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194 ARIADNE."Maryx thinks it will give you a fame notsecond tohis own."" Fame ?Ido not care for fame.'She lookedup at the marble once more." OnceIused to thinkIshould hke all theages that are to come to echo my name, but thatis nothing — to me now. If onlyit may speak tohim: that is allIwant. Perhaps you do notbelieve,because he has left me;but indeed whenIwaswith him he heard onlythenightingales,andthe apes and the asps never came near. Do youremember when we walked by Nero's fields thatnight of Carnival,you said he waslike Pheineus.But the evd spirits never had any power onhim whenIwas there: he told me so, so often.If onlyby that marbleIcan speak tohim! Ifone could only put one's soul and one's life intothe thing one creates, and die hi one's body,soas to be alive hi art alone, and close to what oneloves! — there are legends: — "She wound her arms close about the whitelimbs of her statue, and laid her hps to themas she had done to the Hermes, and leant onthe cold sculpture her beating breakingheart.

ARIADNE. 195" Take my life away with you," she cried toit," takeit to him — take it to him! "Then she broke down and wept, and sobbedbitterly, as womendo.o 2

ARIADNE. 195" Take my life away with you," she cried toit," takeit to him — take it to him! "<strong>The</strong>n she broke down and wept, and sobbedbitterly, as womendo.o 2

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