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88 ARIADNE.snatched by some passing hand from death,hasblamed his saviour. She had only awakened toagony, like the patient under the knife when theanæsthetic has too soon ceased its spell. Ionlymade her suffer more a thousandfold by liftingup that cloud uponher brahi. YetIhad clonefor the best, andIhad praised heaven for itsmercies when she had looked with eyes of consciousnessupon the moonlit Tiber, andhad criedaloud the name of Rome!Ihad clone for the best: so hadIdone whenIhad gone up to the Golden Hill,and told thestory of my dream toMaryx.As my memories went back to him, thinkingdully there in the dark, not daring to enter thechamber again, for there was no sound, andIthought perhaps she slept in the gloom and thewarmth of the heat, a footfall that was familiarcame upon the stairs, a shadow was between meand the dull lamp swinging down below, thevoice of Maryx came through the silence and thedarkness to myear."Are you there? "he said to me, "are youthere ? "

ARIADNE. 89"Yes,Iam here. Hush! speak low!" Ianswered him; andIrose up, afraid, forIhad had no idea that he could have returnedto Rome, which was stupid in me, doubtless,.because several months had gone by sinceIhadset forth to walk across France, and from homeIhad had no tidings, shice none of my friendscoidd either read or write.A vague fear fell uponme,Ihardlyknow why,.seeing his dark and noble head bending clownupon mine in the gloom." Hush! speak low!" Isaid to him, and I*rose up from the stair and stared up at him." You are come back ? "" Yes,Ihave comeback. Iheard thathe waswith another woman, there in Cairo; is thattrue ? "" No doubt itis true; Icannot tell where hemay be, but she is here — alone."His great dark eyes seemed to have flame inthem, like alion's by night, as they looked downinto mine in the dusk of the stairway. Hegripped my shoulder with ahard hand." Tell meall," he said. AndItoldhim.

ARIADNE. 89"Yes,Iam here. Hush! speak low!" Ianswered him; andIrose up, afraid, forIhad had no idea that he could have returnedto Rome, which was stupid in me, doubtless,.because several months had gone by sinceIhadset forth to walk across France, and from homeIhad had no tidings, shice none of my friendscoidd either read or write.A vague fear fell uponme,Ihardlyknow why,.seeing his dark and noble head bending clownupon mine in the gloom." Hush! speak low!" Isaid to him, and I*rose up from the stair and stared up at him." You are come back ? "" Yes,Ihave comeback. Iheard thathe waswith another woman, there in Cairo; is thattrue ? "" No doubt itis true; Icannot tell where hemay be, but she is here — alone."His great dark eyes seemed to have flame inthem, like alion's by night, as they looked downinto mine in the dusk of the stairway. Hegripped my shoulder with ahard hand." Tell meall," he said. AndItoldhim.

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