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Access Online - The European Library

Access Online - The European Library


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ARIADNE. 183would change places with any beggar that crawlshome to-night."Icould not answerhim.AVe walked through the city in silence,he hadlost his strength and his elasticity of movement,but he bore himself erect, and something of thevigour of energyhad returned to him — since hecould serveher.Her tower was far from the Golden HiU; hehad never enteredit;butIhad the keys of herworking room, andIknew that at this hour sheslept, or at least lay on her bed, shut inherchamber if sleepless. On the threshold of thestudioIpaused,frightened, for it seemed to mecruel to bring him there, and yet he was obligedto see the statueif he meant to help her to fame." Perhaps you had better not see it,"Imuttered,"after all it is nothing, thoughbeautiful;nothing except — Hilarion."His face did not change, asIwatched it withfear in the chdl yellow lamplight."It could be nothing else, being her work.Open."My hands shook at the lock;Ifelt afraid.

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