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218ARIADNE.them;but such shelter is denied for ever to thewomanwho has genius and fame;long after sheis dead she will lie out on common soil,nakedand unhouselled,for all the winds to blow onherand all the carrion birds to tear."His voice broke down for a moment, and hepaused and breathed heavily and with pain. Afaint dusky red of anger,yetmoreof shame,cameon the face of Hilarion.AVhat was noble in him was touched andaroused; what was vain and unworthy waswounded and stung.""Ido not follow you," he muttered. AAdiatwoulcl you have me do ? "" AVhat ? surely you know that when Parissalutes in her a great artist,it tells also the taleof her ruinby you "?Hilarion moved restlessly." Iknow! She was seenhere one winter;isitmy fault ? If the statue had been unlike me,Paris would not have remembered.""That is all you say?"" Itis all there is to say;if she would forget,the world would forget too."

ARIADNE. 219" Oh my God ! "Maryx groaned aloud. It seemed to him astenible as when of old some lovely human life,in its first youth, was laid low in sacrifice tosome god of stone, whose eyes of stone couldnot evenbehold in pity its death throes."But she will not forget. HaveItold you soin vam? " he cried aloud,and his voice rose and"rolled hke thunder through the silence. She— wiU never forget, God helpher! Vile womenand light ones forget; and the adulteress forgets,and the harlot; but she — can you lookat that marble and insult her, still? To heryou are lover and lord, and husband andking, and the only god that she knows, and theone shame of her life and its one glory. Haveyou nopity ? have you no human heart in yourbreast ? were you not born of a woman? Youfound her content and innocent, and in peace,and for your own pleasure and vanity drove allthat away, and all her dreams and all her girlhoodperished by — you and you only say sheshould forget! Can even men forget when theywill ? "

218ARIADNE.them;but such shelter is denied for ever to thewomanwho has genius and fame;long after sheis dead she will lie out on common soil,nakedand unhouselled,for all the winds to blow onherand all the carrion birds to tear."His voice broke down for a moment, and hepaused and breathed heavily and with pain. Afaint dusky red of anger,yetmoreof shame,cameon the face of Hilarion.AVhat was noble in him was touched andaroused; what was vain and unworthy waswounded and stung.""Ido not follow you," he muttered. AAdiatwoulcl you have me do ? "" AVhat ? surely you know that when Parissalutes in her a great artist,it tells also the taleof her ruinby you "?Hilarion moved restlessly." Iknow! She was seenhere one winter;isitmy fault ? If the statue had been unlike me,Paris would not have remembered.""That is all you say?"" Itis all there is to say;if she would forget,the world would forget too."

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