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CHAPTERII.Davs and weeks and months went by,for — timedevours so fast. Itwas again full summer thefierce fair summer of the south,andIwas sittingvacantly one night by the staU, with the lampswinging on its cord above my head, and thedin of the laughter, and the swish of the oarsin the water, and the Hght low chords of thetwanging guitars, and the merry steps of theyoung menandmaidens on the bridge, all soundingdiscordant and hateful on my ears, as theyhad alwaysin the old time sounded welcome andmusical; and this,Ido think, asIhave saidbefore, is oneof the unkindest things of sorrow,that it makes us almost loathe the gay andinnocent mirthof others.Iwas sitting so,Isay, with the moonlight all

ARIADNE. 13silvery aboutmy feet, and the people around medancing our beautiful native saltarello,that, sincethe foreigners have come in such shoals,ourladsand lasses have grown almost ashamed of, learningto jig and jump instead, with no more gracethan the stranger from over sea: for want ofgrace is progress too,it seems. And now,beingsummer, there were no foreigners to look on andmake them blush for being graceful, so theydanced that perfect dance in the space betwixtthe fountain and the street,andIsat aloof andweary in the moonlight, with the sound of thetambourines thumping throughmy brain.Suddenly ahand fell on my shoulder. It wasthat of Maryx." Iam going away. HereIshall lose nrybrain beforeIlose my Hfe. When one is strong,one does not die. You have — seen Iam like aparalytic. Perhaps travel may do something.You will not speak of me. Go and visit mymother.Ishall be away tillIfeel some force"to work, or untilHe did not end his phrase, butIunderstoodit asit stood. He meantuntil he heard that she

ARIADNE. 13silvery aboutmy feet, and the people around medancing our beautiful native saltarello,that, sincethe foreigners have come in such shoals,ourladsand lasses have grown almost ashamed of, learningto jig and jump instead, with no more gracethan the stranger from over sea: for want ofgrace is progress too,it seems. And now,beingsummer, there were no foreigners to look on andmake them blush for being graceful, so theydanced that perfect dance in the space betwixtthe fountain and the street,andIsat aloof andweary in the moonlight, with the sound of thetambourines thumping throughmy brain.Suddenly ahand fell on my shoulder. It wasthat of Maryx." Iam going away. HereIshall lose nrybrain beforeIlose my Hfe. When one is strong,one does not die. You have — seen Iam like aparalytic. Perhaps travel may do something.You will not speak of me. Go and visit mymother.Ishall be away tillIfeel some force"to work, or untilHe did not end his phrase, butIunderstoodit asit stood. He meantuntil he heard that she

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