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22 BOOKS PUBLISHEDBYThe Piccadilly Novels — continued.The Frozen Deep.Illustrated by G.Du Maurier andJ. Mahoney. By Wilkie Collins.The Lawand the Lady.Illustrated by S.L. Fildes and Sydney Hall.By Wilkie Collins.V Also aPOPULAR EDITIONof WILKIE COLLINS'SNOVELS, post 8vo, Illustrated boards, 2s. each.Felicia.By M. Betham-Edwards."With a Frontispieceby W. Bowles.A noblenovel. Its teachingiselevated,its story is sympathetic, andthe kindoffeelingitsperusalleaves behind is that more ordinarily derivedfrom music crpoetrytlianfromprosefiction.— Few worksinmodernfiction standashighin ourestimation as this." Sunday Times.Patricia Kemball.By E. Lynn Linton." With Frontispiece by G.DuMaurier.A veryclever and well-constructed story, originaland striking, interesting— allthrough. " A novelaboundingin thoughtand power andinterest." Times.Displays genuinehumour, aswellas keensocial observation. Enoughgraphicportraitureand — -witty observation tofurnish materials forlialf-a-dozen novels ofthe ordinarykind." SaturdayReview.TheAtonement of Learn Dundas.By e.Lynnlinton.Witha Frontispieceby Henry" Woods.Inkernarrowness and ker depth,in herboundless loyalty,Jierpassion, self-forgettingthat exclusiveness of love which is akin to cruelty, and the fiercehumility which is vicarious pride, Learn Dundas isa strikingfigure. In onequality the authoress has in some measure surpassed herself. —Pall MallGazette.TheEvilEye,andother Stories. ByKatharine s.Macquoid.' Illustrated by Thomas R. Macquoid and Percy Macquoid.'Cameos delicately, ifnot very minutelyorvividly,wrought,andquite finishedenough to give a pleasurablesense ofartistic — ease andfaculty. Amendationwordofcom-is merited bythe illustrations." Academy.Number Seventeen.By Henry Kingslet.Oakshott Castle.By Henry Kingsley.With a Frontispieceby Shirley Hodson."A brisk and clear north windof sentiment— sentiment that braces insteadenervating— blows through — all his works,and makes ofall their readershealthier andmoreglad." once0PZ "', SelTl'\ _.*y Florence Marryat." Illustrated by F. A. Fraser.A — story which arouses and sustains ihe reader's interest to ahigher degreethan, perhaps, any of its author's former works. .. . A verystory." Graphic.excellentW/"iaiiieS- __ _ „ Mrs- Oliphant.With Illustrations k byA.Hopkinsand H. Woods."Js„"iI,->' — " pleasant and readable book, written with practical ease andgrace. Times.

CHATTO &" WINDUS, PICCADILLY. 23The Piccadilly Novels— continued.Tlie Best of Husbands.Illustrated byJ. Moyr Smith.By James Payn.Walter's Word.ByJames Payn.Illustrated by J. Moyr Smith.Halves.By James Payn.With a*' Frontispieceby J. Mahoney.His ntroels are always commendable in the sense of art. They alsopossessanotlcer distinct claim to our liking:thegirts in them are remarkablycharmingandtrue to nature, as most people, — we betiez'e, liave tlie good fortuneobserve tonature represented by girls." Spectator.The Way weLive Now.By Anthony trollope." With Illustrations.Mr. Trollopehas a true artist's idea of tone, of colour, of harmony:hispictures are one, and seldom out of drawing; lie never strains caricature."— aftereffect, isfidelity itself in expressing English life, is never guilty ofFortnightly Review.Diamond CutDiamond.By t.a.trollope.11Full oflife, of interest, of close observation, and sympathy.... — WhenMr. Trollopepaintsa scene it is sure to be a scene worthpainting." SaturdayReview.Bound to the Wheel.Guy Waterman.One Against tlie World.The Lionin tlie Path.By John Saunders.By John Saunders.ByJohn Saunders.— ByJohn Saunders."A carefully written and beautiful story a story of goodness and truth,which is yet as interestingas thoughitdealt withtheopposite qualities.. . .The authorofthis really clever story has been at greatpains to work outallits details with elaborate conscientiousness, and the result is avery vividpictureof the ways of life and habits of thought of a hundred and fifty years ago... . Certainly a very interestingbook." — Times.Ready-MoneyMortiboy.By W. Besantand James Rice.V READY-MONEY MORTIBOY may also be had inillustrated boards, at 2s.MyLittle Girl.Case ofMr.Literaft.This Sunof Vulcan.WithHarpand Crown.The Golden Butterfly.By W. Besant and James Rice.By W. Besantand James Rice.By W. Besantand James Rice.By W. Besant and James Rice.By W. Besant and James Ri£E.With a Frontispiece*''byF. S. Walker.The GoldenButterfly ' willcertainly addtothehappinessof — mankind, for wedefy anybodyto readit with agloomycountenance." Times.

22 BOOKS PUBLISHEDBY<strong>The</strong> Piccadilly Novels — continued.<strong>The</strong> Frozen Deep.Illustrated by G.Du Maurier andJ. Mahoney. By Wilkie Collins.<strong>The</strong> Lawand the Lady.Illustrated by S.L. Fildes and Sydney Hall.By Wilkie Collins.V Also aPOPULAR EDITIONof WILKIE COLLINS'SNOVELS, post 8vo, Illustrated boards, 2s. each.Felicia.By M. Betham-Edwards."With a Frontispieceby W. Bowles.A noblenovel. Its teachingiselevated,its story is sympathetic, andthe kindoffeelingitsperusalleaves behind is that more ordinarily derivedfrom music crpoetrytlianfromprosefiction.— Few worksinmodernfiction standashighin ourestimation as this." Sunday Times.Patricia Kemball.By E. Lynn Linton." With Frontispiece by G.DuMaurier.A veryclever and well-constructed story, originaland striking, interesting— allthrough. " A novelaboundingin thoughtand power andinterest." Times.Displays genuinehumour, aswellas keensocial observation. Enoughgraphicportraitureand — -witty observation tofurnish materials forlialf-a-dozen novels ofthe ordinarykind." SaturdayReview.<strong>The</strong>Atonement of Learn Dundas.By e.Lynnlinton.Witha Frontispieceby Henry" Woods.Inkernarrowness and ker depth,in herboundless loyalty,Jierpassion, self-forgettingthat exclusiveness of love which is akin to cruelty, and the fiercehumility which is vicarious pride, Learn Dundas isa strikingfigure. In onequality the authoress has in some measure surpassed herself. —Pall MallGazette.<strong>The</strong>EvilEye,andother Stories. ByKatharine s.Macquoid.' Illustrated by Thomas R. Macquoid and Percy Macquoid.'Cameos delicately, ifnot very minutelyorvividly,wrought,andquite finishedenough to give a pleasurablesense ofartistic — ease andfaculty. Amendationwordofcom-is merited bythe illustrations." Academy.Number Seventeen.By Henry Kingslet.Oakshott Castle.By Henry Kingsley.With a Frontispieceby Shirley Hodson."A brisk and clear north windof sentiment— sentiment that braces insteadenervating— blows through — all his works,and makes ofall their readershealthier andmoreglad." once0PZ "', SelTl'\ _.*y Florence Marryat." Illustrated by F. A. Fraser.A — story which arouses and sustains ihe reader's interest to ahigher degreethan, perhaps, any of its author's former works. .. . A verystory." Graphic.excellentW/"iaiiieS- __ _ „ Mrs- Oliphant.With Illustrations k byA.Hopkinsand H. Woods."Js„"iI,->' — " pleasant and readable book, written with practical ease andgrace. Times.

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