houston isd summer school – planning flow chart – 2013 program

houston isd summer school – planning flow chart – 2013 program houston isd summer school – planning flow chart – 2013 program

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HOUSTON ISD SUMMER SCHOOL – PLANNING FLOW CHART – 2013 PROGRAM1. Pre-AssessmentAdminister content-area preassessment(s)only for the contentarea(s) in which the student needsadditional support (i.e., reason forsummer school attendance).6. Monitoring / Re-evaluationMonitor progress of individual studentsto ensure that learning gaps areappropriately addressed using teacherdevelopedformative assessments andresources in the planning guides.7. Adjust / RegroupAdjust instruction and regroupstudents as needed to ensure thatstudents' learning gaps are addressedwith effective instruction.2. Data DisaggregationReview Student Cumulative LearningProfiles, pre-assessment results,students' self-analysis/reflection forms,and other student performance data todetermine individual student needsand flexible student groups.5. Instructional Planning & DeliveryDevelop mini-lessons and work stationactivities by TEKS/Student Expectationsto target specific needs based on datadisaggregation.8. Post-AssessmentAdminister post-assessment(s)for every pre-assessment given.3. Summer SchoolInstructional Planning GuidesReview the summer school planningguide(s) for the appropriate grade andcontent area(s) to identify instructionalconsiderations, strategies, andresources for instructional delivery.4. Lesson PlanningUse appropriate strategies andresources from the planning guides todevelop lessons that target theidentified TEKS/Student Expectationsfor individual students.9. Follow-upComplete a CumulativeLearning Profile for eachstudent to be delivered to hisor her teacher in the fall.See Summer School Handbook for additional informationregarding Summer School Promotion Standards (requires login;contact HISD eLearn Technical Support if you do not know yourpassword).NOTE: Teacher is responsible for documenting instruction for 2013 summerschool session on GradeSpeed. The pre- and post-assessments serve as one pieceof evidence in the body of student work accomplished in the summer session.

HOUSTON ISD SUMMER SCHOOL – PLANNING FLOW CHART – <strong>2013</strong> PROGRAM1. Pre-AssessmentAdminister content-area preassessment(s)only for the contentarea(s) in which the student needsadditional support (i.e., reason for<strong>summer</strong> <strong>school</strong> attendance).6. Monitoring / Re-evaluationMonitor progress of individual studentsto ensure that learning gaps areappropriately addressed using teacherdevelopedformative assessments andresources in the <strong>planning</strong> guides.7. Adjust / RegroupAdjust instruction and regroupstudents as needed to ensure thatstudents' learning gaps are addressedwith effective instruction.2. Data DisaggregationReview Student Cumulative LearningProfiles, pre-assessment results,students' self-analysis/reflection forms,and other student performance data todetermine individual student needsand flexible student groups.5. Instructional Planning & DeliveryDevelop mini-lessons and work stationactivities by TEKS/Student Expectationsto target specific needs based on datadisaggregation.8. Post-AssessmentAdminister post-assessment(s)for every pre-assessment given.3. Summer SchoolInstructional Planning GuidesReview the <strong>summer</strong> <strong>school</strong> <strong>planning</strong>guide(s) for the appropriate grade andcontent area(s) to identify instructionalconsiderations, strategies, andresources for instructional delivery.4. Lesson PlanningUse appropriate strategies andresources from the <strong>planning</strong> guides todevelop lessons that target theidentified TEKS/Student Expectationsfor individual students.9. Follow-upComplete a CumulativeLearning Profile for eachstudent to be delivered to hisor her teacher in the fall.See Summer School Handbook for additional informationregarding Summer School Promotion Standards (requires login;contact HISD eLearn Technical Support if you do not know yourpassword).NOTE: Teacher is responsible for documenting instruction for <strong>2013</strong> <strong>summer</strong><strong>school</strong> session on GradeSpeed. The pre- and post-assessments serve as one pieceof evidence in the body of student work accomplished in the <strong>summer</strong> session.

Grading CycleSummer SchoolUnit OverviewSCIENCE GRADE 7HISD Summer School Curriculum: Unit FrameworkInstructional Days20 DaysJun 11 – Jul 12, <strong>2013</strong>Unit Framework User InformationStructure of Cells – In this unit, students will compare the functions of a cell to the functions of organisms anddifferentiate between structure and function in plant and animal cell organelles.Human Body Systems – In this unit, students will identify the main functions of the systems of the human organism.Natural Selection and Selective Breeding – In this unit, students will identify changes in genetic traits that haveoccurred over several generations through natural selection and selective breeding.Dichotomous Keys and Population Variations – In this unit, students will create dichotomous keys to classifyorganisms.Outline of Unit(s)Unit1 - Structure of Cells [ this unit ] link to Curriculum Planning Guide and supporting materialsUnit 2 - Human Body Systems [ this unit ] link to Curriculum Planning Guide and supporting materialsUnit 3 - Dichotomous Keys and Population Variations [ this unit ] link to Curriculum Planning Guide and supportingmaterialsUnit 4 - Natural Selection and Selective Breeding [ this unit ] link to Curriculum Planning Guide and supportingmaterialsEssential UnderstandingsAll living things are made up of cells which are the building blocks of life.Cells are composed of matter and require energy to function.Genetics materials in organisms can change over generations as a result of natural selection and selective breeding.Organisms are classified by groups based on characteristics and traits as expressed by a dichotomous key.Key Conceptscellsbody systemnatural selectionselective breedingAcademic VocabularymicroscopecellcarbohydratesystemdigestionvariationHISD Objectives / TEKSproteincarbonstructurefunctionclassificationpopulationgeneration changesdichotomous keyContent-Specific Vocabularyorganellecell wallnucleuscytoplasmmitochondrionchloroplastvacuoleorganic compoundnatural selectioncell membraneorganismCell Theorythermal energyselective breedingSCI.7.1A Demonstrate safe practices during laboratory and field investigations as outlined in the Texas SafetyStandards.SCI.7.2B Design and implement experimental investigations by making observations, asking well-defined questions,formulating testable hypotheses, and using appropriate equipment and technology.SCI.7.2C Collect and record data using the International System of Units (SI) and qualitative means such as labeleddrawings, writing, and graphic organizers.SCI.7.2D Construct tables, using repeated trials and means, to organize data and identify patterns.SCI.7.3A In all fields of science, analyze, evaluate, and critique scientific explanations by using empirical evidence, - English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) - Literacy Leads the Way Best Practices - Aligned Readiness - Process StandardsP - HISD Power Objective R - STAAR Readiness Standards S - STAAR Supporting Standards© Houston ISD Curriculum2012 – <strong>2013</strong>Page 1 of 2

HISD Objectives / TEKSSCIENCE GRADE 7HISD Summer School Curriculum: Unit Frameworklogical reasoning and experimental and observational testing, including examining all sides of the scientific evidence ofthose scientific explanations so as to encourage critical thinking by the student.SCI.7.3B Use models to represent aspects of the natural world such as human body systems, and plant and animalcells.SCI.7.3C Identify advantages and limitations of models such as size, scale, properties, and materials.SCI.7.4A Use appropriate tools to collect, record, and analyze information.SCI.7.6A Identify that organic compounds contain carbon and other elements such as hydrogen, phosphorus, nitrogen, orsulfur.SCI.7.6C Recognize how large molecules are broken down into smaller molecules, such as carbohydrates can be brokendown into sugars.S SCI.7. 6B Distinguish between physical and chemical changes in matter in the digestive system.SCI.7.7B Illustrate the transformation of energy within an organism such as the transfer from chemical energy to heat andthermal energy in digestion.SCI.7.7C Demonstrate and illustrate forces that affect motion in everyday life, such as emergence of seedlings, turgor SSCI.7.11A Examine organisms or their structures, such as insects or leaves, and use dichotomous keys for identification.SCI.7.11B Explain variation within a population or species by comparing external features, behaviors, or physiology oforganisms that enhance their survival such as migration, hibernation, or storage of food in a bulb.pressure, and geotropism.S SCI.7.11C Identify some changes in genetic traits that can have occurred over several generations through naturalselection and selective breeding such as the Galapagos Medium Ground Finch (Geospiza fortis) or domestic animals.SCI.7.12B Identify the main functions of the systems of the human organism including the circulatory, respiratory, skeletal,muscular, digestive, excretory, reproductive, integumentary, nervous, and endocrine systems.SCI.7.12C Recognize levels of organization in plants and animals including cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, andorganisms.S SCI.7.12D Differentiate between structure and function in plant and animal cell organelles including cell membrane, cellwall, nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondrion, chloroplast, and vacuole.SCI.7.12E Compare the functions of a cell to the functions of organisms such as waste removal.S SCI.7.12F Recognize that according to cell theory all organisms are composed of cells and cells carry on similarfunctions such as extracting energy from food to sustain life.Performance Expectation(s)Students will be able to create a model of an animal cell or plant cell and compare and contrast the organelles in bothmodels of organisms.Using a paper and pencil assessment, students will identify major organelles of plant and animal cells or create graphicorganizer to compare and contrast major organelles found in plant and animal cells.Using cooperative groups, students will be able to design a comparative or descriptive investigation to assess objectsfor the presence of organic compounds.As a formative assessment, students will complete the activity: Nature at Work, Prentice Hall, Science Explorer, Grade8, pp. 622-623 to investigate changes as a result of natural selection and selective breeding.Students will be able to create dichotomous keys to classify organisms and identify traits which have changed overgenerations.pre and post <strong>summer</strong> <strong>school</strong> assessments are available.Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS): End of year assessment in Listening, Speaking,Reading, and Writing for all students coded as LEP (ELL) and students who are LEP but have Parental Denials forLanguage Support Programming (coded WH). For the Writing TELPAS, teachers provide 5 writing samples (1 narrativeabout a past event, 2 academic {Science, Social Studies, Mathematics}, and 2 other). - English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) - Literacy Leads the Way Best Practices - Aligned Readiness - Process StandardsP - HISD Power Objective R - STAAR Readiness Standards S - STAAR Supporting Standards© Houston ISD Curriculum2012 – <strong>2013</strong>Page 2 of 2

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