Red River Commodities, Inc.Rocky River Capital PartnersSouthern States CooperativeWild Birds Unlimitedat Sapsucker WoodsEndowing the Future <strong>of</strong>Science and ConservationThe <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ornithology</strong> provides inspiringleadership in science, education, conservation,and outreach. In 2008–09, our programs hadtremendous impact on birders, students, schools,and communities across the hemisphere.The <strong>Lab</strong>’s capital campaign, part <strong>of</strong> <strong>Cornell</strong>’s “FarAbove…The Campaign for <strong>Cornell</strong>,” is designed<strong>to</strong> ensure the long-term stability <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Cornell</strong><strong>Lab</strong>’s operations. Campaign priorities have grownorganically from the programs that you value asmembers, including citizen science, conservation,education at all levels, research, and technology.Despite a difficult fund-raising environment,the <strong>Lab</strong> continues <strong>to</strong> move forward in meetingits $100 million goal. To date, the <strong>Lab</strong> has raisedmore than $33 million in gifts and commitments.There are special gift opportunities at all levels forthe <strong>Lab</strong>’s campaign. All gifts, large or small, helpthe <strong>Lab</strong> meet its mission. For more information,please contact Sean Scanlon at 607-254-1105 orscanlon@cornell.edu, or Scott Sutcliffe at 607-254-2424 or sutcliffe@cornell.edu.17

List <strong>of</strong> donorsFY09 <strong>Annual</strong> Operating Gifts$100,000 and upFaucett Family TrustLeon Levy FoundationJohn D. and Catherine T. MacArthurFoundationMr. and Mrs. William MacaulayWendy J. PaulsonH. Charles and Jessie PriceMr. and Mrs. Edward W. Rose IIIWolf Creek Charitable Foundation$25,000 <strong>to</strong> $99,999Anonymous (1)Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. BartelsCumming FoundationMrs. Jane V. EngelMr. and Mrs. H. Laurance FullerMs. Mary P. HinesIvy FellowshipMrs. Imogene P. JohnsonMs. Ronni LacrouteMr. and Mrs. Robert F. SchumannJoseph and Felicia WeberFamily Foundation$10,000 <strong>to</strong> $24,999Mr. Judson M. Day<strong>to</strong>nMrs. Louisa DuemlingEpstein, Becker & Green, P.C.Fortis FoundationMs. Adelaide P. GomerMrs. Kenneth E. HillMs. Tracy E. HolmesMr. Austin H. KiplingerMs. Susan E. LynchMs. Mary Ann MahoneyBrian and Heidi MillerNed and Linda MorgensMs. Barbara MorseMs. Sandra J. MossMr. and Mrs. Nelson Schaenen, Jr.Mrs. Julia M. SchnuckJennifer P. SpeersThe Chris<strong>to</strong>pher Reynolds FoundationMrs. Mary Clare WardMr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Williams$5,000 <strong>to</strong> $9,999Steve and Ellen AdelsonMr. and Mrs. John E. AlexanderMr. and Mrs. Henry E. BartelsMs. Margaret R. Bar<strong>to</strong>nMr. and Mrs. Rex J. BatesMr. Ronald L. ClendenenMr. Vernon D. Dayh<strong>of</strong>fMs. Clover M. DrinkwaterMr. and Mrs. Walter ElcockMr. and Mrs. Alexander Ellis IIIMr. John Foote and Ms. Kristen RupertMr. William Gammon IIIMs. Natalia G. GarciaMr. and Mrs. Clif<strong>to</strong>n C. Garvin, Jr.George and Deirdre GloberMs. Barbara W. GomezPr<strong>of</strong>essor Martin F. HatchMr. and Mrs. Michael Johns<strong>to</strong>nMrs. Jeanie KilgourSamuel and Linda KramerDr. Donald E. KroodsmaDr. William T. LeeburgMr. and Mrs. W. Wallace McDowellPr<strong>of</strong>essor and Mrs. Fred McLaffertyDavis and Sharon MerwinJames and Sally MorgensMr. Leigh H. Perkins, Jr.Grace Jones Richardson TrustMrs. Elizabeth E. RowleyMs. Lynne R. ScheerMr. Bailey SmithDr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. SteadmanMs. Juliet P. Tammenoms-BakkerDr. Allen J. TogutMrs. Shelby WhiteThe White Pine FundMr. L. Chris<strong>to</strong>pher Wright$1,000 <strong>to</strong> $4,999Anonymous (1)Mrs. Ann S. AinesMr. Ferris Akel IIIMr. and Mrs. John AlexanderCamille and Eleanor Allen and FamilyThe Winifred and Harry B. AllenFoundationRussell and Barbara AllisonMr. J. Richard AndrewsMr. James H. Averill, Jr.Dr. and Mrs. Russell BallMs. Pamela B. BassMr. and Mrs. R.G. Bea<strong>to</strong>nWilliam and Nancy BellamyMr. Harold Boeschenstein, Jr.Mr. Stanley BowdenMr. and Mrs. William B. BoydMr. Philip A. BradleyMr. John BridgelandDavid and Carolyn BrittenhamMr. Jack BrubakerMr. Robert Buck and Ms. Cheryl QuinnMs. Susan BurkhardtMrs. Mary L. CarlsenMrs. Dorothy CarpenterMr. Donald F. ChandlerMr. Henry T. ChandlerLiz Claiborne and Art OrtenbergFoundationAlan and Elisabeth CodyMs. Karenn ColbyConservation Trust <strong>of</strong> Puer<strong>to</strong> RicoRick and Debbie CradyMr. Eric CutlerMr. Severyn S. DanaMs. Martha E. DayMs. Louise W. DevineMrs. Michelle D. DevineMrs. Jean Wallace DouglasMr. David E. Drinkwater-LunnMs. Nancy DurrMrs. Henry W. EdgellMajor Theodore H. EibenDr. Bruce A. Eissnerand Mrs. Judith P. EissnerDr. William T. EllisonVic<strong>to</strong>r Emanuel Nature ToursPr<strong>of</strong>essor and Mrs. Howard E. EvansMs. Susan Feagin and Mr. John BrownJohn and Molly FitzpatrickMrs. Gale L. FlaggSamuel and Nancy FlemingFletcher Bay Founda<strong>to</strong>nStephen and Barbara FriedmanMs. Barbara M. GarlinghouseMr. Ken GarrattJames and Catherine GeroMr. and Mrs. Robert G. GoeletMr. and Mrs. Bradley GraingerMr. William F. Gratz ‘53Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Crawford H. Greenewalt, Jr.Herbert and Roseline GussmanFoundationDr. and Mrs. T. Richard HalberstadtMr. and Mrs. James C. HanchettMrs. Margaretta S. HausmanMr. Thomas A. HendricksonDr. Susan Henry and Mr. Peter HenryMs. Maura HerlihyMs. Debra HerrmannElliott and Marjorie Hillback FoundationMrs. Muriel K. HoracekMs. Gale S. HurdMrs. Pat JacobsMrs. Judith M. JoyMrs. Karen Rupert KeatingMr. and Mrs. Hugh E. KingeryDr. Robert E. KleigerMr. Andrew Knafel and Ms. Anne HunterRobert J. Laskowski FoundationMrs. Pamela R. LittlefieldMr. and Mrs. Philip H. LoughlinDr. and Mrs. Herbert LouisMrs. and Mrs. David B. MageeDr. Richard Marshakand Dr. Andrea LandsbergMr. Michael T. MartinMr. David E. MattingleyDr. Leigh McBrideMs. Mary Ellen McCrossenMs. Winifred P. McDowellMr. Robert Meadeand Ms. Barbara LegendreMr. David MichaelMs. Char MillerStephen and Evalyn MilmanMr. Howard W. Mizell and FamilyMr. John V. MooreWilliam and Mary Sue MorrillMs. Lora B. MyersThe Nathan M. Ohrbach FoundationMrs. Ellen S. ParkesMr. Ralph PetersonMs. Regina PhelpsMs. Helen PughMrs. Sally QuinnMr. John B. QuinnMs. Katharine RayDr. and Mrs. Frank H. T. RhodesMrs. Dorothy W. RinaldoMr. William L. Risser and FamilyMs. Elizabeth H. RumlDr. William L. RutherfordMs. Patricia RyanMrs. Carolyn W. SampsonDr. and Mrs. Donald C. SamsonPatricia and Richard SchrammMr. Barry K. SchwartzMrs. Margaret F. ScottBeth Ann and Saul SegalIrwin and Melinda SimonMs. Mary Ann SiriMrs. Betty W. SmithMs. Susan SollinsMr. James SollinsMrs. Nancy B. StatesMr. Ronald E. StegensDr. Peter B. Stifel18

List <strong>of</strong> donors<strong>Annual</strong> Gifts (continued)John and Bonnie StrandMs. Catherine SymchychMrs. Anne SymchychMr. and Mrs. Allan R. TesslerDr. and Mrs. Walter A. ThurberMs. Marian S. ToddLewis and Margaret TopperDr. Patricia Ann TurnerMrs. Susan N. WagnerMs. Peggy WalbridgeDr. and Mrs. Charles WalcottMrs. Bernice Graham WeinsteinMs. Sarah WhitakerWilliams Family FoundationMrs. Erin F. WoodsMs. Jeannie B. WrightMr. Nicholas Yelaca$500 <strong>to</strong> $999Douglas and Arlie AndersonMs. Gayle A. AndersonMrs. Ruth L. AndersonMrs. Debra D. AndersonMs. Helga AshkenazeMr. and Mrs. Paul AucoinMs. Maria F. BachichMs. Alice-Ann BandoniMr. and Mrs. Robert BangertMr. Edward BarkerMr. Donald BarnesDr. A. Sidney Barritt IIIMrs. Juta BeauchampSusan and Frederick BeckhornMs. Jill BeckmanMs. Joan M. BirchenallMrs. Constance BlauMr. Jefferey BleamMs. Jean C. BottcherDr. Susan C. BourqueMrs. Virginia M. BoydSandra and Jeff BrickerMr. Craig BrodockMs. Marney B. BrooksMs. Deirdre M. BrownMs. Becky A. BrownMs. Percy BrowningKenneth and Karen BuchiScott and Mavis BuginasMs. Amanda BurdenMr. William D. BurrowsMs. Ellen P. CabotMs. Maureen CaffertyMs. Nancy CamachoDudley and Curtis CarlsonJames and Glenda CartwrightMs. Bernadette ChapinGeorge and Deborah ChapmanMr. Walter B. ChaskelPatricia and Al ClarkMs. Sada L. ClarkeDr. Clare CloseTerry and Zeo Codding<strong>to</strong>nN. Karen and Gregory CollinsDr. and Mrs. Dale R. CorsonMr. and Mrs. Robert A. CowieMs. Kathleen S. CrawfordPr<strong>of</strong>essor William A. CrawfordMs. Elisabeth J. Day<strong>to</strong>nMrs. Wallace C. Day<strong>to</strong>nMs. Elisabeth De FriesRobert and Linda DeLapMrs. Vicki DeLoachMr. Robert W. DixonMr. Thomas Dolan IVMs. Kelly DonovanMs. Bonnie J. DouglasMrs. Elaine M. DrewLauren DudleyWeaver and Diana DunnanMrs. Betsy L. DunphyMrs. Julie Durrance and FamilyMr. Richard EalesMr. Steven E. EalickMr. Bruce EastwoodMs. Norma J. EdsallMr. Julian ElliotMrs. Alexandra L. EvansMs. Sherry Fergusonand Mr. Robert ZoellickMr. Charles FerrisMs. Patricia E. FincherMrs. Virginia C. FisherMs. Carolyn V.E. FoilBrian and Judith FoleyMrs. Margaret FooteMrs. Harriette M. FrankThe Garden Club <strong>of</strong> AmericaMrs. Dolores C. GaskaMr. William K. GaydenMr. Gerald J. GeorgopolisJoanne and Robert GianninyMs. Nancy GilbertJohn and Michele GillettMr. Michael A. GoldmanMs. Judith H. GreeneMr. Scott GunnisonMr. George HadwenMrs. Richard H. HagemeyerChris and Helen HallerMrs. Shirley A. HanceMs. Nora E. HankeLeo and Cynthia HarrisMr. William C. HartranftMs. Janeth C. HendershotJoe and Sue HenningerMs. Vicki R. HerrmannMrs. Sherley A. HigueraMiss Sharon HintzeMr. and Mrs. Paul B. HoodMr. Robert K. HopkinsHenry and Sharon HosleyMrs. Jeanne HowardMs. Lynn HuberMs. Rebecca C. HuddleMs. Judith HufMs. Isabel V. HullT.E. and Patsy IngletDr. William Ishee, Jr.Ms. Carolyn B. JacksonMs. Ellen G. JacobsMs. Kathryn JacobusMs. Sara JaegerMr. Theodore C. JarviMr. Andrew MacAoidh JergensMr. David JohnsonMs. Heather JohnsonRobert and Joyce JonesJack and Phyllis KalivodaMs. Belinda A. KeeverMs. Bettie F. KehrtMs. Mary D. KellyMs. Barbara C. KyseMr. Andre G. LaClairMs. Mary Lou LaflerMrs. Elise S. LaphamMr. Clay<strong>to</strong>n LatimerDonald and Deborah LauperMr. Jay G. LehmanMs. Roma E. LenehanMrs. Lisa-Marie LernerDr. James D. Lillard, Jr.Mr. Rick LipseyMr. and Mrs. Thomas D. LuntMr. Bruce Mac CorkindaleMs. Beverley J. MacInnisMr. Guy E.C. MaitlandMiss Margaret J. MalletteMr. Evan MarksJohn and Adrienne MarsMs. Michelle Ma<strong>to</strong>nMr. Michael MatusonMs. Vic<strong>to</strong>ria MayMs. Missy MayfieldThomas and Linda McCarthyMr. Ellice McDonald, Jr.Ms. Holly McKenzieand Mr. Robert MartinDonald and Lone McKnightMrs. Pamela McMillieMrs. Sally McVeighMr. and Mrs. Peter C. MeinigSharon and Stephen MetschMs. Jane K. MeyerMr. Michael MoranKarin M. MorinMr. Duryea Mor<strong>to</strong>nMs. Phoebe K. MosseyDr. David A. MrazekMr. Peter P. MullenMs. Martha L. NakamuraMrs. Emily NissleyMrs. Barbara C. NollNeil and Sally NorcrossDr. John Norlund, M.D.Dr. C.J. Nor<strong>to</strong>n, D.V.M.Marie and Donald OakleafMr. and Mrs. Donal C. O’Brien, Jr.Ms. Catherine E. OgdenDr. Patricia O’HandleyMs. Charlotte K. Omo<strong>to</strong>Ms. Lois J. ParadiseMr. Angus ParkerMrs. Barbara W. ParsonMr. John A. Pa<strong>to</strong>nMr. John W. PauleyMr. and Mrs. William H. Perks, Jr.Ms. Susan PermutDr. Barbara Phelanand Dr. Carol ReedMichael and Erica PrattDr. and Mrs. Jan R. RadkeLarry and Mary RamseyMr. James P. Rat<strong>to</strong>balliMrs. Margaret Busfield ReesMs. Jane P. RiceMr. Thomas F. RichardsonDr. Robert RicklefsDr. Beverly S. RidgelyMr. Bob RighterVirginia and John RupertMr. David RuppertMs. Karen L. RuppertDr. L. Mark Russak<strong>of</strong>f, M.D.Jaci and William RutiserPr<strong>of</strong>essor and Mrs. Richard A. RyanMs. Karen Rylanderand Mr. Robert SchachterAndrew Sabin Family FoundationMs. Christine M. SalembierDr. Toni Engst SantmireMs. Lynn Scarlett19

List <strong>of</strong> donors<strong>Annual</strong> Gifts (continued)Matching Gifts (continued)Ms. Suzanne Schaeferand Mr. Paul DennisonMr. George ScheetsPeter and Christine SchluterMr. William G. SchottstaedtMr. Frederick SchroederMs. Paula M. SchutteMr. Chris<strong>to</strong>pher J. SelleyDr. Greg SeymourMs. Cynthia SheredaConnie and Robert ShertzDr. Lester L. ShortDr. and Mrs. Joseph Rogers SimpsonMr. Leroy W. SinclairMr. William SiroisMrs. Carol U. SislerMrs. Susan L. SloanMs. Valerie SmithMrs. Catherine SmithMrs. Karen SolemMs. Nancy B. SouletteMr. and Mrs. James W. SpencerMs. Carole Taggartand Mr. Wayne FaganMrs. Barbara TaylorMr. Ricky TaylorMs. Melissa ThompsonMr. and Mrs. William R. Thurs<strong>to</strong>nMr. Jim TillingMrs. Sally S. TongrenMr. William G. TrankleCharles and Nancy TrautmannMr. Todd TreichelMrs. Mary M. TroutMs. Alice H. TurkMr. Lewis UlreyMs. Sarita Van VleckMr. Mark VanderHartMr. William P. VanEseltineMr. Peter VennemaMr. Joe VerreaultMs. Rhonda VitanyeMs. Marjorie M. VonStadeMrs. Emily V. WadeDr. Judith L. WagnerMs. Laurel C. WalkerMrs. Robert Weins<strong>to</strong>ckMr. Jude A. WeisMrs. Doris N. WeissMrs. Stefani WeissMs. Georgia E. WellesDr. Stephen M. WhiteRalph and Mary WilliamsMs. Sally WilliamsDr. Kay M. WilliamsonMr. William E. WillisMs. Pamela A. WilsonMs. Marina WolkonskyMr. Larry L. WrightMs. Mary P. WrightMr. J.A. Wunderlich IIIOwen and Linda YoungmanMr. David J. ZelingerMatching Gifts3M FoundationAbbott <strong>Lab</strong>ora<strong>to</strong>riesAce Ina FoundationAegon Transamerica FoundationAir Products & Chemicals, Inc.Alexander & Baldwin FoundationAmerican Express FoundationAmerican Transmission CompanyAmgen FoundationAMICA Mutual Insurance CompanyAnheuser-Busch FoundationArcher Daniels Midland CompanyArgonaut Group, Inc.AT&T FoundationBank <strong>of</strong> America FoundationBoeing CompanyBP Foundation, Inc.Bris<strong>to</strong>l-Myers Squibb CompanyBrown Shoe CompanyBurnett Company, Inc.Capital One Services, Inc.Charles Schwab Corporation FoundationChevronTexaco CorporationChoice Hotels InternationalCigna FoundationCoca-Cola FoundationComputer Associates InternationalCon Edison CompanyConocoPhillipsCorning IncorporatedDana Corporation FoundationDeutsche Bank Americas FoundationEa<strong>to</strong>n CorporationEdison InternationalEli Lilly & Company FoundationEmerson Electric CompanyExxonMobil FoundationFreddie Mac FoundationGannett Foundation, Inc.General Electric CompanyGeneral Mills FoundationGeneral Mo<strong>to</strong>rs CorporationGeneral Re Services CorporationGenetech, Inc.GlaxoSmithKlineGoldman Sachs & CompanyGooding Group FoundationGoodrich Corporation FoundationGraco FoundationHarris Foundation CorporationHeinz Company HarcourtHewitt Associates LLCHough<strong>to</strong>n Mifflin CompanyIBM CorporationIllinois Tool Works FoundationIntel CorporationJohn D. and Catherine T. MacArthurFoundationJohnson & JohnsonKimberly-Clark FoundationKraft Foods North America, Inc.Lockheed MartinSonja J. LoydMasterCard International, Inc.William G. McCallumMeadWestvaco FoundationMedtronic FoundationMerck Company FoundationMerrill Lynch & CompanyFoundation, Inc.Metropolitan Life FoundationMicros<strong>of</strong>t CorporationMinerals Technologies, Inc.Mizuho USA FoundationMonsan<strong>to</strong> CompanyMoody’s FoundationMo<strong>to</strong>rola FoundationNew York S<strong>to</strong>ck ExchangeNew York Times Company FoundationNintendo <strong>of</strong> America, Inc.Northern Trust CompanyNorthrop Grumman FoundationNRG Energy, Inc.Pfizer, Inc.Pharmacia FoundationPioneer Hi-Bred InternationalPitney BowesPNC Bank FoundationPPG Industries FoundationPrincipal Financial Group FoundationProcter & Gamble CompanyPrudential Insurance FoundationRidgewood Savings BankRockwell CollinsRyder Systems, Inc.Safeco Insurance CompanySan<strong>of</strong>i AventisSC Johnson & Son, Inc.Shell Oil Company FoundationSusquehanna International GroupTexas InstrumentsTextron, Inc.Thrivent Financial LutheransUnilever United States, IncUnited Technologies CorporationVanguard Group, Inc.Verizon FoundationWachovia FoundationWalt Disney Company FoundationWells Fargo FoundationWestly FoundationWiley & Sons Inc.Wisconsin Energy CorporationWyethXerox Corporation“The <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ornithology</strong> is a leader in vigorousscientific research and the understanding<strong>of</strong> the need <strong>to</strong> protect birds. As a longtime birdwatcher, I also understand the need <strong>to</strong> protect andpreserve bird populations for future generations.The Leon Levy Foundation is proud <strong>to</strong> support thework <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong>.”—Shelby White, Trustee <strong>of</strong> The Leon Levy Foundationand participant in Project Feederwatch20

List <strong>of</strong> donorsSapsucker Woods Society—Recognizing all friends who have included the <strong>Lab</strong> in their estate plans, past and presentMr. Charles S. Adams *Ms. Louise AddisMs. Diane AdkinMrs. Ann S. AinesAlbrecht Estate *Mr. John E. AlexanderRussell and Barbara AllisonMr. Elwin F. AndersonMs. Bertha Andrew *Mrs. Patricia L. AngottiBill and Katherine AtterburyTerry Auld *Ms. Katharine M. AycriggMs. Madge BakerMr. and Mrs. Konrad BaldMrs. John F. Barry *Mr. Michael Eddy Bar<strong>to</strong>nMrs. John W. BehnkenMrs. Janet BlamMs. Susan D. BoettgerMrs. James C. H. BonbrightMs. Ann Bregman *Ms. Becky A. BrownMs. Irene BrownMs. Betty A. BruhnsMs. Gretchen L. BurmeisterMs. Frances Burnett *Ms. Colette A. BurrusDr. and Mrs. David L. CallMs. Eleanor R. CampbellMrs. S. James CampbellDr. Alvin R. Carpenter *Mr. Fred CarrCarol and Daniel CashMs. Kathaleen A. Cattieu *Mr. Dwight R. Chamberlain *Ms. Joyce W. Cima *Clarann Estate *Ms. Pat CollinsMrs. Mary E. CostMr. William Powell Cottrille *Ms. Virginia R. CrockerMs. Ruth Cummings *Peter and Rhoda CurtissMs. Martha E. DayMr. Vernon D. Dayh<strong>of</strong>fMs. Nancy A. deGr<strong>of</strong>fMrs. Ruth D. Dillon *Stephen and Betty Ea<strong>to</strong>nMr. Michael B. Eddy Estate *Ms. Norma J. EdsallDr. Leonard EisererMrs. George B. Emeny *Mr. and Mrs. Roger H. FarrellMr. Robert T. Foote '39 *Ms. Kathy FreasMr. William F. Fuerst, Jr. *Mrs. Esther B. Garnsey *Mr. Donald P. GarrettMs. Paula GillsVincent and Ann Marie GlavianoMrs. Emily R. GloverMs. Doris GoldsteinMr. William Anson Grover, Sr. *Ms. Joan M. GuerinMrs. Suzanne O. Happeny *Mrs. Karen E. HarrisDuncan and Adrienne HartleyMrs. Jane A. HavilandShiela Harrah Hearne *Harry Heidt Estate *Ms. Phyllis Henney *Dr. Linda J. HimotMrs. Leona S. Hine *Mrs. Mary P. HinesHenry and Sharon HosleyMr. and Mrs. John HupplerJames and Roberta HutchisonMr. Bernard IliffIvy FellowshipMr. Isidor Jeklin *Ms. Nora JonesMrs. Judith M. JoyMrs. Judith M. KayMrs. Blanche Kelly *Mr. David Keyesand Ms. Kathleen RossMrs. T. Spencer Knight *Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. KnoxSamuel and Linda KramerMr. Harold E. KublyMr. Norman C. LantzMr. Robert J. Laskowski *Howard and Sydney LeachMarian Legg *Ms. Marjorie LewinMr. Richard Livesey IIIand Mrs. Mae LiveseyMs. Catherine LomuscioMrs. Madeline Lutz *Mr. and Mrs. William MacaulayMr. J De Navarre Macomb, Jr. *Ms. Marion Mascari *Mr. Richard G. McClungMs. Betty L. McCurdy *Mr. Everett G. McDonough, Jr.Ms. Winifred P. McDowellMs. Margaret J. McDowellDr. Ann J. McGarvey, D.D.S.Mrs. Elizabeth A. McLarenMs. Carol McQuadeMr. Earl O. MenefeeMr. Harry MerkerMr. John P. MerrillMs. R. Rosalie MetzgerMs. Marinia MichalecMr. John David MorrisMr. John A-X Morris '74Ms. Rita J. MyrickMs. Mildred E. Neff *Dr. Polly G. NicelyAlphonse NormandiaMrs. Judith L. O'NealeMr. Stephen B. OresmanMs. Virginia Panarace Estate *Mrs. Ellen S. ParkesMr. Kenneth Parkes *Ms. Ellen I. PaulMs. Esther A. Pearlman *Dr. and Mrs. William D. PetersonMr. George M. Pflaumer *Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Elmer S. Phillips *Mr. William Phillipsand Ms. Barbara SmithMs. Lauren Pickard *Mr. Richard F. PietschMr. Zoltan Porga *Mr. Ronald R. PorterAlbert and Diane PuffMs. Hazel E. Reed *Ms. April L. ReeseMs. Kathleen Rhodes *Mrs. Susan Starr RichardsMrs. Eleanor RobbinsMr. and Mrs. William R. RobertsonMr. Stan RodwinMr. Thomas W. Rogers Estate *Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Rose IIIMrs. Jeanette G. RosenbergerMrs. Elizabeth E. RowleyMs. Gayle RussellDr. William L. RutherfordMr. Richard ScalesMr. Richard H. SchnoorMs. Ellen M. SchoppMr. and Mrs. Robert F. SchumannMs. Monica J. SchwalbachBetty and Jim ShannonMs. Helen R. ShaskanMrs. Mary S. Shaub *Ms. Alice M. Shaw*Mr. Richard J Siewers *Ms. Mindy SimonMrs. Carol U. SislerMr. Bernard P. Sl<strong>of</strong>erMs. Vic<strong>to</strong>ria SlowikMs. Virginia SlowikMrs. Marjorie SmartMrs. Emily C. SmithMr. William R. Stewart *Mr. Edward P. Street, Jr.Mrs. Lyman K. Stuart *Ms. Ingrid SunzenauerScott SutcliffeMs. Donna E. TatroMrs. Nancy ThomasMr. Walter A. Thurber*Mr. Charles E. Treman, Jr. *Randi and L. Van DaulerMrs. Mary Clare WardMrs. E.R. WebsterMrs. Robert Wehner *Ms. Jeanne A. WhiteMrs. Jeanne D. Wigen-AyersMr. Robert G. Williams *Mrs. Shirley S. WoodsMrs. Barbara WrightMs. Jeannie B. WrightMr. L. Chris<strong>to</strong>pher WrightMrs. Clara Taylor YagerDr. Paula YellinMr. George W. ZepkoMs. Dorothy N. Zirkle* Realized BequestsYellow-bellied Sapsucker by Don Rash21

List <strong>of</strong> donorsGifts in Memory <strong>of</strong>Gifts in Honor <strong>of</strong>Julia BachelderMs. Susan P. BachelderElizabeth A. ChaseChristiane M. GrahamKerry J. GruberMs. Margaret InglisMs. Patricia InglisMyles and Ruth JohnsonMs. Anne Coates SangreeJoyce W. CimaRobert and Virginia LanghansMr. Frederic A. WilliamsJess DallMr. William G. James, Jr.Caroline DaviesSarah ReigleJoshua S<strong>to</strong>rmsSheila DeanerMs. Anna AgenjoMs. Rebecca BoydShu and Yang ChenMr. Tim FitzerMr. John T. HalliganSteven and Judith HoweMs. Marelyn JohnsonMr. Jeffrey A. KarlsenMs. Lindsay Knowl<strong>to</strong>nScott and Stephanie McDonaldSacramen<strong>to</strong> Audubon SocietyH.S.A. and E. TaniguchiMs. Amie Teramo<strong>to</strong>Jerrie A. VanVlietMs. Sandra K. Warming<strong>to</strong>nCatherine G. ElliottMs. Valerie SmithAnne L. FarnhamMs. Janet BowdanCarolyn and ColletteSylvia T. DurfeeStephen EllenburgJ W FiegenbaumHarris myCFO FoundationJoan ReganMr. Robert L. RobertsonJoseph ThomasDonald P. GarrettMichael and Lucy GordonMr. George M. HueyRaymond GlugGiancarlo and Karen TuranoRob GoldbachHerman and Karen Scholth<strong>of</strong>Richard GreenowLinda GreenowRichard Askelandand Phoebe Swope-AskelandNoreen HetzneckerMs. Gail BoberJoseph and Betty CannonRichard and Christina CaseyMr. Leon Dobkinand Ms. Deborah KuhnMarc and Phyllis FormanMs. Lillian A. GiulianiMichael and Brenda GoldblattGruenberg & Summers, PCMr. Matthew HetzneckerDr. William HetzneckerMs. Katherine HolzherrMs. Marsha HopperWilliam and Joan KaneJames and Nina KorshLashner, Parker & GiannoneDori and Karl MiddlemanMr. Benjamin S. OhrensteinMs. Lynette S. OttingerMr. John Padova and Mr. Nicholas LisiMs. Claire W. PattersonMs. Angela QuihuiaMark and Karen ReberDr. Steven Schlesinger, D.M.D.Ms. Tami Shermanand Mr. Thomas RodriguezW. WindRobert HornJames and Elizabeth MohrAlexandra LittauerMr. Ben Littauer and Ms. Kathy KerbyKatherine MorrisMs. Janet D. TurneyGwen McKayMr. and Mrs. Donald W. MeyerDavid RiffleAmerican AugersAmerican GreetingsMs. Darlene M. CrossonMs. Katherine J. DorazioMr. Charles A. GlihaGrafTech International Holdings, Inc.Mr. Olin W. HotchkissMs. Sally J. HudakJoseph and Holly IvanDale and Margaret KahnThe Kinsley FamilyMr. James W. Kor<strong>to</strong>vichMr. Richard T. LewisMs. Nancy A. MannMs. Marilyn S. MellorsMarcella and Dennis MilotaSherrol and Donald NicklasMs. Rita A. PalubinskasMrs. Linda RiffleMs. Diane SiglerMrs. Deva M. SimonSheryl and James SloughMs. Gladys K. SmejsikMs. Patricia SuchyThomas and Phyllis SullivanJim and Peg TichyMrs. Marian E. ZehnderRoger SlothowerMs. Lauralee Middle<strong>to</strong>nMr. Robert A. Boyn<strong>to</strong>nJames B. Smith Sr.Mr. and Mrs. James B. Smith JrSally SutcliffeScott SutcliffeFlo WareMr. Robert K. RoneyMary F. BellCommunity Foundation <strong>of</strong> LouisvilleJohn FitzpatrickWilliam and Shirley McAnenyPaul B. HoodHenry and Eleanor HoodImogene P. JohnsonMs. Dorothy ConstantineMrs. Marilyn C. JonesMr. and Mrs. T. Kivlin, Jr.Ms. Judy RowlandLinda KramerMrs. Georgetta R. BeldenLois A. KunkelMr. David BelangerMr. Joseph E. ErdeljacTina B. PhillipsMs. Alice DroskeEdward W. RoseRick and Debbie CradyTufted Titmouse by Megan Gnekow22

Financial report (through June 30, <strong>2009</strong>)FY09 Revenues (through June 30, <strong>2009</strong>)Fiscal Growth 2002 through <strong>2009</strong>19%10%4%37%Grants and Contracts$7,216,947<strong>Members</strong>hip and Gifts$5,916,820Program Income$3,709,050Invested Funds Income$1,966,437Other$832,845$ in Millions22201816141210RevenueExpense8FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY<strong>2009</strong>30%Total Revenue = $19,642,099FY09 Expenditures9.8%6.8%Administration$1,944,365Development$1,363,021Program$16,612,646The <strong>Cornell</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ornithology</strong> is proud <strong>of</strong> its careful stewardship <strong>of</strong> resourcesover the past year. The <strong>Lab</strong>’s revenue and expenses have grownconsistently during the past seven years as programs have begun <strong>to</strong> mature andhave a greater impact in the world. Even in a difficult fiscal year, the <strong>Lab</strong> wasthankful <strong>to</strong> have a broad and generous base <strong>of</strong> financial support from membersthrough annual, capital, and planned giving, while continuing <strong>to</strong> keep administrativeand fundraising expenses low. Thank you for trusting us with your gifts.We will continue <strong>to</strong> work hard so that these gifts result in positive impacts forbirds and biodiversity.83.4%Total Expenditures = $19,920,032

Laysan Albatrosses by Cliff Beittel

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