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192 ARIADNE.of hisinParis (he called them friends) wrote tome and sent me their jewels when he was away.It is not thatIcare what the whole worldthinks me, but to be lowered in his sight, toseem to him only a fraU foolish thing hke the"restA great heavy sob heaved her heart; sheliftedher face to mine,it was burning now, with anindignant painin heruplifted eyes." Look ! AVhat doesit mean ? — who is to teUthe ways of the world ? That vile womanwhomhe hved with here in Rome, she is faithless andcruel and false, and betrayed him as well as herhusband,and yet he goes back to her and theworld sees no shame inher, though she wears hisjewels about her neck, and dishonours her chUdren.AndI, who sleeping and waking, neverthink,but of him; who have never athought hemight not know; who am his alone, his always,in life and in eternity, if eternity there be,Iam shameful, you say, and he has ceased to loveme becauseIloved him — too well: who canunderstand ? Icannot."Iknew not what to say to her:the laws and

ARIADNE. 193the ways of the world are sadly full of injusticeand cast hi stiff lines that fit hi but ill with thechangeful and wayward needs of human life:Iknew not what to say.She lapsedinto sdence ;it wasnatural to herto endure;it was very seldom that any reproachescaped her either of fate or of him. Herbrain perplexed itself wearily over the problemof where her fault had lain by which she hadlost him; she was too loyal to see that the faultwas hihhnseU." " ShaU it go then to Paris ? Isaid, to leadher thoughts back to her labours.She gave a sign of assent." Mayit be sold?"" Ah no— never!"" Itis to come back to you, then ? "" Unless he wish forit."" AVould you giveithim ? "" Ihave given him my life!"" ShallIput your name on it, or will youcarveit there?""No. Let it go as the work of a pupU ofMaryx. That is true."oVOL. in.

192 ARIADNE.of hisinParis (he called them friends) wrote tome and sent me their jewels when he was away.It is not thatIcare what the whole worldthinks me, but to be lowered in his sight, toseem to him only a fraU foolish thing hke the"restA great heavy sob heaved her heart; sheliftedher face to mine,it was burning now, with anindignant painin heruplifted eyes." Look ! AVhat doesit mean ? — who is to teUthe ways of the world ? That vile womanwhomhe hved with here in Rome, she is faithless andcruel and false, and betrayed him as well as herhusband,and yet he goes back to her and theworld sees no shame inher, though she wears hisjewels about her neck, and dishonours her chUdren.AndI, who sleeping and waking, neverthink,but of him; who have never athought hemight not know; who am his alone, his always,in life and in eternity, if eternity there be,Iam shameful, you say, and he has ceased to loveme becauseIloved him — too well: who canunderstand ? Icannot."Iknew not what to say to her:the laws and

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