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32CHATTO 6" HINDUS, PICCADILLY.Large crown8vo, cloth antique, with Illustrations, Is. 6d.Walton a?id Cottons Complete Angler;or, The Contemplative Man's Recreation:being a Discourse ofRivers,Fishponds,Fish andFishing, writtenby Izaak Walton;and Instructions how to Angle for a Trout or Grayling ina clearStream, by Charles Cotton. With Original Memoirs andNotes by Sir Harris Nicolas, K.C.M.G. With the 61 Plate" Illustrations, precisely as inPickering's two-volume Edition.A mong the reprintscf theyear,few willbe more welcome tluin this editionofthe ' Complete Angler,' with Sir Harris — Nicolas's Memoirs and Notes, andStothard1sandInskipp'sillustrations." Saturday Review.___Carefully printed on paper toimitate the Original, 22 in. by 14in., 2s.The Warrant to Execute CharlesI.An exact Facsimile of this important Document, with the FiftynineSignatures of the Regicides, and corresponding Seals.Beautifully printed onpaper toimitate the Original MS., price 2s.Warrant to ExecuteMary Q. of Scots.An exactFacsimile, including the Signature of Queen Elizabeth,andaFacsimile of the Great Seal.Crown Svo, cloth extra, with Vignette Portrait, gs.Wells' Joseph andhis Brethren:A Dramatic Poem. By Charles Wells. With anIntroductoryEssayby AlgernonCharles Swinburne."The authorof ' fosephand his Brethren ' will some day iiave to be acknowledgedamongthememorable men ofthe secondgreatperiodin ourpoetry. . .There are lines even in tlie overtureof his poem which might,it seems to me,morenaturallybe mistaken even byanexpertin verse for tlie work of theyoungShakspeare, thanany to begathered elsewhere in thefieldsofEnglishpoetry." —Swinburne.Crown 8vo,cloth extra, with Illustrations, 7*. 6d.Wright 's Caricature History of theGeorges. ( TlieHouseofHanover.) With 400 Pictures, Caricatures,Squibs, Broadsides, Window Pictures,&c. By Thomas Wright," Esq., M.A., F.S.A.Emphatically one_ of the liveliestof books, asalso oneof — the most interesting.Has the twofoldmeritofbeing at once amusingand edifying." Morning Post.Largepost 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, with Illustrations, 7.?. 6d.Wright 's History of Caricature andofthe Grotesque in Art, Literature, Sculpture, andPainting, fromthe Earliest Times to the Present Day. By Thomas Wright,M.A.,F.S.A. Profusely illustrated by F. W. Fairholt,F.S.A." A very amusingandinstructive volume." — Saturday Review.J. 0GDEN AND CO., PRINTERS, 172, ST. JOHN STREET, E.C.

32CHATTO 6" HINDUS, PICCADILLY.Large crown8vo, cloth antique, with Illustrations, Is. 6d.Walton a?id Cottons Complete Angler;or, <strong>The</strong> Contemplative Man's Recreation:being a Discourse ofRivers,Fishponds,Fish andFishing, writtenby Izaak Walton;and Instructions how to Angle for a Trout or Grayling ina clearStream, by Charles Cotton. With Original Memoirs andNotes by Sir Harris Nicolas, K.C.M.G. With the 61 Plate" Illustrations, precisely as inPickering's two-volume Edition.A mong the reprintscf theyear,few willbe more welcome tluin this editionofthe ' Complete Angler,' with Sir Harris — Nicolas's Memoirs and Notes, andStothard1sandInskipp'sillustrations." Saturday Review.___Carefully printed on paper toimitate the Original, 22 in. by 14in., 2s.<strong>The</strong> Warrant to Execute CharlesI.An exact Facsimile of this important Document, with the FiftynineSignatures of the Regicides, and corresponding Seals.Beautifully printed onpaper toimitate the Original MS., price 2s.Warrant to ExecuteMary Q. of Scots.An exactFacsimile, including the Signature of Queen Elizabeth,andaFacsimile of the Great Seal.Crown Svo, cloth extra, with Vignette Portrait, gs.Wells' Joseph andhis Brethren:A Dramatic Poem. By Charles Wells. With anIntroductoryEssayby AlgernonCharles Swinburne."<strong>The</strong> authorof ' fosephand his Brethren ' will some day iiave to be acknowledgedamongthememorable men ofthe secondgreatperiodin ourpoetry. . .<strong>The</strong>re are lines even in tlie overtureof his poem which might,it seems to me,morenaturallybe mistaken even byanexpertin verse for tlie work of theyoungShakspeare, thanany to begathered elsewhere in thefieldsofEnglishpoetry." —Swinburne.Crown 8vo,cloth extra, with Illustrations, 7*. 6d.Wright 's Caricature History of theGeorges. ( TlieHouseofHanover.) With 400 Pictures, Caricatures,Squibs, Broadsides, Window Pictures,&c. By Thomas Wright," Esq., M.A., F.S.A.Emphatically one_ of the liveliestof books, asalso oneof — the most interesting.Has the twofoldmeritofbeing at once amusingand edifying." Morning Post.Largepost 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, with Illustrations, 7.?. 6d.Wright 's History of Caricature andofthe Grotesque in Art, Literature, Sculpture, andPainting, fromthe Earliest Times to the Present Day. By Thomas Wright,M.A.,F.S.A. Profusely illustrated by F. W. Fairholt,F.S.A." A very amusingandinstructive volume." — Saturday Review.J. 0GDEN AND CO., PRINTERS, 172, ST. JOHN STREET, E.C.

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