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CHATTO &. WINDUS, PICCADILLY. 7Demy 4to,cloth extra, gilt edges, 3U. 6d.Canova 's WorksinSculptureandModelling.150 Plates, exquisitely engraved in Outline by Moses, andprinted on an India tint. With Descriptions by the CountessAlbrizzi, a Biographical Memoir by Cicognara, and Portraitby Worthington;." <strong>The</strong>fertility of this master's resources is amazing, and the manual labourexpended on his works-wouldhaveworn outmany anordinary workman. <strong>The</strong>outline engravingsarefinelyexecuted. <strong>The</strong>descriptivenotes are discriminating,aruiin tlie mainexact." — Spectator.Two Vols. imperial Svo, cloth extra,gilt, the Plates beautifullyprintedinColours, £t, 3J.Catlin 's Illustrations of the Manners,Customs, and Condition of the North American Indians:theresultof Eight Years of Travel and Adventureamong the Wildestand most Remarkable Tribes now existing. Containing 360Coloured Engravings from the Author's original Paintings.Small 4to, cloth gilt, with Coloured Illustrations, los. 6d.Chaucerfor Children;A Golden Key. By Mrs. H. R. Haweis. With Eight ColouredPictures andnumerous Woodcuts by the Author."Itmustnotonly take a highplace amongthe Christmas andNew Yearbooksof thisseason, but is alsoofpermanentvalue as an introduction to the study efChaucer, whose works,in selections ofsome kind or other, are now text-books ineveryschool tltat aspires togive soundinstruction inEnglish." — Academy.Crown Svo,cloth extra, gilt, 7^. 6d.Colman's Humorous Works:"Broad Grins," "My Nightgown and Slippers," and otherHumorous Works, Prose and Poetical, of George Colman.With Life by G. B. Buckstone, and Frontispieceby Hogarth.Demy8vo, cloth extra, withColoured Illustrationsand Maps, 24J.Cope'sHistory of the Rifle Brigade(<strong>The</strong> Prince Consort's Own), formerly the 95th. By Sir WilliamH. Cope, formerly Lieutenant, Rifle Brigade.Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, with Portraits, ys. 6d.Creasy'sMemoirsofEminent Etonians;with Notices of the Early History of Eton College. By SirEdward Creasy, Author of "<strong>The</strong> Fifteen Decisive Battles ofthe World." A New Edition, brought down to the Present" Time, with 13 Illustrations.A new edition of ' Creasy's Etonians' will be welcome. <strong>The</strong> book was afazwurite aquarter of a century ago. andithas maintained its reputation. <strong>The</strong>value of this new edition is enhanced by the fact that Sir Edward Creasy hasadded to it severalmemoirs of — Etonians who have died since thefirst editionappeared. <strong>The</strong> workiseminentlyinteresting." Scotsman.

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