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60ARIADNE.baldnarrative,which he told insimple, unlearnedfashion." Of courseIsearched for her everywhere,butit was long beforeIfound her. The manat thegate seemed mieasy, for fear of the displeasureof Hilarion;but he said, ' we have no orders;we can do nothing; when he comes back — 'So they did not stir, nor care: as for me,Ithought "she was dead. But stillIsought highandlow." One clay,in this very street,Iheard somewomentalking;this womanwhom you have seenwith her wasoneof them;theyspoke ofastrangerwho was dying of hunger, yet who had spent theonly coin she could earn by making the nets forthe fishermen of the Seine,in buying grey clayand earth. ThenIthought of her, for often shewoulcl mend the old men's nets \>y the Tiber,having learned to do itby the sea; and who butshe would have bought sculptors' clay instead ofbread?" ThenIquestioned the French woman ofher, and httle by little she told me.She hasa good soul, and a tender one, and she was

ARIADNE. 61'sorrowful,though knowing nothing. This girlis beautiful,' she said, ' and belongs to noblepeople,Ithink, but she has had some greatgrief, or else is mad. She passed clown mystreet one day at daybreak and asked for alittle empty room thatIhad to let, and toldme that she had not a coin in the world-,andbade me get her the fishing-nets to makeor mend.Ido not know why — she spoke tome; children and dogs like me, perhaps thatwas why. And she seemed to be in such greatwoe, thatIhad not the heart to turn heraway; andIgave her the room, and got herthe work, and piteous it is to see her lovelyslender hands amongst all that rough cordageand hemp,and tornby them, and yet working onand on; and with the first money she gained shebought clay, and she began to model a statue,like the figures one seesinthe churches; and allclay she makes or mends the nets,and half thenight, or more, labours at this clay; and she ismad,Ithink, for she never speaks, and scarcelya mouthful passes her hps, save a draught ofwater.'

60ARIADNE.baldnarrative,which he told insimple, unlearnedfashion." Of courseIsearched for her everywhere,butit was long beforeIfound her. <strong>The</strong> manat thegate seemed mieasy, for fear of the displeasureof Hilarion;but he said, ' we have no orders;we can do nothing; when he comes back — 'So they did not stir, nor care: as for me,Ithought "she was dead. But stillIsought highandlow." One clay,in this very street,Iheard somewomentalking;this womanwhom you have seenwith her wasoneof them;theyspoke ofastrangerwho was dying of hunger, yet who had spent theonly coin she could earn by making the nets forthe fishermen of the Seine,in buying grey clayand earth. <strong>The</strong>nIthought of her, for often shewoulcl mend the old men's nets \>y the Tiber,having learned to do itby the sea; and who butshe would have bought sculptors' clay instead ofbread?" <strong>The</strong>nIquestioned the French woman ofher, and httle by little she told me.She hasa good soul, and a tender one, and she was

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