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254ARIADNE.humble before me as a slave before his master,he, — who had treated the world as a clog, andlashed it and kicked it,and had hadit fawn onhim the more, for all his careless and audaciousinsolence." You must say what you choose," he muttered." It is waste of words. You cannot say to mewhatIhave not merited. Ihave taken a lifethat was beside my own, as Christ's beside aSatyr's!— "His face had a strange convulsion onit;theblood seemed toburn onhis brow, and leave hislips an ashen white ; he put his hand to histhroat as though some other hand were there andchokinghim." Go and forget,"Isaid to him." Ithasbeen— your boast you have nomemories, you do notchoose to have;you havemocked atpooriUiteratefools who spoke of regret or conscience. Go;write a poemon it; you have often said the poetshould use the sufferings of others for his lamp,as, southward, they kill fireflies to read with:that is all."" A'ou are cruel," he said simply, and with his

ARIADNE. 255oldcold accent;but he stoodpatiently;eveninmyloathing of him some shame of myself stirred inme;Ihad struck a wounded man, and one whowas at my mercy." Go! why will you not go?" Icried to him"furiously. AVhy come here to insult theirgraves? Is the world not wide enough that youmust drag your crimes to Rome ? Rome lovedhim, leave him alone to her. Go,Isay. Youare soilless — enough, as the world — sees, yourworld, nay,you will seduce womenall the easierfor that blood upon yourhand. Most womenarebut beasts of prey, and love the smeil of carnage.Iam cruel ? How many have cried that outagahist you, and when have you everhearkened ?AVhat was your pity, ever? AVhat was a deadlove to you ? You cast your porca præsentanea—after it, and buried it, and thought no moreexcept to smile. AVhy cannot you smile now?Be trae to yourself. Nothing matters. Youcanmake the world weep, you laughing all thewhile. Aye, you are right. His life was toyours as Christ's to a Satyr's: one day of hisbrought forth aharvest that all your ban-en years

254ARIADNE.humble before me as a slave before his master,he, — who had treated the world as a clog, andlashed it and kicked it,and had hadit fawn onhim the more, for all his careless and audaciousinsolence." You must say what you choose," he muttered." It is waste of words. You cannot say to mewhatIhave not merited. Ihave taken a lifethat was beside my own, as Christ's beside aSatyr's!— "His face had a strange convulsion onit;theblood seemed toburn onhis brow, and leave hislips an ashen white ; he put his hand to histhroat as though some other hand were there andchokinghim." Go and forget,"Isaid to him." Ithasbeen— your boast you have nomemories, you do notchoose to have;you havemocked atpooriUiteratefools who spoke of regret or conscience. Go;write a poemon it; you have often said the poetshould use the sufferings of others for his lamp,as, southward, they kill fireflies to read with:that is all."" A'ou are cruel," he said simply, and with his

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