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12BOOKS PUBLISHED BYThe Ruskin Grimm. — Square crown Svo, cloth extra, 6s. 6d.;gilt edges, "]s. 6d.German Popular Stories.Collected by the Brothers Grimm, and Translated by EdgarTaylor. Edited, with an Introduction, by John Ruskin.With 22 Illustrations after the inimitable designs of George"Cruikshank. Both Series Complete.Tlu>illustrations of'this volume....are of quite sterlingandadmirableart,ofa class precisely parallelin elevation to the characterof the tales whichthey illustrate;andtheoriginal etchings,asIhavebeforesaidin theAppendixtomy ' Elements ofDrawing,'wereunrivalledinmasterfulness of touchsinceRembrandt{insome qualitiesofdelineation,unrivalled evenby him). . ..Tomakesomewhat enlarged copies of them, looking at them througha magnifyingglass,andneverputtingtwo lines whereCruikshank hasputonly one, wouldbeanexercisein decision andseveredrawingwhichwouldleaveafterwards little to belearntin schools." — Extractfrom Introduction by John Ruskin.One Vol. crown 8vo, cloth extra,

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12BOOKS PUBLISHED BY<strong>The</strong> Ruskin Grimm. — Square crown Svo, cloth extra, 6s. 6d.;gilt edges, "]s. 6d.German Popular Stories.Collected by the Brothers Grimm, and Translated by EdgarTaylor. Edited, with an Introduction, by John Ruskin.With 22 Illustrations after the inimitable designs of George"Cruikshank. Both Series Complete.Tlu>illustrations of'this volume....are of quite sterlingandadmirableart,ofa class precisely parallelin elevation to the characterof the tales whichthey illustrate;andtheoriginal etchings,asIhavebeforesaidin theAppendixtomy ' Elements ofDrawing,'wereunrivalledinmasterfulness of touchsinceRembrandt{insome qualitiesofdelineation,unrivalled evenby him). . ..Tomakesomewhat enlarged copies of them, looking at them througha magnifyingglass,andneverputtingtwo lines whereCruikshank hasputonly one, wouldbeanexercisein decision andseveredrawingwhichwouldleaveafterwards little to belearntin schools." — Extractfrom Introduction by John Ruskin.One Vol. crown 8vo, cloth extra,

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