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Access Online - The European Library

Access Online - The European Library


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36ARIADNE.AndItook the other things thatIhad, theEtruscan armlet, and the bronze catacomb lamp,and the beautiful fire-blackened flower-crownedcolossal head, and sold them to men who hadthe heart to chaffer and deal in such sacredthings — Inever had been able to do it — and putthe money that they gave me in a leathern bag,and set off on my way to the gilded city thatHilarion best loved.For thereIknew that quite easily,Ior anyonecould hear of him,and know at once whitherhe had gone, and who was with him." Bring her back!" Alas!from the path shehad taken there is noreturn.YetIwent to searchfor her;baring nowthesetidings of her inheritance.Itook the money, and made up my Httle packas hi the days of my wanderings, so that itstrapped tightly onmy back, and caUed to Palesto come with me, and left Rome oncemore. Itwas in the light shining weather of earlyautumn, when the air is once moreelastic afterthe swooningheats of summer, and there is thescent of fresh wine everywhere upon the wind,.

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