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4 BOOKS PUBLISHED BYDemy 8vo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, l8.r.Baker's Clouds intlieEast:Travels and Adventures on the Perso-Turkoman Frontier. ByValentine Baker. With Maps and Illustrations, colouredand plain, from Original Sketches. Second Edition, revisedand" corrected.A man who notonlythinksfor himself, but who has risked hislife in order togain information A mostgraphicandlively narrativeoftravelsandadventures which have nothing of the commonplace about thejn."— LeedsMercury.Crown Svo, cloth extra, gilt, with Illustrations, ys. 6d.Boccaccio's Decameron;or, Ten Days' Entertainment. Translated into English, with anIntroduction by Thomas Wright, Esq., M.A., F.S.A. WithPortrait, andStothard's beautiful Copperplates.Price One Shilling Monthly, with Four Illustrations.Belgravia Magazine. " "*~HHAT the purpose with which BELGRA VIA was originatedhas been"*■fulfilled, is shown by the popularity that has attendedit since its firstappearance. Aiming,as maybe inferredfrom its name,at supplyingthemostrefinedand cultivatedsection ofLondon society with intellectualPabulum suitedto its requirements,it sprang at once intopublicfavottr,and has since remainedoneof themost extensivelyreadand'widely circulatedofperiodicals. Inpassinginto nezvhands it has experienced nostructural change or modification. In~creased energy and increased capitalhave been employedin elevatingit to ihehighest standard ofexcellence,butallthefeatures that hadwonpublicappreciationhavebeen retained,and the Magazine still seeks itsprincipalsupportin thehomesofBelgravia. As themeans throughwhich thewritermost readily reachesthe heart of thegeneralPublic, andin consequence as ihe mostimportantof aidsinthe establishment ofmoralsand theformation of character,fiction stillremainsaPrincipalfeaturein the Magazine. Two serialstories accordinglyrun throughits pages;suppleme?itedby short stories,novelettes, and narrative or dramaticsketches: whilst essays, social,biographical,and humorous;scientific discoveriesbrought to the levelofpopularcomprehension, and treated with a light touchIPoetry,ofthe highest character;and records ofadventure and travel,form theremaining portioji of the contents.Especial care is now bestowed upon theillustrations, of'which nofewer thanfour appear in each number. Beyond thedesign of illustratingthe article they accompany, these aim at maintainingaposition as works of art, both as regards drawingand engraving. In short,whateverclaims theMagazinebeforepossessed tofavour have now been enhanced^andthe Publishers canbut leave the result to apublicthat lias seldomfailedtaappreciateallearnest,persistent,and well-directedeffortsfor its amusementandbenefit.V The THIRTY-FIRST VolumeofBELGRA VIA(which includestheBelgravia Annualj, elegantly bound in crimson cloths full giltside andhack, gilt edges, price Js. 6d., is notu ready. — Handsome Casesforbinding the volumecanbe hadatis. each.Third Edition, crown8vo, cloth extra, gilt, 6s.Boudoir Ballads:Vers de Socie'te. ByJ. Ashby-Sterry.

CHATTO & WINDUS, PICCADILLY. 5Imperial 4to, cloth extra, gilt and gilt edges, price 2ls. per volume.BeautifulPictures by British Artists;A Gatheringof Favouritesfrom ourPicture Galleries. In2 Series.The First Series including Examples by Wilkie, Constable,Turner, Mulready, Landseer, Maclise, E. M.Ward, Frith, Sir John Gilbert, Leslie, Ansdell, MarcusStone, Sir Noel Paton,Faed, Eyre Crowe, Gavin O'Neil,and MadoxBrown.The Second Series containing Pictures by Armytage, Faed,Goodall,Hemsley, Horsley, Marks, Nicholls, Sir NoelPaton, Pickersgill, G. Smith, Marcus Stone, Solomon,Straight, E.M. Ward, and Warren.All engraved on Steelin the highest style of Art. Edited, withNotices of the Artists, by Sydney Armytage, M.A." This book is wellgot up, and good engravings by Jecns, Lumb Stocks, andethers, bring back to us pictures ofRoyal AcademyExhibitions op past years."—Times.Crown 8vo, with Photographic Portrait, cloth extra, 9^.Blanchard's (Laman) Poems.Now first Collected.Edited, with aLife of the Author (includingnumerous hitherto unpublished Letters from LordLytton,Lamb, Dickens, Robert Browning, and others), by BlanchardJerrold.11His humorous verse is much of it admirable — sparkling with genuine'esprit,'and as polishedandpointedasPraed's." — Scotsman.Crown 8vo, cloth extra, ys. 6d.Bret Harte 's Select Works,in Prose and Poetry. With Introductory Essay by"J. M. BeL-LEW,Portrait ofthe Author, and 50 Illustrations." Not ?nany montlis before myfriend's death, he had sent vietwo sketches ofa young American writer (Bret Harte),far away in California /' The Outcastsof Poker Flat,' and another),in which he had found such subtle strokesofcharacter as he hadnot anywhere else in late years discovered;the mannerresembling himself, but the matter fresh to a degree that had surprisedhim;— the paintingin all respects masterly, andthe wild rude thingpainteda quitewonderful reality.Ihave rarelyknown himmore honestly moved." Forstbr'sLife of DickensCrown Svo, cloth extra, gilt, ys. 6d.Brand's Observations on Popular Antiquities,chiefly Illustrating the Origin of our Vulgar Customs,Ceremonies, and Superstitions. With the Additions of SirHenry Ellis. Anentirely New and Revised Edition, with finefull-page Illustrations.

CHATTO & WINDUS, PICCADILLY. 5Imperial 4to, cloth extra, gilt and gilt edges, price 2ls. per volume.BeautifulPictures by British Artists;A Gatheringof Favouritesfrom ourPicture Galleries. In2 Series.<strong>The</strong> First Series including Examples by Wilkie, Constable,Turner, Mulready, Landseer, Maclise, E. M.Ward, Frith, Sir John Gilbert, Leslie, Ansdell, MarcusStone, Sir Noel Paton,Faed, Eyre Crowe, Gavin O'Neil,and MadoxBrown.<strong>The</strong> Second Series containing Pictures by Armytage, Faed,Goodall,Hemsley, Horsley, Marks, Nicholls, Sir NoelPaton, Pickersgill, G. Smith, Marcus Stone, Solomon,Straight, E.M. Ward, and Warren.All engraved on Steelin the highest style of Art. Edited, withNotices of the Artists, by Sydney Armytage, M.A." This book is wellgot up, and good engravings by Jecns, Lumb Stocks, andethers, bring back to us pictures ofRoyal AcademyExhibitions op past years."—Times.Crown 8vo, with Photographic Portrait, cloth extra, 9^.Blanchard's (Laman) Poems.Now first Collected.Edited, with aLife of the Author (includingnumerous hitherto unpublished Letters from LordLytton,Lamb, Dickens, Robert Browning, and others), by BlanchardJerrold.11His humorous verse is much of it admirable — sparkling with genuine'esprit,'and as polishedandpointedasPraed's." — Scotsman.Crown 8vo, cloth extra, ys. 6d.Bret Harte 's Select Works,in Prose and Poetry. With Introductory Essay by"J. M. BeL-LEW,Portrait ofthe Author, and 50 Illustrations." Not ?nany montlis before myfriend's death, he had sent vietwo sketches ofa young American writer (Bret Harte),far away in California /' <strong>The</strong> Outcastsof Poker Flat,' and another),in which he had found such subtle strokesofcharacter as he hadnot anywhere else in late years discovered;the mannerresembling himself, but the matter fresh to a degree that had surprisedhim;— the paintingin all respects masterly, andthe wild rude thingpainteda quitewonderful reality.Ihave rarelyknown himmore honestly moved." Forstbr'sLife of DickensCrown Svo, cloth extra, gilt, ys. 6d.Brand's Observations on Popular Antiquities,chiefly Illustrating the Origin of our Vulgar Customs,Ceremonies, and Superstitions. With the Additions of SirHenry Ellis. Anentirely New and Revised Edition, with finefull-page Illustrations.

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