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14ARIADNE.had been forsaken. Icould say nothing to him.Iknew that he was nolonger himself.Helooked at my Apollo Sandaliarius,the littlewhite figure that he had sculptured in the daysof his youth, when he had been a lustrous-eyed,eager-Hmbedlad, fiUed with anoble and buoyantfervour of Hfe, and that faith inhis ownstrengthwhich compels the destinyit craves.A great anguish came into his eyes." Ah! to go back five-and-twenty years; —who would not give his very soul to do it!Well,Ihave allIwished for then; and whatuseisit? "Then,asif ashamed, he paused, and added, ina colder, calmer voice, —"I cannot tell whereImay go — the east,most likely. Comfort mj' mother.good man. Farewell, my friend."Hepressedmy hand, and left meYou are aThe sky seemed emptier, the world seemedgreyer, than before. But he did wisely to go —thatIknew. Here, inaction and the desperatepain of failing force would gnaw at his veryvitals, till he would curse himself and weep

ARIADNE. 15before the genius of his own works, as did yournorthern Swift. For there can be nothing soterrible as to see your soul dead, whilst yet yourbody stiU Hves.SoIwas left alone in the city, and the daysand weeks and months crept slowly " on; ohneHast, ohne Bast," as the German says of thestars. Only, when onehas neither the eager joyof haste,nor the serene joy of rest, Hfe is but apoor and wearisome thing that crawls foot-sore,like a galledmule ona stony way.The mother of Maryx, left all alone on theGolden HiU, did not murmur; she understoodfew things, but she understood why he wasgone." I always said thatit would be so. Ialwayssaid it," she muttered, with her feeble handsfeeHng the wooden cross at her neck, that shehad worn ever since her first communion, whenshe had been a little bright brown-eyed girl,nodoubt, clanking in her wooden shoes over the"sunburnt fields. You see, because he hadmastered that wicked thing so long, and struckit and hewn it into any shape he chose, and

ARIADNE. 15before the genius of his own works, as did yournorthern Swift. For there can be nothing soterrible as to see your soul dead, whilst yet yourbody stiU Hves.SoIwas left alone in the city, and the daysand weeks and months crept slowly " on; ohneHast, ohne Bast," as the German says of thestars. Only, when onehas neither the eager joyof haste,nor the serene joy of rest, Hfe is but apoor and wearisome thing that crawls foot-sore,like a galledmule ona stony way.<strong>The</strong> mother of Maryx, left all alone on theGolden HiU, did not murmur; she understoodfew things, but she understood why he wasgone." I always said thatit would be so. Ialwayssaid it," she muttered, with her feeble handsfeeHng the wooden cross at her neck, that shehad worn ever since her first communion, whenshe had been a little bright brown-eyed girl,nodoubt, clanking in her wooden shoes over the"sunburnt fields. You see, because he hadmastered that wicked thing so long, and struckit and hewn it into any shape he chose, and

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