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190 ARIADNE.breath of life; without it his body maylive buthis soul does not.She looked at her statue with wistful eyes." You will send it to Paris."" To Paris ? Before showingit here ? ""Yes — he does not come here; he would notsee it."A deep flush came on the paleness of herface, as it always did at the very mention ofHilarion." He will know thatIhave made it — he willbelieve init," she said a little later; "becausehe sawmemake the Love in Venice."" AAliere did that Love go ?"" It was sent from Venice in a ship; and theship foundered, and went down, in a storm."" And the statue waslost ? "" Yes."She leaned her head upon her hands, so thatIcould not see her face; she had neverbeforespoken to me of that time. Istood sdent,thinking how terrible an augury had been thatfoundered Love,sunk to the bottom of the deepsea, companioned only with the dead.

ARIADNE. 191AlmostIlonged to teU her of all that he hadsaid by the temple of Agrippa, butIdared not ;she believed that he had loved her once;Ihadnot courage to say to her — even his first caresseswere ahe!To her Hilarion remained a creature whocould do no wrong:Ihad not heart to sayto her — there was no sort of truth in himever, not even when he swore to you eternalfaith."And if he do read the message of yourmarble,"Iasked her, abruptly; "if he do readit, if he be touched byit if he come backtoyou, what then? AVill you let him comenow? "Her face was leaning on her hands, butIcould see the blush that covered her throat androse to her temples." It would be different now," she muttered." ThenIdid not know— no,Idid not know.Iobeyed him. Ihad no idea thatIbecameworthless inhis sight. AVhen you spoke to meso bitterly hi Venice, you pained me, butIdidnotunderstand;Inever did until those friends

ARIADNE. 191AlmostIlonged to teU her of all that he hadsaid by the temple of Agrippa, butIdared not ;she believed that he had loved her once;Ihadnot courage to say to her — even his first caresseswere ahe!To her Hilarion remained a creature whocould do no wrong:Ihad not heart to sayto her — there was no sort of truth in himever, not even when he swore to you eternalfaith."And if he do read the message of yourmarble,"Iasked her, abruptly; "if he do readit, if he be touched byit if he come backtoyou, what then? AVill you let him comenow? "Her face was leaning on her hands, butIcould see the blush that covered her throat androse to her temples." It would be different now," she muttered." <strong>The</strong>nIdid not know— no,Idid not know.Iobeyed him. Ihad no idea thatIbecameworthless inhis sight. AVhen you spoke to meso bitterly hi Venice, you pained me, butIdidnotunderstand;Inever did until those friends

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