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158 ARIADNE.She sat downby the zacchus of the statue, onthe great lion's head, that bore, with threeothers like it, the burden of the oval jasperbasin.She waslost in thought. Idid not speak toher. The early light of morning streamedthrough the length of the gaUery. Her face hadthe pained bewilderment of one who, after longunconsciousness and exhaustion, recovers littlebylittle the memories and the forces of life.Here,if "— " anywhere in the divine city of theVatican for in truth a city and divine it is,and well hasit been called so — here,if anywhere,will wake the soul of the artist;here, where thevery pavement bears the story of Odyssus, andeach passage-wayis a Via Sacra, and everystoneis old with years whose tale is told by hundredsor by thousands, and the wounded Adonis canbe adored beside the tempted Christ of Sistine,and the seriousbeauty of theErythean Sybil,livesbeside the laughing grace of ivy-crowned Thalia,and the Jupiter Maximus frowns on the mortalsmade of earth's dust, and the Jehovah who hascalled forth womanmeets the first smile of Eve.

ARIADNE. 159A Divine City indeed, holding in its innumerablechambers and its courts of granite andof porphyry aU that man has ever dreamed of,in his hope and in his terror, of the UnknownGod.She sat quite stUl along whde,while the sunbeamscame hi from on high, and the graveguardians of the place pacedbehind the grating.There was no sound at all anywhere,except thesound of the distant water fallingin the gardenswithout,farther away beyond the home of theMuses and of the ApoUo Musagetes.Then suddenly she rose and looked again atthe statue." This has hved two thousand years and more,and menstUl sayitis beautiful.Itried to makesuch a statue of him, so that his beauty shouldlive always. Iwill try once more. Otherwomen could not do that. Perhaps the worldwill praise it, and he wiU see it, and then he"wiU knowKnow how weU she loved him still! Ah, thathe knew too well! Men like Hilarion neverdistrust then- own power to keep what once

158 ARIADNE.She sat downby the zacchus of the statue, onthe great lion's head, that bore, with threeothers like it, the burden of the oval jasperbasin.She waslost in thought. Idid not speak toher. <strong>The</strong> early light of morning streamedthrough the length of the gaUery. Her face hadthe pained bewilderment of one who, after longunconsciousness and exhaustion, recovers littlebylittle the memories and the forces of life.Here,if "— " anywhere in the divine city of theVatican for in truth a city and divine it is,and well hasit been called so — here,if anywhere,will wake the soul of the artist;here, where thevery pavement bears the story of Odyssus, andeach passage-wayis a Via Sacra, and everystoneis old with years whose tale is told by hundredsor by thousands, and the wounded Adonis canbe adored beside the tempted Christ of Sistine,and the seriousbeauty of theErythean Sybil,livesbeside the laughing grace of ivy-crowned Thalia,and the Jupiter Maximus frowns on the mortalsmade of earth's dust, and the Jehovah who hascalled forth womanmeets the first smile of Eve.

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