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226 ARIADNE.AVhenIarose and understoodit seemed to meas if the Tiber ran blood, and as if all Romerocked with the throes of an earthquake.Maryx dead!It seemed to me asif the veryearth must groanaloud, and the very dogs of the streets weep.AVhy hadIbroken the steel in Venice ? — Icursed my imbecihty and my feebleness of purpose,Icursedthe mother that had borne me,a fool only fit to bring ruin on all fives thatIhonoured and loved!" ItisIwho have murdered him— I ! " Icriedloud to the terrified crowds.Fortune had blessed him for five and twentyyears,andIhad bade him pause that day by theAVingless Love!Iremember how bright the noon was,how thefresh winds from the sea rushed by,how thehttlebirds were singing, and how the swallows and thepigeons were whirling and darting above thewaters;andhe waslying dead,he whose thoughtsand whose labours had been strong as Hercules,and as Adonisbeautiful!He was dead — dead — dead — the great soul of

ARIADNE. 227him gone out into nothingness as the flame of thelamp he had struck down had been quenched inthe darkness.An awful silence seemedto fall onRome.There were so many wept for him.And none could be found who dared tell hismother for me — they say thatIwas mad, asIhad been that day whenIhad seen thewhite sailfade out of sight on the sea.Ihad murdered him — that was aU that seemedwritten to me, everywhere, on the sky as on ascroU, and on the streets as on tablets of stone.As the throngs of students and of poor rushedbyme over the bridge, going tohis beautiful home,where the sculptures were and the nightingales,to know if indeed this thing were true,Istood intheir wayand cried to them:" Throw mein the river,itisIwhokilled him.Iwas the first to bid him look onher face! "And they did not understand me and pushedme aside, andIseU, and some of them trampledon me as they rushed onward. AVhenIrose,bruised and crushed, a sudden memory struckacross my heavingbrain.q 2

226 ARIADNE.AVhenIarose and understoodit seemed to meas if the Tiber ran blood, and as if all Romerocked with the throes of an earthquake.Maryx dead!It seemed to me asif the veryearth must groanaloud, and the very dogs of the streets weep.AVhy hadIbroken the steel in Venice ? — Icursed my imbecihty and my feebleness of purpose,Icursedthe mother that had borne me,a fool only fit to bring ruin on all fives thatIhonoured and loved!" ItisIwho have murdered him— I ! " Icriedloud to the terrified crowds.Fortune had blessed him for five and twentyyears,andIhad bade him pause that day by theAVingless Love!Iremember how bright the noon was,how thefresh winds from the sea rushed by,how thehttlebirds were singing, and how the swallows and thepigeons were whirling and darting above thewaters;andhe waslying dead,he whose thoughtsand whose labours had been strong as Hercules,and as Adonisbeautiful!He was dead — dead — dead — the great soul of

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