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48 ARIADNE.mered some iU-connected words of where heHved and how it fared with him: then lookingme suddenlyin the face,the tears spranginto hiseyes, he drew me aside hurriedly down into apassage-way." You areold and poor.Ican tell you," hesaid, quickly. "I shall not be jealous of you.You care for her, but you cannot keep her.Come home with me, andIwill teU you."" She is in thecity, then ? " Isaid,with a greatleap at myheart,and a dizziness before my sight." Yes, yes," he said, impatiently." Comehome with me."Ikept pace with his lithe and quick youngsteps to ahouse on the river." You will make me lose money,"he said,restlessly,looking backward at the crowded andilluminated streets we left.He had changed sorely from the »retty softlad that he had been at Daila; poverty andfeverish passions, and the ah- and the ways ofcities, had pinched and wasted his features andgiven a false colour to his worn cheeks, and apiteous eagerness to his glance. He drew me

ARIADNE. 49aside in a little passage-way, where there was abench under a pear-tree, and a sign of a sUverdeer swinging, asIwell remember, in the artificialHght." Sit down," he said, imperiously, and yettimidly." You wiU sayIhave done wrong, nodoubt. But if the time wereto come over againIwoidd not do otherwise. Icould not."Ishook with impatience." Who cares what you have done or left undone? " Icried crueUy,"Who cares? — tellme ofher: has he left her? "Amphion laughed aloud." Have youread Fauriel ?'" Ihave had it readto me. Ican understandthe tongue now. Have you read it ? Oh,itisbeautiful,so the world says — itis beautiful, nodoubt. Only reading it! why do you ask ? "A great heart sickness came over me:Iheldhim with both myhands onhis arm." For the love of God tell mein a few words,— since you know everything,it would seem is.she near me now?" Is she Hving? Has he forsakenher quite ?VOL. III. £

ARIADNE. 49aside in a little passage-way, where there was abench under a pear-tree, and a sign of a sUverdeer swinging, asIwell remember, in the artificialHght." Sit down," he said, imperiously, and yettimidly." You wiU sayIhave done wrong, nodoubt. But if the time wereto come over againIwoidd not do otherwise. Icould not."Ishook with impatience." Who cares what you have done or left undone? " Icried crueUy,"Who cares? — tellme ofher: has he left her? "Amphion laughed aloud." Have youread Fauriel ?'" Ihave had it readto me. Ican understandthe tongue now. Have you read it ? Oh,itisbeautiful,so the world says — itis beautiful, nodoubt. Only reading it! why do you ask ? "A great heart sickness came over me:Iheldhim with both myhands onhis arm." For the love of God tell mein a few words,— since you know everything,it would seem is.she near me now?" Is she Hving? Has he forsakenher quite ?VOL. III. £

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