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24 ARIADNE.The road curvesto the left, as everyone knows,and goes tothe baths of the poor madman, Caracalla;and there are shapeless mounds of brickand stoneand rubble everywhereamongst the turfand the tilled soil, and you know that they wereall sacred one day,and beautiful,with domes andporticoes, andcolumns andhighspringingarches,and thronging multitudes worshipping in them,and the smoke of sacrifice ascending, and thegreat statues standing with serene faces immutableand calm amidst the uproar of emotion andof prayer.The night was still and luminous; a nulHonstars were shining in the violet blue above;allwas quiet, with only the sound of hooting owlsthat flew from the looming mass of the Flaviantheatre behind mein the dark.Ithought of thebroad burning noons, of the gathered people, ofthe knife of the priest, of the fall of the ox,ofthe fountain of blood, of the frenzy of death, ofthe worship of Attis, of all that came with theaccursed eastern races to rum Rome with itslusts. iIthought and shuddered and went on and

ARIADNE. 25forgot them: what mattered the fall of the godsor the nations? — Ihad not been able to keeppure and in safety one short human Hfe.It was midsummer time, and the scents of theland were aU sweet and heavy about me, thereaped wheat leaned against the broken altar,and the cut clover was piled by the forsakenlararia; the an1 was aHght and alive with fireflies,and the crickets alone answered the owls singingamongst the stalks of the corn.The might}- red masses of the baths rose insight; they were not red now, but brown andgrey, stripped of their marbles, and bare in themoonlight, with the bushes blowing on theirsummits, and the many things that only ventureforth by night, creeping over the mosaic floorsthat once had felt so manymilHon soft, white,useless feet glistening with the unguents and theperfumes there.Inthat warm summer night the scents of theinnumerable bird-sown plants and flowers weresweet upon the night as ever was the stream offragrance poured over patrician limbs in theserecesses, now so dark and drear and given over

ARIADNE. 25forgot them: what mattered the fall of the godsor the nations? — Ihad not been able to keeppure and in safety one short human Hfe.It was midsummer time, and the scents of theland were aU sweet and heavy about me, thereaped wheat leaned against the broken altar,and the cut clover was piled by the forsakenlararia; the an1 was aHght and alive with fireflies,and the crickets alone answered the owls singingamongst the stalks of the corn.<strong>The</strong> might}- red masses of the baths rose insight; they were not red now, but brown andgrey, stripped of their marbles, and bare in themoonlight, with the bushes blowing on theirsummits, and the many things that only ventureforth by night, creeping over the mosaic floorsthat once had felt so manymilHon soft, white,useless feet glistening with the unguents and theperfumes there.Inthat warm summer night the scents of theinnumerable bird-sown plants and flowers weresweet upon the night as ever was the stream offragrance poured over patrician limbs in theserecesses, now so dark and drear and given over

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